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There have been 3 quakes in Arkansas in the past 5 hours all in the same place, north of little rock.
2.5 2011/10/07 20:53:01 35.363 -92.260 4.9 ARKANSAS
2.6 2011/10/07 17:54:55 35.365 -92.264 5.1 ARKANSAS
2.5 2011/10/07 15:41:48 35.373 -92.270 4.2 ARKANSAS
What is happening? Is this normal???
I was checking out Soho Telescope video and happened to notice this object in the lower left hand corner along the black line. It fades in and out in the video but, you can definitely see the round shape and it seems to bend the light that surrounds it. Check it out on Soho Telescope and let me know what you all think. It is on Lasco C3 GIF Video.
This is a pic from September last year and the object isn't there. I have more of these and I can't see it at all.
From Terral. His current research is finding the BD on the left side of the sun as Mythi foretold.
Cru4t Destroyer Behind Elenin Video:
Cru4t Pdf:
SOHO Image June 6, 2011:
Dwarf Star BeePee Video:
Solar Anvil Video:
AmenStop's Oct. 1, 2011 Picture:
Terral's Dwarf Star Research Room:
Research Link List: Mo
The following is from my blog at:
The following is from my blog at (you can watch the TV broadcast there)
KOB-TV: Doug Copp 911 Hero Followed by NYPD Using Copp Casualty Locator to Find 911 Victims
Watch the TV coverage of Doug Copp, described as a
“911 Hero playing an instrumental part at the World Trade Center, and the NYPD using one of Copp’s inventions to locate victims, in the rubble”
It is a scandal that Thomson Lang’s (inheritor/owner of the ) fortune enabled Lang to ‘get away with’ his despicable behavior, at 911.
Lang spent a million dollars to avoid being exposed , in a courtroom, for the 702 lies his newspaper printed to get revenge on Copp and ARTI. Lang wanted Copp to arrange for Lang to have exclusive media coverage in restricted areas of 911. This would make Lang a fortune and allow Lang to pretend to be a hero.
Copp refused and expelled Lang from 911 because of Lang’s perverse sexual antics and ‘satanic’ treatment of 911 victims. Four years later , when Lang heard that Copp was near death from his 911 injuries, Lang retaliated against Copp, by using his newspaper to publish lies against Copp.
This included a phoney ‘photoshop’ front page with Copp’s penis sticking out of his pants and references to Copp as an idiot, knucklehead, phoney, etc..etc..etc.. The FBI thoroughly, investigated Lang’s accusations and found them to be all lies; however, Lang’s wealth, power and political corruption saved him from a prison sentence.
If Lang hadn’t inherited his vast fortune, as a youth, he would almost certainly be in prison.
FYI: Lang had used threats and bribery to prevent KOB-TV Albuquerque from doing further stories about Copp and ARTI. Little did the people of Albuquerque know , who were reading stories of Lang’s heroism that Lang was actually, at 911, acting out his juvenile sexual fantasies, dressing identically with Leslie Linthicum,and behaving so badly that volunteer ARTI members had a fistfight with Lang’s entourage of ‘party boys’ and bodyguards.
It was ALL…too much..for Copp. Copp literally threw Lang out of Copp’s ARTI Headquarters. It wasn’t until Lang discovered that Copp was near death from his 911 injuries, 4 years later, that he tried to cause Copp to be ‘pushed over the edge’ and die from his 911 injuries.
Little did Lang know that Copp would fight to stay alive and expose Lang for the sadistic, twisted and perverted villain that he is. Finally, Lang has already spent a small fortune to stay away from being deposed and exposed. Lang will never go to court because every thing said here is true.
Unfortunately, the proponents of ‘duck and cover’ knowingly and willingly use Lang’s lies against Copp to try and discredit Copp, ARTI and ‘The Triangle of Life’.
ARTI estimates that Lang’s attack against Copp has resulted in the continuation of 200,000 needless deaths per year.
Think Tobacco Companies lust for profit and you will completely understand why School Boards consider it
“cheaper and less trouble”
to allow schoolchildren to die during earthquakes; instead of surviving with ‘The triangle of Life’ and seeking compensation for psychological trauma or injury.
The USA insurance companies have told us that they would either discontinue coverage of or increase the premium of school boards who allow schoolchildren, to survive (via the triangle of life). I quote . the VP of Muchener re, one of the world’s largest insurers of school boards:
” We are in the business of maximizing shareholder return..not saving lives!”
Copp is too sick to crawl inside of collapsed buildings as an unpaid volunteer (as he did for 25 years); however, he will fight ’till his last breath’ to make school children’s lives more important than corporate profit or bureaucratic convenience.
, Leslie Linthicum and the vested financial interests of ‘duck and cover’ beg the question:
“Is there any limit to greed?”
I'm proud of you guys. You carried on in my absence. Kudos to you all!
I won't be here all the time like I used to, but I'll be here more. I was reading last week but wasn't able to post from the library last week. Looks like that problem is resolved.
While we noticed nothing amiss here last week in southwest Virginia we had some sightings that I'll blog about.
I missed talking to you all!
Last week started off with my son telling me he saw "two stars kissing."
Any ideas? Two parts of Elenin close together? UFOs?
Last week I saw an object in the sky. It was the brightest object in the east/southeastern sky, at least 4-6x the size of the rest of the stars. There was a light spike emanating from it at around 04:00 (from my viewpoint). It seemed a bit angular, rather than round, but yet still round enough to pass for a star, except for that light spike. Any ideas? That one seemed like a UFO.
This is a new channel to me but the message resonates with other sources who claim we are in the process of "ascending".
The Arcturian Group – October 2 2011
By Marilyn Raffaele, October 2, 2011
Greetings dear ones. We come again to wish you a happy ascension process. Even though it does not always seem an occasion for rejoicing, it actually is. You are beginning to differentiate between the dark and the light. Mankind is starting discern that which is old and finished and this discernment is manifesting in the world as a dissatisfaction with the status quo.
Many are taking a stand on issues that before now they would not have even thought of as needing change. It is because those who always believed everything they were told, are now experiencing the higher frequency energies which are allowing them to feel the difference between that which is true and that which is false. You are becoming more sensitive to energy and Light. The veil is thinning, and is causing dissatisfaction with so much that you previously took for granted.
You see, dear ones, the old (duality and separation) is not based in Divine law and truth, it simply reflects your venture into the experience of separation in order to remember who you were while within this energy of separation. This is why the school of earth is so difficult and why graduation from the earth school is such an achievement. You are doing it! You are awakening in spite of appearances which means that you are hearing and following your inner guidance.
By this we do not mean the many wonderful channels giving you information at this time. We mean your inner guidance, that part of you that is the spark of the Divine, that part of you that is the manifestation of Source Consciousness and embodies all that is. You are starting to trust and allow this completeness to manifest in your life as what you need–information, money, food, whatever. Source is within you and it is your awareness of this truth (your attained state of consciousness) that determines how much of this truth you manifest in the outer.
We say to you all that you are doing a fine job of this ascension but it is vital for you to stay centered and focused. That is, not to believe yourselves to be three dimensional beings occasionally coming into the higher, but to see yourselves always as Higher dimensional beings having to occasionally be in the lower. You see, most are still doing it in the old and beginner way; that is, reserving truth for special occasions and those times of meditation and quiet. Try now to live, move, and have your being in truth at all times for you are ready.
Many continue to work from the belief that they are still beginners, but you are no longer beginners. It is not meant that you stay forever in books, classes, and groups that tell you how to be and what you must do. Many still feel that if they read a book, go to a class, or discuss truth with the like minded, that they are very evolved. Truth must be lived, you are able now to get your guidance from within; the Within that is Divine Consciousness– omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. You! Once you know the Kingdom is within, you must not continue to look outside of yourselves or you create a bigger gap.
Over lifetimes you have played the third dimensional game of hide and seek and have learned who and what you are– the game is over should you choose. If you choose ascension, you must live ascension. This does not mean living out from a state of consciousness not yet attained, for that in itself is very “human”, however, it does mean knowing the truth at all times in spite of appearances, and then taking whatever human footsteps may be necessary at the time. It means sitting in the midst of chaos knowing; “God alone is power”. Then proceeding to do what needs to be done.
Through experience, mankind has become comfortable with third dimensional games and finds them hard to give it up. Much that you have come to accept as life and much that you enjoy, is dissolving before your very eyes, but know that anything real cannot dissolve. It is only the concept of it that dissolves, whereas the reality behind it will again appear on higher and better levels. We give you the example of relationships. Many relationships are breaking apart as the result of energy changes. In order for a relationship to work, there must be a resonating of the energy between those involved. This is true for all relationships and not just romantic ones.
When an individual evolves and thus moves to a new level of light resonance but the other in the relationship has not moved, you see they no longer resonate with the same frequency. This is happening within many marriages right now because one partner is still in the old energy of; “I am half of a couple, I need you to give me the masculine or feminine aspect that I don’t have, and together we are whole.” At the same time, the other partner is realizing that he or she is a whole and complete and embodies both aspects already. You see what this will do to a marriage or partner relationship–each are viewing the situation from different states of consciousness.
The new and higher sense of relationship is based in an awareness of self-completeness. That is; “I choose to share my completeness with you but I do not need you in order to be complete.
All things are going to change, but everything real and imbued with truth, will simply manifest on a higher level.
Those protesting all over the world, are experiencing urges flowing from a deeper sense of truth and connection with their reality even though most do not understand this yet. Divine Freedom-(a law)- is coming alive within them and they are expressing this in a way that makes sense to them, by protesting.
Stop looking so much to others for your answers. Let them help you; the books, the channels, the informational sources, but always allow the final word rest in how it resonates within you. You have all that is real within your Divine self, it is only the dream that has made you believe that you were separate from it. Practice going within for everything , and as you do, you will gain spiritual strength. You are awakening from the dream. You are finished with the games of living behind a veil of forgetfulness in order to see if you can find God in the darkness.
You have done it, now accept, embrace, and live out from that which you are, always have been and always will be.
We are the Arcturian Group 10/2/11
Has anyone seen this before?
I have been watching this since Jan.
I am waiting for Biden to become ill
The best audio discussion on the topic I've heard yet! Starts off slow, and the commercial breaks are annoying but so worth it, Lucas made many interesting and extraordinary points towards the end that shook alot of what I beleive in.
Goes along with Keith and Desertrose's posts regarding the Occupy Wall Street movement. Thought it deserved it's own post... "If we don't take action now... We'll settle for nothing later." Rage Against The Machine