See for more on Anonymous' and the Occupy movement's involvement in broadcasting the arrests and trials via the internet.
NASA (18)
NASA models using data from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) and the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) have now provided more information about the two Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) associated with the two March 6 flares.
Such a CME could result in a severe geomagnetic storm, causing aurora at low latitudes,
with possible disruption to:
- high frequency radio communication
- global positioning systems (GPS)
- power grids.
The models also predict that the leading edge of the first CME will reach Earth at about 1:25 AM EST on the morning of March 8 (plus or minus 7 hours) and the event may last 3 days.
The first CME is traveling faster than 1300 miles per second; the second more than 1100 miles per second.
NASA's models predict that the CMEs will impact both Earth and Mars, as well as pass by several NASA spacecraft.
I am sorry to say my dear friends that we may have more than just the radioacative fallout to worry about............Will these demented fiends never get their fill of this deadly game they are playing? Be careful about what you think you see in the skies folks!
I started this thread on another blog and Cheryl has asked me to give it it's own blog due to the importance of this information. It was originally posted here:
Fukushima fallout decays into BARIUM and STRONTIUM = Blue beam = 3D IMAGING by military
*********************************************************************************************************************************the The amazing thing and what concerns me most is the fact that the very same elements that have been collected to study the contents of Chemtrails are the ones the fallout decay demonstrates with one added element. The Chemtrails contain aluminum as well as .barium and strontium. I find that very interesting indeed.. Makes me wonder if perhaps the purpose of the Chemtrails were to further the effects of the Blue Beam Project.
Strontium Barium Niobate 3D Holographic Images by The Army Research Laboratory
For those not sure what the Blue Beam Project is here are some videos that will help you to understand just what it's purpose may be.
ILLUMINATI The Blue Beam Project Top Secret 1
ILLUMINATI The Blue Beam Project Top Secret 2.
DECEPTION PROJECT pt42 - NASA project blue beam (new world religion lie) & nazi alien technologies.
Project Blue Beam Staged Alien Invasion NWO Part 1/7
Mothership? Stargate? Wormhole?
See the movie at (part 1). See the second mothership? in part 2 below.
Frame before appearance of the "donut"
Next frame, 5 minutes later, there it is:
Then, it's stationary for weeks.
Now, see another object (mothership?) do a 5-day flyby:
"By September satellite temperature data worldwide collected and processed by NASA showed that the last 12 months broke all previous records for the average temperature of the Earth. This result was particularly surprising to scientists at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) because solar activity has been at a minimum over this same period which has a strong cooling effect. In other words, if solar activity had been normal, the record hot temperatures would have been much higher, and the historic record not just beaten but impressively smashed."
Perhaps the visitors have been preventing us from cooking to death?
Could it be Planet X or the Visitors?
Zambia News.Net
Wednesday 22nd September, 2010
A force in space is hindering the journey of a NASA spacecraft.
Scientists have been baffled by a mysterious phenomenon that has prevented the craft from moving further into outer space.
Described as a force that defies all laws of nature, they have said gravity laws may eventually need to be changed.
Defying all previously-known theories about the universe, the strange force that gently pushes spacecraft away from outer space was discovered last year when the spacecraft Pioneer 10 was stopped in its path by the unknown phenomenon.
Researchers for NASA have said the force could be a totally new phenomenon that does not fall under familiar titles such as gravity or electromagnetic power.
A tangible scientific explanation has not been put forward for the fact that the Pioneer 10 left the solar system to start its voyage in a space where there is no solar radiation or planets to attract it toward their orbits.
Pioneer 10, which travels more than one million kilometres per day, started slowing down in an area where it is not supposed to meet any obstacles.
Pioneer 10 is the first spacecraft to have taken close photos of Jupiter, which it passed in 1973.
In 1978, it traveled towards Pluto and reached it in 1983.
It then left for a region called the Asteroid Belt, which is occupied by several irregular-shaped minor planets.
The spacecraft, which is currently 11 billion kilometers away from earth, now only travels at 25 centimetres every day, going backwards.
Part 2:
PX @ 0230
Visitors @ 0830?
What's @ 0500?
What's @ 0300? Part of PX's tail reflecting sunlight?
A "V" (or "checkmark") @ 0100 (faint):
PX @ 0330:
String of Pearls @ 0100:
Strings of Pearls (upper center to left):
What's @ 0330-0400? It wasn't in the frame before or after.
What's at the 08:45 position?
PX @ 1200?
Looks like PX jetting around 09:00 (enlarge with Ctrl+, minimize with Ctrl-):
Interesting, and unnatural looking, configurations @ 07:00 to 09:00 and 05 to 06:00. I suspect the visitors are out there, which may explain why LASCO has been down. Sunlight reflecting off a piece of the dust cloud @ 02:30?
What are they, at 02:00 and 05:00?
Same object around 05:30 on Behind:
In August, 2009, an event known as "Hellion-1957 occurred. You did not read about it in the mainstream news, nor did NASA make any announcements. The proof is above, from NASA's own images.
On August 16, 2009, a large celestial object was headed at high speed towards the sun as shown on NASA's SOHO C3 camera (this is one of several cameras that record what the sun is doing twice an hour, 24/7). One poster on GLP calculated its speed as "...traveling [very] fast at 87.33 km/sec. This translates to 195,357.21 MPH." Link here.
For those who think the object is Mercury or Venus, check out the blue images below. Mercury is in the three-frame-image. This is what Mercury and Venus look like on SOHO C3, sometimes a bit bigger or a bit smaller, but nothing like the Hellion-1957 object shown in the image above. The winged object in the middle frame is alleged to be Planet X. It has been showing up on NASA imaging for over a year now, so it is not an asteroid or meteor. But it's not likely Planet X. See to read that analysis.

The above images are from NASA's LASCO C3 camera. There are also images from the C2 camera which are reddish colored. There is another set of cameras called STEREO. One camera is ahead of the Earth in her orbit and is called STEREO Ahead (or Stereo Cor2). Its images are red, as you will see below in the next two diagrams. The other camera is behind Earth in her orbit and is called STEREO Behind (or Stereo Cor1) and its images are green. This next diagram shows the positions of STEREO cameras A(head) and B(ehind). Currently, what has been misconstrued as Planet X shows up mostly on Stereo Ahead Cor2.

The next diagram is the daily chart which shows the position of the STEREO cameras and is available every day here. This helps you identify what planets are in range of the STEREO cameras. Example of the July 5, 2010 chart, which shows Venus just outside camera range.

The next image, from the Stereo Ahead Cor2 camera is displayed right below, but we don't know what the "blips" are. They are in too much of a formation to be natural. Could they be UFO's lining up for ring-side seats? Some scientists think so! Keep reading and be prepared to have your mind blown!

Scientists at give their opinion:
"Well, we subjected the data. ... All these photos have been removed from the NASA databases. We are open to any plausible explanation. Suffice it to say, we were left with our mouths open, and certainly we haven't closed them yet. And we are open-minded skeptics, the facts are the facts, and [we] seek explanations for them. The conclusion is that *something* out there *with intelligence* has deviated the object from its orbit. With a proton beam of 10 ^ 38 protons / sec for half an hour of exposure. And we are the first [to scientifically prove] that we are not alone in the universe."
The article goes on to show how some of the crop circles that have been appearing in various places around the world are now being matched with certain star patterns. This is heavy! Check out this link:
This next image supports the same sets-of-3 alignments in the COR2 image above:

The beam of protons referred to above:

This next image, from LASCO C2, shows a lot of activity going on. More proton beams?

More info from The translation is here:
The reprint is here: "On this occasion.
Nos hemos enfrentado a un reto increíble: Estudiar los patrones de artificialidad detectados en los satélites Stereo y Lasco, así como el análisis detallado de los objetos detectados en las fotos, su comportamiento, trayectoria, análisis y verificación.
We faced an incredible challenge: To study the patterns detected in artificial satellites and LASCO Stereo, as well as the detailed analysis of the detected objects in the photos, their behavior, background, analysis and verification.
Para poder realizar este análisis hemos necesitado un trabajo ejemplar en equipo, en el que han participado más de 200 personas, 2 expertos en imágen ,dos ingenieros de telecomunicaciones, un ingeniero industrial y dos astrofísicos.
To perform this analysis we need an exemplary work as a team, which has involved more than 200 people, experts in image 2, two telecommunications engineers, an industrial engineer and two astrophysicists.
Hemos analizado y comparado patrones de más de 200 fotos de Lasco C2 y C3, así como sus correspondientes de Stereo A Cor1-2 y Stereo B Cor 1-2.
We analyzed and compared patterns of more than 200 photos of LASCO C2 and C3, as well as their corresponding A COR1 Stereo and Stereo B-2 Cor 1-2.
Para entender los datos del análisis, conviene analizar las posiciones de los diferentes satélites:
To understand the data analysis should examine what the different satellites:
a).-Posición Órbita Soho-Lasco C3: No puede determinarse exactamente:
a) .- Position-Soho Órbita Lasco C3: It can not be determined exactly:
b).-Posiciones Órbita Stereo: Pueden verse aquí, y seleccionarse para cada franja diaria y horaria:
b) .- Positions Órbita Stereo: You can see here, and selected for each zone daily and hourly:
c).-Análisis de todas las fotos reportadas : Fotos originales en el post de ayer: Enlazamos aquí, para no reiterarlas de nuevo:
c) .- Analysis of all the photos reported: Pictures in the original post from yesterday: link to here, not to repeat them again: director-of-team-starviewer /
d).-Fotos actualmente reportadas directamente de la fuente:
d) .- Photos now reported directly to the source:
Conclusiones del estudio y análisis detallado de las fotos:
Conclusions of the study and detailed analysis of the photos:
1.-Se han detectado diversas anomalías desde el día 11 de agosto hasta las 18.30 del día 19 de Agosto.
1.-various abnormalities have been detected since the day August 11 until 18:30 on the day August 19.
Dichas anomalías se encuentran reportadas y fotografiadas en
These anomalies are reported and photographed
Informe-Reporte científico Oficial NASA.
Official Report, Report NASA scientist.
NASA, asegura no haber detectado ninguna anomalía en sus satélites, ni visual, ni óptica.
NASA says not detect any anomaly in its satellites, or visual or optical.
Todos los instrumentos están funcionando correctamente desde el día 16 de Agosto.
All instruments are working properly since the day August 16.
La última revisión se ha realizado el día 19 de Agosto, en el momento de la redacción de este articulo. Las condiciones de viento solar, han sido normales y la actividad solar muy baja (Según NASA)
The last revision was made on August 19 at the time of writing this article. The solar wind conditions were normal and low solar activity (as NASA) http://www.swpc.noaa .gov / today.html
Informe Científico -StarVieWer.Team.
Scientific Report StarVieWer.Team.
1.-Se han reportado y analizado anomalías consistentes en ARTEFACTOS, que describen movimientos autónomos incompatibles con cuerpos planetarios, cometarios y/o efectos ópticos,(Observese que han sido descartados por NASA, dichos efectos ópticos), combinados con actividad solar INTENSA , reportada durante los días 16 a 19 de Agosto, sin que a la luz de los datos podamos afirmar la procedencia de dichos objetos, sin perjucio de CERTIFICAR su ARTIFICIALIDAD , en el 80% de los casos analizados.
1.-have been reported and analyzed anomalies consisting DEVICES, describing autonomous movements incompatible with planetary bodies, comments and / or optical effects (note that had been discarded by NASA, these optical effects), combined with solar activity INTENSE, reported during days 16 to August 19, but in light of the data we can say whether these objects, without prejudice to certify its artificial, in 80% of the cases analyzed.
2.-Dicha artificialidad se pone de manifiesto en giros posicionales, formaciones y movimientos que describen trayectorias diferentes de los elementos normales, así como explosiones diferentes a las emisiones normalizadas solares, por lo que , éstas no pueden atribuirse a la actividad solar, sino que EVIDENCIAN ARTEFACTOS.
2.-The artificiality is evident in turns positional formations and movements that describe different paths of normal items as well as explosions at different solar emission standard, so they can not be attributed to solar activity, but they display devices.
3.-Estos artefactos, emiten haces luminosos, y realizan desplazamientos que Interceptan o parecen interceptar objetos de naturaleza cometaria .
3.-These devices emit light beams, and move to intercept or intercept objects appear cometary nature.
Esta afirmación está apoyada por los recientes vídeos grabados por la sonda Lunar Orbiter, que no han sido censurados.
This statement is supported by recent video recorded by the probe Lunar Orbiter, which have not been censored.
4.-Puede observarse con claridad un comportamiento de balanceo binario en la rotación solar en Stereo, Comportamiento, que lleva observándose desde el día 11 de agosto de 2009, y que ha sido corregido posteriormente en algunas de las fotos del archivo original de Stereo, con posterioridad al día 12 de Agosto, circunstancia que ha sido comprobada por este equipo de trabajo.
4.-You can clearly see a performance of swing rotation in binary solar Stereo, behavior that carries the day observed from August 11, 2009, and has subsequently been corrected in some of the photos from your original stereo days after August 12, which has been confirmed by this team.
5.-Finalmente cabe destacar como relevante, la aparición de artefactos en algunas fotos tomadas al sol, en 6 de ellas, se debía a efectos ópticos, pero en dos de ellas, las correspondientes a Baleares, la espectrografía de masas muestra que efectivamente se trata de artefactos de forma esférica.
5.-Finally it should be noted as important, the appearance of some artifacts in photographs taken in the sun, in 6 of them are due to optical effects, but two of them, corresponding to the Balearic Isles, the mass spectroscopy shows that actually trafficking of artifacts from spherical shape.
6.-Por último, hemos verificado que las fotos analizadas correspondientes a los días 11 a 16 de Agosto de 2009, han sido retocadas con un software por parte de los responsables de Stereo, y que hay varias tramas horarias que se detallan en el informe de los días 16 a 18 de Agosto que han sido saltadas de la grabación. Dichos retoques han sido posteriores a los informes que hemos emitido en esta web.
6.-Finally, we verified that the images analyzed for 11 to August 16, 2009, have been retouched with software on the part of the Stereo, and there are several time frames are detailed in the report on August 18 to 16 who have been skipped in the recording. These tweaks have been following the reports we have issued on this website.
Con fecha de 19 de Agosto, a las 18.10 de la Tarde, el Director del equipo StarViewer, fue entrevistado por la emisora Radio Libertad, en un espacio debate sobre las anomalías, y dicha retransmisión hubo de interrumpirse por un extraño fallo técnico generalizado consistente en un apagón y un fallo de las comunicaciones.
Dated August 19, at 18.10 in the afternoon, the Team Manager StarViewer was interviewed by Radio Liberty in a discussion of anomalies, and the broadcast was interrupted by a strange glitch in the generalized a blackout and a failure of communications.
Hoy jueves,de 20 de agosto a las 12.00Am, podrán escuchar el programa de radio en Directo, donde se retomará la entrevista de ayer, en la que se expondrán las conclusiones del estudio en el que hemos participado todos.
Today Thursday, August 20 at 12.00, they may listen to the live radio program, which will resume the interview yesterday, which explains the findings of the study that we have all participated.
I leave here, Aldrin interview on CNN.
Apparently, UFO's corrected the trajectory of the Hellion-1957 object back on track and it was a non-event. It was quite exciting following all the action out in space, despite NASA's attempts at camaflouging it. However, on August 22nd, sightings of moon swirl emerged.
We were warned about the Hellion-1957 event via a crop circle. See my blog for all the details:

Planet X @ 02:30
Visitors @ 05:00? (the set of 3 objects)