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i have seen many articles regarding the Sumerian and many others regarding planet x, nibiru, all though i am convinced it is out there, i am not convinced that it is coming into our part solar system and is the cause of these earth changes, but who knows we will have to wait and see and i might be completely wrong, just need some reliable proof, or maybe see it with my own eyes.
i found this pic on space weather, check out the phone cable and the red dot, is this camera affects or is this possibly planet x, or even mars or something else??? this was posted on space weather see what you think!!!!
The Sun-Times reports: A bizarre scene is evolving on the Chicago lakefront, with Canada geese and mallard ducks gulping down dead or dying gizzard shad.
A major die-off appears to be happening in Chicago harbors. Thousands, perhaps far more than that, of dead gizzard shad in the 3- to 5-inch range are frozen in the ice of Chicago harbors or floating around in open patches of water.
Get the full story:
Hi all,
Today is 01/11/11, and today at 11:11 UST millions of people from around the planet will join in meditation as a growing participation of the next and last phase of Fire the Grid.
Many of you are probably already aware of this very cool meditation movement. I wanted to invite anyone who enjoys this sort of unified creative action into the meditation. This meditation movement was started by Shelly Yates. Her story is here. She and her son essentially died, had a NDE, and her son, who was left brain damaged in the aftermath was healed by loving friends in a unique way. When this happened, she was invited to share this story with the world and inspired to offer this unique healing model as a way to help heal our planet.
This is a monthly meditation, and it is something I do every month. The final global meditation will held in Novemeber, 11/11/11 at 11:11 UST. This is an exciting meditation movement that anyone can join, and I think many of our friends here would enjoy this.
Here's a link to the site of the present Fire the Grid I: Becoming site.
There have two global meditations before, each one has had profound measurable affects on the EGG project.
The music is beautiful.
The story is inspiring.
Creating this way is great fun!!!!Queenslander under 50 years of age have never seen this kind of flood in their lives but there could be more. The worst is yet to come !
Expansion joints and bridge bearings. created this blog to be a holding place for my internal analysis of this video.
Lots more info can be found on Project Avalon's home page. Bill has already done
about 48 minutes long.
There are several forum discussions related to the info in this video ongoing at Avalon.
Much of the info here is already known, however, I believe it's real value comes from what can be gleaned by observing the dynamics of Bill and "Charles". Gleaned would be a word used from the perspective of the PTWB/33. Since it is likely they may perceive this as opening the fields for the peasants to glean.
However, a better term may be to "draw out wisdom", since I consider this video a great entry point into the creative fields for transforming our relationships with each other. It really depends on how we use this.
I also believe that we can garner many helpful insights into how the PTW mindset works, if in no other way than by noticing "Charles" assumptions. I consider this an opportunity to learn valuable information that may prove to be resourceful in our present emerging reality.
This internal analysis will be an ongoing project for me. I'll dive in and out, as I continue to take creative actions in living, and navigating through these remarkable times. Any one else who is interested in joining me in this is welcome.
I've decided to post my first few commentary thoughts on this video, because I plan to be tracking myself as I go through this process.
i am sorry this is late computer problems.AFRICA
I have found this information.
Triple suns spotted over China - Yahoo! News UK�
The story about Jakata sinking isn't new. Jakatatians along with Bangkokians have been talking about their cities sinking for sometimes. Personally I hear eldelies talking about it 4-5 years ago. And personally, I think cities like Bangkok and Jakarta on low land (Bangkok who's foundation are built on flat swamp land and marshes) will be sinking due to a combination of the general rise in sea level as ice bergs melt and by actual subsidence (Or is it now that if we are moving into mini ice age?)
Back in May 2008 there was this article about a vocano eruption in Indonesia which was actually lead to sinking, the sudden type of sinking that any "shock-the-world" authors would love to capitalised on:
The fact that subsidence is occuring is actually no surprise; it's a natural consequence of the eruption itself. Lusi was the result of the breaching of a subsurface aquifer- a porous, water-bearing rock horizon, which was being squeezed by the weight of all the overlying rocks.
Vanuata has been it by a swam of quakes. 6.8, 6.5, 6.4 and several 5.3, 5.2,5.1, 5.0 none of them were deep.
This is a Sorcha Faal article, Russian grey disinfo. However, there are usually kernels of truth and links to other articles that are worthwhile. Read with discernment.
Please rebut points you think are not true, or even feel wrong, so the rest of us may benefit from the analysis.
Here are some things to consider:
Sorcha Faal: "Important to note about all of the animal deaths being reported this past week, the MCHS says, are that they have been confined to a very specific latitude range between 24 and 58 North and 8 to 24 South indicating two separate breeches of our Earth’s upper atmosphere allowing these poisonous space cloud gasses to come through to the lower atmosphere."
StarViewTeam: "There are several precedents for mild geomagnetic reversals following a solar storm. Most of them give rise to earthquakes and sudden climate changes in areas where the greatest concentration impact load."
So we may be seeing an increase in earthquakes and severe weather in the orange band (and notice Chile is getting hit, as well as northern South America, which are already unstable).
Then there's Brian's post at
"The thinking is that as we progress further into each of these 87 day cycles, the amount of 'anticipation' and 'carry over' from previous cycles will increase. So as an instance, August 1 of this year produced only 5 days of geomagnetic affective actions, where the beginning of the next cycle that occurred on October 27 is *still* producing activity in the Indonesian islands. So as we progress into 2011, i suspect that the activity will join together at both ends such that between one cycle and the next full 87 day sun polar 'lap' cycle, the activity, with volcanoes and earthquakes and such, will continue without significant decrease."
I don't know how these interrelate but suspect they do. Amy has mentioned there are holes in our atmosphere and I was asking last night if extra solar radiation was hitting us, as well
These events look like the impetus that could start the dominoes falling.
eastern russian-ne china border - 4.9 depth 550km.
south of fiji islands - 5.2 depth 200km.
tarija bolivia - 5.1 depth 280.
Rough translation courtesy of