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Studies shown Fukushima radiation will be showing up on west coast shores anywhere from April 2013 to March 2014.  It says it could be as much as 10x the strength of radiation in Japan.  The west coast might have to be evacuated.

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This video series goes a long way to explain  some very interesting concepts and points  that  have been discussed and disagreed upon for a very longtime.  It  may  not jive with everyone's concept. However,  it goes a long way  to making logical and rational interjections on topics  that up till now have been rather   sketchy for some.


He  discusses the being lost  in  light and bliss aspect that  many have  taken  refuge in.

Reclaiming our free  will  sovereignty

Reclaiming our  anger (because we  need  it)

Fighting back against the forces of dark.


Something that I  have always  believed  but  I  have always  been told is a misguided approach. So I  was very  gla to see someone else actually verbalize my  thoughts on this matter.


The  series is somewhat  lengthy, but  seem to worth the time.  I  am  only half way  through it myself.  so I  will make the link available for anyone who wishes to watch it as well.

Published on Sep 2, 2013

The galactic history, as related by Andrew Bartzis (the galactic historian), who has access to the akashic records. Transcripts are available at the web site.


Galactic History -- Part 2

Galactic History -- Part 1

Galactic History -- Part 3

Galactic History -- Part 4

Galactic History -- Part 5

Galactic History -- Part 6

Galactic History -- Part 7

Galactic History -- Part 8

Galactic History -- Part 9

Galactic History -- Part 10

Galactic History -- Part 11

Galactic History -- Part 12

Galactic History -- Part 13

Galactic History -- Part 14

Galactic History -- Part 15

Galactic History -- Part 16

Galactic History -- Part 17

Galactic History -- Part 18

Galactic History -- Part 19

Galactic History -- Part 19

Galactic History -- Part 20


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(THOMAS MORE) ANN ARBOR, MI – U.S. Army Lieutenant General (Ret.) William “Jerry” Boykin, in a recent World Net Daily radio interview, confirmed that people with high security clearances connected to the Muslim Brotherhood hold important positions in every major federal agency including the Pentagon and the Department of Defense.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamist organization that has vowed the destruction of America from within.

Click here to hear radio clip.

General Boykin has the credentials to back up his conclusions. He was one of the original members of the U.S. Army’s Delta Force which he ultimately led in combat operations. He also served a tour in the CIA during which time he participated in clandestine operations throughout the world. He served his last four years in the Army as Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

Lt. Gen. Boykin, who currently serves as Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council, blasted Republicans for condemning Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., who sounded the alarm by questioning the Brotherhood ties of Huma Abedin, a top assistant to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Boykin said that neither Republicans nor Democrats want to protest too loudly over concerns of being branded intolerant.

The Thomas More Law Center now represents LTC Matthew Dooley, a 1994 graduate of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point.

GEN Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff had LTC Dooley fired as an instructor at the Joint Forces Staff College in order to appease Muslim groups and the White House who wanted all training materials offensive to Islam purged and all trainers using those materials disciplined.

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Susan was the original person who gave us a link to this Galactic Historian.

Andrew Bartzis was gifted, at a young age, with the ability to access all the Akashic records of Earth..In his detail description of our past history, he tell us what really happened in the past.

In part 8, he mentioned that 65% of the earth population will Ascend. The people that will ascend will be replaced by people who are waiting to take our place. This is a must watch.

Here is the link to part 8

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war.jpg  Attention Amazon Visitor,

Data Security Breach Information

We want to make you aware of a significant incident that has occurred. There was a massive system breach at Global Payments, a company that processes credit card transactions for a number of companies, including Visa, Mastercard, American express, Discover and other major credit card brands. Files containing personal credit card information were compromised. We are urging you to check your credit card details immediately for any activity that you did not authorize.

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Oct. 31, 2013

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Eric Holder thinks to pull a fast one on the American People.Eric Holder filed a law suit with the United States Supreme Court that says United Nations treaty trumps the US Constitution on laws in the United States.

The Senate that has already had the majority say they will not approve President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry’s treasonous plans to circumvent the United States Constitution with the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. Already 50 Senators banned together and sent a letter to the White House and said no! Don’t let that stop President Obama from going out of his way again.

DOJ Says UN Treaty Trumps US Constitution!

The Department of Justice Attorneys led by Eric Holder have just started advancing an argument at the Supreme Court that could allow them to invoke international treaty for policies such as gun control and conflict with in the United States. This would include conflicts like the planned EBT shortage. It would also enforce the unconstitutional UN Small Arms Treaty that was signed by John Kerry despite the US Senate garnering the 53 votes necessary to block it from ever being signed. The act itself was committing Treason under Article 3 of the Constitution.

This petition filed by the DOJ and Obama’s Administration would give them the power and authority to implement the treaty signed by the US and allow federal prosecutors the right to prosecute criminal cases that would be normally handled by state and local authorities. One might also argue if this gives the DOJ the authority to over ride the ruling of Posse Comitatus or the ruling of international troops on US Soil!

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was one of the first to speak up about this law suit:

The Constitution created a limited federal government with only specific enumerated powers,” Cruz told the Washington Examiner prior to giving a speech on the issue today at the Heritage Foundation.

“The Supreme Court should not interpret the treaty power in a manner that undermines this bedrock protection of individual liberty,” Cruz said.

In his speech, Cruz said the Justice Department is arguing “an absurd proposition” that “could be used as a backdoor way to undermine” Second Amendment rights, among other things.~The Washington Examiner

The precedence is based off a decision on the Supreme Court Case Bond Vs The United States, in which a woman was video taped putting poison into the tail pipe of a jilted ex-lover’s car.  Holder and the DOJ successfully argued to over ride the State’s jurisdiction to try this for attempted murder and instead be allowed to at least be heard on taking these cases from the state and prosecuting it under the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act.

On an interesting note this is the same international law the United States tried to prosecute Syrian Dictator Bashar Assad under in international court by saying that he used chemical weapons on his own people. That almost started a war with Syria!

The problem here is precisely that Congress, rather than implementing the treaty consistent with our constitutional system of federalism, enacted a statute that, if construed to apply to petitioner’s conduct, would violate basic structural guarantees and exceed Congress’s enumerated powers,” according to Bond’s lawyers.

The Judicial Crisis Network’s Carrie Severino said the Bond case could have ramifications for many other issues.

“If the administration is right, the treaty power could become a backdoor way for the federal government to do everything from abolishing the death penalty nationwide, to outlawing homeschooling, to dramatically curtailing the states’ rights to regulate abortion,” she told the Washington Examiner.~The Washington Examiner

With Obama preparing and purging the US Military one must wonder if this was his plan all along. If this case goes through, it could mean that President Obama’s hidden government CBS warned us over and full implementation into a dictatorship would be almost on the verge of completion!

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MSM: LAX Shooter Had Anti-NWO Notes

How convenient, the L.A. Airport shooter had anti New World Order Notes in his bag.  This is an obvious attempt at convincing the public that anyone speaking ill of the New World Order or any shadowy government groups are dangerous terrorists.  This is who they planned to target all along.  I hope enough people have awakened to see through this propaganda.

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Paul Gunter, nuclear power industry watchdog at Beyond Nuclear: We’ve got 3 reactors, the cores have left the vessel. They’ve burned through the bottom of the vessel. We don’t really know where they are, because the radioactive environment even fries robots that Tepco’s been trying to send in there. They have been sending very innovative robotic machinery and sensors in there to get a , to get , and these things don’t return. We have opened a door to hell that cannot be easily closed — if ever. We’ve got those 3 cores that are melting, they could be somewhere in the concrete base mat burning their way through, they could have already burned through and entered into the ground. They hopefully have formed a huge solid ‘elephant’s foot’ of highly radioactive material.

Art Bell, host: You mean that even with robotic help, they don’t know where the cores are?

Gunter: Correct. We’ve got 3 molten cores that we don’t have a status report on.

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