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All credits for finding this go to Byron, great job finding it

I have taken precautions as regards any copyright problems , wishing to avoid them nd  post this link to the document below and hope you go to this link and make a copy of this document to your computer, which I have already done.

an analysis of the document and its possible implications .

first it appears thus document is similar to other acts that have been recently passed, as though by  issuing this executive order, Obama is further entrenching and importantly clarifying his authority to act in cases of a national emergency. It would appear this is maybe, the final getting of the troops into place before something major happens .

One might ask if this order was written in the same period as the NDAA and the two do seem to be partners in crime shall we say.

There are two sections that are noteworthy, in this act, and they are below.

(5)  the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources;

this section shows the importance of water resources, and one must assume the troops will be posted on or near major water pipelines and reservoirs, if an emergency is called.  It also gives the government  immense power as regards the most important resource of water.

Sec. 303Additional Authorities.  (a)  To create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore domestic industrial base capabilities essential for the national defense, the head of each agency engaged in procurement for the national defense is delegated the authority of the President under section 303 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2093, to make provision for purchases of, or commitments to purchase, an industrial resource or a critical technology item for Government use or resale, and to make provision for the development of production capabilities, and for the increased use of emerging technologies in security program applications, and to enable rapid transition of emerging technologies.

(b)  Materials acquired under section 303 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2093, that exceed the needs of the programs under the Act may be transferred to the National Defense Stockpile, if, in the judgment of the Secretary of Defense as the National Defense Stockpile Manager, such transfers are in the public interest.

Reading the above section, the impression is given of preparations for societal collapse, as though this is a key assumption behind the executive order. notice the phrase,  "and to enable rapid transition of emerging technologies."

this would happen after the collapse of the power grid, for example, and the transport system.

So, my brief analyses would suggest to those watching earth events that the final pieces are going into place , and we may wonder if there is some connection to the imminent  outbreak of war, God forbid this should ever happen. and if war breaks out, will this be a major distraction event to take our attention from what is actually happening to the earth itself? And maybe something out there in space?

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Members, the information we  are getting in bits and pieces seem to be available all at one place.

The site is informative, the contents are old but are relevant to the prevailing situation. Some of you must have seen the contents of the site. I found the information interesting and so I am posting it here. If the information here is interesting, then there much more for understanding in the website including videos. The Galactic Federation of Worlds

The Galactic Federation of Worlds (GF) is a large federati
on of civilizations from many different planets, galaxies and universes working together for the harmonious existence of all life.  There is a galactic federation in each of the inhabited galaxies of our universe.  These federations are part of the universal management structure much like field offices are part of the management structure for a large corporation.

The Galactic Federation for the Milkyway Galaxy is called the Galactic Federation of Worlds, but some of the races represented in our GF may call it by other names, hence the difference in the names given by the Zetas, Andromedans, etc. 

Each race, civilization, and planet has a council within the GF to represent them.  These councils vary in size depending on population as well as the amount responsibilities they carry within the management structure of the GF.  There are literally thousands of these councils since there that many races represented.  The GF is much larger than we may imagine.

The Great Halls of the GF

The GF has one major overseeing council which has representatives from each member council.  This council meets in the Great Hall.  But each council has its own Great Hall.  Perhaps this is why there is so much confusion around this Great Hall business.  Many channelers attend meetings in the Great Hall and think there is only one, when in fact, it could be the Great Hall of one of the member races or civilizations.  You see how quickly it gets all complicated.

The Nibiruan Council the largest of these councils, has its own Great Hall but also meets in the GF’s Great Hall more often than not because its duties involve GF management.  Nibiru is not a planet with one civilization, instead it is a GF starship with representatives from many races whose role is that of a traveling galactic management team.  Their mission is to help negotiate alliances and maintain peace among the different worlds of the GF and assist new and incoming members.  Hence their slogan, “Serving the Worlds.” 

The GF for our Milky Way galaxy is located in the Sirius star system. Our sun is a stargate to that system, and the GF. That is why the dog star Sirius is so important to Earth and plays a significant role in our history. 

G. F. History

The Milky Galaxy Galactic Federation is the oldest GF in this Universe.  It was established at the end of the first Great Galactic War that was fought in the Lyra Constellation between the HumansReptiliansFelines and Carians.  After this war, the survivors decided that they must establish some way to arbitrate disputes so that this kind of destruction (destruction of the Humans’ homeworld Avyon, the First Earth) would not occur again.  Thus, the GF was established with the founding members being Lyran and Orion.   Their first flagship was Pelegai, one of the few ships intact after the war.  This was a very painful time and the wounds of this war would take many dimensions of time to heal. 

In the beginning, the GF was very small since so few had survived the war.  The Lyran Council and Orion Councils doubled as the administrative arm of their new fledgling federation.  In other words, they were the GF.  In time new races were created as offshoots of the original four and the GF welcomed them as they reached galactic status, as we are about to do now.

So the Galactic Federation grew and became a very large and powerful federation of worlds devoted to universal peace and prosperity.  Now there are millions of members from across our galaxy.

Pleiadian Federation Flagship, Nibiru


Picture by Andy Lloyd -

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There seems to be a lot of conflicting information being circulated regarding Nibiru.  As a result I receive the same questions over and over.  The following is my attempt to sort out that information and put it in its proper perspective. Much of what has been channeled from other sources has truth in it.  The only problem with some if this information is that it is being taken out of context or is expressed as a blanket statement when the information really only applies to a small segment or group of the Nibiruan population.  I will explain...Jelaila

What is Nibiru?


Picture by Andy Lloyd -

Nibiru is the 4th dimensional flagship of the Milky Way Galaxy’s Galactic Federation.  Like Pelegai, many different civilizations have representatives that live aboard it.  As well as being a Federation Flagship, Nibiru is also a planet and a battle star.  Nibiru is a little over three times the size of earth.

Nibiru was originally a planet that was thrown out of orbit with the implosion/explosion of Sirius B. It wound up in the Pleiades and therefore is known to some as a Pleiadian planet.  

Nibiru became a star ship when it was converted from a near lifeless form, hollowed out and turned into a ship.  You could liken it in some ways to the space station on the TV show called Deep Space Nine.  The only difference is that Nibiru travels the galaxy.  That is why the people live inside of it instead of on the surface.  Another reason is that it was created for deep space travel where there would be no sun for many years.  In a way, you could say that it is an artificial planet.  Only the shell is original.

Nibiru is a battle star because it was outfitted for war with ships and heavy weapons.  When negotiations fail Nibiru is capable of waging war to defend itself against attack. It also uses these same weapons to defend planets and races against attack when authorized to do so.

What color is Nibiru?

Nibiru is a red planet with a gold hue.  As a result, it appears as a bright yellow-gold star when seen from earth.  Nibiru’s brightness is due in part to the gold dust suspended in its atmosphere.  This gold dust is used to maintain the atmosphere of Nibiru and fill the holes in its atmosphere that were caused by atomic missiles fired at it during the last Great Galactic War in which it was involved and seriously crippled.  The gold repels radiation from space and keeps the people inside the ship from dying. 

By the way, this was the same war in which Maldek was destroyed by Nibiru after the opposing forces had destroyed the colonies on Mars, Venus and Earth.  If you want to know more about the outcome of this war and the reason Maldek was destroyed, you will find that information in the book We are the Nibiruans.The biosphere of Mars and Venus were also destroyed along with their colonies leaving both planets a wasteland.  In ancient times Nibiru was symbolized as the eight-pointed star mostly due to its brightness.  The Egyptians called it “the bright star of the crossing.”

Does Nibiru have rings?

Yes, it is my understanding that Nibiru has rings much like those of Saturn.  It uses them as a sort of propulsion system.  They propel Nibiru through space.  The rings move in opposite directions from each other and up and down like wings, but the wings move in opposite directions.  I am not a scientist and, therefore, I find it hard to describe what I see.  There is a term for it but that term escapes me at the moment.

Why do some people call Nibiru a red comet?

I believe this is due to the fact that Nibiru has an orbit and for a time was restricted to that orbit when it was overtaken in 2000 BC.  Other than that, Nibiru appears to be in an orbit because it circles the galaxy.  But it can break from its normal rotation whenever it is needed for a particular assignment that would take it out of that orbit.  Once again, we must look at the historical orientation of the people making this claim.  It can very well come from a time when their ancestors knew Nibiru to be in a stationary orbit just like the other planets of our solar system.  They are accurate in their claim but only as it pertains to that specific timeframe.  It does not apply in general.

Is Nibiru a brown dwarf?


Many scientists are speculating that Nibiru is a dark star or a “brown dwarf.” A brown dwarf is a star that never accumulated enough mass to ignite.  Nibiru may be classified as a brown dwarf because it was either a planet or a star before it was expelled from the Sirius star system with the implosion or explosion of Sirius B. Since I am not sure which one it was, I have no problem with scientists labeling it a brown dwarf.  They can only work with what they know as the present time.  Time will tell which one it is.

As Nibiru comes closer, it will create a heyday of confusion and radical theories as scientists and mankind in general grapple with the mystery of Nibiru.  It will be just one more way in which Nibiru will play a role in mankind’s awakening to all there is.

Who lives on Nibiru?

There are many races and civilizations represented in the population aboard Nibiru.  Some are more predominant than others. Some are hominoid, some reptilian, some insectillian, some android, etc.  Some are even like hairy apes.  There are literally hundreds of races and hybrid varieties represented in the population of Nibiru.  Once again I reference Deep Space Nine and also Star Trek. 

Each group of beings have living areas that simulate their natural environment.  For example the dolphin representatives live in an aquatic environment while the reptilians live an a hot and humid environment.  The humans live in an environment much like ours on earth.  The octopus like beings live in tanks made especially for them and so on.  Since Nibiru is almost 4 times the size of earth, there is plenty of room to move.  Some groups have developed into entire civilizations as a result and don’t return to their home worlds as often as the others.

And just like in your country, there are factions within these races with differing agendas.  Some work for the betterment of all and some do not.  One faction may be in conflict a particular race and others of that race are not.  They have disagreements and prejudices, positive qualities and not so desirable qualities just like us. 

Do these different races have family members (channels) on earth and are those channels sharing information with us?

Yes, yes, yes!!!  This is where a lot of the confusion comes from.  For example, there are a few channels that are receiving information that Nibiru wants to take over earth and enslave humans.  In that case, one must ask, “Which individual group channeling from the starship Nibiru wants to do this?”  It does not mean everyone on Nibiru wants to do it.  It is like saying the Ku Klux Klan represents all of the white people on earth and therefore all the whites wants to destroy the Blacks, Asians, Native Americans and every other culture and race of which the KKK does not approve.   Do you see what I mean?

These channels are getting information from their individual groups aboard Nibiru.  It does not mean that one group’s beliefs and agendas represent all of the population of Nibiru  just like the Nazis’ views and agendas don’t represent those of the entire Aryan population of earth.

Yes, there are small groups aboard Nibiru that want to take over earth and they are mostly, but not all reptilian, but they in no way represent the majority of people on Nibiru nor Nibiru’s Prime directive for earth.  There are also small groups of people here on earth that want to take over earth.  I reference the James Bond movies, but does that mean that they represent all of our views?

If we can stop thinking of other planets and civilizations as all good or all bad and with only one agenda or belief system, then we will end a lot of the fear that is generated because of this all or nothing way of thinking.  And let’s keep these channeled agendas in perspective.  It is not that they are incorrect, it is that they represent the agendas and beliefs of a only a certain group.  So if a group is saying that there is a whole planet wanting to take over earth, it is best to ask who on that planet is wanting that takeover instead of just assuming it means everyone.

What is Nibiru’s purpose? 

Nibiru has many purposes.  I will outline a few of them:

1. Peace keeper - Nibiru’s main overall purpose is that of a galactic peace keeper.  As a peace keeper Nibiru’s duties are many.  One of the most important duties is to move around the galaxy and negotiate treaties and alliances among the many evolving and advanced races.  This includes negotiating peace between warring races. 

2. Genetic Upgrading - Negotiating peace sometimes involves using the laboratories aboard Nibiru to create new hybrid races.  These new races and the genetic upgrades involved, in some cases provided the means to end wars since many wars were started over genetics.  Just like children need to learn to share so do evolving races.

In races that are ready to be introduced into the galactic community, genetic upgrading is facilitated through processes being sent to the planet.  That is why there are many people who are writing books on DNA Recoding, providing various process and also facilitating workshops to provide training and support.  The Beings who send the information will in most cases be GF members and also have starseed children on earth  that they are attempting to assist. 

This also explains why there are many different techniques being given for DNA Recoding.  Each race has a particular genetic make up and recoding their DNA may require certain processes that are not needed by other races.  But in all cases some things are the same.  Emotional clearing is the key to DNA Recoding and that holds true for every race represented on earth.

3. The Galactic Federation’s Mission Control Planetary Ascension Programs. - Though the main operations of any planetary ascension plan are located at the GF headquarters in the Sirius star system, having an orbiting satellite office makes carrying out the many tasks involved much easier and efficient.  Since Nibiru’s orbit traverses our galaxy and is a the GF’s key flag ship, it is the perfect location for organizing and carrying out ascension programs for planets and civilizations connected to the GF.  Since most of the planets in our galaxy are seeded by Federation member races that may or may not be in close proximity to the planet, having a starship available to carry out critical tasks such as genetic upgrading is vital to success.

Earth’s ascension program is being coordinated through Nibiru with each starseed race having representation on and in the many councils of Nibiru.  With the council’s working together to complete our ascension plan, we are in good hands and can rest assured that every measure is being taken to protect and ensure our success and eventual entry in the galactic neighborhood.

4. The Mission Control center for Starseeds and Walk-ins. - Among the many responsibilities of Nibiru is that of training, support and guidance for Walk-ins and Starseeds.  For Walk-ins, Nibiru provides mission plans, and assigns support staff to watch over and protect the soul being sent to earth.  For starseeds, they are given guidance on which templates are to be created to assist their home worlds in their spiritual evolution to the next step. 

There is much more to this but suffice it to say that the beautiful settings with moving sidewalks, the slender Grecian-like columns and the singing, telepathic dolphins (some of which walk upright) is the setting on Nibiru where the walk-ins and starseeds are trained.  Many report being in classrooms during the dream state.  Though this is common among Grey and Zeta abductees and the ships are different, Nibiru also has classrooms.  The difference I have come to understand is most often the setting.  This is a very serene setting with music, and other worldly colors.  Very peaceful.  When I go there in the dream state, I don’t want to come back.

Who is in control of Nibiru?

Nibiru receives its orders from the central command of the Galactic Federation’s Greater Nibiruan Council.  The Greater Nibiruan Council, as we have discussed before, was established to handle the management duties and responsibilities of the GF.  This includes giving assignments to various Federation starships of which Nibiru, though the GF’s Flagship, is only one.  This means that whenever Nibiru is sent on assignment to a planet or star system, it was sent there by order of the GF. 

Nibiru is in essence a field office just like Deep Space Nine was a field office of the Galactic Federation in the TV show.  Don’t remember exactly what they called that GF.

What role does Nibiru play in our ascension?

Nibiru remains our trigger for awakening.  Once it gets close enough to us, uncloaks and shows itself, it will bring about a universal shift in consciousness.  Mankind will then wake up to the fact that they are not alone in the universe and will begin to search for the reason and purpose behind this great planet/ship.  It is then that the ancient knowledge suppressed by the religions and governments of earth in order to control the people, will come to light.  Mankind’s true identity will be made known to them and they will have the opportunity to embrace it on a global scale.

Nibiru’s effects are already being felt.  Due to its massive size, Nibiru is already affecting our weather, our planetary frequency and our sun.  Once again, I am not a scientist so I cannot give you this information in those terms.  I will give you what they show me.

Nibiru is affecting our sun.  Because of the pressure being exerted by its mass moving closer to us, it is creating pressure on the sun.  This pressure is like squeezing a tomato until it begins to rupture.  These ruptures are the solar flares and emissions from the sun.  The sun is changing and emitting more light.  Much like going from a 75 watt bulb to a 150 watt bulb.  This changes our DNA and activates the dormant codes within it to begin the transmutation of our bodies from carbon-based to crystalline-based. (see Let’s Get Real about Ascension Part I. and Part II)

Though uncomfortable, this transmutation is necessary to move into a higher dimension i.e., 5D.

Where is Nibiru now and when  will it return?

Nibiru is  in our solar system and headed towards earth on its routine run through our galaxy.  That is why we are feeling its effects.  NASA and other governmental groups know this very well.  Nibiru was first spotted by our scientists back in 1987.  We have been feeling its effects since 1996.

As for when it will return, I will state again that it is up to us.  Nibiru is waiting on us to get our heads out of the sand, so to speak, and accept that we are not alone in the universe.  When enough people have reached this level of understanding, Nibiru will uncloak and reveal itself.  This could be next year, or in 2003, 2005, 2010, or 2012. We hope at the very latest that it will be by 2012.  So, once again, we are in charge of when it will occur.  Nibiru is there to serve us and assist in our ascension.  That is why the GF is sending it to this remote little corner of the galaxy.  It is time for us to move up to galactic citizenship.  Nibiru is here to help us like it helps all other planets going through the same process, and will continue to do so for many millions of years to come.  And who knows, perhaps one day you will be on that ship en route to the next planet ready to ascend.

There is more on the website

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The Intel Hub
By Madison Ruppert
March 16, 2012

Internet service providers (ISPs) across the United States are set to voluntarily begin a digital surveillance operation so large that nothing can even come close in the history of espionage.

Starting on July 12, 2012, if you download software, videos or music which are potentially protected by copyright, you very well might find yourself targeted by any of America’s behemoth ISPs.

Possibly the most troubling aspect of this is that these corporations are putting these so-called anti-piracy measures in place on a wholly voluntary basis in accordance with a deal with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Obama White House.

After that date, some users might find their bandwidth choked off completely until they sign some kind of agreement saying that they will not download materials which are potentially protected by copyright.

The RIAA and MPAA have been making a concerted effort to stifle internet freedom under the guise of fighting piracy across the world, largely with the help of the government of the United States.

This latest announcement is likely related to the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) which was signed by Obama without any input from the people of the United States whatsoever.

The seemingly arbitrary July 12 deadline was announced by RIAA CEO and star lobbyist Cary Sherman to a conference in New York, according to CNET.

The digital surveillance operation is dubbed a “graduated response” scheme since supposedly users will have a bit of leniency afforded to them upon their first alleged infraction.

ISPs including AT&T, Time Warner Cable (which I myself am unfortunately forced to use due to a near monopoly in my market), Comcast, Cablevision, and Verizon, will be spying on the activities of users in an attempt to spot potential copyright infringement.

As I have previously pointed out, this would require something known as “deep packet inspection” wherein literally every bit of data is analyzed by the ISP.

For many people, this represents nothing less than an egregious and unacceptable breach of privacy, especially since people are monitored even when they do absolutely nothing wrong.

The so-called “graduated response” scheme, also known as the “six-strikes” plan goes something like this:

  1. ISPs monitor all activity and data transfers of every single one of their customers.
  2. If a subscriber is suspected of or found to be illegally downloading copyrighted content, said user receives a so-called “educational notice.” This notice informs them that IP addresses associated with their account have been linked to allegedly downloading copyrighted content illegally. The notice will likely outline the potential penalties for copyright infringement including fines of up to $150,000 per infringement.
  3. If the customer continues the activities which resulted in the first notice, the ISP will continue to send “confirmation notices” in order to make sure that the user received the earlier notices.
  4. If alleged copyright infringement continues, the ISP can then throttle the bandwidth of the user, essentially turning that cable connection you pay for into the equivalent of dialup, or potentially even cut off internet access completely. They could even restrict internet access to selected major websites like Facebook or Google and even share the information on alleged repeat offenders with other service providers. This could create a de facto internet blacklist which could prevent customers from getting internet service from any ISP after being labeled a “repeat offender.”
  5. If the user agrees to stop sharing files which are allegedly protected by copyright, the ISP can then lift the restrictions. The actual details of this agreement are unclear at this point. Apparently, the user can still be subject to lawsuits for copyright infringement for their activities, which could be a highly lucrative income source for the entertainment industry with the help of ISPs who can pinpoint alleged acts of infringement and identify the individual engaging in such activities.

CNET reports that ISPs have the option to skip the so-called “mitigation measures” and as of yet none of the major providers have publicly committed to cutting off internet access completely.

However, if the massive (and arguably undue) influence of the RIAA and MPAA continues to sway the big industry players, I wouldn’t be surprised if they started cutting off the internet access of users for supposedly repeatedly sharing files which might by under copyright.

This is a fantastic way for ISPs and the entertainment industry to circumvent the failed attempts to pass the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and perhaps even go beyond what this legislation could be capable of.

The entertainment industry is clearly enthused by the prospect of monitoring every single bit of data transferred between internet users, evidenced by the fact that they will pay most of the costs involved in the project.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), on the other hand, points out that the “graduated response” protocol is non-transparent and that copyright holders could exploit ISPs to target individuals even in cases where their claims might not be valid.

The EFF is also attempting to get ISPs to agree to claim reviews being conducted by a neutral third party as well as giving internet users a kind of “due process” before having their bandwidth throttled or being disconnected entirely.

For some, having their internet connection throttled heavily or cut off completely could mean a major business setback, income loss, etc. and without some semblance of due process involved it would be very easy for the media giants to wreak havoc on Americans who work from home based on alleged copyright infringement.

The EFF similarly pointed out that the defenses provided to users against a claim of copyright infringement leave quite a bit to be desired.

Users are given only six predetermined defenses, “and even the six enumerated defenses are incomplete,” according to the EFF.

“For example, the ‘public domain’ defense applies only if the work was created before 1923 — even though works created after 1923 can enter the public domain in a variety of ways,” the EFF explained.

There has yet to be a coordinated outcry from the technology sector as there was in response to SOPA and PIPA, leading to blackouts and boycotts of the legislation’s supporters.

Hopefully we will see something similar, although honestly I would be surprised if companies like Google came out against this since this could be such a boon for government surveillance and Google has close government ties which just seem to get tighter.

I see this program as having the potential to be much more sinister than it seems, especially since the automatic monitoring of internet activity requires an incredibly intrusive process like deep packet inspection.

This could also be used to better track the internet activity of people who oppose the actions of the government of the United States, under the guise of combating domestic terrorism.

In a nation where just about anything can make you into a suspected terrorist in the eyes of the government, I would truly be surprised if they didn’t leverage this to their advantage.

Such technology could also help restrict access to certain websites with “objectionable” content, namely alternative news websites.

Worst of all, if the data collected by this system is stored indefinitely – which it seems it will be since they need to identify alleged repeat offenders – it could be used as yet another private sector partner for the United States government’s Big Brother activities. However, this would make methods of intelligence collection like Google and Facebook (which has been busted spying on private text messages of users) seem like the equivalent of the now primitive manual eavesdropping.

Hopefully this plan can see widespread opposition leading to boycotts and massive financial pressure on the gigantic ISPs participating in the program. Perhaps if we can identify the internet service providers who refuse to take part in the program and show them our support by patronizing them, the biggest ISPs will take note and back away from the scheme.

If you know of any ISPs who have come out publicly against this or voiced their opposition in one way or another, please make me aware of this by emailing me at

I would love to help promote such an effort but currently I am unaware of any alternatives, especially in my area where I have the choice of either no internet or Time Warner Cable or paying exorbitant fees to get Verizon hooked up but since Verizon is taking part as well, it would be completely pointless.

Help us push back against this unbelievably massive domestic surveillance apparatus and spread the word!

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Video discusses how on the 13th there was some sort of magnetic wind from somewhere other than the sun. It is coming from the DARK side of Earth, AKA farther back in planetary orbit. Conveniently the NICT Simulation was down at the same time this was showing on the magnetopause. Something is up.

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N.Y. Passes DNA Requirement For Convicted Criminals

Early on Thursday, lawmakers in New York approved a bill that will make the state the first to require DNA samples from almost all convicted criminals — and make its DNA database one of the largest in the nation.

Most states, including New York, already collect DNA samples from felons, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. What's remarkable about the New York bill is that it would expand the state's database to include DNA from people convicted of almost any crime, even misdemeanors as minor as jumping over a subway turnstile.

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It is of great and lasting interest to see, as i walk the urban streets lets say shopping or going for a pot of tea somewhere, to see the auras of those  around me, often  on bright sunny days these can be see wafting high above the heads of those just in front of me. it always helps to see the auras on bright sunny days and against a backdrop of blue skies.

it is reminder to us all, that we are merely spirits who happen to be clothed in flesh, and the energy bodies within us or the energy field itself is clearly visible once we learn to adjust our vision a little. i cannot yet see colors in the aura, maybe a little but these energy fields are clearly seen around trees where the sap is rising and the earth forces are strongest, at this time of year. that is how it seems. all matter has an auric field, I was uncertain of this but the evidence of ones eyes  cannot be denied, yet it is the lifeforms, ourselves, animals and plantlife that overflows with  these energy fields, and it can be a delight to see them around the people  we see on our urban streets.  A little reminder of what we are, not mere physical  bodies .  But spirits, clothed only for a short while, in flesh.

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SaLuSa 16-March-2012

You have an amusing expression, about the boot being on the other foot, and that is how it is as the Light is now dictating what happens, although the dark Ones never give up trying to exert their control over things. Soon they will be forced to surrender to our demands, and since they now have no means of escape there is really no alternative for them. It means we along with our allies can go pressing ahead with our plans. Each project is underway and that will result in a sudden wealth of information reaching you. Events are such that the facts can no longer be kept hidden, and with that there will be an explosion of people coming forward to tell what they know. It may take longer where the Vatican is concerned, as it is akin to a secret society that has kept its dark secrets hidden well away. However, nothing will remain concealed for too long, as you are entitled to know the truth and the extent to which you have been deceived.

For the time being you will have to rely on us for the truth, or other sources of information that appear on your Internet. It is relatively free of interference, although the dark Ones will focus on whistleblowers who are prepared to reveal much that has happened or is taking place now that is a threat to you. We have an overall view of it all, as from our place in the skies we are able to monitor what is going on in any part of the world. We guard those of the Light who are especially protected because of their importance to everyone on Earth, and have a major part to play in seeing the changes go through as planned. We are the invisible forces that operate anywhere and everywhere the dark Ones are likely to be. Many of them now know the role we are playing and are reluctantly being forced to accept that they cannot stop progress. Neither can they stop the cleansing that is under way, that also involves making their bases inoperative and their nuclear weapons ineffective and unusable.

Be assured that as soon as we can broadcast to you, we will do so as everyone needs to know of our intent where you are concerned. It is also important that you know that while we have to remove objects of war, it does not result in loss of life and whether it be aircraft or ships on the high seas, the crews and other personnel are lifted off the planet. At a suitable time they will be returned but not in the capacity of war forces, but as peace forces. That means that they can be redeployed into jobs that are non-combat. It illustrates our high intentions to convey to you that we are Ambassadors of the Light, and bring messages of peace and unification. It is time to come together as one big family, which we really are in the eyes of God. Those that cannot give up their prejudice against others on the basis of color or creed, will have no place in the Ascension process. The sooner all people accept that you are All One and live accordingly, there will be a mass Ascension. By your choice or actions you shall be known, and it will reveal exactly where you are on the Path of Evolution.

Let us again confirm that you cannot achieve levels of existence that are above your levels of vibration. You may have good family members, or friends that you love and wish to accompany you on your path to Ascension. However, when it comes to their spiritual evolution they may not necessarily be ready for such advancement, and you must allow them to go their way. Since all is in the Now, and in the higher dimensions there is no time as you experience it, there is every chance you can reconnect with them. Love is a very powerful link that cannot be broken, and will bring you together again. Let us raise another important point that needs to be understood if you want to advance. You cannot expect to do so if you refuse to let go of hatred where another soul is concerned. By your way of thinking you may have good cause to feel that way, but it will hold you back all of the time. Be prepared to be magnanimous and "forgive" those that you believe have sinned against you. That is the greatest action you could possibly take to prove you have evolved, and it also considerably helps the other soul involved. Think about it Dear Ones, and make your peace with each other before it is too late.

Once you have set your sights on Ascension, put the effort in to pave your way so that it is a pathway of complete Light and Love. It is much easier to do it than you probably imagine, it just needs a little thought and perseverance. If you slip up try to do better next time and you will almost certainly succeed. You will actually feel yourself becoming detached from the old vibrations, and they will no longer have any pull on you. Remember also that you are helped all along the way, inspired and urged ever onwards in the Light. As you do so, your ego will have less influence over what you do, although it has been programmed by you to be loyal to self. That often means putting yourself first in situations where you would be best advised to think before you act. Giving of yourself to others will show that you understand the Oneness Of All That Is.

You have many, many things on your minds as this cycle closes, and it is to your credit that a lot of it has to do with other people. However, Dear Ones please leave time for your own needs, and do not neglect your obligation to your own life plan. Most souls will have an instinctive feeling as to why they are here, and it is important as you have your lessons to learn to bring an end to your time in duality. Finding a balance is essential and then you can go onwards without feeling pressurized, knowing that you are fulfilling your own needs as well as others. You will soon know when you have found it, as life takes on a new meaning and flows by much more smoothly.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and much encouraged by the progress our allies have made. We have friends in very high places who are prepared to use their authority to assist us against the dark Ones, who as we have already said are as good as finished as a formidable power. They thought they were invincible but have learnt the hard way that they are in fact no match for the forces of Light. We have as you might say, asked them to go quietly, but unfortunately like spoilt children they do not like doing what they are told. Have no fear, we are more than a match for them, and they will be put out of circulation, and placed where they cannot possibly interfere with you. We say go about your daily activities with love in your heart, and we could not ask more from you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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So, here is my summary as far as my first listening goes, of Ed dames.

I have one or two first things to say here, and must go back to his original movie, killshot one, as we may cal it. This was shot on Hawaii where he lived at the time, in this he basically says his team of remote viewers have seen a massive red glowing object coming through the solar system and upsetting the sun. he even plots it on a blackboard, and he even calls it a brown dwarf, though he seem uncertain as to what it actually is at the time. I believe this first killshot movie was made  in 2003.

Nowadays he never mentions having seen this object , though many other remote viewers in Japan have seen it, led by the Scottish remote viewing teacher. Echard Deravan, I think his name is. Anyhow, this  interview was a recap of his last one and he is saying the following, as they now come to mind.

There will be no nuclear war, as the ET's are looking after us, and preventing the use of nuclear weapons, and there is a very definite ET presence on this and above this Earth. He says they are very Humanoid and look similar to ourselves. I hope without our bad habits.

he says there will be war in the Middle east, but whilst this flares up and  America is preoccupied, China will play the North Korean card, and Taiwan plays a part in this agenda. he say the US is bankrupt which is fairly obvious, though Europe is probably bankrupt as well.

whilst Ira and Syria flare up, China creates havoc on the Korean peninsula knowing the US hasn't the manpower nor logistics to do very much about it.

Now, whilst these earth bound activities continue, he says the men on the battlefield will look up at the sky for there will be sights and sounds in the sky that will cause them to put down their weapons and return home. in other words, the earthchanges will have  begun in earnest.

Now, the major factor in these earthchanges is the sun. He says it will flare up with CME after CME, and will lay waste the earth, it seems most of our present civilization will go under. The power grid will go down and all rudiment of civilized society will simply collapse.

He say we should watch out for X rays from the sun penetrating the protective sheaths of the earth, the magnetosphere I assume he means.

There is hope  however, for as the dust settles down, the ET presence will be made known and they will help us rebuild.

So, this is my summary and understanding of what Ed Dames has been saying.

One  other point, safe zones. I believe the southern hemisphere is not well suited for safe zones , and it may be the north where we are better protected, , but he is nit all that clear on this, maybe a second listen will clarify it. Africa is not a good pace, Australia is very limited, New Zealand is better.  I suspect we in the north fare best of all but for  all of this, it will still make mad max look like a children's picnic party. .

another important point comes to mind, and that is some massive world wide pandemic, and he suggest it will be a combination, by natural mutation of bird flue and swine flue.

so, choose your area, choose your friends, and basically wait for it to  happen.   That is my summation of all this.

These may be dark days ahead, or not, we will have to see what the next few months bring, I am nit pessimistic save for the majority of the population even so, this may be the one evolutionary event we are in most need of. . I do strongly think there is an extra solar body involved in all this an Ed Dames suspects s or even knows more than he is willing to say maybe he is  fearful of being tarred with the nut cases who propose the planet x theory!!!!. yet we nutcases may be right on target here. . I believe Ed dames is under certain stricture from the government  not to tell everything he knows, and he only says enough to warn us mere mortals. the rest we have the intelligence to make up our own mids and fill in the details. that is the purpose of this website amongst others.

So, if you'll forgive me back the shovel and wheel barrow. Ed Danes says by the way, the safest place to be is underground, now hasn't the government  been thinking about this for sometime now, Denver Airport anyone????

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Orwell's Permaneant War?

I apologize for not putting this in the Military/Wars group but I truly feel it is too important to be overlooked. There is a lot of very frightening information in this article by Alexander Higgins and in the links he has provided. I encourage all members of this community to explore its contents and to comment on it as they see fit. I only request that all who comment please have consideration for each others feelings and follow The Golden Rule. It is not my intent to spread fear, nor is it my aim to sugarcoat reality. Neither is helpful for personal growth, in my opinion. 

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More Info About The Resignations

I received this in email, so there is no link.  I believe it was a forwarded email, so the source is unknown.  However, for those who want to verify the data, the information is given on how to do it.........

"The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires that publicly traded companies must report to the SEC whenever a member of the Board or certain officers resign. Also, the SEC has a database named EDGAR that is open to the public. After a little research, what was discovered is that corporations must report said resignations on Form 8-K, Item 5.02. From there, it was a simple matter of searching only Form 8-Ks within a specific range of dates, and including the boolean search terms "Resigns" and "Resignation".

"I felt this would at least offer us a baseline comparison to see if there is truly an uptick in resignations, or if it just appears that way. I think you will be interested in the results.

"From the start of 2008 to the second quarter of 2011 the resignations remained steady @ about 2000 per quarter. Suddenly in the 3rd quarter of 2011 they increased by 50% to 3000 for that quarter. (That's an extra 1000). Then in the 4th quarter they jumped to 7000. (That's an additional extra 5000 resignations). Now without the full quarter results for the first quarter of 2012 they are up to 16,000. (That's an extra 14,000 resignations & increasing fast).

"That's a total of 20,000+ extra resignations that no one is reporting in news papers & nothing of course in the major media!"

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