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Sun Movement?

Of course its the earth that is moving, just the same has anyone kept track of the Suns movement in the last few days? Im sitting in the same chair and looking out my door on my right hand i should see the sun setting. But know i see it setting almost straight out in front of me in my window. As though i may have misplaced a month? By my consideration the Sun has moved almost 10 degrees in a week? A little too much dont you think? I tend to go by gut instinct and intuition so if any of you have a more scientific method please check this out for me. Perhaps im a little too sensitive but with all the magnetosphere activity lately i fell we are in for a big change?

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Seven M-Class Flares Within Last 30 Hours

by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

Solar activity was high over the last 30 hours, with the most active region being sunspot region 1548. The largest events from this region were an M5.5 at 18/0102, followed by M1.9 at 0323 UT - M2.1 at 1607 UT - M1.1 at 2254 UT - M1.4 at 2322 UT. The same region also produced several C-class events. Included in this series of 7 M-flares were two events on August 17th - an M2.4 at 13.19 UT and M1.0 at 17:20 UT.



Several CMEs Video - CLICK HERE


CMEs (coronal mass ejections) were associated with these flares but no geomagnetic repercussions are expected. Additional M-class flares are expected along with a risk for an isolated major flare (X class).




A filament eruption occurred near region 1543
around 23:30 UT on Aug. 17th, triggering a CME which is not expected to be geoffective. Geomagnetic activity is expected to be active due to a coronal hole becoming hitting Earth's magnetic field.
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Greetings and Salutations;

You know I don't write these missives because I can't let go of some 'urban myth'. The St Germaine trust all along was preparing for the 'shift of wealth' of the world when Europe was still digging out of the dark ages. The dragons started storing up for the shift, before the crusades. So, it's not a case of their not being enough. This has been the longest banking war, the world has ever known. The methods of the 'art of war' have been applied and when you have your enemy surrounded, you let them know and then prove it to them; they have no way out, except surrender or utter loss. The western mind believes you should kill 'em all and let God sort it out'. The trick is, you win the battle but you don't end the war...might take a generation but the war returns just with new faces. This very time is about ending it for all the foreseeable future. So the war is at heated pitch and those who are holding on to the past are suffering masses losses to their forces. These last number of messages I've given seem repetitive, in a way they have been. The 'time' is here and all the good guys can do, is clean up after their attacks and keep pushing for final victory, one that's felt by the people intended...YOU. Whatever shall the bad guys do, if they have no economic power over you? or psychological power to beat on you with?

Even if you haven't read '1984', you are getting the full effects of 'non speak'. Doing the opposite of your words. The 'clean air act' is one. Medicare Reform is another. One has to get past the words, because the devil is always in the details. Their assumption has always been, you wouldn't understand because the PTB have kept you too busy 'surviving' to pay attention to check the subtle changes being done behind the curtain. Now when the go ahead is given to start the announcements, the howling will begin and everyone will be talking up their innocence....while they'd be figuring out some way to steal from you again. In the early days of this country, campaigns were a whole lot more nasty and personal. We've seen nothing yet. The cabal has it's back against the wall so don't be surprised at anything you hear from now on. When people are given direct 'stimulus' my my won't the world shift then? The only difference is, it'll be hard to give money to the very people that are responsible for the mess. Unless you've deluded yourself, you wouldn't want to, to do that anyhow.

If you are watching, more and more banking institutions are coming up on charges. Don't be shocked when this goes past a slap on the wrist and also the politicians that were conspirators in their crimes against humanity. Once again, I still see the failure to grasp how good this new banking system is with anything that attempts to disrupt it. Perhaps the bad guys wanted to see if they could create enough damage, so the folks in the rafters would give up. Somebody paid a Hacker to make a mess in the new system and he got prison for all his hard work and that's called throwing somebody under the bus. Not a chance in hell of succeeding. No water for you mister...not the potable kind anyhow.

Beyond a shadow of doubt, victory is here. It's coming with extreme pressure to the point of knocking a hole in some folk's reality. I have no idea how they'll handle their results at the country club. Some judges are taking night classes to bone up on common law. Bar Attorneys will no longer be able to practice in them...ruh roh. I'm done talking about what will be. The ptb can tell you all about it, I'm going to the beach! There are 2 people in position to start telling you all about it and another to blow the roof off it all. From what I'm told a lot of politicians won't be making their way back to dc from their vacations. They had no idea, the adults were watching the whole time as they threw sand and sticks in each other's eyes

See ya out there, have fun for God's sake

Love and Kisses,

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Monty Keen, August 19, 2012

Your oppressors are failing to find a solution to the problems facing them. Slowly they are coming to the conclusion that they do not have a choice. What we envisage is that one day you will wake up to find that they have fled off-planet. That is when all the dark technology can be dismantled. It will be replaced with technology that will excite and amaze you. Be understanding; it is not easy for them to just walk away from all that they almost had in the palm of their hands.

We will deal with them as swiftly as we can. We will also have to deal with those who refuse to leave the third dimensional state. It has a stranglehold on them and they are frightened to leave it. They fear changes of any sort. They have not learned to trust the evidence that has been placed before them. They cling to material possessions, refusing to see that when you reunite with your friends from other planets you will have everything you could possibly wish for. Though they are limited in their thinking, they will be looked after.

A massive healing will occur and all bodily illness will disappear. So do not worry about your state of health as it will be taken care of. Many of you have worked hard to bring about this Transition. Soon you will see the fruits of your labour.

You had some interesting discussions this week. Once again proving that we bring people to you. You never have to go looking for anyone. When all knowledge is shared, all doors will be opened and everything will be revealed. You are all working towards the same end, just taking different routes to the ultimate destination. The whole system of government will be changed completely, so no one family or group of people will see themselves as entitled to rule over others.

David Boyle’s vision of the future, as you discussed in the interview you did with him, is a good one, and deserves consideration. He has given much thought to the subject of rulership. It is necessary to be prepared to take whatever steps are necessary when the Cabal are removed. Do not dwell on past wrongs as they hold you in 3-D thinking. It is time to step into the sunlight of your tomorrows. The future is what should be important to you now. It is time to leave the past behind. The longer you hold on to the third dimensional, the longer you keep the Cabal in place.

As I have said many times, “Ireland is the key that will unlock everything.” My dear wife will go to Ireland in September [details are on the homepage] to reconnect Egypt with Ireland once more. The Aryan people, descended from the ancient Irish, have only to look at their DNA to PROVE the true version of history, which is not that which was written and taught by the Cabal. The history that you learned was contrived to prevent you knowing the truth of who you are.

There is confusion among many people, as to why it was forecast by many that the Cabal would bomb the London Olympics: stated on the Rockefeller web site, etc. We managed to prevent their plans taking shape. They never give up ! They will continue to try as they need your FEAR of bloodshed as well as the actual spilling of blood. It is blatantly displayed on all army uniforms that the soldiers are BLOOD SACRIFICES: IS IT NOT TIME THAT THEY WOKE UP TO THIS FACT ! The spilling of blood is essential for the Cabal to exist. Until these young men wake up to this fact, the killing will continue. Is this what you want ?

I ask that everyone who can assist to move things forward, please do so. Do not leave it to the few who have to work so hard to bring about the changes that are necessary for Transition. Sometimes all it takes is to talk to others, or help with computers. Computers were the bane of my life on Earth !

Everyone who assists, in any way, will be duly rewarded. We need your input. For those of you who have a role to play in the Transition, it is time to come together, and to work to ensure that it goes smoothly for everyone. Some of you are getting information from other planets as well as from the world of Spirit, so you are well informed as to what needs to be done and when. Certain things need to be in place, so assistance is needed. You were always taught to go with your gut feeling, but this has led you astray. I say to you, “Go with your heart”. Let love be your reason for doing things. When love is your guiding light, then you know you are on the right track. The next few months are going to be the most interesting and exciting that you have lived through. Your struggle is almost over. All you have been through to bring this about will have been worthwhile. There has been a monumental effort in every country to bring about this change which you so desperately need. We are grateful to all of you. Each of you has played a part in this. You will visit other planets and you will see for yourselves how they live their lives. You will be free. Free, at last, to experience life as it should be.

All of us, together, are creating the right conditions for the Transition. The necessary changes are going smoothly to ensure the future is peaceful and just, and that love alone will guide the way forward. Love is what enables us to work together, even though we are on different levels of consciousness. We are still together in the true sense.

It has been a long and bumpy road for you, my dear, but we are almost there. So look to the future with confidence.

Your adoring, Monty.

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Shocking Newsweek Cover: ‘Hit the Road, Barack – Why We Need a New President’

by Ask Marion


After some of the recent Obama-loving/Romney-bashing Newsweek covers, the one hitting newsstands Monday is guaranteed to turn some heads.

Under the picture of our dear leader are the words, "Hit the Road, Barack: Why We Need a New Leader."

The article is written by Niall Ferguson, a British historian and economist that backed John McCain in 2008.

After an introduction, Ferguson made his case:

In his inaugural address, Obama promised “not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth.” He promised to “build the roads and bridges, the electric grids, and digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together.” He promised to “restore science to its rightful place and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost.” And he promised to “transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age.” Unfortunately the president’s scorecard on every single one of those bold pledges is pitiful.

He continued:

[T]he total number of private-sector jobs is still 4.3 million below the January 2008 peak. Meanwhile, since 2008, a staggering 3.6 million Americans have been added to Social Security’s disability insurance program. This is one of many ways unemployment is being concealed.

In his fiscal year 2010 budget—the first he presented—the president envisaged growth of 3.2 percent in 2010, 4.0 percent in 2011, 4.6 percent in 2012. The actual numbers were 2.4 percent in 2010 and 1.8 percent in 2011; few forecasters now expect it to be much above 2.3 percent this year.

Unemployment was supposed to be 6 percent by now. It has averaged 8.2 percent this year so far. Meanwhile real median annual household income has dropped more than 5 percent since June 2009. Nearly 110 million individuals received a welfare benefit in 2011, mostly Medicaid or food stamps.

Welcome to Obama’s America: nearly half the population is not represented on a taxable return—almost exactly the same proportion that lives in a household where at least one member receives some type of government benefit. We are becoming the 50–50 nation—half of us paying the taxes, the other half receiving the benefits.

And all this despite a far bigger hike in the federal debt than we were promised. According to the 2010 budget, the debt in public hands was supposed to fall in relation to GDP from 67 percent in 2010 to less than 66 percent this year. If only. By the end of this year, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), it will reach 70 percent of GDP. These figures significantly understate the debt problem, however. The ratio that matters is debt to revenue. That number has leapt upward from 165 percent in 2008 to 262 percent this year, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund. Among developed economies, only Ireland and Spain have seen a bigger deterioration.

Ferguson also took aim at the media's coverage of Obama:

Yet the public mistakes his administration’s astonishingly uninhibited use of political assassination for a coherent strategy. According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London, the civilian proportion of drone casualties was 16 percent last year. Ask yourself how the liberal media would have behaved if George W. Bush had used drones this way. Yet somehow it is only ever Republican secretaries of state who are accused of committing “war crimes.”

Indeed. As we've seen in the past three and a half years, Obama can do virtually anything he wants and his media will either applaud or look the other away.

That said, after spending the bulk of his lengthy piece chronicling the current White House resident's missteps, Ferguson spoke glowingly about Paul Ryan:

He is one of only a handful of politicians in Washington who is truly sincere about addressing this country’s fiscal crisis....But one thing is clear. Ryan psychs Obama out. This has been apparent ever since the White House went on the offensive against Ryan in the spring of last year. And the reason he psychs him out is that, unlike Obama, Ryan has a plan—as opposed to a narrative—for this country. [...]

The voters now face a stark choice. They can let Barack Obama’s rambling, solipsistic narrative continue until they find themselves living in some American version of Europe, with low growth, high unemployment, even higher debt—and real geopolitical decline.

Or they can opt for real change: the kind of change that will end four years of economic underperformance, stop the terrifying accumulation of debt, and reestablish a secure fiscal foundation for American national security.

And this is actually Newsweek's cover story this week making one ask a simple question: Why?

Since Tina Brown's Daily Beast took over the failing magazine, it has been one of the most left-leaning publications in the country.

So why with less than three months to go before Election Day would they publish a 3,200-word cover story severely criticizing Obama whilst basically endorsing his opponent?

Could it be the Daily Beast/Newsweek combination has not been attracting the kind of readership they expected, and they believe a little objectivity was in order?

Or is this just a tiny dose of conservatism before a deluge of the most biased Obama-loving/Romney-bashing imaginable?

As the late Ed Hart used to say, we will know in the fullness of time.

Noel Sheppard's picture

(HT NB reader Dave Smith)

About the Author

Noel Sheppard is the Associate Editor of NewsBusters.

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Ascension Time is NOW, Keys to Ascending,
Mastering the Ego, Allowing,  Joining with Others
to Achieve the Higher Realms



We lovingly invite YOU to join our Sananda's Eagle family team and to work with us on our global ***Project: Eagle Triad***  We are looking forward to you emailing: janisel(at)

Learn More about details and History of ***Project Eagle Triad***


By Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)
(channeled though the body of Debbie Wright of Sananda's Eagles)
(public channeling)

The energies, during this energetic shift, are marvelous to
‘watch’, but I am sure they are very crunching to endure,
especially when you do not breathe well enough, or drink enough
water, or pray enough, or meditate enough, or allow enough.  I do
wish to say that we are proud of each and every one of you, and I
am including even those that are not in this room.

However, we can tell you, it is time.  It is time to do what you
feel your Creator tells you to do, because the more you fight it
the harder it shall be for you to work and survive within these
energies.  These ARE the times that the prophets of old spoke of.
These ARE the times that all the dreamers have dreamed of.

All we can do is make suggestions to assist you in coping.  We
cannot do it for you, and we understand that for some it shall be
work.  But it is time to face fears, it is time to begin allowance,
it is time to ease control, and it is time to do what needs to be

Some of you...are strong enough to bear the burden.  You’re strong
enough to bear the burden for many, but what are they doing for
you?  For you see, if you feel in turmoil even when you are closest
to God, that turmoil is your soul speaking to you, telling you that
you cannot learn the lessons for all, no matter how badly you want
things to accelerate, no matter how much your heart cries out to go
Home... It is time to concentrate only on your Mission -- with others --
and then
YOU and the planet will Ascend together!




By Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)
(channeled though the body of Debbie Wright of Sananda's Eagles)

We will call this lesson "Ascension". I put a lot of thought into
it to get that. <grin> Ascension is nothing more than the state of
rising. Rising what, you may ask. [One primary way to **rise**in
Ascension is to do your Mission for the Creator.]

You can be climbing a ladder, you can be walking up stairs, you can
be raising your vibration, you can be raising your consciousness,
or you can be 'flying high'. They're all the same. We have given
you the lessons that explain intricacies that have never been
explained fully before.

When you say 'Sananda Teaches Ascension', we ask the question
"What is it that Sananda would really wish for us to truly
understand about Ascension?" I think I can answer that. <grin> So…
we shall make a list, not necessarily in the following order, for
each individual is different. But I will give you the list of the
items that I, personally, find it helpful and beneficial for each
and every one of you to know concerning Ascension.

Strive to master your ego, for it is your ego, in this reality,
that tends to muddle things for you. It is your ego, in this
reality, that tends to hold you back, that tends to make you wish
to 'mirror' all things that are sent to you, instead of allowing
you the opportunity to discern what can be mirrored and what can be
transmuted to be a different reflection of who you are. Egos are
wonderful things once they have been mastered.

Allow. Allow yourself the opportunity to be who you really are. And
at the same time, allow all others that you interact with to be
exactly who THEY truly are… without your interference, that is,
because you would not wish to have their interference for you. If
you allow yourself to be who you truly are, or at least begin that
journey, then it also assists you in seeing the best in others. And
once you can begin seeing the best in others, then naturally they
will begin seeing the best in you… or vice versa.

This, and mastering your ego, are the two truly solitary things for
you to do on the ascension path. All the rest have to do with
becoming one with each other again, assisting each other, and
loving each other. For if you can begin the two on your own, to
master your ego and to allow yourself and others, then your soul
puts out a call to all others. It puts out a call saying, "We have
begun the process… come to us, help us, then we shall help you. You
sing the chorus and I'll sing the melody, or vice versa, depending
on who you are and who I am with you."

One of the hardest lessons for those in this reality to learn is,
you spend most of your lives here striving to be looked at,
striving to be noticed, striving to become 'someone'. And what it's
truly all about is to do this exact same thing but to see who has
the biggest 'group', the biggest choir. We do not encourage anyone
to be the best teacher, to be the best student. We encourage
everyone to be the best at calling out to all the rest, for the
more that you can call into yourself, the quicker this job gets

The ASCENSION of mankind and the ascension of this planet are NOT
acquired by individual progress. That goal shall be accomplished
by… the "team" having the most players shall win. <grin> THAT is
what I wish for all that have learned my lessons to realize...

We love patting each and every one of you on the head… and that is
not meant in a condescending manner… for we love dearly each and
every one of you. We hug you all the time, however we cannot allow
you to feel that energy when we hug you. Some of you get glimpses
because, when we do hug you, it raises your vibration so high that
you just might 'tweak out'. So we can caress, and we can pat, and
we can hug 'unofficially', because we DO understand that this is
not an easy job.

We do understand that, as far as YOUR MISSIONS are concerned,
some of us probably have had a better go of it than some of you.
And for that we are truly thankful. Not because we're thankful it
was not us that had the hard job, it is because we are thankful
that the right person got the hard job. Because that hard job is to
be done by the best, and the best ones here have those jobs. And we
understand that, we acknowledge that. The only ones that do not
truly and fully understand that and acknowledge that are those that
have those jobs. And they pray, and they beg, and sometimes they
stand outside and yell, scream, and holler at us. <grin> But that's
OK… we have it all recorded for you for later. We honestly feel
you'll have a full appreciation of the entertainment value of that
once this mission is over with. <grin> And while we lounge around
on our ships, and we eat our chocolates, and drink our Arnk, <grin>
we have more compassion for you than you'll ever know.

There have been times that some of us have crossed the line
occasionally to make things just a little bit easier for you,
however, we cannot do that without permission. And that permission
is usually given unless there's some sort of contractual snafu in
there that keeps it from being taken care of. But we do wish for
you to understand that for every prayer, or 'beg', or sometimes
vile words that get thrown our way, it is OK because we are doing
the exact same thing for you and with you. However, what gets the
job done is 'perseverance'. And if you can master your ego, and
allow yourself and others, it DOES make it less of a struggle.

Now, I'm going to ask a couple of questions. And I wish for these
questions to be pondered before answering. So it, technically, is
not possible to have you answer these in your classroom unless you
do what we've always encouraged you to do, and that is to read the
lessons beforehand. So I guess we'll know then, won't we? <grin>

a) I have, or have not, begun mastering my ego. Yes or No?
b) I allow myself to begin to see who I truly am. Yes or No?
c) I allow others the opportunity to see and be who they truly are
without interference from me. Yes or No?




If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working
your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and
mankind, and would like to participate in ***Project: Eagle
Triad*** please email janisel(at)

Learn More about details and History of ***Project Eagle Triad***





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1. Mummified seals in the hills

Antarctica is the only continent on Earth that is shared by various countries. Each has a 'slice' of the pie, so to speak - and military occupation is 'not allowed' although I am sure that can be contested. 

Early on when Shackleton, Scott and various other explorers set out to Antarctica some had noticed frozen and mummified seals strewn about. Some seals are found about to 40 miles or more inland, and up to 2000 feet above sea level. To this day, this is a relatively unknown phenomenon because there has been no real concensus as to how or why the seals remain where they do, so far from the shore. Various carbon dating has been done on the seals, and although C4 techniques can yield faulty results in Antarctica, some seals date from roughly 2,600 to 6000 years ago. mummified_seal_3.jpg

Many are found stripped to the bone, others are mummified - lacking in blubber mass, cut, broken - dirt, sand and rocks lodged in the stomach or some seals are without food. The majority of the seals 'appear' to be rather young, though the mummification process due to cold does shrink the body's.

An explanation? Some scientists think they lost their way - got trapped inland, funnelled up to a point where they would see a glacier and think it ice cover. So they would trek along, 40 miles or more - and eventually die.


How did the seals transport themselves to such heights - so far inland? Some seals show cut marks where they bled, so researchers think they must have fallen off the high cliffs. Would they not be strewn about in more pieces this way? 

To explain dirt, rocks and sand in the stomach researchers think they must have eaten it, to stave off starvation from walking so far inland and up hills. 

2. Possible structures revealed through melting ice

Most of the photo's i took below I followed through this man's youtube video: 

I went through myself and took photo's, then fooled around with the contrast and lighting in photo-shop. I am sure more then not, it is the brain wanting to make patterns. However, some really do look like pyramids, and if higher resolution imagery was available we could really figure this out. 

Above: This is the 'Hunter'


Above: A 'Pyramid' Structure I came upon. The Google Earth Co-ordinates are on the bottom, feel free to go check this stuff out yourselves, move around it etc. Is it a pyramid? I do not know, though it is intriguing to think so.


Above: Notice the 'runway' reminiscent of some Nazca Peru pictures I took awhile  

Below: Nazca runway photo I took


Above: Another pyramid structure, notice the dome type structure alongside the Pyramid - and there appears to be another smaller 'pyramid' like structure behind the main one


Above: This picture fascinates me - after playing around with the settings in photo-shop and enlarging the area, you can really notice a lot of geometry. It looks like a temple of some sort next to a pyramid!


Above: The left Pyramid highlighted red is the same structure(s) as the photo above this one. To the right there is a giant mound with 'looks' structured in some way. Almost reminds me of the sphinx. To the back which I did not amplify with photo'shop are what 'looks' like 'steps'

These photo's have been floating around the internet causing a buzz. As the ice cover rapidly melts - it is possible that structures will reveal themselves to us - or, as some of the photo's above show - Have (possibly) revealed themselves. 






3. Structure off the Coast of Antarctica

I stumbled upon this earlier - snapped a photo then played around with it in photo-shop. The first thing it reminded me of, were some structures i took pictures of using Google Earth from the Nazca Plains area. See below.

Below are two I took from Nazca, Peru. 

4. Tropical Forests of Antarctica




Recently, Geologists discovered more evidence that Antarctica was warm enough in the past to produce forests of Palm trees and other tropical vegetation. This comes as no surprise really, considering coal beds and peat bogs have yielded evidence in the past as well. 


ScienceDaily (Aug. 1, 2012) — Given the predicted rise in global temperatures in the coming decades, climate scientists are particularly interested in warm periods that occurred in the geological past. Knowledge of past episodes of global warmth can be used to better understand the relationship between climate change, variations in atmospheric carbon dioxide and the reaction of Earth’s biosphere. An international team led by scientists from the Goethe University and the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre in Frankfurt, Germany, has discovered an intense warming phase around 52 million years ago in drill cores obtained from the seafloor near Antarctica — a region that is especially important in climate research.


The study published in the journalNature shows that tropical vegetation, including palms and relatives of today’s tropical Baobab trees, was growing on the coast of Antarctica 52 million years ago. These results highlight the extreme contrast between modern and past climatic conditions on Antarctica and the extent of global warmth during periods of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.


Around 52 million years ago, the concentration of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere was more than twice as high as today. “If the current CO2emissions continue unabated due to the burning of fossil fuels, CO2concentrations in the atmosphere, as they existed in the distant past, are likely to be achieved within a few hundred years”, explains Prof. Jörg Pross, a paleoclimatologist at the Goethe University and member of the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) in Frankfurt, Germany. “By studying naturally occurring climate warming periods in the geological past, our knowledge of the mechanisms and processes in the climate system increases. This contributes enormously to improving our understanding of current human-induced global warming.”


A few inherent problems exist with this model. 

1. More evidence discovered that Antarctica was in a sub-tropical location, so how do we account for this? Geologists have to increase the global temperature of the Earth. With no causal explanation.

2. The study was done to better understand current global CO2 emissions, suggesting that if we continue on our current path - the Earth itself could undergo similar scenarios as to what occurred 52 million years ago.

3. Geological study is carried out under the assumption that the present day laws of nature have always been occurring - and yet, the inherent contradiction is that we do not see this phenomenon in play within the natural world today.

4. To provide answers to sub tropical life in Antarctica, either the earth was warmed to such an extent that the current poles  could house this life - and if this is the case, where did all the water go? Would not the land masses be covered in water? If not, then Humans must have caused the CO2 emissions 52 million years ago which I think is highly unlikely. 

Earth Crustal displacement can offer a better answer, without bringing in multiple causal explanations.

The portion of land in Antarctica where we find tropical forests must have been in a warmer lattitude then it previously is.

Here is  a snippet from another article on the Arctic.

Scientist Probes Fossil Oddity: Giant Redwoods near North Pole

Once upon a time, Axel Heiberg Island was a very strange place.

Located in the Arctic Circle north of Canada, a full 8/9ths of the way from the equator to the North Pole, the uninhabited Canadian island is far enough north to make Iceland look like a great spot for a winter getaway, and today there's not much to it beyond miles of rocks, ice, a few mosses, and many fossils.


The fossils tell of a different era, though, an odd time about 45 million years ago when Axel Heiberg, still as close to the North Pole as it is now, was covered in a forest of redwood-like trees known as metasequoias.


Hope Jahren, an assistant professor of earth and planetary sciences in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences at The Johns Hopkins University, recently published results that partially demystified Axel Heiberg's vanished forests. Jahren and colleague Leo Sternberg of the University of Miami uncovered evidence that the Axel Heiberg's forests probably received equatorial water and warmth from a prehistoric weather pattern unlike anything in existence today.

Other challenging mysteries remain, including how a forest could develop given the sunlight it would receive on Axel Heiberg. Because of its closeness to the North Pole both now and in the time of the redwoods, Axel Heiberg spends four months of each year in continuous sunlight and four months of each year in continuous darkness.


"We don't have plants that can survive under those conditions today, let alone forests," Jahren says. "For a tree to endure four months of daylight is like you or I going without sleep for four months."


Through a grant from the Andrew Mellon Foundation, Jahren's research group has made three summer visits to Axel Heiberg, excavating hundreds of fossil metasequoias. The fossils are immaculately well-preserved.


"Some of this stuff looks about like driftwood on the beach, but it's 45 million years old," Jahren says. "These fossils are chemically preserved at a level you usually would expect to see in something that's only 1,000 years old." That's ideal for Jahren, who studies the presence of isotopes of elements like carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in living and fossilized plants. Isotopes are forms of an element that differ only by the addition of one or more subatomic particles known as neutrons. Different isotopes of the same element have different mass, which affects the way plants use them...


Notice the estimation here - 45 million years ago in the Arctic while Antarctica is 52 million years. So in a 7 million year period, must we then cause the Earth to warm up and cool down several more times? How? What cause?

If any of this is correct - What are the Implications? I am strong proponent of Crust Displacement. To me, mummified seals high up in elevation, miles inland can be explained if the Antarctica continent along the south was either dragged out of the ocean, pulling seals inland - or the ocean water moving over the coastline deep in land, eventually depositing the animals on high cliffs, in valley's - smashing them in the process. This could also explain how a Tropical environment flourished there - part of the continent existed in a warmer latitude at one point, then was dragged to its current location.

The structure on the Left side of the continent, under water, resembles structures in Peru. I am unsure what those are to begin with, but the pattern itself - whether they are evenly spaced holes, or dome type things, suggests a human hand was involved.

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New FEMA commercial and Earth Changes (Planet x?)

Well, the internet has been abuzz lately with videos and reports suggesting that FEMA has been getting ready for a major catastrophe. The latest commercial, airing in the U.S has to make one wonder.

Awhile back, people were concerned over the FEMA camp "coffins" showing up all over the United states, as shown below:



Many NWO theorists assume these camps and recent executive orders signed by Obama, like his Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions which states:

Section 1. Policy. The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions. Survivable, resilient, enduring, and effective communications, both domestic and international, are essential to enable the executive branch to communicate within itself and with: the legislative and judicial branches; State, local, territorial, and tribal governments; private sector entities; and the public, allies, and other nations. Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience. The views of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.

are aimed at a 'take-over' of the US citizens, or they believe a situation will be staged to which Obama can induce Martial Law and round people up in these camps. Here is an audio clip from a 'Former Director of the CIA'

Recently in the news, Russia has decided to build over 5000 emergency shelter homes for its citizens

Sweden, India and Norway have all built massive Seed Vaults in the last couple of years - why? What is the rush?

And of course, the video footage showing hundreds of tanks being transported to a location on American soil had people up in arms (I might mean that silly Americans)

So - are countries preparing for something? Is the U.S Government waiting to impliment martial law, to take the guns away from Americans and create a slave society? I highly doubt it. To me, it looks like countries, including the U.S are preparing for natural events, and as for the U.S...look at the rampant violence now. If a nationwide disaster were to occur, how many bad folks running around with guns would there be? I think this is possibly just a preparation for that day that may or may not come.

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A standard representation of the last glacial maxim


NOTE: I just pasted this from my site which is in its infancy - and it is an ongoing article that even now in this stage needs to be more clearly defined and arranged. I recently got back from the family cottage near Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia - so i will be doing a write-up for my page @ and I will post it here to, regarding evidence for displaced water via the miles of erratic boulders found there (with photo's I took). A few days ago I noticed that someone had mentioned chevrons to Nancy's ZT chat, which obviously they read through my stuff on either my page or a forum I have been posting on. I reference that ZT at the bottom, but to be sure, like a lot of folks here, I have had past troubles with her and the mods at the PS ning. Regardless of that and I hold no grudges, at all, I found it to be an interesting statement. Chevrons themselves are something I come upon within the last two weeks, and I have been reading geology journal articles, taking photo's on google earth me, it is a 'smoking gun' for the movement of the crust.


The Highly Important and Influential Book, Earth in Upheaval by Immanuel Velikovsky can be read Here


The Myth of the Ice Age and the Logic of Crust Displacement

By Preston Birch


"So the language of Science became the object of Science, and what had begun as perception unmediated by concepts became conception unmediated by percepts" -S. Tyler

     In the above quote, anthropologist Stephen A Tyler shares some great wisdom. Essentially, as Science became more compartmentalized, politicised, and attuned to the modern Academic system of grant promises and dreams of Scientific Fame - Scientific writing, peer reviewed journals, became an arena who's war was waged under the guise of rhetoric. Increasingly, people had to talk the walk - the politics of the system became it's main focus. So, what had begun as viewing the natural world, studying and formulating hypothesis which leads to conceptions (understanding), became controlled, pre-disposed understandings of the world instead. Essentially, science produced a paradigm in which most Scientists saw what they viewed instead of viewing what they saw.

So what of the Ice Age theory, and its genesis?

As poor of a source as it is, I will quote Wikipedia for a standard definition of the Ice Age:

An ice age, or more precisely, a glacial age, is a period of long-term reduction in the temperatureof the Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the presence or expansion of continental ice sheets, polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers. Within a long-term ice age, individual pulses of cold climate are termed "glacial periods" (or alternatively "glacials" or "glaciations" or colloquially as "ice age"), and intermittent warm periods are called "interglacials". Glaciologicallyice age implies the presence of extensive ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres.[1] By this definition, we are still in the ice age that began 2.6 million years ago at the start of the Pleistocene epoch, because the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets still exist.[2]


Conventional Ice Age theory looks out into the world and sees Ice at our polar caps, evidence of ice carved landscapes around the globe and assumes the current caps must have stretched out far closer to the equatorial bulge. This assumption then has to explain cooling and warming of the earth, all of which are generalized theories based off one simple underlying value; The Doctrine of Uniformity.



Contextual History and Underlying Values

The idea of Uniformity can be said to have its birth out of the Chaos that reigned in Europe throughout the 18th and 19th Centuries. The French Revolution had sparked social upheaval. Lamarck, famous for his idea that Girrafes developed elongated necks because of stretching them over generations to reach tree tops - was a strong proponent of this idea. At the time, the Natural Sciences were coming into fruition, and as a reaction against the prevailing paradigm of the day - that of the Church and Catastrophism - Larmarck, Lyell and later Darwin took on this perspective to explain all natural phenomenon. Uniformity was born out of Chaos.

Uniformity implies that operations that are in existence in the natural world today, have always been so. We see the slow ebb and flow of earth changes, and we assume it was always like this. What has always interested myself, is the underlying reasons for why groups of people believe what they do, and more specifically why they are completely unaware of why they believe. Paradigm became engrained into the minds of its students through the unconscious patterning of human behaviour. But how does this come about? 

All cultural phenomena are victim to specific contextual paradigms which acts as a knowledge-filter when viewing reality. This means that the overall worldview of the place we are born into, plays a major factor in the way we understand the world around us, not only be supplying us with language, customs, and presuppositions, but by acting as a blocking mechanism when other versions of reality attempt to stream in. 

Examples of value-laden models come from all across the sciences. In anthropology, this illustrated quite well in an article by Mason on Goldman’s famous ethnography of the Cubeo in South America. Goldman views the Cubeo world view as permeating with sexual conceptions which manifest in symbolic ritualistic social action (Mason 2000: 232). Mason goes on to highlight some of the evidences that Goldman gives, to bring back the point that it is representative of sexuality. However, Mason takes another approach to this scenario, in that he decides to attach more credit to the Cubeo themselves, in showing the consciousness of their own sociality through the use of their own language (instead of showing the unconsciousness of their own sociality through our own language). Through discussing the various rituals of the Cubeo when a member of the group dies, Mason goes on to show that “Goldman’s focus on a steadily mounting sexual rhythm ignores these counter-points of humans and Ancients weeping, of the spider’s dance, and of the Aracu and Sloth dance.” (Mason: 239). The idea here of course, is that Goldman’s initial model allowed for him to filter out information, making way for a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Another example, which I will reference more thoroughly later - are two case studies done in the last twenty years regarding behavorial traits in meerkats. These small mammals will stand up on their hind legs when predators approach, the first study done saw this act as selfishness on the part of the mammal, because this would give that particular meerkat more time to escape any predatory encounters over his or her animal counterparts. The second study, saw the standing of the hind legs as altruistic behavior, warning its pact of incoming danger. The point to make here, is that both studies were conducted at the same external phenomenon (meerkats) however both yielded drastically different underlying theories to explain the behavior. How can this be so? Simple, because we attach our own underlying values, our own cultural baggage on to the external realm. And we do this through language, real time utterances and the written word, which is then studied and understood  by other generations of people and each subsaquent time the language becomes more infused with layers of unconscious meaning.

Human beings are born into a society that provides them with a language. This lexicon is the result of thousands of minor mutations in older phrases (Rorty 1989: 16) that were itself the result of the same historical phenomenon. Language on the subsurface is but the tip of the iceberg, it is representative of a collection of meanings on top of meanings, layers or stratums (Foucault 1970) of historically implanted perceptions that over time lose their collectively agreed upon meaning. Therefore, this allows for an eventual shift from one perception of reality to another, through the attached meanings implanted onto words and phrases. When we loose these tendencies, we loose the way to view a reality from that angle (Rorty: 6). Below the iceberg is the history that has structured how we organize reality into certain ways (Foucault 1970), it is where the historical meanings have molded and transformed expressions, it is how we make sense of the world (Whorf 1988: 151)

"The Habitus, a product of history, produces invidividual and collective practices - more history -  in accordance with the schemes generated by history. It ensures the active presence of past experiences which, deposited in each organism in the form of schemes of perception, thought and action, tend to garuntee the 'correctness' of practices and their consistency over time, more reliably then all formal rules or explicit norms" (Bourdieu: 54, 1992)


What the brilliant Bourdieu is saying here is quite simple: The Habitus (a set of unconscious rules that govern our behavior, thoughts, language, actions) is a product of specific people in specific times who agree on certain ways the world works. This produces sets of people who further the paradigm, and all its latent rules, through the very act of practicing these unconsciously installed axioms over time. This then creates, over generations of practioners within the paradigm - a set way to view the world, and it regulates the underlying values through the very simple act of Living within the active agents who practice it. Thus, concepts such as Uniformity can become engrained into the students mind, so engrained they do not even realise it, over generations of being absorbed into the various language sets and cognitive schemes produced.


It might surprise one to know that the initial genesis of the Ice Age Theory, by a man named Agassiz, understood it to be the cause of Cataclysmic activities upon the Earth. Velikovsky writes

"Agassiz regarded the inception and termination of the Ice Age as catastrophic events. He believed that mammoths in Siberia were suddenly caught in the ice that spread swiftly over the larger part of the globe. He expressed the belief that repeated global catastrophes were accompanied by a fall in the temperature of the globe and its atmosphere, and that glacial ages, of which the earth experienced more than one, were terminated each time by renewed igneous activity in the interior of the earth. This he maintained that the western Alps had risen very recently, at the end of the last Ice Age, and were younger than the carcasses of mammoths in SIberia, the flesh of which is still edible: these animals, he thought, had been killed at the beginning of the Ice Age. With the renewal of igenous activity, the ice cover melted, great floods ensued, the mountains and lakes in Switzerland and in many other places were formed, and the relief map of the world was generally changed." (Velkovsky: 33-34, 1955)

The creators of the Ice-Age theory, along with the famous Charles Lyell, were what we would today call "Armchair scholars". They concluded the existence of Ice-age theory without ever leaving their backyards.

Lyell himself found Agassiz's idea of ice cover to be wholly acceptable, though he saw it from a more Uniformitarian perspective. Lyell saw what looked like catastrophic changes in stratigraphic layers, dealing with fossils and the like - but assumed the infancy of the Doctrine is just merely incomplete - that we will fill in the gaps. 

Velikovsky goes quotes Lyell:

"It has been truely observed that when we arrange the known fossiliferious formations in chronological order, they constitute a broken and defective series...we pass, without any intermediate gradiations from systems of strat which are horizontal, to other systems which are highly inclined -- from rocks of peculiar mineral composition to others which have a character wholly distinct---from one assemblage of organic remains to another, in which frequently nearly all the species, and a large part of the genera, are different. These violations (of uniformity) of continuity are so common as to constitute in most regions the rule rather than the exception, and they have been considered by many geologists as conclusive in favour of sudden revolutions in the inanimate and animate world" (Velikovsky:23, 1955).

Though his research showed otherwise, he still maintained the rising Uniformitarian view was wholly correct. He used statistical analysis from census reports (ibid), to show how changes in populations are gradual over a few generations. This was enough evidence then to solidify Uniformity as Science fact and to this day, all major disciplines operate over this paradigm, whether they realise it or not. 



Problems of Uniformity according to Velikovsky


The hippopotamus, a familiar image in everyone's mind. A large mammal roaming the lands of the lush and fertile regions of Africa. Remnants of this beast have been discovered throughout much of Europe (ibid: 26). How is this explained? Migrating herds of Hippopotamus, traversing the waters to the northern areas was one such example. Does this not directly contradict Uniformity? Have we ever actually witnessed this today? Hippopotamus do not swim to Europe.

Velikosvky, again writes:

In northern Wales in the Vale of Clwyd, in numerous caves remains of hippopatmus lay together with those of the mammoth, the rhinoceros , and the cave lion. In the cave of the Cae Gywn in the Vale of Clwyd, "during the excavations it became clear that the bones had been greatly disturbed by water action." The floor of the cavern was "covered afterwards by clays and sand containing foreign pebbles. This seemed to prove that the caverns, now 400 feet above sea level, must have been submerged subsequently to their occuption by the animals and  by man...The contents of the cavern must have been dispersed by marine action during the great submergence in mid-glacial times, and afterwards covered by marine sands..." writes H. B. Woodward.

       Hippopotomi not only travelled during the summer nights to England and Wales, but also climbed hills to die peacefully among other animals in the caves, and the ice, approaching softly, tenderly spread little pebbles over the travellers resting in peace, and the land with its hills and caverns in a slow lullaby movement sank below the level of the sea and gentle streams caressed the dead bodies and covered them with rosy sand" (Velkovsky:27, 1955)

Icebergs and erratic boulders, another hot subject during the genesis of the Doctrine of Uniformity. How to explain this as a gradual, slow process? Lyell argued that giant boulders merely break off from Icebergs and over time, melt and deposit these giant stones in odd places, sometimes in such a way that an onlooker might think they could push one off a ledge with ease. 

"Erratic boulders are found far from the seashore: Lyell taught that the land was submerged and icebergs travelling over it dropped their load of stones on it. Erratic boulders are found on the mountains; therefore, these mountains were under shallow water when icebergs carrying stones from other regions dropped them on the summits." (ibid:28).

Again, we have observable phenomenon in the natural world, that to line up with Uniformity, the land must have been under water in our distant past. As Velikovsky points out, many of the worlds erratic boulders are also found laying in patterned lines, much like rocks on a beach due to wave action. We find erratic boulders the world over, and in the tropics is one such place that distresses the believer in uniformity. To explain this, the southern pole must have stretched so far north to have caused the polished surfaces, erratic boulders and other signs of ice cover. These explanations, though popularized in mainstream science to this day - then require another explanation as to why the Earth could have been so cold to cause this. What about all the other animal life? Vegetation? 

In all of these occurrences, the Geologist needs to bring in more explanations so everything lines up with Uniformity.

"Bones of Greenland reindeer have been found in southern New Jersey and southern France, and bones of Lapland reindeer in the Crimea. This was explained as due to the invasion of ice and the retreat of the northern animals to the south. The hippopotamus was found in France and England and the Lion in Alaska. To explain similar occurrences, an interglacial period was introduced into the scheme: the land was warmed up and the southern animals visited the northern latitudes. And since the change from one fauna to another took place repeatedly, four glacial periods with three interglacial were generally counted, though the number of periods is not consistent with all lands or with all investigators.

But why the polar lands were not glaciated during the Ice Age was never explained. Greenland presents still another enigma in the preceeding formations, those of the Teriary Age. In the 1860's, O. Heer of Zurich published his classical work on the fossil plants of the Arctic; he identified the plant remains of the northern parts of Greenland as magnolia and fig trees, among other species. Forests of exotic trees and groves of juicy suptropical plants grew in the land that lies deep in the cold Arctic and is immersed yearly in a continuous polar night of six months' duration." (ibid:39-40).

So, to explain animate and inanimate carvings on the Earths surface, Uniformity has to introduce the Ice Age theory, suggesting that the current poles stretched far into the sub-tropical regions. And yet, at that time the poles itself housed lush greenlands. To explain the remains of animals and plants in glaciated areas, Uniformity has to introduce warming periods where animals move, then re-introduce cooling periods where they died and were submerged and or covered in ice again. Then they have to explain why the earth suddenly heated and cooled, was it the sun? Other galactic activities? Meteors? Snowball Earth?

Corals in the polar regions, whales and other marine deposits in the mountains...the list goes on.

It is like someone having to create another lie to cover a long list of lies.




Forests On The Poles




ScienceDaily (Aug. 1, 2012) — Given the predicted rise in global temperatures in the coming decades, climate scientists are particularly interested in warm periods that occurred in the geological past. Knowledge of past episodes of global warmth can be used to better understand the relationship between climate change, variations in atmospheric carbon dioxide and the reaction of Earth’s biosphere. An international team led by scientists from the Goethe University and the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre in Frankfurt, Germany, has discovered an intense warming phase around 52 million years ago in drill cores obtained from the seafloor near Antarctica — a region that is especially important in climate research.


The study published in the journalNature shows that tropical vegetation, including palms and relatives of today’s tropical Baobab trees, was growing on the coast of Antarctica 52 million years ago. These results highlight the extreme contrast between modern and past climatic conditions on Antarctica and the extent of global warmth during periods of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.


Around 52 million years ago, the concentration of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere was more than twice as high as today. “If the current CO2emissions continue unabated due to the burning of fossil fuels, CO2concentrations in the atmosphere, as they existed in the distant past, are likely to be achieved within a few hundred years”, explains Prof. Jörg Pross, a paleoclimatologist at the Goethe University and member of the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) in Frankfurt, Germany. “By studying naturally occurring climate warming periods in the geological past, our knowledge of the mechanisms and processes in the climate system increases. This contributes enormously to improving our understanding of current human-induced global warming.”


A few inherent problems exist with this model. 

1. More evidence discovered that Antarctica was in a sub-tropical location, so how do we account for this? Geologists have to increase the global temperature of the Earth. With no causal explanation.

2. The study was done to better understand current global CO2 emissions, suggesting that if we continue on our current path - the Earth itself could undergo similar scenarios as to what occurred 52 million years ago.

3. Geological study is carried out under the assumption that the present day laws of nature have always been occurring - and yet, the inherent contradiction is that we do not see this phenomenon in play within the natural world today.

4. To provide answers to sub tropical life in Antarctica, either the earth was warmed to such an extent that the current poles  could house this life - and if this is the case, where did all the water go? Would not the land masses be covered in water? If not, then Humans must have caused the CO2 emissions 52 million years ago which I think is highly unlikely. 

Earth Crustal displacement can offer a better answer, without bringing in multiple causal explanations.

The portion of land in Antarctica where we find tropical forests must have been in a warmer lattitude then it previously is.

Here is  a snippet from another article on the Arctic.

Scientist Probes Fossil Oddity: Giant Redwoods near North Pole

Once upon a time, Axel Heiberg Island was a very strange place.

Located in the Arctic Circle north of Canada, a full 8/9ths of the way from the equator to the North Pole, the uninhabited Canadian island is far enough north to make Iceland look like a great spot for a winter getaway, and today there's not much to it beyond miles of rocks, ice, a few mosses, and many fossils.


The fossils tell of a different era, though, an odd time about 45 million years ago when Axel Heiberg, still as close to the North Pole as it is now, was covered in a forest of redwood-like trees known as metasequoias.


Hope Jahren, an assistant professor of earth and planetary sciences in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences at The Johns Hopkins University, recently published results that partially demystified Axel Heiberg's vanished forests. Jahren and colleague Leo Sternberg of the University of Miami uncovered evidence that the Axel Heiberg's forests probably received equatorial water and warmth from a prehistoric weather pattern unlike anything in existence today.

Other challenging mysteries remain, including how a forest could develop given the sunlight it would receive on Axel Heiberg. Because of its closeness to the North Pole both now and in the time of the redwoods, Axel Heiberg spends four months of each year in continuous sunlight and four months of each year in continuous darkness.


"We don't have plants that can survive under those conditions today, let alone forests," Jahren says. "For a tree to endure four months of daylight is like you or I going without sleep for four months."


Through a grant from the Andrew Mellon Foundation, Jahren's research group has made three summer visits to Axel Heiberg, excavating hundreds of fossil metasequoias. The fossils are immaculately well-preserved.


"Some of this stuff looks about like driftwood on the beach, but it's 45 million years old," Jahren says. "These fossils are chemically preserved at a level you usually would expect to see in something that's only 1,000 years old." That's ideal for Jahren, who studies the presence of isotopes of elements like carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in living and fossilized plants. Isotopes are forms of an element that differ only by the addition of one or more subatomic particles known as neutrons. Different isotopes of the same element have different mass, which affects the way plants use them...


Notice the estimation here - 45 million years ago in the Arctic while Antarctica is 52 million years. So in a 7 million year period, must we then cause the Earth to warm up and cool down several more times? How? What cause?



Mountain Building


Currently, mainstream dogma states that mountains are the process of the slow ebb and flow of continental drift, the great chains around the world slowing being lifted and pushed as the plates push against one another. However, geologists are far to aware of many mountain chains that contain sharp rock, from newer strata that has been pushed up over older formations.

One such example, as is quoted in Earth in Upheaval is the Chief Mountain located in the state of Montana. " It has been thrust bodily upon the much younger strata of the Great Plains, and then driven over them eastward, for a distance of at least eight miles. Indeed, the thrust may have been several times eight miles," writes Daly" (Velikovsky:65, 1955)

Velikovsky continues: "By similar thrusting, the whole Rocky Mountain front, for hundreds of miles, has been pushed up and then out, many miles over the plains". Such titanic displacements of the mountains have been found in many places on the earth. The displacement of the Alps is extensive" (ibid:65)

Could it be that the mountains rose as late as in the age of man and carried up with them caverns of early man? In recent years evidence has grown rapidly to show, in contrast to previous opinions, that the Alps and other mountains rose and attained their present heights, and also travelled long distances, in the age of man"(ibid:68).


Without delving into the pages and pages of evidences regarding mountain building that Velikovsky presents in Earth and Upheaval I will simply move on to the possible cause of this. If the mainstream view of the Ice Age theory has to bring into account many many causal explanations, then what of this idea?

It really asks the reader to think of one explanation: Earth Crustal Displacement.

A More Logical Explanation?

This notion was first popularized by Professor Charles Hapgood, who upon stumbling into ancient maps that showed areas of the world that were thought to have not been mapped by ancient civilizations, as well, certain areas on showed land masses before ice cover - ala Antarctica.

To explain this, he had his students help him in his research - and he came up with the notion of Earth Crustal Displacement, which in his book Ancient Maps of the Seafaring Kings, attempted an explanation put forth by none other then Albert Einstein who wrote the forward to the book.

Hapgood and Einstein thought, that if we view the earth's outer layers as the crust of an orange peel, the mantle being the orange - then we could envision a sudden slippage of the crust around the core. This would send the current polar regions into warmer climates, and be a reasonable explanation for all of the above information. 

Einstein thought this could have occurred due to ice build up on the polar regions. So say, the north pole had built up so much ice over thousands of years - that isostasy would occur - a heavier pole on one side would need to balance itself out, essentially causing to much weight and dragging the crust along with it.

Velikosvky again on the subject:

One after the other, the scenes of upheaval and devastation have presented themselves to explorers, and almost every new cave opened, mountain thrust explored, under sea canyon investigated, has consistently disclosed the same picture of violence and desolation. Under the weigh of this evidence two great theories of the nineteenth century have become more and more strained: the theory of uniformity and the theory of evolution built upon it. The other fundamental teaching originating in the nineteenth century ---the theory of ice ages --- has been loaded more and more heavily with the responsibility for the geological facts revealed; however, the cause of the ice ages remained a much-discussed and never-agreed-upon subject.

A true theory of the origin of ice ages, whether restoring to astronomical, geological, or atmospheric causes, must also explain why ice ages did not occur in north-easternSiberia, the coldest place on earth, but did occur in temperate latitudes, and in a much more remote past in India, Madagascar, and equatorial Brazil. None of the theories mentioned explains these strange facts. Hypotheses concerning warmer and colder areas in space, or the variability of the sun as a source of energy, are especially inadequate to account for the geographical distribution of the ice cover. Thus the concept of the ice ages, which is established in science as one of its most definite facts, serving also as a foundation for the theory of evolution, has no explanation itself. 

All other theories of the origin of the Ice Age having failed, there remained an avenue of approach which already early in the discussion was chosen by several geologists: a shift of the terrestrial poles. If for some reason the poles had moved from their original positions, old polar ice would have moved out of the Arctic and Ant-arctic circles and into new regions. The glacial cover of the Ice Age could been the polar icecap of an earlier epoch. Thus would be explained not only the origin of the ice cover but also the fact that its geographical position did not coincide with the present Polar Circles"


Not only would a shifting of the actual crust explain the myriad of geological phenomenon, but it would help give testimony to cultural text and lore throughout the world. A shifting of the Earth's crust would cause the ocean waters to slosh, flooding inland and washing up sea creatures, rocks and debris - pummelling them into caves.






Japans' March Tsunami, Debris, and Velikovsky






Erratic boulders the world over - myriads of animal bones packed and crushed together in caves all over the globe, void of predation marks (marks on the bone).  What could have caused this?

The following two videos show the power of fast, rising water. The first is of the recent Japan Tsunami back in March and was filmed by a delivery man (who survived).

The second video was filmed in Australia, and shows again the power of fast moving water, and its ability to lift massive objects and drop them in the oddest of positions.


Look at the videos below - and imagine that instead of cars, giant boulders are being dragged along with the waves. It is easy to see how water of this kind could rush inland, creating what will be discussed below; Chevrons. 

Here is a clip from a flood in Australia last year - notice how, when the water subsides, the cars are strewn about in odd positions. Replace cars with boulders, and you can see the world over is littered with examples like this.

Excerpts from "Earth in Upheaval"


(c) Doubleday 1955

Page 3 - "What could have caused the Artic Sea and the Pacific Ocean to irrupt and wash away forests with all their animal population and throw the entire mingled mass in great heaps scattered all over Alaska, the coast of which is no longer the Atlantic seaboard from Newfoundland to Florida?

Was it not a tectonic revolution in the earth's crust, that also caused the volcano's to erupt and to cover the peninsula with ashes?


In various levels of the muck, stone artifacts were found 'frozen in situ at great depths and in apparent association' with the Ice Age fauna, which implies that 'men were contemporary with extinct animals in Alaska.'


Worked flints, characteristically shaped, called Yuma points, were repeatedly found in the Alaskan muck, one hundred and more feet below the surface. One such spear point was found there 'between a lion's jaw and a mammoth's tusk.'

Similar weapons were used only a few generations ago by Indians of the Athapascan tribe, who camped in the upper Tanana Valley. It has also been suggested that even modern Eskimo points are remarkably Yuma-like, all of which indicates that the multitudes of torn animals and splintered forests date from a time not many thousands of years ago.


The Caves of England -Page 15,

In 1823, William Buckland, professor of geology at the University of Oxford, Published his Reliquiae diluvianae (Relics of the flood), with the subtitle, Observations on the organic remains contained in caves, fissures, and diluvial gravel, and other geological phenomena, attesting the action of an universal deluge. Buckland was one of the great authorities on geology in the first half of the nineteenth century. In a cave in Kirkdale in Yorkshire, eighty feet above the valley, under a floor covering of stalagmites, he found teeth and bones of elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotami, horses, deer, tigers (teeth of which were larger than those of the largest lion or Bengal tiger), bears, wolves, hyenas, foxes, hares, rabbits, as well as bones of ravens, pigeons, larks, snipe and ducks.

Many of the animals had died 'before the first set, or milk teeth, had been shed.'

The idea which long prevailed, 'was, that they were the remains of elephants imported by the Roman armies. This is also refuted First by the anatomical fact of their belonging to extinct species of this genus, second, by their being usually accompanied by the bones of rhinoceros and hippopotamus, animals that could never have been attached to Roman armies: thirdly, by their being found dispersed over Siberia and North America, in equal or even greater abundance than in those parts of Europe which were subjected to the Roman power.'


The Aquatic Graveyards - Page 19-20,

In the red sandstone an abundant aquatic fauna is embedded. The animals are in disturbed positions. At the period of the past when these formations were composed, 'some terrible catastrophe involved in sudden destruction of the fish of an area at least a hundred miles from boundary to boundary, perhaps much more.

The same pattern in Orkney as at Comarty is strewed thick with remains, which exhibit unequivocally the marks of violent death. The figures are contorted, contracted, curved; the tail in many instances is bent around to the head; the pines stick out; the fins are spread to the full, as in fish that die in convulsions.

The Pterichthys shows its arms extended at their stiffest angle, as if prepared for an enemy. The attitudes of all ichthyolites {any fossil fish} in this platform are attitudes of fear, anger and pain. The remains, too, appear to have suffered nothing from the after-attacks of predacious fishes; none such seem to have survived. The record is one of destruction at once widely spread and total. . .' ~ a thousand localities disclose the same scenes of destruction.


The Asphalt Pit of La Brea - Page 64,


Beds of petroleum shale (rock of laminated structure formed by consolidation of clay), ascribed to the Tertiary Age, having in many places a thickness of about two thousand feet, extend from Cape Mendocino in northern California to Los Angeles and beyond, a distance of over four hundred and fifty miles. The asphalt of Rancho La Brea are an outcrop of this large bituminous formation.


Since 1906 the University of California has been collecting the fossils of Rancho La Brea, 'a most remarkable mass of skeletal material.' When found, these fossils were regarded as representing the fauna of the late Tertiary (Pliocene) or early Pleistocene (Ice Age).

The Pleistocene strata, fifty to one hundred feet thick, over lie the tertiary formations in which the main oil-bearing beds are found. The deposit containing the fossils consists of alluvium, clay, course sand and asphalt. Most spectacular among the animals found at Rancho La Brea is the Saber-tooth tiger (Smilodon), previously unknown elsewhere in the new or old world, but found since then, in other places too. The canine teeth of this animal, over ten inches long, projected from his mouth like two curved knives. With this weapon the tiger tore the flesh of his prey.


The animal remains are crowded together in the asphalt pit in an unbelievable agglomeration. In the first excavation carried on by the University of California 'a bed of bones was encountered in which the number of saber-tooth and wolf skulls together averaged twenty per cubic yard.' 
br>No fewer than seven-hundred skulls of saber-toothed tiger have been recovered.' Among other animals unearthed in this pit were bison, horses, camel, sloths, mammoths, mastodons, and also birds including peacocks.


To explain the presence of these bones in the asphalt, the theory was offered that the animals became entrapped in the tar, sank in it, and were imbedded when the tar hardened. However the large number of animals that filled this asphalt bed to overflowing is baffling.

Moreover the vast majority of them are carnivorous, whereas in any fauna the majority of animals would be herbivorous-otherwise the carnivores would have had no victims for their daily food-requires explanation.


Agate Spring Quarry - Page 67,

In Sioux county Nebraska, on the south side of the Niobrara River, in Agate Springs Quarry, is a fossil bearing deposit up to twenty inches thick. The state of the bones indicate a long and violent transportation before they reached their final resting place. '...the fossils are in such remarkable profusion, in places, as to form a veritable pavement of interlacing bones, very few of which are in their natural articulation with one another,' says R.S. Lull, director of the Peabody Museum at Yale, in his book on fossils.'


The profusion of bones in Agate Springs Quarry may be judged by a single block now in the American Museum of Natural History in New York, this block contains about a hundred bones to the square foot. There is no way of explaining an aggregation of fossils as a natural death retreat of animals of various genera.


The animals found were mammals. The most numerous was the small twin horned rhinoceros (Diceratherium). There was another extinct animal (Moropus) with a head not unlike that of a horse but with heavy legs and claws like that of a carnivorous animal. And bones of a giant swine that stood six feet high (Dinohyus hollandi) were also unearthed.

The Carnegie Museum, which likewise excavated in Agate Spring Quarry, in a space of 1350 square feet found 164,000 bones or about 820 skeletons. A mammal skeleton averages 200 bones. This area represents only one-twentieth of the fossil bed in the quarry, suggesting to Lull that the entire area would yield about 16,400 skeletons of the twin-horned rhinoceros, 500 skeletons of the clawed horse, and 100 skeletons of the giant swine.

A few miles to the east, in another quarry were found skeletons of an animal which, because of its similarity to two extant species, is called a gazelle camel (Stenomylus). A herd of these animals was destroyed in a disaster. ~ the transportation was in a violent cataract of water, sand, and gravel, that left marks on the bones. Tens of thousands of animals were carried over an unknown distance, then smashed into a common grave.


The catastrophe was most likely ubiquitous, for these animals-the small twin-horned rhinoceros, clawed horse, giant swine, and gazelle camel-did not survive, but became extinct. ~ the very circumstances in which they are found bespeak a violent death at the hands of the elements, not slow extinction in a process of evolution.


In many other place of the world similar finds have been made in the United States ~ In Switzerland a conglomerate of bones of animals that belong to different climates and habitats were found in Kesslerloch near Thayngen: Alpines types are there in one 'Tiergemiosh' with animals of the steppe and of the forest and fauna. In Germany a gravel pit at Neukoln (a suburb of Berlin)"


Extinction - Page 226,

In numerous places of the world the bone content of caves indicates that they served as hide-outs in times of supreme danger. Lions and tigers, wolves and hyenas, gazelles and hares shared the refuge and there found their common grave. But not all places where such assemblages of bones are discovered were sought for refuge. In many cases the animals were swept from large areas by a tidal wave and thrown against rocks. And the water rushing through the fissures left behind the animals with all their bones broken within their torn bodies. From as far as China, to England and France and the islands of the Mediterranean, examples of fissures of fissures with bones, splintered and mingled together, have been presented in the book.

Not only fissures in the rocks but caverns in the hills may have been filled with bones, though the caverns might not have been sought for shelter. An irrupting sea or great lake, lifted from its bed and carrying its own detritus and land debris, swept heterogeneous herds of animals and carried then to the farthest reaches and threw over them hills of gravel, rock and earth.

Cumberland cave, described on an earlier page, is one of many examples.




The Ivory Islands, pages 4-6

In 1797 the body of a mammoth, with flesh, skin, and hair, was found in northeastern Siberia. The flesh had the appearance of freshly frozen beef; it was edible, and wolves and sled dogs fed on it without harm. The ground must have been frozen ever since the day of their entombment; had it not been frozen, the bodies of the mammoths would have putrefied in a single summer, but they remained unspoiled for some thousands of years. In some mammoths, when discovered, even the eyeballs were still preserved.

(All) this shows that the cold became suddenly extreme .. and knew no relenting afterward. In the stomachs and between the teeth of the mammoths were found plants and grasses that do not grow now in northern Siberia .. (but are) .. now found in southern Siberia. Microscopic examination of the skin showed red blood corpuscles, which was proof not only of a sudden death, but that the death was due to suffocation either by gases or water.


Whales in the Mountains, pages 46-49

Bones of whale have been found 440 feet above sea level, north of Lake Ontario; a skeleton of another whale was discovered in Vermont, more than 500 feet above sea level; and still another in the Montreal- Quebec area, about 600 feet above sea level. Although the Humphrey whale and beluga occasionally enter the mouth of the St. Lawrence, they do not climb hills.


Times and Dates, pages 202-203

Careful investigation by W.A. Johnston of the Niagara River bed disclosed that the present channel was cut by the falls less than 4,000 years ago. And equally careful investigation of the Bear River delta by Hanson showed that the age of this delta was 3,600 years. The study by Claude Jones of the lakes of the Great Basin showed that these lakes, remnants of larger glacial lakes, have existed only about 3,500 years. Gales obtained the same result on Owen Lake in California and also Van Winkle on Abert and Summer lakes in Oregon.

Radiocarbon analysis by Libby also indicates that plants associated with extinct animals (mastodons) in Mexico are probably only 3,500 years old. Similar conclusions concerning the late survival of the Pleistocene fauna were drawn by various field workers in many parts of the American continent. Suess and Rubin found with the help of radiocarbon analysis that in the mountains of the western United States ice advanced only 3000 years ago.

The Florida fossil beds at Vero and Melbourne proved - by the artifacts found there together with human bones and the remains of animals, many of which are extinct - that these fossil beds were deposited between 2,000 and 4,000 years ago. From observations on beaches in numerous places all over the world, Daly concluded that there was a change in the ocean level, which dropped sixteen to twenty feet 3,500 years ago. Kuenen and others confirmed Daly's findings with evidence derived from Europe.


The Smoking Gun for Rapid Crust Movement? Chevron Deposits  and Mega Waves

Above image is taken from a tip of a Chevron Deposit in Madagascar 

I was recently introduced to the phenomenon known as 'Chevron Deposits', which needless to say, has had me intrigued.

These formations, as it turns out, are found the world over, along almost every coast line and they stretch inland to over a kilometre - using Google Earth for a few hours earlier today I was able to see such examples covering the entire coast land of Eastern South Africa as well as the Western side of Madagascar, as the below image I took shows.

Wikipedia defines a Chevron as:

(also spelled cheveron, especially in older documents) is an inverted V-shaped pattern. The word is usually used in reference to a kind of fret in architecture, or to a badge or insignia used in military or police uniforms to indicate rank or length of service, or in heraldry and the designs of flags (see flag terminology). The symbol is also used on highway signs to guide drivers around curves.

"Many coastlines of the world exhibit sets of large V-shaped chevron-like dunes - symmetrical sand dunes that are similar in their lancet-form, showing strong parallelism, often in different angles to the shoreline (Bryant, 2001 Kelletat, Scheffers, 2003). Some examples of chevron dunes from different parts of the world ocean coastline are shown in Fig.1. The term "chevron" (specifically, "chevron-shaped pattern in the Selima sand sheet" was first used to describe wind-blown dunes by Maxwell and Haynes (1989) in south-western Egypt and the northern Sudan, where the chevrons consist of sinuous, parallel, blade-shaped deposits of sand, 10-30 cm high and 0.13-1.2 km in length, which actively migrate over darker coarse sands. Hearty et al. (1998) and Kindler and Strasser (2000) applied this term to coastal dunes. They used this term in the Bahamas to describe nested, parabolic shaped dunes formed during the Last Interglacial age and attributed them to megastorm deposits. Bryant (2001) recognized, that certain coastal chevrons could be formed by mega-tsunamis because its limits are far beyond of any storm surges reported in the literature. Only dominant winds or high-energy water currents can be responsible for formation of chevrons. In this paper, we do not limit the term "chevron" to any one process but use it in the broadest sense to refer to any sedimentary feature within the coastal landscape with this distinctive V-shape morphology."


There are some key characteristics that Chevrons presents, which are important when discerning these from dune type formations, or erosional features from wind and sand.

Extreme inundations of the land by ocean water generally leaves traces of what Geologists refer to as lithic (rock fragments, usually from sources elsewhere) or bioclastic (bone) fragments. One thing the small group of geologists currently studying this must distinguish between, is that of the storm surge induced or that of other source, or a tsunami wave. Storm surge waves have somewhat similar characteristics, but they lack the raw power of giant tsunami type waves. Epic waves colliding over the shoreline transports and deposits shells, coral sand and boulders, into and on top of massive mud and sand deposits some reaching 30m in height, or even up to 120m (Kelletat, Scheffers: 184). 

Using Google earth, one can see how the chevrons formed along the coast of Africa and Madagascar do not all follow a uniform pattern, some form perpendicular or parallel to the angels of the coastline (ibid: 185). Also one can notice, remnants of older chevrons with plant growth, where new waves have washed over it. In the recent memory of man, and in conjunction with modern historical data - the largest chevrons the world over must have occured in pre-historic times. 

"Tsunami boulder deposits contain one or more of the following characteristics: distinct imbrication of boulder clasts with seaward dips, low variance in alignments with a-axes of boulders within a deposit, discrete trains of boulders extending inland, boulders deposited well above storm wave limits and the presence of marine fauna within the deposit" (Nott:692).

Some geologists have suggested that the Chevron formations are due to a meteorite impacting the ocean - causing Tsunami waters to rise up over the shores. Evidence for this is found in impact craters under the ocean - specifically "the 18-mile wide Burckle Crater, located in the centre of the Indian Ocean" (Rowan: Source),  it has been found, that some chevron deposists contain meteoritic dust.  Another hypothesis is that massive tidal waves due to earthquake activity could have caused global chevrons.

The meteroite hypothesis though does not line up properly to the carbon dating of shells lodged within chevrons - this then begs the question; if meteroites were not the sole cause and Earthquakes could not produce large enough waves as evidence in some chevrons, then what could cause the ocean to roar inland at such great strength, carrying with it boulders, animal life and carving the landscape out, depositing these structures?

A Return to Waves

Velikovsky, in Earth in Upheaval says 

"Before the Ice Age theory was concieved, drift and erratic boulders were ascribed to the action of great tidal waves. But with the advent of this theory the role of the water in the deposition of drift and erratic boulders was denied...As we have learned on the preceeding pages, a disturbance in the axial rotation of the earth must have created a displacement of the oceans and their irruption on the land" (Velikovsky: 128)

Could the instances of Chevrons the world over be evidence of an axial tilt in the earth, causing the crust to displace itself over the molten core?"

".that under the impact of a force or the influence of an agent - and the earth does not travel in an empty universe - the axis of the earth shifted or tilted. At that moment an earthquake would make the globe shudder. Air and water would continue to move through inertia; hurricanes would sweep the earth and the seas would rush over continents, carrying gravel and sand and marine animals, and casting them on the land. Heat would be developed, rocks would melt, volcanoes would erupt, and lava would flow from fissures in the ruptured ground and cover vast areas. Mountains would spring up from the plains and would travel and climb on the shoulders of other mountains, causing faults and rifts. Lakes would be tilted and emptied, rivers would change their beds; large land areas with all their inhabitants would slip under the sea. Forests would burn, and the hurricanes and wild seas would wrest them from the ground on which they grew and pile them, branch and root, in huge heaps." (Velikovsky: preface)

The Ancients and Epic Waves



If the chevrons were not formed in recent times, to which modern man would have had testimony to (as in, recent tsunami's or surge storms), then ancient man would have witnessed such events seeing that civilizations first arise along coastal regions.

"The ocean tides are produced by the action of the sun and to a larger extent by that of the moon. A body larger than the moon or one nearer to the earth would act with greater effect. A comet with a head as large as the earth, passing sufficiently close, would raise the waters of the oceans miles high. The slowing down or statis of the earth in its rotation would disturb this poleward recession, drawing the water toward itself."

It is known that the earth is not a complete sphere, but rather is a bulge in the middle - it is flatter on the poles and wider at the equator. Picture clay on a spinning wheel; a natural reaction to constant motion. If the earth were to halt in its rotation, the oceans water pushed towards the equator would suddenly find itself rushing towards the poles - people living along coastlines would have noticed first the massive rise in the tide, followed suddenly by the retreat of the ocean water as it pulls itself towards the poles. The direction of water flow, moving over inland along the way, could have caused some of the chevrons.

"The tradition of many peoples persist that seas were torn apart and their water heaped high and thrown upon the continents. In order to establish that these traditions refer to one and the same event, or at least to an event of the same order, we must keep to this guiding sequence: the great tide followed a disturbance in the motion of the earth...The Chinese annals say that in the time of Emperor Yahou the sun did not go down for ten days, the world was in flames and in "their vast extent the waters over topped the great heights".

The traditions of the people of Peru tell that for a period of time equal to five days and five nights the sun was not in the sky, and then the ocean left the shore and with a terrible din broke over the continent; the entire surface of the earth was changed in a catastrophe. The Choctaw Indians of Oklahoma relate: "The earth was plunged in darkness for a long time - a bright light appeared in the north, "but it was mountain-high-waves, rapidly coming nearer." The Midrashim contain the following description: "The waters were piled up on to the height of the sixteen hundred miles, and they could be seen by all the nations on the earth."  (Velikovsky: 57, Worlds in Collision)


Notice how the water, can move up and over structures because of the sheer power behind it - it needs to go someplace, and it finds the easiest path, dragging with it debris of all sorts.

Could many of the chevrons along the coast lines not be indicitive of a force like this, but even stronger. If the axial rotation of the eartth was slow or came to a stop, water leaving the equator and rushing to the poles could at first cause the angular patterns face south along shorelines, then the water needing to equalize, moves back into the equator - creating patterns in the opposite direction. Boulders, marine life, rush into the land, the water carving out its direction, carving out the landscape and depositing giant boulders at the base of cliffs. 


Updated: 8/14/2012


Well, it appears that somebody posted a question to Nancy recently regarding Chevrons and Crust displacement, and I can only assume the idea had come from myself - since a search on google a few days back relating the two only brought up my writings on various pages.


Here is ZT on Chevrons:


Chevrons formed from ocean deposits along coastlines are yet another absolute proof that the Earth has experienced regular crustal shifts in her recent past. The pattern in the Chevrons is from the sloshing in the oceans we have predicted - high force, single direction, and height. The Madagascar Chevrons show the angle of assault clearly. In every case, the angle of assault in such Chevrons is from an ocean body, straight in toward land. Scientists who refuse to consider that periodic Pole Shifts happen to Earth struggle to explain them. The angle of assault does not match computer models for tsunami assaults. Evidence for a comet impact, where the waves would be high enough to deposit large amounts of sediment from the ocean floor, is missing. 

It is only the large tidal waves we have predicted and described, where the entire ocean is on the move, that such sediment can be swept inland. The tides during the Pole Shift will rise 500-600 feet along coastlines, not crashing down but steadily pushing inland. Why are the formerly prevalent theories just now being challenged - that these coastal Chevrons were caused millions of years ago or were formed by tsunami from comets? Scientists aware of ZetaTalk and the presence of Planet X are taking our warnings seriously, and looking for evidence with which to educate the public.




For now, I need to do more research into the Chevrons - though not much exists. It is a relatively new field, a phenomenon ushered in, really, with Google Earth.

One thing is clear to me though, the dates of the great Chevrons are "Pre-Historic" at best, which gives even more credence to cultural text and lore, and even less credence to the doctrine of uniformity.



Bourdeiu, Pierre. 1992.  The Logic of Practice. Stanford University Press

Foucault, Michel. 1970. The Order of Things (excerpts). New York: Pantheon Books.

Mason, Alan. 2000. The Language of Society: The Cubeo Mourning Ceremony as Example. Social Anthropology 8(3): 231-245.

Rorty, Richard. 1989. The Contingency of Language. In Contingency, Irony and Solidarity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Velikovsky, Immanuel. 1955. Earth in Upheaval. Pocket Books, USA

Whorf, Benjamin Lee. 1988. The Relation of Habitual Thought to Language. In Paul Bohannan and
Mark Glazer, eds., High Points in Anthropology. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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the law of origin

there were rules  for living on this this is a living entity in a living breathing communicating solar a communicating galaxy etc...we did not follow the rules...mother knows she and her companions have made some decisions for is part of the plan...we do not want the planet to die...this should be first and foremost in all of our eyes ..hearts minds...

within your dna contains all of this is there for you to access...listen to what your body tells you...the creation  light is contained within us....

it does not matter if the solar system is binary ..or anything that is happening in space...beings from other planets..does not matter...what matters is EARTH....what will be here for the children...will the plants and animals have a healthy place to live...will they even have space to move and grow???

when was the last time you put your feet in hot mud?? or the dew in the grass.. we are killing our life source...we are allowing the monsters of greed to poison the sky and earth every day...we have to stand up ...write ..write..write...the pen remains mightier than a sword!!! peace from the great northeast...

Read more… There have been many theorys about the moon and how it got here? We assume it had to be here from the beginning, The book of Enki says the earth used to be in a different orbit? And that there were two moons then but some cosmic rogue of a planet, stole one of our moons as its moon collided with the then 1/3 bigger earth. Gotta love those cosmic Rogues like pirates always looking for more resources. Also i have heard the theory that our moon is hollow and Aliens live inside? Lions tigers and bears oh my! And that they have put an electro magnetic net around our planet and are mind controlling us? Well anything is possible, just consider the Politics and governments on this planet atm. But in all consideration this generation of man, the 7th or 8th ive forgotten now as other were said to have been destroyed by thier creators? How could we possibly know the Truth? Ask NASA? Hmmm... ok lets take another approach. Lets consider for a moment that the asteroid belt had to come from somewhere? Nope i wasnt there either at that time, but it is atm and the Lost books of Enki seem to have some truth in them. So in all consideration i believe there was at the very least some planetary collision caused by whatever forces that were available at that time? Nibiru? No as it would have caused great destruction to it as well and surely that would be in the books of Enki. I will still go back to my Black dwarf star theory, being in an highly erratic orbit it can pass thru the Solar system just about anywhere it wants to. Being affected by jupiter the BDS could have had its orbit around the Sun cut short and swung thru the area of the asteroid belt. Then where earth had been at that time, it is very obvious something has hit the earth in the past? This is one lopsided planet without the water to balance it. Mars is very round but the earth looks like some giant dragon gnawed on it for awhile. Mind you im just making a theory. If it were not for our present moon this lopsided planet we live on would just wobble off into space most likely? Look at all the evidence and then make up your own minds. Its quite possible this moon was moved here to balance the planet, and then other possibilitys dont seem so far fetched!

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