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Everything You Want to Know About Mind Control

I am pretty sure everyone in this group has heard of MKUltra mind control. Well, that is old technology so let's take a look at what apparently is the current popular choice today, ELF

Ask just about anyone about mind control and they will most likely reply it is nonsense and impossible. Well I think it is a good idea for everyone who thinks that to take a look at the confirmed evidence regarding the subject. Specifically ELF technology which seems to be the most widely used by military and government groups.

If you still think that it is not possible to control a subject or group and make them commit terror violence, then I urge you to read this whole post and follow the links because there is no doubt it is not only possible but a guaranteed fact.

It just turns out that the human brain responds very well to extra low frequency radio waves and the controlling groups have discovered how to use ELF to manipulate humans very well at this point and are using it on us all right now. I can't wait to see what happens when they really drop the hammer down on us and turn up the power.

The controllers are using this technology 24/7 on the public to further their agenda, without a doubt.

I hope everyone can make the connection to past and recent false flag terror events and see how they are doing it.  

Many patents for mind control technology have been applied for and awarded, so here are a few misc, patents to start with.

U.S. Patent US5629678: IMPLANTABLE TRANSECEIVER – Apparatus for
Tracking and Recovering Humans.
(Global Positioning Satellite) LOCATION INFORMATION. 

There are many more, too many to post here so let's just look at ELF technology AKA GWEN and HAARP

ELF (extra low frequency) technology is the use of directed extra low frequency radio waves used as carrier waves to cause the subjects brain to hear commands and directives which the subject does not hear through their ears. It is also used to excite human brains to unknown degrees and cause disorientation and other effects.

Most subjects don't even know they are being targeted because they think it is their own thoughts that they hear or just the way that they feel at the moment, in other words they can feel angry, submissive, depressed, or anything depending on the frequency transmitted.

One name for this technology is "The Voice Of God"

ELF(extra low frequency) the "Voice Of God" systems can cause subjects to hear the voice of the controller in their head, (see the USAF patent below) Imagine a person subjected to this technology hearing a voice in their head telling them "This is Allah and I command you to surrender" or "Take your gun and shoot as many innocent people as you can in that naval yard or movie theater over there". Sound familiar?

It does sound unbelievable but actual systems exist and are in use today. 

Why ELF(extra low frequency) , because it is easy to use. You do not have to spend weeks or months deep programing a subject to commit an act against their will. All you have to do is turn the system on and direct it to the target.

The US ELF aka GWEN network is in place, operational and pretty much everywhere, aircraft, towers, satellites, and mobile transmitters. You name it, they have it, and all are operational at this time. Next time you think about why there are so many cell towers and RF antennae being built, imagine the day when the entire population is mind controlled into submission. It is not too far fetched to imagine, is it?

This is the hardware system used

GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network)  Are radio frequency transmitters sending radio frequency waves that are interacting with sixty four elements in the ground and modulating with variation, affecting the geomagnetic waves naturally coming from the ground. The earth's natural 'brain rhythm' (frequency)  is normally balanced with these elements. These elements are the same minerals found in red blood  corpuscles. There is a direct relation between human blood and natural geomagnetic waves. Frequency imbalance between Schumann and natural geomagnetic waves disrupts human biorhythms. The natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created low frequency (LF) ground waves coming from the GWEN  system towers.

GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters placed 200 miles apart   across the USA allow specific frequencies to be tailored to the   geomagnetic-field strength in each area, allowing the magnetic field to be   altered. They operate in the LF range, with transmissions between LF 150 and   175 KHz. They also emit waves from the upper VHF to the lower UHF range of 225   - 400 MHz. The LF signals travel by waves that hug the ground rather than   radiating into the atmosphere. A GWEN station transmits in a 360 degree circle   up to 300 miles, the signal dropping off sharply with distance. The entire   GWEN system consists of, (depending on source of data), from 58 to an intended   300 transmitters spread across the USA, each with a tower 299-500 ft high. 300 ft copper wires in spoke-like fashion fan out from the base of each tower system and are buried underground, interacting with the earth, like a thin shelled conductor,  and radiating radio wave energy for very long distances through the ground. It is confirmed that the entire system of more than 300 transmitters is complete and operational and augmented with additional transmitters strategically placed to effect full power on the entire population of the continental US.   

The United States is bathed in this magnetic field which can rise up from the  ground up to 500 ft, but also goes down into basements, so everyone can be   affected and mind-controlled. The entire artificial ground-wave spreads out over the whole of the USA like a web. It is apparently easier to mind-control and  hypnotize people who are bathed in an artificial electromagnetic-wave.

GWEN transmitters have many different functions including:

1. controlling the weather,  

2. mind control,  

3. behavior and mood control, and  

4. sending synthetic-telepathy as infrasound to victims with US  government mind-control implants.

There are also reportedly hand held transmitters for surgical control work as well. These small ELF systems are mobile and can be operated by one individual.


Here are a few links to start with.


ELF Technology and Mind Control with Dr. John Hall.

Dr. Hall discusses one patient in particular where a former FBI agent was harassing a female target by adding date rape drug to her bottled water in her home and then using ELF to direct her to drink that specific bottle. Then possibly sexually abusing her. A very iInteresting story.


Educate Yourself: GWEN, a good read explaining the system.

Gwen Towers: Another good read

A report on the Army's system.

It is reported that transceivers that soldiers wear are ELF components for control. Which suggests that all transceivers worn by police, military and security are for being controlled in the same fashion. This makes sense since the controllers want no human other than their own security forces to posses firearms.,8599,1841108,00.html


Info on the USAF's systems patent. This is a good one because it claims to directly transmit audio into a subjects brain.

Patent PDF with schematic drawings

I Hope they don't ever turn up the juice on us because we may all turn into mind controlled zombies.






Read more…   Is this what the CDC was talking about almost a year when they brought this up. I will be adding more links to this be sure to see the video.This is the link to Mike Adams the health Ranger.         Here is the CDC report.  The CDC report was over a year ago thats where it began, Here is the latest Miami Herald report...         

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Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda

Snowden at Novotel 300x199 Snowden reveals HAARPs Global Assassination Agenda

Snowden speaking from a Custom Faraday Cage in Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel (Photo: The Internet Chronicle)

MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower and fugitive, released documents Tuesday to Internet Chronicle reporters proving that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is definitively engaged in a program of assassination and mind control.

While the military prison industrial complex has routinely insisted that the Alaskan-based HAARP is only meant to study natural phenomena in earth’s ionosphere, Snowden has managed to blow open a brutally massive charade.

“The HAARP research station,” he said, “strategically based away from prying eyes near Gakona, Alaska, is actually used to terminate or manipulate would-be dissidents of global capitalism on the scale of millions of people.”

Added Snowden, using finger quotes, “With these terrestrial antennas, NATO [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization] is able to, on a global scale, remotely silence ‘perpetrators’ of ‘deviant or subversive’ strains of thought.”

Unbeknownst to victims or their loved ones, HAARP projects ultra-high-powered radio waves. Those waves operate at the same electronic frequency as the truncus encephali, or brain stem, selectively inducing deaths seemingly by natural causes  – including by some appearing to coroners as innocuous as strokes or heart attacks.

“When and if the intelligence community doesn’t view outright assassination as an optimal effect,” said Snowden, “‘they’ can simply make a ‘target’ act in an insane fashion, in order to discredit them. When we were in transit between Hong Kong and Moscow, WikiLeaks staff and I had to fend off the constant threat of radio-generated homicidal delusions.”

Quickly ushering staff into his lavish room at Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel, the former NSA contractor began to explain himself. Due to confidentiality agreements with the 30-year-old, formerly of Booz Allen Hamilton, the Chronicle cannot elaborate beyond the point that he has outfitted his entire flat to be a thoroughly functioning Faraday cage.

Swowden’s haphazardly constructed Faraday cage, he claims, can block interference from external static and nonstatic electric fields.

“Without it,” he says, “I would have been dead the moment The Guardian‘s first story went to print.”

Snowden bolstered his testimony with HAARP documents gleaned from the private email accounts of officials as high-ranking as admirals and Air Force brigadier generals. Sources within the intelligence community have confirmed to The Internet Chronicle the authenticity of these documents, as well as their horrifying ramifications for human dignity.

Sources familiar with discussions between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the University of Alaska, which helps run HAARP, suggested that cell towers, as well as TrapWire, are “in play here.”

Snowden’s testimony appears to be partially in line with that of a U.S. senator’s brother, in 2009. It was then that he, Nick Begich, told “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura” that “just to affect the brain with emotional state changes is so easily accomplished” with HAARP.

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My contact referred to as "D" has come forward with more from the NSA contact designated below as "Z"...

This is excellent material:

I thought it best to outline a series of questions related to the "Movement of Equipment" while I am still able to meet and question my friend. He appeared to be comfortable still answering questions and when I asked about it, he shrugged and said "if I can't answer, I won't." He continued, saying: "There is a common misconception concerning Classified and Ultra Classified material getting into public hands. At this level they are moving forward so fast and so intently it really doesn't matter to them any more. We are rapidly approaching the end of the road and they believe nothing can stop them at this point. True, I am taking a risk discussing certain matters with you, but in the end I know this will help a lot of people and I'll know that I tried to help them."

* (Z) So what's on your mind?"

* (D) Were any of the objects brought into the DIA area manned?

* (Z) There was a minimal crew brought out of stasis to manage holographics in the first ship, the rest remain in stasis for a different agenda. There were six objects transferred in all. This took four days.

* (D) Can you elaborate on the use of this technology?

* (Z)  It is going to be used to manage the situation here once things become very complex. You see everyone is focused on the wrong thing, which of course is what they want. They're masters at getting everyone looking in the wrong direction.

* (D) What's the right direction?

* (Z) The system approaching us coming out of the Kuiper Belt (Nibiru) is part of this equation, but this is manageable. However the Base Disk (Black Hole) holding our Galaxy in position below us is the real problem. All material known to us that was sent into it on an exploratory never returned. Ships or probes. We are approaching this at a very high rate of speed and the material is charged with a plasma UN-known to us. It is believed that the area which is commonly referred to as "the Rift" is multidimensionally polarized and thus our current systems will not function during the passage through it. The pulsed phasing alone would probably render most, if not all electronics inoperative and you can forget about all satellites. The speed or movement of the disk is not measurable and because of the angle of approach, it is believed we will skip off its surface several times before entry. The last geologic survey pertaining to a complete passage, or one full rotation around the central sun recorded a " World Quake," where all tectonic Plates shifted at the same time. It is believed that this event was caused by a Base Disk Impact. This is the real reason most of the Elite are nervous. 

* (D) You mean about entering the D.U.M.B. bases?

* (Z) Yes. Although there are other alternatives, they would rather not get trapped below.

* (D) Have you been to the bases?

* (Z) Most of them.

* (D) Can you elaborate?

* (Z) No.

* (D) Have you personally used the Jump Room Technology? 

* (Z) No Comment.

* (D) Should we be seriously concerned about the "Rift" passage?

* (Z) You weren't really thinking when you asked me that were you? (Laughs)

* (D) Sorry, my questions seem to have their own momentum.

* (D) Are the Elite groups united as a whole? Are there any inner conflicts or divisions?

* (Z) There are always conflicts. The technology crutch is beginning to crumble and the rift between groups is widening, but as a whole they move in unison.

* (D) How serious a grip or "hold" does this group have over our World?

* (Z) At the moment, complete control. But things are changing very fast. Since the passage is uncharted territory no one knows what to expect on the other side. There is some concern that once they are exposed for who they really are, they would be eliminated. I personally think this is a distinct possibility. All Empires fall sooner or later.

* (D) Are they actually considering implementing project Blue Beam?

* That is a possibility, but with the Solar System in such flux and a secondary System (Nibiru) rapidly approaching, (more electronic havoc) it has been formulated that it could be unreliable in critical moments, thus not entirely effective. There are much more effective methods to reach their goals without using an elaborate holographic hoax. As you may have surmised I have been against this sort of nonsense through out my career.

* (D) What do you see being the single most important thing going on right now?

* (Z) People in high level positions are actually taking responsibility for themselves and our World.

* (D) Are you going to get into trouble for talking with me about all of this?

* (Z) Probably. 

* (D) After [removed] years of service, are you relieved to be out of the N*A ?   

* (Z) You're never really out, it just appears that way on the surface.

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Many of us have been following the importance of structured water and how water has memory here is something that goes back to the formation of earth 1.6 billion years ago that was discovered quite by accident at a now secret mine and they are called Anchi crystals. They have the ability to balance energy in your body and heal almost every disease no matter how bad or minor. remove toxins from your body and cure cancer. Put the crystals next to a glass of water and the structure it within a minute. they structure it better than holy water proven by a Russian scientist. An email was sent to me yesterday by a good friend who healed a back problem she has had for years and her friend grey hair turned brown again. I have about 8 hours of research into this at this point and much more information to lead you to. but first read the well done PDF that explains many of the amazing facts about these crystals and there energy that never dies out.   


A family testimonial...



Anchi Crystals - Keri Peterson Discusses Anchi Crystals

ANCHI Crystals -- Keri Peterson Discusses ANCHI Crystals, ANCHI Crystals™ introduction by Glynda Yoder, Glynda Yoder: How to use ANCHI Crystals™,

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Detox tips for radioactive contamination


How to Detox Your Body of Depleted Uranium Residues, the Effects of Radiation, and Radioactive Contamination


from Radiation

Sad but true: There are thousands of scientific references and medical studies out there on the fact that radiation and radioactivity can harm you yet, despite millions of dollars spent by the government to study radiation, virtually nothing is available about a detoxification diet or nutritional supplements you might use to minimize the effects radioactive contamination.

Here’s some of the information we do know from the only book in the world on the topic. Keep this information in the back of your mind as it may one day help save you or someone you know.


Most people are aware taking potassium iodide (KI) or potassium iodate (KIO3) tablets will help block your thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine should there ever be a dirty bomb explosion or nuclear power plant mishap such as the Three Mile Island incident. In 1999, another such accident happened in Tokaimura, Japan where several individuals died from radiation exposure in a fuel processing facility.

What people don’t recognize is that potassium iodide or iodate tablets only protect the thyroid gland and do not provide protection from any other radiation exposure, so taking them should not give you a false sense of security. It’s important to detox your body after radioactive exposure!

One question is, what do you do if KI or KIO3 tablets aren’t available during an emergency? Interestingly enough, according to research by Ken Miller, health physicist at the Hershey Medical Center, he found that an adult could get a blocking dose of stable iodine by painting 8 ml of a 2 percent tincture of iodine on the abdomen or forearm (places on the body where absorption is rapid) approximately 2 hours prior to I-131 contamination. I-131 is a radioactive form of iodine present in the fallout from above-ground atomic bomb blasts. Potassium iodine tablets are best in cases where advance notice of radiation exposure are possible, but if they are not available iodine tincture is the next best thing.

After exposure

External: An entirely different problem arises after you’ve been exposed to radioactive contamination because now you have to get rid of any radioactive particles you may have ingested through the air you breathed, water you drank, or food you ate. Some people suggest Epsom salts, Clorox or clay baths to remove any residues on your skin and to leach out any heavy metals you may have absorbed.

Internal: The big worry is internal contamination. To gain some insights into what to do, we have to turn to the story of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki.

Diet: At the time of the atomic bombing, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, M.D., was Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis’ Hospital in Nagasaki and he fed his staff and patients a strict diet of brown rice, miso and tamari soy soup, wakame, kombu and other seaweed, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt. He also prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets since they suppress the immune system.

By imposing this diet on his staff and patients, no one succumbed to radiation poisoning whereas the occupants of hospitals located much further away from the blast incident suffered severe radiation fatalities.

Much of this positive result has to do with the fact that the sea vegetables contain substances that bind radioactive particles and escort them out of the body. This is why seaweed sales usually skyrocket after radiation disasters and why various seaweeds and algae are typically used to treat radiation victims.

Algeas: In Chernobyl, for instance, spirulina was used to help save many children from radiation poisoning. By taking 5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days, the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk even proved that children on this protocol experienced enhanced immune systems, increased T-cell counts and reduced radioactivity. Israeli scientists have since treated Chernobyl children with doses of natural beta carotene from Dunaliella algae and proved that it helped normalize their blood chemistry. Chlorella algae, a known immune system builder and heavy metal detoxifier, has also shown radioprotective effects. Because they bind heavy metals, algae should therefore be consumed after exposure to any type of radioactive contamination.

Sodium alginate: In 1968 a group of Canadian researchers at McGill University of Montreal, headed by Dr. Stanley Skoryna, actually set out to devise a method to counteract the effects of nuclear fallout. The key finding from their studies was that sea vegetables contained a polysaccharide substance, called sodium alginate, which selectively bound radioactive strontium and eliminated it from the body.

Sodium alginate is found in many seaweeds, especially kelp, and since that time the Russians have been seriously researching the use of their own kelps from Vladivlostok, from which they have isolated the polysaccharide U-Fucoidan, which is another radioactive detoxifier.

Miso soup: Because miso soup was so effective in helping prevent radiation sickness, the Japanese have also done research identifying the presence of an active ingredient called zybicolin, discovered in 1972, which acts as a binding agent to also detoxify and eliminate radioactive elements (such as strontium) and other pollutants from the body.

Black and green teas: The kelps and algaes aren’t the only natural foods with radio-detoxifying effects. In terms of fluids to drink, black and green tea have shown radioprotective effects" whether consumed either before or after exposure to radiation. This anti-radiation effect was observed in several Japanese studies, and studies from China also suggest that the ingredients in tea are radioactive antagonists.

In short: After any sort of radioactive exposure you want to be eating seaweeds and algaes along with almost any type of commercial heavy metal chelating formula to bind radioactive particles and help escort them out of the body. Whether you’re worried about depleted uranium, plutonium or other isotopes, this is the wise thing to do which can possibly help, and certainly won’t hurt.

Supplements: Many nutritional supplements have been developed for the purpose of detoxifying heavy metals, most of which contain the algaes and plant fibers and other binding substances.

The anti-radiation diet

An anti-radiation diet should focus on the following foods:

· Miso soup

· Spirulina, chlorella and the algaes (kelp, etc.)

· Brassica vegetables and high beta carotene vegetables

· Beans and lentils

· Potassium, calcium and mineral rich foods

· High nucleotide content foods to assist in cellular repair including spirulina, chlorella, algae, yeast, sardines, liver, anchovies and mackerel

· Cod liver oil and olive oil

· Avoid sugars and sweets and wheat

· A good multivitamin/multimineral supplement


Mineral supplementation: Yet another benefit of the sea vegetables rarely discussed is their high mineral content, which is a bonus in the case of radioactive exposure.

Consuming natural iodine, such as in the seaweeds, helps prevent the uptake of iodine-131 while iron inhibits the absorption of plutonium-238 and plutonium-239. Vitamin B-12 inhibits cobalt-60 uptake (used in nuclear medicine). Zinc inhibits zinc-65 uptake and sulfur is preventative for sulfur-35 (a product of nuclear reactors) incorporation by the body.

Since nuclear workers are potentially exposed to radioactive sulfur, this means that workers in the atomic power industry need a higher content of sulfur in their diet. MSM supplements provide a source of dietary sulfur, but thiol supplements such as cysteine, lipoic acid and glutathione serve double-duty in this area because they help detoxify the body and attack all sorts of other health problems as well.

Ginseng: The immune system is usually hit hard after radiation exposure, and a number of steps can be taken to help prevent opportunistic infections after a radioactive incident. Though the full dimensions of the protective mechanism is still unknown, Siberian ginseng is one form of ginseng that exerts a definite radioprotective effect and has been demonstrated to lessen the side effects of radiation. It was widely distributed by the Soviet Union to those exposed Chernobyl radiation and is commonly used to help cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy.

Panax ginseng has prevented hemorrhaging after radiation exposure, prevents bone marrow death and stimulates blood cell formation, so it’s another supplement to add to one’s protocol.

In short: Yeasts, beta glucans, bee pollen and various forms of ginseng have all been shown to bolster the immune system after radiation incidents. In terms of radiation burns, aloe vera has a proven ability to treat serious radiation burns and offers other radioprotective effects, and can easily be grown in your house.

Reishi mushrooms: Consuming Reishi mushrooms is another proven way to bolster your immune system after radiation exposure and helps reduce the damage from radiation. It’s been used to decrease radiation sickness in animals and help them recover faster after potentially deadly exposure.

Miscellaneous: The amino acid L-Glutamine can be used to help repair the intestine in case of the gastrointestinal syndrome usually suffered due to radiation exposure, and a variety of substances can help rebuild blood cells to prevent hematopoietic syndrome. Those particular foods include beet juice, liver extract, spleen extract, and shark alkyglycerols. Most oncologists don’t know that shark liver oil, with alkyglycerols, can help platelet counts rebound in days.


Depleted uranium is currently in the journalistic spotlight because U.S. weapons are made from this material, and after being fired leave a legacy of depleted uranium dust in the environment, which anyone can absorb. Because the kidneys are usually the first organs to show chemical damage upon uranium exposure, military manuals suggest doses or infusions of sodium bicarbonate to help alkalinize the urine if this happens. This makes the uranyl ion less kidney-toxic and promotes excretion of the nontoxic uranium carbonate complex.

In areas contaminated by depleted uranium dusts, it therefore makes sense to switch to drinking slightly alkaline water and to favor a non-acidic diet to assist in this detoxification. The heavy metal detoxifiers mentioned previously should be part of the DU-detox diet.



Another thing you can do is use homeopathics for radiation exposure. People commonly argue over whether homeopathics work or not, but if you assume the position that they produce no results whatsoever then you must also assume that they certainly won’t hurt you, which means the only loss from using them is a few dollars. Frankly, there are countless cases and double-blind studies where homeopathic tinctures do provoke physical healing effects in the body. Therefore they are a viable adjunct treatment option.

One homeopathic, in particular, is URANIUM NITRICUM (nitrate of uranium) which homeopaths suggest should be used in cases of depleted uranium exposure or uranium poisoning. Not just soldiers or civilians exposed to battlefield dusts, but uranium miners and radiation workers may find it quite useful.


While we’ve discussed just a few of the many supplements and protocols you can use to help detox the body of the lingering results of radioactive contamination, including the residues of depleted uranium, the last thing that might be of interest is that there is a plant that is a natural geiger counter. The spiderwort plant is so sensitive to changes in radiation levels (its petals change color upon exposure) that it’s often used as a natural radiation detector (dosimeter), just as they use canaries in mines as detectors of poisonous gas. Some people like knowing that they have an ongoing monitoring system for radiation in the environment, and this is just another tip available in "How to Neutralize the Harmful Effects of Radiation or Radioactive Exposure."

For more information on this subject, go to

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ISON December 8th Electrically Connects To Earth

Email from Sheldon Day...

----- Forwarded Message -----
To: "Sheldon"
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 3:03:32 PM

Watch this link here :

The dotted line you see are electromagnetic portals of celestial objects.  Comet ISON is represented by the purple lozenge. When we reach December 8th,2013, ISON connects electrically with Earth (the two dotted lines of both
objects coincide/connects together).

And you can also clearly see, the comet «changes» its path (this is apparent because it is slowing down) after its electrical connection with Earth and will get closer to the Earth. We see the comet turning to his right side (Earth's side)

The electric connection could create (as you know) major eartquakes, bad weather conditions .... you know, the whole thing !

Hope this helped !

P.S.: This reading is known as the «ISWA».

-----Original Message-----
From: Sheldon
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 1:06 PM

ISWA ??? What's that ???

----- Original Message -----
To: "Sheldon"
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 11:02:42 AM


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Ed Dames Is Becoming Scared...

Thanks to Sheldon Day for this info...  My question (of course) is why not disseminate the survival map for free, so more people have a chance at surviving? 


Ed dames is becoming SCARED now & very concerned about the end of this year when COMET ISON comes in towards our Sun.. He's even conducting 2 separate closed-door terminal meetings in Orlando & Reno & attendees must sign a non-disclosure agreement.. He'll be handing out Survival zone maps so folks can survive SOLAR BLASTING that'll occur as ISON nears our Sun.. He also believes ISON IS the Hopi's "blue star Kachina"...Who knows.. Perhaps it's PLANET-X or a MAJOR part of its entourage... He foresees many more Fukishima-style events coming, Mad-Max reality, etc..SHELDON

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WTH?  The news flashed that he had been cited in a recent criminal complaint and was complicit in a kidnapping of several Jesuits decades ago, the 1970's I think it said.  Then it was pulled while I was watching. 

This article says only two cardinals were clean in the sex scandals, and neither one of them is Bergoglio...


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A Critique:  07.29.12   A critique, discussion & review by Tolec, and Chris & Sheree of Truth Frequency Radio, regarding a July 27, 2012 breaking news story & 'transcript' of the "...PLEIADIAN HIGH COUNCIL" "...WITH FOUR OTHER GALACTIC COUNCILS", including the Galactic Federation of Light (GFOL), and their plans to, "... MAKE FULL CONTACT WITH EARTH BEINGS IN EIGHT DAYS FROM THIS TRANSMISSION ON AUGUST 4, 2012 AT THE WORLD OLYMPIC GAMES IN LONDON ENGLAND FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE!"
We ask the questions - what is this really all about, do these statements & more from this news story, and 'transcript', make sense, are they plausible, do they come from a good loving place, what is their true intent & they empower people?  

A Critique:  07.29.12   A critique, discussion & review by Tolec, and Chris & Sheree of Truth Frequency Radio, regarding a July 27, 2012 breaking news story & 'transcript' of the "...PLEIADIAN HIGH COUNCIL" "...WITH FOUR OTHER GALACTIC COUNCILS", including the Galactic Federation of Light (GFOL), and their plans to, "... MAKE FULL CONTACT WITH EARTH BEINGS IN EIGHT DAYS FROM THIS TRANSMISSION ON AUGUST 4, 2012 AT THE WORLD OLYMPIC GAMES IN LONDON ENGLAND FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE!"




We ask the questions - what is this really all about, do these statements & more from this news story, and 'transcript', make sense, are they plausible, do they come from a good loving place, what is their true intent & they empower people? 

Expect the commercial free, YouTube link, Andromeda Council video for this discussion to be posted here, on this page, by day end Monday, July 30, 2012.  I also review details of, and after, the "Cosmic event", and the visitation plans of the 'good will' team & the people from the four (4) Andromeda Council planets.


website, refered to, and material taken with no desire to breach the terms of copyright but merely to inform readers here of what Tolec is saying

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Introduction To The Dulce Deep Underground Base

First, this post in no way is intended to promote fear of any kind. Unfortunately this information implies that humanity is dealing with something so horrific that most will block it out. For humanity to mount any kind of reasonable resistance to the monstrous activity happening to our planet we need to be informed of who and what we are dealing with. The Dulce information may just be the most important lead to understanding that who and what. So we must take responsibility for our kind and proceed to understand without fear because fear is their most powerful weapon against us.

I personally believe as do many other researchers such as John Lear that understanding what happens at Dulce connects to every other facet of our current problems from chemtrails, vaccines, cattle mutilations, abductions, fluoride, GMO and every other kind of atrocity inflicted upon humanity. Dulce is quite possibly the central hub of the command structure that is doing all of the damage to us. Will they ever stop what they are doing, not likely because it is clear that their goal is to control and farm humanity for their uses which just may happen to be the unthinkable. To date, millions of women, children and men have gone missing, especially children. So we should try to connect the dots and understand the entire picture that the Dulce information suggests.  I hope everyone takes the time to review this and make those connections. It is quite possible that the Dulce group are responsible for everything horrible happening on this planet, so keep an open mind and before you say rubbish think about how it may be possible.

Many have already heard of the Dulce base so this is for those who have not. Some members here are very familiar with this information, so I hope they correct any mistakes I make presenting this and add what they have too.. To keep this post short I will add a few links to the information. Maybe others can add more links.

 A massive amount of information about the Dulce underground base on the Archuleta mesa in New Mexico has been on the internet for many years now. It is a story so bizarre and horrific, most people dismiss it as absurd. The story gained recognition when a former security person at the base Thomas Edwin Castello gave an interview and presented his information. There was also reportedly a military strike on the base which resulted in 66 soldiers bodies being recovered. Phil Schneider was involved in that one.

Apparently there are now many of these bases connected by underground tunnels and rail systems. The rail systems are reportedly designed by the Rand Corp and can attain supersonic speeds as they run in a vacumn. Reportedly thousands of humans are being held captive for experiments and hybrid programs and are dissected and grafted to animals. Connect the dots. Next time you hear how cool the Zeta hybrids are, think about it.

All of this information is on the internet so I would guess there is little risk to me to compile it here.

But one never knows.


The Thomas Edwin Castello interview text:



The Dulce Papers

The Dulce video, A must see.


Phil Schneider story:


The Firefight at Dulce,

(note: They do not want humans possessing firearms hence the insane gun control laws currently being forced upon us. The only humans they want to have firearms are their mind controlled human security forces because they know that firearms can kill them. The use their mind controlled politicians to promote whatever they want and this is another example)


Sherry Shriner statement: (pretty much says it all)

Thousands and thousands of people are being held captive in cages like animals at the Dulce Base. Even more       thousands are being kept in cold storage, and even more are trapped in storage boxes with no way out.


Aliens running the World Alert video:

(note: The crew on this one went to Dulce to try to find the entrance. The Navajo that live there say they know about the base but refuse to say anything. Apparently all of the Dulce residents refuse to say anything including the Dulce sheriff.

Of course the crew are skeptical but they have to be for MSM


Kim has added this



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DOUBLE ASTEROID FLYBY: A pair of big, near-Earth asteroids will fly by the Earth-Moon system on Sept. 14th. 2012 QG42 is a 300 meter space rock that comes from the vicinity of Mars; it will pass 2.8 million km (7.4 LD) from Earth. 2012 QC8 is even bigger, about 1.1 km in diameter, hailing from the orbit of Jupiter; it will pass about 8.7 million km (22.7 LD) from Earth. Astronomers monitoring the incoming space rocks say they are glowing like 14th-15th magnitude stars, which makes them good targets for advanced amateur telescopes. Ephemerides: 2012 QG42, 2012 QC8.

link to Tolec

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"A string of moderate earthquakes have erupted in rapid succession across the globe all at depth below 50 km, suggesting tectonic plates are in a state of high agitation. The potential for seismic events in high-risk seismic regions is high."

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Benjamin Fulford for 3/26/2013

"Among other things, the intended nuclear attack on London was supposed to take out the City of London financial district so that the British would be forced to give up the Pound Sterling and accept the Euro, the MI5 sources say. J.P. Morgan had made big bets based on such an outcome."  There was a recent "big bet" of EU900 Million made.  See  Could this be another one?

Investigations into the nuclear terror threat against the UK Olympics last summer and into the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan have netted a lot of big fish and is starting to zero in on US President Barak Obama, according to MI6, Japanese military intelligence and Japanese royal family sources. Among people now being questioned are George Bush Sr. and former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone of Japan, the sources say. Nakasone was taken into custody by six pentagon types last week and is undergoing questioning, a Japanese royal family source says. Also, Japanese Zionist politician Shintaro Ishihara has been reported missing by his family and yakuza sources say he has been tortured to death (in the official news says Ishihara has been hospitalized and is not receiving visitors). Obama was implicated because he orchestrated the illegal ouster of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2010 when Rudd started warning of an imminent nuclear terror threat to Japan, according to Australian police sources. The affair, referred to by investigators Ruddgate, amay be the one that finally ousts the cabal.

Rudd was ousted 3 days after an Australian agent, named Alexander Moore, went to the Australian embassy in Tokyo with proof that a nuclear weapon had been smuggled into Japan for terrorist purposes. The embassy forwarded the proof to then Prime Minister Rudd as well as to US President Obama. Obama then ordered the ouster of Rudd in order to allow the nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan to continue as planned, the Australian intelligence agency sources say.

The man operationally in charge of the terror attack on Japan was Christopher Stevens who was the “ambassador Stevens” tortured to death in Libya last year. Since then, as previously reported, several dozens of top US military and CIA officials have been fired, as part of the investigation that has now netted Bush Sr. and Nakasone.

A related investigation into the nuclear threat against the London Olympics last summer is also closing in on the guilty parties. In particular, Sir John Scarlett, former head of MI6 and top Nazi in the UK, is going to be detained and his network shut down, according to MI5 and Scotland Yard sources. Scarlett is the man, MI5 says, who put together the “dodgy intelligence file” justifying the invasion of Iraq.

Underneath Scarlett can be found Sir Jeremy Haywood, who as Chief Cabinet Secretary, controls all the bureaucratic institutions in the UK, including the police.

Reporting to Haywood is Sara Thornton, Chief Constable of the Thames Valley police. Thornton was in charge of police special operations and was promoted to Deputy Chief Constable in August 2003 two weeks after Dr. David Kelly was killed in her district on July 17th. Kelly was the UK bioweapons expert who was killed after telling the BBC that the case justifying the invasion of Iraq was based on fake evidence.

Thornton is now leading a witch hunt in the UK aimed at covering up her superior’s role in the plot to hit London with a nuclear bomb.

The plot to bomb London failed thanks to warnings by patriotic MI6 agents. The 550 kiloton Ukranian Granitza warhead that was supposed to be used for the attack was taken out of the UK by Serbian drug smugglers, according to Eastern European intelligence sources. The bomb is now in Jerusalem, these sources say.

Scarlett, the man who, at the very least knew about the planned London nuclear terror and failed to act, reports to J.P. Morgan. Among other things, the intended nuclear attack on London was supposed to take out the City of London financial district so that the British would be forced to give up the Pound Sterling and accept the Euro, the MI5 sources say. J.P. Morgan had made big bets based on such an outcome.

Scarlett and his group also framed the head of the anti-terrorism division of the SAS, as a part of the ongoing attempt to cover their tracks.

However, with their uber-bosses like Bush and former pope Ratzinger and Tony Blair out of power, it is only a matter of time before Scarlett and his Nazi crew are removed from the picture.

The Russians are also intensifying their attack on Nazi influence by confiscating German assets in Russia to retaliate for the EU grab of Russian money in Cyprus, according to a senior P2 freemason source.

There are also moves in the work to force the Germans to give up on the Euro by hitting their car exports. “If you stop their car exports, then the German trade surplus vanishes because they have nothing else,” an FSB source said. It is also possible they will start “finding” multiple problems with German cars sold to the 180 nation BRICS block.

In any case, the “solution” to the Cyprus crisis did not really save the Euro because it involves capital controls. That is like saying citizens of Kansas cannot send their US dollars to other states while pretending it is business as usual.

The fact that the EU leaders have grabbed private bank deposits to pay of bankers has not been lost of savers in other parts of the Euro Zone. Serious capital flight has already begun in Spain, Portugal and elsewhere as savers there take their euros out before they are seized.

While the Euro crisis smolders on, the cabalists are still desperately trying to start World War 3. As predicted, chemical weapons have been used in Syria by the Nazi/Zionist cabalist Muslim brotherhood and their allies like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a desperate attempt to start their Messianic World War 3.

Syria is now “a killing field, especially for children” according to a Western ambassador to Syria. “The situation is too horrific to even conceive, children are being trafficked, sold into slavery, cut up into pieces for transplants; all sort of horrors, the worst imaginable,” the career diplomat said.

However, the Zionist terror is not expected to be able to last much longer. The pentagon and the good guys in the intelligence and military organizations around the world are on the case.

Read more…




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Is Comet Elenin a Brown Dwarf Star? – An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Mensur Omerbashich, 01-June-2011
Marshall Masters
Contributors: Ed Douglas, Richard Goodwin and Terral Croft of the Planet X Town Hall, Comet Elenin Research Team

Is Comet Elenin a Brown Dwarf Star? – An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Mensur OmerbashichA vocal minority view holds that Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin), is a brown dwarf star in a long elliptical orbit around our Sun.

Whatever this object may be, it is now inbound from beyond the orbit of Mars. Astronomers are following its course into the core of our system. They maintain that it is a relatively young comet, which then begs the question ̶̶ when is a comet not a comet?

In contrast to that question, Elenin brown dwarf proponents often cite a paper written by Dr. Mensur Omerbashich that is available through the Cornell University Library. What makes this paper so useful is that it connects seismic events like the recent earthquake in Japan, to celestial alignments involving Comet Ellen.

Cornell University Library, 11-Apr-2011
arXiv:1104.2036v1 [physics.gen-ph]

Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity

I here demonstrate empirically my georesonator concept in which tidally induced magnification of Earth masses' resonance causes seismicity. ...I used the comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin), as it has been adding to robustness in terms of very strong seismicity since 2007 (in terms of strongest seismicity: since 1965). The Elenin will continue intensifying the Earth's very strong seismicity until August-October, 2011. Approximate forecast of earthquakes based on my discoveries is feasible.

Original PDF – Subscriber Download

Dr. Omerbashich's paper presents what he sees as a cause-and-effect relationship between recent seismicity on earth and the approach of Comet Elenin, that goes back decades. However, His paper does not suggest, nor present the possibility that it is a smaller, unborn binary twin to our own Sun, so we contacted him to request a written interview, and he accepted.

All three members of the Goodwin of the Comet Elenin Research Team, Ed Douglas, Richard Goodwin and Terral Croft discussed Dr. Omerbashich's interview and the actual list of questions presented to him were penned by Marshall Masters and Richard Goodwin. The goal of the question set was threefold:

  1. Clarify the cause-and-effect relationship between Comet Elenin and recent major earthquakes.

  2. Vet the author's background in response to issues raised by Ed Douglas of the team.
  3. Test for support of the Comet Elenin brown dwarf star theory advocated by Terral Croft.

As per our agreement with Dr. Omerbashich, our questions, along with his answers, are presented as-is and without editing or modification. Following this interview segment, Marshall will present his findings on the question: is Comet Elenin a brown dwarf star, and if not, then what is it? Exclusive Interview
with Dr. Mensur Omerbashich

Questions submitted by Marshall Masters and Richard Goodwin on May 25, 2011, Answered by Dr. Omerbashich on May 28, 2011

1. In your paper, ASTRONOMICAL ALIGNMENTS AS THE CAUSE OF ~M6+ SEISMICITY, you present Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) as a georesonator causality for an increased pattern of major earthquakes, all across the planet. What is a georesonator and how does this apply to Elenin?

A forced mechanical oscillator is akin to soldiers step-marching across a bridge. The bridge eventually collapses when the critical resonance magnification is reached matching the grave period of oscillation of the bridge. Georesonator is one such concept in which the whole Earth is thought of as a closed mechanical oscillator forced externally by celestial bodies.

As I showed back in 2003, Earth gravity responds strongly to alignments with the Moon and the Sun. Such alignments disturb Earth masses systematically and measurably so much so that magnification of mechanical resonance gets set off. I now tested the concept empirically, by using all celestial bodies in our solar system’s "plane". I was thus able to demonstrate that most bodies (when aligned in a specific fashion; for longer than around three days; etc.) are also capable of setting off the resonance magnification, thus causing earthquakes.

Basically, the impact of resonance magnification on the mantle, which makes most of the Earth’s mass, gives rise to tectonics and, separately, to strong (~M6+) earthquakes as well. The inclusion of the Elenin to improve the robustness of the empirical test was justified by the fact that geophysics community is still clueless as to the source of most of the energy supplied to the Earth and required for tectonogenesis i.e. moving of the mantle/plates, as well as for causing strong earthquakes.

The georesonator and its generalization, called the hyperresonator, account for that universally, i.e., regardless of what heavenly object one is talking about. For example, if we know that volcanoes on Earth erupt with burning-hot lava, but on Titan they spew ice-cold ammonia, the cause of volcanic or, generally, mantle dynamics on Earth cannot lie in thermo-nuclear reactions and processes, but is essentially mechanical.

An important facet of the georesonator is that it explains why the Pacific Rim and Mediterranean regions are such tremendous shakers: naturally on the georesonator, largest bodies of water (actually: the absences of land mass needed to conduct vibration) act as virtual attenuators of excess vibration. Thus the largest bodies of water on Earth, namely the Pacific-Indian Oceans system and the Atlantic Ocean-Mediterranean Sea system, are likeliest places for strongest seismicity to occur on the georesonator.

This means that most of the mechanically induced seismicity gets shaken off the georesonator by exactly those regions, respectively, as the vibration basically arriving from all directions ends up locked up within the largest landless rims first. For very strong seismicity (M8+), which occurs during multiple very long alignments, this division gets blurred, so that even inland regions become prone too.

2. What was it that first drew your attention to Elenin and has incorporated this object into your research? Has it compelled you to revisit any of your previous theories?

The Elenin was suitable for testing of my concept because its trajectory, with inclination of around 1º, is virtually coplanar to our solar system. It also approaches the Sun relatively slowly, traveling along the legs of a hyperbola. These characteristics are enabling long alignments amongst the Elenin, the Earth and a third body.

The Elenin also drags gravitationally locked particles spanning 30k+ km, but neither its relatively small mass nor relatively low density constitute forbidding factors for causing strong earthquakes in the georesonator. No other object with similar properties has been noticed in our solar system in the past few decades, to the best of my knowledge.

In fact, I estimate that objects with as coincidental such characteristics as the Elenin’s can appear at most twice per century. This made the passage of the Elenin a unique opportunity for testing my concepts empirically as robustly as possible, given that instrumental records of earthquakes span barely one century too. So there is no reason why the Elenin would make me revisit my concepts as its behavior has been in excellent agreement with them.

3. Your georesonator concept, as applied to the Elenin, is based on your hyperresonator equations. What inspired you to first conceive your hyperresonator equations?

Clearly, the georesonator was just a special case, as it applied to a specific set of closed mechanical oscillators. I wanted to see if generalizing the concept to the absolute realm would have a physical meaning too. So I developed absolute generalization in 2006 and 2008, and called it the hyperresonator.

In it, every object regardless of its location or time is perfectly tuned with every other object. Thus no time or location must have a role in the hyperresonator equations, especially if we know that space, time, and space-time are all just imaginary concepts without any physical meaning whatsoever, unless such meanings are declared by convention (postulated within theories).

Indeed, as I have found, there exists an exact physical-mathematical relationship, thereby a unique physical meaning as well, linking object’s grave period and its orbiter’s orbital period, with c, G and e, at a given scale. This means that the grave period of oscillation (that each object naturally possesses) is not a random number, as previously believed.

The hyperresonator equations are the first analytical expressions for actually computing the value of a physical constant, the values of which are normally determined experimentally. This also proves that G is not a constant but simply a coefficient, as others have long suspected. Finally, what the orbital-oscillatory equations of the hyperresonator are basically saying is that a gravity field is simply a state of aether’s vibration.

4. Your hyperresonator equations also challenge the validity of Einstein's General Relativity theory and Planck's Quantum Physics. As a former geologist for the Berkeley National Laboratory in California and the Geophysics Institute of Hungary in Budapest, how have your peers responded to your hyperresonator equations?

Hyperresonator equations do not simply challenge, but immediately invalidate both Einstein's General Relativity and Planck's Quantum Physics theory as fundamentally flawed. Newton’s assumption on constancy of G, and the faked "physical units" he attached thereupon to G only in order to close his theory physically as well as mathematically, have made his theory obviously flawed to begin with.

By accepting this fundamental flaw, Einstein made his own theory of general relativity a mere alternative (Riemannian-geometry) description of the Newton’s theory. Adding a new member into the Newton’s equation in order to account for higher order terms has not changed the elementary flaw, as Einstein never altered G. There are no physical units in the hyperresonator equations – just proportions and scales, that is, all quantities are either unitless, or they carry derived units only. And, as I already mentioned, there is no explicit dependency on time or space or time-space, meaning the equations describe a fundamental principle.

As for quantum physics being disproved by the hyperresonator, take for example the entanglement, the non-locality, and other "strange phenomena". They now all turn out to be simply consequences of the fact that georesonator-determined rules for orbiting and oscillating of everything on Earth do naturally provide the settings for all quantum experiments to trivially "work" – even at a distance, but which still is only a terrestrial distance completely defined by the georesonator.

Here a distance is a geodesic on the georesonator and not just on a "body of that-and-that mass and density" any more, which was a simplistic view. Thus quantum physics will most certainly exhibit same phenomena differently from a solar system to a solar system; or, from a celestial body to a celestial body. Worth noticing here is the failure of all experiments aimed at accurately determining the value of G, which continues to this day so that G is the most poorly resolved of all official constants.

Upset by this, Einstein once remarked that, if any field of research had a potential to invalidate his theory, then it will surely be geophysics. Evidently now, such a low accuracy of G-experiments is due to previously uncounted-for georesonator, a circumstance which, while providing settings for fake "quantum physics" to apparently work, at the same time thwarts real mechanist physics from producing best possible results.

Curiously, Einstein never believed quantum physics was real either, distrusting its immense reliance on something as vague as statistics. As for the second part of your question, I never discussed the hyperresonator as there is no point in discussing a theoretically demonstrated concept other than noting that the derived equations are correct.

Besides notifying the NIST of my discovery, I also submitted it to Annalen der Physik journal, which published Einstein’s relativity papers, as it should be normal for a journal that published a theory to also publish that theory’s disproof.

But after the initial review by Editor, Professor Hehl, who exclaimed "So it was that simple!", he came back saying he was facing opposition to publish it. Some years later, I found out that it was probably a Stanford physicist and an active Zionist who keenly objected my equations. Just how smart it is to object an equation (where two sides must be equal, hence the name), I leave it to your readers to judge for themselves.

To illustrate the rigidity of the game they played though, his official reasoning was that a mechanist was not allowed to use a thought experiment (of marching soldiers) unlike relativists (Einstein’s elevator) or quantum physicists (Schrödinger’s cat).

Reviewers need not be witty or honest these days; some are willing to go as far as ridiculing equations while hiding behind anonymity, meaning they will even resort to argumentum ad verecundiam just to achieve some behind-the-scenes agenda. I still consider that paper submitted and I am waiting for Annalen der Physik to publish it with due apology.

I tried hard to understand the psyche of people in the particle physics community who want to explain one magical concept of gravity by looking for the "God’s particle". I can imagine how powerful it must feel when thousands of minds get high on trillions in taxpayers’ funds, and then all of the sudden a fellow comes in who instead finds a "God’s tune" – immediately linking the Kepler’s laws to all of gravity theories ever contemplated, while by the very nature of his discovery, making also all those trillions essentially misspent.

5. The Electric Universe theory is very popular on the Web and puts forward the concept that there is electricity throughout the Universe and that bodies in space have electrical interactions as well. How does your georesonator compare with the Electric Universe theory in terms of Comet Elenin and could there be any correlations?

I am not familiar with the details of that theory. Bear in mind though, that electromagnetism can also be a byproduct and a feature of a closed mechanical oscillator.

6. Many are concerned with the ongoing changes in the Comet Elenin's orbit and some have speculated that it is "under intelligent control." Have you found any evidence whatsoever to corroborate this intelligent control theory and if not, what do you believe accounts for these orbital changes?

I was not concerned with such changes, be them real or not. I used the Elenin’s latest trajectory solutions. All I can say is that the Elenin has been behaving as postulated by my concepts, just as all planets in our solar system do.

There is one exception which confirms the rule, as they say. It is the Mars, which I showed is unable of causing strong seismicity. Its influence via alignments is in terms of weaker seismicity only. This can be seen from the latest long alignment Earth-Venus-Mars of 22-25 May, which resulted only in a significant increase of M5-M6 but not ~M6+ earthquakes.

7. You mention 'Gravitational Shadowing' throughout your research paper. Could you explain what is meant by that term and how it applies to the discussion of Comet Elenin?

Gravitational shadowing is explained and illustrated in my 2008 paper titled ‘Scale Invariability’ ( Recall that Newton saw gravity as an unexplainable "attraction between mass objects acting upon each other at distance". Scientists nowadays would call it a paranormal phenomenon and most certainly would stay away from it.

Somehow though, here we are centuries later, still stuck with it as the pillar of all science. Newton’s biographers have noted though that he has built such a view based on his obsession with the occult and the alchemy, pure and simple. Namely, in such a view, there is nothing in between the bodies, and the entire action of supposed attraction occurs supposedly through the void.

So in the end, as math never lies, his attraction equation ended up having a minus sign he could not explain. No one else could either, and the sign is by now normally omitted from all uses. But what the minus sign really indicates is that gravity is not attractive, as Newton would surmise and Einstein subsequently adopted, but repulsive instead.

So, I asked myself: what if gravity is actually a mechanical vibration along the masterfully tuned aether (also known as fabric of Space, vacuum energy, etc.), coming from all directions simultaneously to the observed body? Such a generalization turned out fruitful indeed, as I was able to derive my hyperresonator equations demonstrating that an oscillating-orbiting system is not structured in an arbitrary fashion but is instead tuned, from scale to scale.

It’s like a God’s symphony if you like; heavenly waves enveloped in harmony, from octave to octave. The fabric of Space is thus tuned in a most masterful way of all: the coefficient of proportionality, G, is what we all remember from elementary school geometry and biology as the most essential base of all, e, at a prescribed scale.

Recall also that there are many natural or mathematical relationships which line up with e. so G turns out to be no exception either. Thus the gravitational shadow can be viewed as that obstruction to gravity vibration, which is caused by one body to another, thus masking the aether’s forward-propagation of mechanical vibration from everywhere to the body of interest. In other words, I abandoned what was probably the last geocentric view in history of science, and took a more logical view – that of omnipresence rather than local appearance favored traditionally.

Therefore the gravitational shadow is a new measure of gravity, which complements or replaces the concept of mass, depending how you look at it. Thus a gravitational shadow is the factor which is at least as relevant in the alignments-triggered resonance magnification as any of the Newtonian parameters: mass, density, or distance (the latter in so far as it concerns the object’s relative size i.e. its gravitational shadow only – without considering the object’s mass).

8. You are a direct descendant of Viceroy Boril Boric (1153-1165), a Black Knight Templar and Bosnia’s first ruler. Have your ancient family connections to secret societies been an influence in your work?

Black Knight Templar Viceroy Boritch was the common direct ancestor to all Bosnian kings and bans, or the founding father if you like. His recently uncovered coat of arms along with other information indicate that he could be the deposed rightful King of Britain, Count Eustace IV, who went on missing in 1153. A year later, we have a founder of a new State at the Drina River (border between Roman Empires; today Bosnia-Serbia), surfacing out of the blue and bearing only a viceroyalty title yet wearing royal insignia…

Interestingly, an eminent British archeologist has recently claimed that King Arthur was actually a Croatian Knight whom he somehow linked to our own lineage. To complete the story: the Omerbashichs are matrilineally-directly the lineage of former Nemanichs too, who come from Knight Templar (and Boric’s brother-in-arms, and son-in-law) Stefan Nemanja, the founder of Serbia.

Note the etymology of our surname: Omer+Basha, which is Semitic for Firstborn King, in the meaning of dynasty founder. Namely, the Ottomans conquered Bosnia in early 16th century, while committing horrific crimes including regicides of kings and even child-heirs. My ancestor Duke Stjepan Berislavic, who was also a cousin of a Croatia’s ruler, after valiantly leading the resistance for decades in the north and to the west, got slaughtered for refusing to convert to Islam.

His execution was ordered by the Sultan’s grandson Husref, who administered Bosnia. After it became obvious that the Ottoman power was overwhelming, Duke’s heirs converted in order to preserve the bloodline. Since military leadership was the tradition in our lineage, they were in return granted the highest military posts in the Ottoman army. (To this day, we have never occupied a civilian authority post though.)

Instead, the Sultan’s grandson placed civilian government in the hands of Sephardic Jews who were brought in from Spain and Portugal thanks to Pope Borgia (a bloodline of Spanish Jews who posed as Catholics). The Sultan’s grandson then founded Sarajevo for his new Jewish elite that took Islam in return for their new status of usurping nobility, along with the usurped land of our most noble ancestors.

The few thousand families of this elite rules Bosnia to this day, and are easily recognized by their surnames’ suffixes of “begovic” and similar. Their treacherous character is best seen in occasional service that they provide to the English geostrategic interests, while maintaining Bosnia a coo-coo place where "logic does not apply and justice does not rule". (As recently as last month, they committed a real silent putsch, by which they maintain the ludicrous state of affairs in Bosnia; perhaps making it again a catalyst of a World War, just like in 1914).

Namely, being virtually in the Pope’s backyard, Bosnia is of London’s utmost interest but only in a state of permanent instability. England’s atrocities towards Catholics are horrendous and always sneaky, beginning with the Richard the Lion Heart’s sabotaging of the Crusades, then with the Order of the Dragon sponsoring the Ottomans’ conquest of Rome, and finally with Elisabeth I and her mental army of quislings a.k.a. the Freemasonry that continues fighting her unholy war to this day ever since she vowed the old continent would never again supply able men to the Papal armies (used normally to try civilizing the Anglo-Saxons)…


Is Comet Elenin a Brown Dwarf Star? – An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Mensur Omerbashich, 01-June-2011
Marshall Masters
Contributors: Ed Douglas, Richard Goodwin and Terral Croft of the Planet X Town Hall, Comet Elenin Research Team

Page 2 of 2

Is Comet Elenin a Brown Dwarf Star? – An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Mensur OmerbashichQuestion 8 Continued: You are a direct descendant of Viceroy Boril Boric (1153-1165), a Black Knight Templar and Bosnia’s first ruler. Have your ancient family connections to secret societies been an influence in your work?

...As for the second part of your question, I am not aware of any connection of my family with secret societies, as we practice staying in open. Wasn’t it Freemasonry and Illuminati who stole the plot of them being the reincarnation of the ancient Knights Templar? The English do steel lots of things, as recent history shows, territory and natural resources being just a sample.

So imagine what they do to something as unprotected as storylines! For instance, recall that Freemasons count all great minds into their former members, alas only after those fine people die – conveniently so that they cannot deny it… Indeed, we see Anglos and their little helpers (London bankers, Zionists, etc.) for what they truly are. We put stress on truth.

9. Many on the Web believe that Elenin is a brown dwarf star, an unborn sister sun to our own Sol and your paper is often cited to bolster their theories. Simply put, do your findings indicate that Elenin is or possibly could be a brown dwarf sun?

I am not an expert on solar physics, so I cannot answer your question.

10. In the 1970's, astronomers such as Carl Sagan openly pondered the possibility that we live in a binary star system and that Nemesis the Sun's dark twin was to be found in the Oort Cloud. With this in mind, do your findings indicate the possibility that we actually are living in a binary star system and that Sun's smaller sister is a brown dwarf?

Again, I cannot answer that question as I am not an expert on solar physics. But I always admired Sagan’s imagination, especially when I was a kid.

11. When compared with the Comet Halley, the coma of Elenin is half the size. Likewise, when compared with Comet Hale-Bopp, which was a bright magnitude 0 comet, Elenin will at best, be a magnitude 4 or 6 - just visible to the unaided eye. Lacking the size and brightness of any number of great comets and by a substantial factor, how is it that Elenin qualifies as georesonator causality.

The trajectories of other significant (relatively sizable and relatively slow) celestial objects, including those you mention, all have forbidding inclinations. Obviously, not being coplanar to our solar system, it is thus impossible for such objects to ever align with any of the bodies that compose our solar system.

And those that occasionally do align are mostly short-periodic, meaning they usually travel on an elliptic-parabolic trajectory, making their approach less relatively slow than that along the legs of a hyperbola (virtually straight lines for the most part of the Elenin’s travel through our solar system). Furthermore, most other objects make no significant gravitational shadow, i.e., they do not drag a sizeable amount of gravitationally locked particles, etc.

12. Given the present ephemeris for Comet Elenin, it will be 0.2 AU from Earth when the next planetary alignment happens on September 27, 2011. Assuming we fix September 27, 2011 as the peak of a bell curve, what do you see as seismic event possibilities, preceding and following this high point on the curve?

As I already mentioned, mass plays no role in my concepts, so the same goes for distance as related to mass in the Newtonian-Einsteinian magical view. As mentioned in my alignments paper, the Elenin will speed up significantly from August-October on its sling-shot pass about the Sun. During that time, the Elenin will not have enough time to partake in long alignments, and all that it will be able to produce in terms of setting off the resonance magnification (earthquakes) is some mild seismicity as predicted by my concepts, mostly due to the size of the Sun when the Sun is involved in the alignment.

Worth noting is that I do neither modeling nor prediction of specific earthquakes. Based on the pattern of resonance magnification for strong seismicity during long alignments, I provide only the status of our planet's overall oscillatory excitation from the mantle's magnified resonance as set off by celestial alignments. You can find this status at: (Note there will be no status updates when there are no significant alignments, as only the quiescent times in terms of strong seismicity are expected under my concept in the absence of significant alignments.)

Without auxiliary information on precursors, locations of strong earthquakes can be approximated only once the planet goes well into an alignment. This practically means that most accurate prediction would require additional knowledge on atmospheric, solar-activity and other types of non-terrestrial precursors.

Such precursors have been studied for decades. They do fit the georesonator concept, as a consequence of the proposed forcing from the Space towards the Earth, and not some magical "outgoing radiation" as proposed by some to be originating inside the Earth and propagating outwards.

HRH Mensur Omerbashich PhD, The Sovereign Duke of Bosnia and Head of the Royal House of Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, is a scientist who has made fundamental discoveries in theoretical geophysics and theory of spectral analysis. Over the course of his career he worked as lead geodesist at Berkeley National Laboratory in California, at Geophysics Institute of Hungary in Budapest, etc. He published dozens of research and technical papers, and served as reviewer for scientific journals.

He was EC Marie Curie Fellow, invited speaker at scientific conferences in EU and US, and member of various scientific associations and bodies. Prior to obtaining PhD in theoretical geophysics from University of New Brunswick in Canada, he obtained Diploma in Advanced CADD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Under provisions of dynastic and other international laws, Dr. Omerbashich announced in 2010 the Act of Claim resuming right to sovereignty of Bosnia, which has been usurped since the Ottoman occupation of 1527.

The usurpation continued under the Habsburgs and Karajorjevichs on to the non-lustrated communist cadre of today, as the de facto government in behalf of the joint self-declared usurpers – sovereigns of UK and other nations who appoint their colonial governors as rulers of Bosnia with viceroyalty powers.

### End of Omerbashich Interview ###



Is Comet Elenin a Brown Dwarf Star?Commentary by Marshall Masters

The goal of this research is not to find who is right. It is to find the right thing to do. With this in mind, I will present feedback from Ed Douglas and Terral Croft of the, Comet Elenin Research Team regarding Omerbashich and his theories.

Findings of Ed Douglas

In addition to being an Elenin team member, Ed Douglas is also a Planet X Town Hall Administrator and has always brought a critical eye to technical and scientific discussions. His findings are as follows:

Sometimes, to research a person, you must look at their circumstances, and associates. Dr. Mensur Omerbashich has a web site, that is on the 'fringe'. Not what I'd expect from someone with a doctorate in a science field. The survival groups seem real enough, with realistic demands.

The scientific theories are sound, but where is the smoking gun? Where are the pictures? When will infrared pics of Elenin be displayed by someone on this planet? This all gives me pause to totally jump on the bandwagon.

I believe what Omerbashich and Terral say is scientifically possible, and even probable. But I don't have these theories in my cache, and must follow the science.

The scientific paper does make sense, and I've researched many of the events noted, and in some cases, there are more alignments than mentioned. Using Elenin alignments as a seismic indicator speaks for Elenin having much more mass than a "comet". I believe this to be true, but still am holding out for the proof.

While Ed's findings do not throw the baby out with the bath water as the old expression goes, he remains highly dubious, as do I.

The Shockley Disconnect

While Omerbashich's scientific arguments are difficult to follow, his persistent inclusion of unrelated and off-topic hate issues in his answers, certainly blurs the line between his professional objectivity and his issues.

The result is a hate-tainted theory. Consequently, impartial thinkers attempting to follow the work, must first separate it from the man. A messy process. I call it the Shockley disconnect.

Left to Right: Brattain, Shockley and Bardeen Dr. William Bradford Shockley Jr. He co-invented the transistor, and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1956, along with fellow invertors, John Bardeen and Walter Houser Brattain.

A staunch advocate of eugenics (as was Nazi Germany), Shockley deemed blacks genetically inferior to whites and unable to achieve their intellectual level.

The result was the Shockley became a pariah for his peers and the media. In the process, his views trashed the many accolades and honors that surely would have been his as well as that of co-inventors, Brattain and Bardeen.

Instead of becoming heroic men of science, all three were consigned to the dust bin of history, as a direct consequence of Shockley's widely unpopular personal views on unrelated matters.

Some believe his discovery and Nobel prize was actually a freebie thanks to the craft recovered at Roswell, and that he simply blew it, in a very stupid way. When you stop to think about it, it makes sense really.

If you're really not the genius who invents something this significant, the honors and recognition mean less to you. Rather, a convenient opportunity to blow smoke at the public about something you do think you've got a genius bead on.

Consequently, with Omerbashich, I cannot appreciate any aspect of his theories on Comet Elenin, without a Shockley disconnect – separating the man from his hateful stupidity.

That being done, there is a correlation between certain celestial alignments and recent major earthquakes. However, with regards to any correlation between his theories and the possibility that Comet Elenin is a brown dwarf star, Omerbashich coyly evaded both questions.

However, Omerbashich's frequent anti-Semitic quips bring a focus dichotomy into play. It is as though he wants us to focus on something else other than the existence of an unborn, binary twin to our Sun. Perhaps there is a hidden agenda here, so the question remains: is Comet Elenin a brown dwarf star?

Findings of Terral Croft

Terral Croft is a very strong advocate of the Comet Elenin brown dwarf theory, even though Omerbashich would not grant his independent request for an interview. Here are his findings:

Hi Marshall:

I tried to correspond with Dr. Omerbashich about his paper and he did not have the time. The raw data supports my ELEnin/dwarf star thesis to a tee without asking any questions or gathering more input from Dr. Omerbashich. I rather like the fact that he was writing a georesonation/hyperresonator thesis paper and made our case without realizing we are tracking a dwarf star using the ELE orbit/flight path. 


Between Terral's optimism on one side and Ed Douglas's critical concerns on the other, the, Comet Elenin Research Team has a good balance. This really helped Richard Goodwin and I, to formulate a list of interview questions for Omerbashich.

Nonetheless, Omerbashich refuses to engage Terral's interest in the theory that Comet Elenin is a brown dwarf star. Bottom line. There is no clear cut answer or attempt to provide one. Then again, the dichotomy between gratuitous avoidance and rabid hate mongering does signal the possibility of an undisclosed agenda. This brings us to the question ̶ who is right?

Marshall's Findings — Who Is Right?

Here I can only speak on what I see as the real story. As such, my views on this topic have always been more aligned with Richard Goodwin who is a centrist in all this. For me, the truth in this business is like bread crumbs and you'll find them on the table and on the floor.

However, no matter where you find them, you must fetch them up, dust them off, and savor every morsel, as thanks to a media controlled by a handful of elites, crumbs are pretty much all we've got.

Therefore, based on the evidence available, who is right. Omerbashich for his proposition that Elenin is a georesonator; Terral for believing Omerbashich's paper supports his brown dwarf theory, or Ed Douglas and his contention that the flaws outweigh any basis for a credible prima facie case either way.

7x35 BinocularsMarshall's vote is none of the above until Comet Elenin crosses the 7x35 threshold. 7x35 is the most popular size for binoculars. We use them for bird watching, sporting events, hunting and so forth. Many people have a pair around the house because they are very affordable and widely available.

Ergo, when Comet Elenin is visible with a 7x35 pair of binoculars, enough people will be seeing the same thing. More than enough people will be observing the same object at the same time, so as to settle any residual debates about this object.

Short of the 7x35 threshold, the only right answer about Comet Elenin is offered by the Hopi Indians of the American Southwest. They got it right a long time ago and unlike other warnings. Dating back to 500 B.C., Hopi folklore remains a vibrant, living tradition to this day.

Hopi Blue Kachina ProphecyTheir predictions for this time are known as the Hopi Blue Star or Blue Kachina Prophecy. Simply stated, the Blue Star Kachina (a.k.a. Nan ga sohu) will be harbinger sign and regional catastrophes on Earth. The appearance of the Blue Kachina signals our one remaining chance to change our ways. They believe their Blue Star prophecy, as strongly as Christians who believe in the Rapture.

What they envision is that after the Blue Star Kachina passes, the Purifier, The Red Kachina comes next. Those who who have return to the old ways will not be harmed. Those who do not, will face death in an unimaginable tribulation.

In fighting terms, you could say it is a lethal one-two punch. Elenin is the Blue Star left jab that rattles our focus. After that, the Planet X Red Star comes at us like a bone-crushing, right uppercut.

Despite Omerbashich grandstanding of hate, his georesonator theory does presents a prima facie case for Elenin's role in recent seismicity, vis-a-vis simple statistics.

However, while this is a statistical cause-and-effect relationship with regards to alignments, is Omerbashich with Elenin as the sole cause? A tough question since Elenin is by no means as big or as bright as a great comet (such as Halley or Hale Bopp), so how does this relatively young comet generate this seismic perturbation power he suggests?

Here is where Omerbashich's cagey but polite, avoidance of a brown dwarf sister star to our own Sun gives me pause. Either he wants to keep things simple so that his theory works as-is, without having to revisit his data or there is an hidden agenda. If so, what could be the aim of this agenda?

The Hidden Agenda

One thing is for sure, a significant amount of disinformation is being injected into this topic. Since the days when I began writing articles for The Millennium Group back in 1999, I've been following the rise and fall of various topics of interest in this genre

What I'm seeing here is strange chatter so to speak. Think of it this way. The government raises security levels after it detects a substantial change in the frequency and character of terrorist chatter. While they cannot decipher it, they can find pattern norms and thereby detect deviations. Consequently, when the chatter ratchets up, something bad is afoot.

This is what is at play here, with Comet Elenin. I've followed the public discourse on Comet Elenin since its discovery in December 2010 and what I found was what you could call an unusual chatter pattern.

There are two types of public discussions in this genre: Organic and synthetic. Organic discussions follow a stair-step pattern to a point of critical mass, then peak and fall off with occasional rises. An organic public discussion, is not the case here.

Hidden AgendaWith Comet Elenin, I'm seeing a synthetic pattern where fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) are being injected into the public discussion on Elenin.

Here there is an unnatural growth pattern in the topic. Instead of a gentle stair-step, the dialog almost immediately rises to a peak level and then struggles there, before it collapses upon itself, in a useless heap.

Furthermore, unlike previous synthetic manipulations, this new approach is more artful, in comparison to previously used disinformation ploys. Assuming this is so, what is they do not want us to see - or do?

Again back to the Hopi prophecy where the Blue Star Kachina precedes the Red Star Kachina, The Purifier as they call it. If we remove the folklore story and focus on the celestial events, we see a strong connection between Comet Elenin, Planet X (as a brown dwarf) and coming tribulations.

What we then see is Comet Elenin as the Blue Star Kachina. Currently, beyond the orbit of Mars, it approaches the core of our system from the Northern skies, and it will cause grief for our planet.

Crossing the CuspThe Red Star Kachina is the brown dwarf Terrals advocates, but it is approaching from the Southern skies and is likely still beyond the orbit of Pluto as of this publication date, as described by the Avebury 2008 formation I document in my book Crossing the Cusp: Surviving the Edgar Cayce Pole Shift.

Assuming that the Avebury 2008 formation is accurate, how does the Omerbashich georesonation/hyperresonator thesis apply here? It could point to the possibility that both objects are perhaps approaching from the same general area of space.

Ergo, Planet X or the brown dwarf star in loose alignment with Elenin is the missing link in Omerbashich's, Elenin/seismicity statistics, as suggested by Ed Douglas. Perhaps yes. Perhaps no.

Nonetheless, the hidden agenda suggested by Omerbashich's behavior, plus the unusual disinformation chatter propelling this discussion clearly points to one conclusion. While Comet Elenin may be a partial causality of recent seismicity on our planet, it simply does not tell the whole story. This is the transcendent point, in all of this.

If people are stampeded by disinformationalists into believing that Elenin is a brown dwarf, all the natural disasters that occur before and after it comes to its closest point to Earth, will be solely attributed to Comet Elenin.

As a decoy, Elenin is useful to this purpose as its largely uneventful passage will disarm people and dissuade them from looking for the influences of an approaching brown dwarf star. What is arguably a factor in the recent rise in major earthquakes, given the massive amount of reporting on surface perturbations of every body in our solar system with an atmosphere — of any kind.

The resulting paralysis of an Elenin non-event with regards to the public discourse, will generate reticence within the mainstream towards any kind of constructive and active preparation.

In other words, all the disinformationalists need do, is to create a smoke and mirrors public dialog about Comet Elenin. The result is that more people will die, when the Hopi Red Kachina (Purifier) finally does appear.

In a world governed by elites who believe that survival belongs to the fittest (namely themselves), perhaps the hidden agenda Omerbashich is so keen to sidestep, is deeply rooted in eugenics. In other words, if you're a stupid eater, you deserve to die.

The bottom line is this. If you're easy to spook into reticence, you'll waste whatever remains of this ever-shrinking window for preparation, on a pointless fool's search for a smoking gun.

Luxury Survival BunkerThen when the Red Kachina does arrive, you finally cross that bridge to an early grave.

As you do, elites will hunker in their bunkers and give thanks that to their disinformation operatives for what they've done for them. That they'll have fewer stupid eaters to contend with, when the dust finally settles.

That's the real Elenin agenda folks. You're with it, or you're not. You choose.

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Please remember, the media is showing Trayvon at a sweet, young age...


But this is the Trayvon who was shot... paints a different picture, doesn't it? 

10958041895?profile=originalPictures are powerful tools which can be manipulated so easily.  And that is what the media is doing.  They are manipulating the people's emotions and inciting riots.  They should be investigated and arrested. This may not be a popular statement but I stand in my truth. 

Next is information that is not being made public by the mainstream media.  See  Trayvon had in his possession at the time of the incident the ingredients to make a drug called "Lean," a drug that creates a high and long-term use causes psychosis and aggression in long-term users.  According to the autopsy report, Martin’s liver showed damage consistent with DXM abuse.

10958042073?profile=originalPrecursor's To Making The Drug "Lean"

So, all the people supporting Trayvon by doing the "Trayvoning," i.e., emulating his corpse on the pavement, holding skittles and tea...


...are in reality replicating his illegal drug use under the mistaken impression that he was an innocent child.  The tea and Skittles were not the candy of an innocent child.  They were the precursors used in manufacturing a drug, which he had been taking long-term and which is known to create psychosis and aggression.

Next is a statement by one of the jurors, you know, the folks who examine the evidence at trial:  So, a person who examined the evidence came to the conclusion that Trayvon was acting in a way that caused Zimmerman to fear for his life, thus causing him to act appropriately.  IMO, the drug he was ingesting likely caused the behavior.

And the government has unclean hands:

This is a good point, aren't the Trayvon riots perpetuating the racial stereotypes they are complaining about?

Charles Barkley agreed with the verdict:

Larry Elders on the Zimmerman case:

Consider these statistics:

The Charlie Daniels Bank on the Soapbox:

President Obama's reflections:

Health Ranger's opinion: Racism theater: How the media, Obama and the racism industry are tearing America apart for their own selfish gain,

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson:

How a Miami School Crime Cover-up :Policy Led To Trayvon Martin's Death:

A Black George Zimmerman Did A Similar Thing And Was Exonerated By A Jury:

More Media Deception: ABC Called Out By For Editing Zimmerman Juror’s Interview

Dr. James David Manning, a black pastor, speaks out about racism:

Trayvon's death was a tragedy and I feel his family's pain, a terrible burden they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.  I know it's hard to believe bad of one's own child, however, it does not appear that he was an innocent child as the media is portraying, and his death is obviously being used by an unseen enemy (unseen to those who believe mainstream media) and that enemy is our government and their bankster controllers and media slaves to create a race war.  Americans should use their energies to address the true enemy.  Play into government hands and give them the race war they want, we enable the government to implement martial law.  And when that happens, it will be over for all of us.  So, please, just say NO! to riots and race wars.  But do peacefully protest and air your grievances and press for reform.

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