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Let me say this upfront, I do not doubt the existence of Nibiru and I do accept the fact from all of the circumstantial evidence I have found that Nibiru is on the way. My question for the group is this: does anyone have any scientific evidence of it's existence other that JPL/NASA. Are there photos from an observatory that shows the planet in a picture and has plotted it's course? This would be most helpful if someone could provide a link or an email for me to follow up on.


Thanks, Ron Davenport

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Just thought this needed to be shared....

Be sure to Read the Poem at the end. 

Charlie Reese's final column for the Orlando Sentinel... 

He has been a journalist for 49 years. 
He is retiring and this is HIS LAST COLUMN. 

Be sure to read the Tax List at the end. 

This is about as clear and easy to understand as it can be. The article below is completely neutral, neither anti-republican or democrat. Charlie Reese, a retired reporter for the Orlando Sentinel, has hit the nail directly on the head, defining clearly who it is that in the final analysis must assume responsibility for the judgments made that impact each one of us every day. It's a short but good read. Worth the time. Worth remembering! 

545 vs. 300,000,000 People 

-By Charlie Reese 

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them. 

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits? 

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes? 

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The President does. 

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does. 

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does. 

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does. 

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does. 

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country. 

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank. 

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a President to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes. 

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party. 

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The President can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it. 

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House? John Boehner. He is the leader of the majority party. He and fellow House members, not the President, can approve any budget they want. If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to. 

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist. 

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair. 

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red. 

If the Army & Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it's because they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan ... 

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way. 

There are no insoluble government problems. 

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do. 

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible. 

They, and they alone, have the power. 

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses. 

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees... 

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess! 

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper. 

What you do with this article now that you have read it... is up to you. 
This might be funny if it weren't so true. 
Be sure to read all the way to the end: 

Tax his land, 
Tax his bed, 
Tax the table, 
At which he's fed. 

Tax his tractor, 
Tax his mule, 
Teach him taxes 
Are the rule. 

Tax his work, 
Tax his pay, 
He works for 
peanuts anyway! 

Tax his cow, 
Tax his goat, 
Tax his pants, 
Tax his coat. 

Tax his ties, 
Tax his shirt, 
Tax his work, 
Tax his dirt. 

Tax his tobacco, 
Tax his drink, 
Tax him if he 
Tries to think. 

Tax his cigars, 
Tax his beers, 
If he cries 
Tax his tears. 

Tax his car, 
Tax his gas, 
Find other ways 
To tax his a--. 

Tax all he has 
Then let him know 
That you won't be done 
Till he has no dough. 

When he screams and hollers; 
Then tax him some more, 
Tax him till 
He's good and sore. 

Then tax his coffin, 
Tax his grave, 
Tax the sod in 
Which he's laid... 

Put these words 
Upon his tomb, 
'Taxes drove me 
to my doom...' 

When he's gone, 
Do not relax, 
Its time to apply 
The inheritance tax. 

Accounts Receivable Tax 
Building Permit Tax 
CDL license Tax 
Cigarette Tax 
Corporate Income Tax 
Dog License Tax 
Excise Taxes 
Federal Income Tax 
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) 
Fishing License Tax 
Food License Tax 
Fuel Permit Tax 
Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon) 
Gross Receipts Tax 
Hunting License Tax 
Inheritance Tax 
Inventory Tax 
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax) 
Liquor Tax 
Luxury Taxes 
Marriage License Tax 
Medicare Tax 
Personal Property Tax 
Property Tax 
Real Estate Tax 
Service Charge Tax 
Social Security Tax 
Road Usage Tax 
Recreational Vehicle Tax 
Sales Tax 
School Tax 
State Income Tax 
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) 
Telephone Federal Excise Tax 
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax 
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes 
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax 
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax 
Telephone State and Local Tax 
Telephone Usage Charge Tax 
Utility Taxes 
Vehicle License Registration Tax 
Vehicle Sales Tax 
Watercraft Registration Tax 
Well Permit Tax 
Workers Compensation Tax 

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world. 
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. 

What in the heck happened? Can you spell 'politicians?' 

I hope this goes around THE USA at least 545 times!!! YOU can help it get there!!! 


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The Mega-Quake situation is that Gaia/Mother Earth has been shifting the time-line for the 9.5 Mega-Quake to occur right off-shore Japan from its original midnight (Japan) time. These shifts have happened in stages. The intention of these shifts is to "buy time" for the people of Japan to awake, get dressed, and go about their business in broad daylight. Mother Earth/Gaia took compassion on the Japanese people and determined not to have that monster quake (and tsunami) occur in the middle of the night when it was pitch black and people were asleep and could not get to safety easily.

In order to "buy" that merciful delay time, Gaia today twice released some of the built-up pressure caused by the the Okhotsk tectonic Plate (that Japan rests on) and its resistance to the subduction of the Pacific Plate edge trying to move down under it.
Thus there have been two major quakes today near Honshu, Japan: a 5.1 magnitude quake right after midnight (Japan time) Monday, July 25, 2011 at 12:07 (the original time for the Big One to strike); and three hours later a 6.2 magnitude quake Monday, July 25, 2011 at 03:51:25 AM (Japan time), (which is 11:52 am this morning US West Coast time.)
The 9.5-magnitude mMega-Quake's time-line shift, in stages, several times during today.
The latest indication is that the 9.5 Mega-Quake will still occur, but later, around the 9 am or 10 am hours of Monday morning in Japan.
In the U.S., this will be equivalent to the 5 or 6 pm hours today (U.S. Sunday) on the West Coast, and the 8 or 9 pm hours on our East Coast. [In UK that will be 11 pm or midnight BST, and 00:00 or 01:00 hrs. GMT/UTC.]

{Dr. Boylan}
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This kind of news hasn't made it through the media in many places and as we know, so much is hidden.
The time factor may be up to Gaia, yet we all know that a "shift of Ascention" is in the making. There have been enormos volcanic eruptions that have been going off around the "Ring of Fire" which has led to this moment in time.

This Sunday's July 24-25 Great Quake of 9.5-magnitude (with accompanying super-tsunami) will tie the world record for the largest-ever earthquake.
(That other world-record earthquake was in 1960 in Chile: the Valdivia (Great Chilean) Earthquake. Details of what the effects were like of that Valdivia 9.5 Earthquake (also along a coastline) can be found below * ).
The time when this Super-Quake will strike Japan is now indicated to be between 8 pm Japan Standard Time, Sunday (July 24) and 3 am Monday (July 25), with the greatest probability being the 12:00 midnight hour between Sun. and Mon. Note that 12 midnight Japan Standard Time is equivalent on the U.S. West Coast to 8 am PDT tomorrow (Sunday), on the U.S. East Coast to 11 am EDT, in London, UK to 4 pm BST, and in Greenwich Mean Time/UTC to 15:00 hrs.
I have taken the energy reading of the upcoming July 24 Japan Great Quake and pinpointed its location.
The July 24-25 Earthquake's epicenter will be in the Pacific Ocean 100 km (62 miles) off-shore east of Minamisanriku, a village along the northeast coast of Japan's main Honshu Island, and 60 km (37 miles) northeast of Sendai.
The Big One (9.5) IS going to occur Sunday night July 24 (Japan time), IS going to generate a bigger Tsunami than the one in March, and all that combined quake-tsunami chaos will strike when people are asleep, it is pitch dark outside, and the few lights on will no doubt go out. Terrifying it will be.
Concerns about the Fukushima nuclear-plants complex are well founded. And the Fukushima complex will finish being destroyed/self-destructing after this Great Quake and Tsunami. Also, "ground-zero" Minamisanriku is only 25 km (15 miles) north of the Onagawa nuclear power plant, already somewhat damaged by that March 11th monster quake which severely damaged several nuclear reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant complex. And this July 24-25 Mega-Quake will be five times as strong! The Japanese Government should shut down the Onagawa nuclear plant that weekend as a precaution.
The July 24-25 Quake will cause ground shaking 5 times as strong as on March 11. Since Tokyo is only 320 km (200 miles) southwest of the epicenter, Tokyo can expect to receive some damage this time.
There will also be resulting tsunamis very much larger than those on March 11th . For some idea of the scale of potential tsunami effects, see the description of tsunamis created by the other 9.5 Great Quake, in Chile 51 years ago (below)*.
This July 24-25 Quake will be caused by a larger tectonic plate movement than caused the earlier quake on March 11th: the violent sudden subduction of the Pacific Plate edge under the Okhotsk Plate that Japan rests on, with additional pressure provided by the Philippine Sea Plate at the area's triple-convergence zone.
How can people on Honshu Island, Japan prepare for the truly Big One coming this weekend?
They have had a learning experience from the Match 11th quake. All the prudent precautions one takes in a major earthquake are in order. Since the timing of this 9.5 Quake is known, if I were living on northern Honshu, I'd make sure not to be in, or sleep in, a building made of rigid unyielding structure such as masonry or steel that weekend. Near the epicenter, even being in a wooden house might not be safe enough. One can always sleep outside that weekend; it'll be warm.
Then there is also the issue of the much larger tsunamis coming this time. Using the 1960 Valdivia 9.5 Quake as a model, it generated local tidal waves 25 meters (82 ft) high. But in the March 11 Japan 9.0 Quake, tsunami heights varied widely depending on topography, and ranged up to 30 meters (100 feet) high. Since the upcoming July 24-25 Quake will be 5 times as strong, even larger waves may be expected, and may travel farther inland.
Thus in addition to staying out of places subject to failure in the earthquake, north Honshu residents would do well to stay away from low-lying coastal areas that weekend.
As for other countries' citizens living near the Pacific, it would be prudent for you too to look up the tsunami warning map put out by USGS 's Pacific Tsunami Warning Center right after that July 23rd Quake hits, at: That map will show you where a tsunami propagated from Japan could strike. And this time the wave heights are likely to be much higher than on March 11th. So, even people as far away as coastal Alaska, Hawai'i, the Pacific coasts of North, Central, and South America, Australia (Queensland/Gold Coast), New Zealand, Indonesia, and the Philippines should inform themselves about potential oncoming risks.
The people of Japan have been through a lot, but it's not over.
Let us all keep open a heart of compassion for all the Japanese (and others) affected, and send them healing and supportive energy. Their trials are continuing.
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Only posting this as it could be the pre-curser which may be very well just around the corner.Near East Coast Of Honshu.7/23/2011 12:07:38 A.M. Central Daylight TimeLocation 38.953N 142.018E Depth 35 km Distances114 km (71 miles) SE (138 degrees) of Morioka, Honshu, Japan126 km (78 miles) NE (51 degrees) of Sendai, Honshu, Japan178 km (110 miles) SSE (165 degrees) of Hachinohe, Honshu, Japan417 km (259 miles) NNE (28 degrees) of TOKYO, JapanLocation Uncertainty Horizontal: 15.6 km; Vertical 6.5 km Parameters Nph = 455; Dmin = 354.0 km; Rmss = 1.00 seconds; Gp = 46°M-type = Mw; Version = A Event ID US c000531rUSGS Earthquake Hazards ProgramNational Earthquake Information CenterU.S. Geological Survey
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(NaturalNews) One hundred and fifty animal-human hybrid embryos have been produced by mad scientists in the UK -- with full government approval -- under the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act. The UK's Daily Mail newspaper is reporting that a committee of scientists recently blew the whistle on the operation and expressed alarm over the possibility of the experiments going "too far" and resulting in a real Planet of the Apes scenario, where animals escape from the lab and begin reproducing in the wild.

Sound like science fiction? It's actually just an extension of science fact: human-animal hybrids have been produced by these UK scientists for the last three years. Among the monstrosities they created were animal eggs fertilized with human sperm, and cybrids -- animal cells that are injected with human cell nuclei. They also created chimeras, a mixture of human cells and animal cells, much like what happened in the sci-fi Planet of the Apes depiction of science gone wrong.
It has not yet been revealed which animals were used in the chimera and cybrids, but it's almost certain that they were mammals. Furthermore, the closer the genetic code of the animals to humans, the more likely the embryos would be viable, so it seems likely that these mad scientists would have been using eggs from monkeys or apes combined with humans. Planet of the Apes suddenly doesn't seem so far-fetched, does it?

None of these embryos were allowed to grow into fetuses, by the way. Current UK law requires them to be destroyed after 14 days. But that's only the law. Who knows what kind of mad science is being conducted in the basement of corporate laboratories, away from the view of UK regulators and well outside the bounds of the law. For all we know, there could be a lab of half-apes living in laboratory cages right now, being studied in the name of "science" while plotting their own escape. Numerous animals around the world, by the way, have recently gained awareness and actively escaped their captors (
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FYI, a blog only holds about three pages of text, thus the reason for a Part 2.


Next is my in-depth response to Larry's July 7th, 12:41 p.m. response, in Part 1 @


Cheryl Nelson on July 7, 2011 at 3:21pm:

This is part 1 of my response to Larry's 7/7/11 comment posted below.  His assertions are italicized. My rebuttals follow:

"First of all you have ZERO evidence that I have anything to do with the Pole Shift Ning, Gerard Zwaan, or Nancyd Lieder.  But you went right ahead and ASSUMED there is a connection."

You deny that you have a connection with poleshift.ning, GZ or NL, yet you talk just like them, style, content and so on. 

In your 7/6/2011 comment, you mentioned "black ops."   Nancy started that vicious rumor.  Where did you get the idea I am "black ops" except from her? 

You also said that I was "involuntarily removed as a moderator."  Only moderators were aware of that fact.  How would someone who has no connection know that?  Further, and to correct the record, I was not involuntarily removed as a moderator.  Gerard asked me to resign and I voluntarily complied with his request.

"Then you made a blog based on my comment and the comment of another person (who I assume is a moderator at the Pole Shift Ning, but how does Cheryl know that, got a list of the moderators to peruse?)."

Your point is mooted since I based my assumption on good evidence.  Does anyone here disagree that he  sounds like Nancy and other disruptors that have visited here? 

Then after accusing me of the "crime" of assuming something, you turn around and do the same thing:  "who I assume is a moderator..."  As for how I get my information, that's none of your business, but Mark IS a moderator.  Absolutely, no doubt in my mind based on documentary evidence.

"And talk about PARANOID!  Double wow!  Cheryl Nelson is practically the definition of paranoid based on insisting on IP addresses for all members, preapproval of all memberships, and choosing to take legit concerns about this site to such a level IMMEDIATELY.  Scared, Cheryl, of the truth getting out about you and this site being a ZetaTalk debunking site?"

Only a qualified medical professional can diagnose.  Are you practicing medicine here without a license?  What is the definition of paranoia?  Have you ever, if you are a qualified medical practicioner, met with me in person for consultation.  What authority, then, do you diagnose me as anything?  Because I asked for IP addresses?  Again, we have heard that insanity from Nancy Lieder, to whom you have no connection.  And the only reason I had to ask was because poleshift.ning spies, including Nancy and Gerard, were constantly coming here, violating my members' privacy by trawling the members' lists.  It is amazing how she provokes a reaction so she can use the reaction as some kind of ammunition, which is nothing more than just her taking a molehill and spinning it into a mountain.  My "PARANOIA" was nothing more than due diligence on my part to try to protect my members' privacy.

Your comment, "choosing to take legit concerns about this site to such a level IMMEDIATELY" isn't clear.  Are you saying that requiring IP numbers is a legitimate concern?  If so, then why do you consider that I am PARANOID?  And, if it is a legitimate concern, it needs to be addressed immediately.  So, what is your point?

Scared?  Not at all.  This site is protected, as I have said before.  We are an open society here.  I have been ridiculed and defamed a few times here, and I have let the expressions stand as a testament to the free speech we practice here.  Many here know me and can see what malarkey disruptors are spewing. 

Cheryl Nelson on July 7, 2011 at 3:44pm:

"Cheryl has almost no idea how her OWN posts all over the internet actually make her look like a complete fool.  Cheryl apparently THINKS she is smarter than everyone else.  Most people can recognize when someone is simply DISGRUNTLED and not legit, not trying to help people, just trying to make her own points no matter how absurd (like Comet Elenin being anything more than a small comet), and that is Cheryl Nelson."

Why do you care so much, Larry?  Are you obsessed with me?  Are you stalking me too? 

Actually, my posts contain plenty of indications that I don't pretend to be smarter than everyone.  As far as what's on the internet, if people even notice at all, they will see an honest person who doesn't hide she doesn't know everything. 

No one made you start this "ning" did they Cheryl?  But you want to CONTROL everything and LIE in the process, whatever it takes!

Again, more Nancy Lieder.  She who must obsessively control everything and has been busted in enough lies.  Actually, now that you remind me, I was influenced to start this ning.  By Nancy Lieder, when she began stalking me on poleshift ning and discrediting my posts.  I saw the end coming and started my own ning, since I had come to poleshift ning after running my own website and yahoogroups since 2003 (which still exists).  It was only logical to continue on with all the data I had accumulated.  I told Gerard about my new ning when I was still a member of psning and he didn't seem to have a problem with it at that time. 

Please provide PROOF that I am connected to ZetaTalk or the Pole Shift Ning.  There will be no proof because you cannot prove it (even with my IP address and email address).

What chutpah you have.  Libel me on my own ning without a shred of evidence then demand proof connecting you to ZT/NL/psning.  Your posts are my proof.  Does anyone here disagree that he is spewing Nancy Lieder/ Zetatalk/the poleshift ning agenda, and that there is no way he doesn't have a connection?  (BTW, Larry, I know this question is a fishing expedition to try to find out how I know things, like that Mark is a psning moderator.)

At least I have evidence for my statements.  Cheryl has ZERO evidence about me, simply jumped to CRAZY conclusions so she can leave my comment up and make a blog based on it (rather than delete it because that would expose Cheryl's LIE that she never suspends members or deletes anything because she does both).

Evidence does no good if it is never presented, Larry.  And libel, or less than personal knowledge does not constitute evidence.  And, as I just said, you are my star witness.  My conclusions aren't crazy when compared to your libelous, unsubstantiated accusations.  My conclusions would pass a reasonable person test. 

So including my comment as coming from the Pole Shift Ning is a total falsehood based on nothing.

Au contraire, Larry.  You, yourself, have proved it abundantly.

Thanks, again, Cheryl for proving me right about you.  You need professional help, the sooner the better.

As I showed above, unless you can prove you are a qualified medical professional and have examined me in depth, your diagnosis and suggestion to seek professional help are meaningless libel. 

I seriously doubt Nancy Lieder cares anything about your pathetic "ning."  You are grasping at straws to defend your obvious hatred of a woman who IS spreading the truth (unlike you, who allows anything on here, no matter how crazy, as long as it debunks ZetaTalk).

You are entitled to your opinion.  I have documentary evidence to the contrary.  And I don't "hate" anyone.  I do dislike her unconscionable behavior. 

Cheryl Nelson on July 7, 2011 at 3:46pm:

I will come back in the Fall when Comet Elenin passes without causing anything.  What will all you dupes say then?  How about when the earth changes continue to get worse AFTER Comet Elenin passes far from earth?  I guess whatever Cheryl's handlers decide is the next cover-up lie will be what this ning becomes.

You are welcome to return, if we are still here after Elenin and that which is following it have passed.  We all hope we will still be here. And if we are, all the Elenin blogs will be here too.  You seem to have a problem differentiating between posting something and embracing its content.  You see, we EXAMINE and DISCUSS things here.  That's why you see so much variety.  Everyone here is free and encouraged to draw their own conclusions.  But no matter what we decided, we respect each other.

p.s.  Count how many members actually post here, it is a tiny number.  Count how many people post on the Pole Shift Ning:  A HUGE number.  That should tell those with an open mind where the real action about earth changes, and it is NOT this "ning."  Good luck when you can all see Planet X with your own eyes and realize you have been duped!

Again, Larry, you are forwarding yet another Nancy Lieder obsession (documented evidence).  We are a family here.  I believe people who belong here will be guided here.   I post stats to show progress.  Some of our members get discouraged when they don't see much discussion on their blogs, but their blogs are widely read.  It is an encouragement, not the silly contest Nancy Lieder has tried to turn this into.  By the way, from what I've heard, psning doesn't have that many posters, compared to the large amount of members they have.  Who knows, maybe our percentage is not as "pathetic" as Nancy thinks. 

My advice is to make sure your own preps are complete before August, just in case.  Maybe Elenin & friend will take us down, maybe not.  But it certainly could precipitate a panic if there are bumps in the road.


Guess my rebuttal left "Larry" speechless.  So, he went for what he thought were easier pickin's when he went after newly departed poleshift.ning member, Tammy Fielder, now on the New Madrid Simularities blog...

Comment by Larry on Monday (July 18, 2011)...

Here you go, the reason why "Tammy Fielder" and so many others on here are in such incredible denial about the truth about Planet X.  And the highly iconic thing:  The Pole Shift Ning member who asked the question is being defamed on here.  What IRONY!

We shall see in September, October or November 2011 when Comet Elenin passes and NOTHING happens as a result, shan't we?  What will Cheryl say then about the earth changes that will not only continue but will get worse?  Some other comet maybe?  Just as long as Planet X as described and accurately predicted by the Zetas is NOT mentioned!

Is there something peculiar about human beings or human nature that causes so many to accept the most absurd theories and cover-up excuses for what is causing earth changes? (It appears anything is better than the truth for many, just as long as Planet X is not mentioned.) The Comet Elenin hoax/scare is a good example of an Establishment Lie designed to get people to believe an icy comet could cause a pole shift or other catastrophic events in 2011, but nearby Planet X which can sometimes be seen is almost constantly debunked. Can the Zetas comment or expand on this mystery of human psychology?

This is a type of denial. Denial takes many forms and can exist in degrees, and even reside side-by-side with acceptance of reality. People who are distressed by reality will grasp at anything that removes the discomfort and returns them to their former comfort level. They may dither, and vacillate between denial and acceptance, and this is quite common. Someone on the verge of accepting the reality of Planet X nearby, the logic of the ZetaTalk message explaining the Earth changes and the signs in the skies, can flip in and out of acceptance even during a single conversation. One minute they are saying yes, it must be true and the next repeating some disinformation line, clinging to this in fact. So much better for all the rumors about a coming cataclysm to be related to a mere dirty snowball, a common comet! All this hype about looking at the sky, anticipation of doom, and the suspicion that myths about past cataclysms were connected to something passing in the sky is merely confusion about comets. Ah, one can go back to live as normal again. That is, until reality starts to intrude.  (Emphasis added by poster.)



Comment by Larry on Monday (July 18, 2011)

Oh, and please add this to your highly LYING and defamatory blog about alleged moderators or flunkies of the Pole Shift Ning. I noticed on Google that doing that has only made many more people read the truth, which reveals Cheryl Nelson is not only in extreme denial she is also not nearly as bright as she wants us to believe.  Does anyone REALLY think that the ONLY people who accept ZetaTalk MUST be moderators of the Pole Shift Ning?



Larry continued to violate the Golden Rule.  All the Elenin blogs were here, as promised, when he returned but his rants didn't change.  He was finally suspended.  Eventually, he send an email accusing us of censorship, which we do not practice here.  When Larry joined, he agreed to abide by our rules and he continually and flagrantly violated them.  His purpose was to provoke a suspension just so he had "evidence" that we practice censorship.  So, I posted this message for him:

01/28/12 Message to former member "Larry":  Your threat to "expose" us as practitioners of censorship is just more of your twisting the truth and bullying.  Anywhere our members see any of your defamation will be countered with a link to and a note that you couldn't even follow the one rule we have here, the Golden Rule.  It's clear you acted like a jerk just so you could provoke a suspension so you could feel somehow justified in doing just what you've threatened.  This was no surprise. It was obvious what you were angling for.

Your pointing the finger on other sites at us just proves what a sad person you are.  "Those guys over there practice censorship!!!!!!!" you howl.  That's pretty funny, coming from a guy connected to the repressive poleshift.ning.  They always like to transfer their sins over here and then point fingers.  I guess times are desperate over there.

Be advised, Larry, the more you libel us, the closer you get to a defamation lawsuit, not to mention a criminal complaint for cyberbullying, which I believe is now considered terrorism.  BTW, thank you for putting into writing your intent to defame and bully us.  I'll add it to the growing pile of evidence I have of conspiracy amongst you and the poleshift.ningsters against this site and me personally. 



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Sizzle suggested this on-line event:  Many of us have been through a lot together and have truly come to care about each other's well-being, even if we maintain a certain level of privacy for obvious reasons.  This "picnic" gives everyone who's been out of touch, just observing for a while, or busy with preps, or even newcomers, a chance to check in and let the others know "all's well".  Each could, if they wish, bring a little positive "potluck" to the blog in the form of a favorite quote, story, or experience that might be encouraging to the others, in much the same way as a brick-and-mortar reunion would provide.

So, all are welcome.  We'd love to hear from everybody. 




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Comet Elenin - "Let There Be Light"

Cross-post, from PatR...

Wow............this is certainly a different take on Comet ELEnin.

COMET ELENIN – “Let their be light”


Elenin is a very dangerous cosmic object. Sometimes we need to watch what an object does as well as watching the object while looking for clues. Elenin is not visible to the naked eye, but does appear to have an EM effect on our solar system at distances of 14+ AUs. Elenin is also dangerous because it is a long period (10000+ years) comet whose tail the Earth passes through. Comets are not balls of ice and dust like Nasa states. Nasa will not release this information because there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it except panic. Sit back and enjoy the ride and be thankful to be alive in this time to bear witness to this event.


A capacitor is a device for storing electric charge. Comets are electric cosmic capacitors that gather and store energy as they pass through space. Comets are electromagnetically connected to the sun and planets by EM ropes (JPL, 2005). Extreme EM fields can cause earthquakes. Elenin’s line up position with the Earth and sun correlates Earth seismicity. This is what HAARP research is based upon. EM energy lubricates fault lines and can cause fault slippage. The reason Elenin is causing quakes when other comets do not is because Elenin has been in deep space a long time gathering electrons and storing energy for discharging to the sun at perigee.

The EM field that results from the storage of such a large amount of electricity is connected to the Earth and influences geological activities as well as weather and more. A comets positively charged metallic core is ideal for storing and attracting electrons. Comets pick up electrons as they fly through space because the electrons are attracted to the metallic comet nucleus. The larger the comet and longer the comet travels through space without discharging, the more electricity is stored in the comet. When the comet approaches the sun, it begins to glow because the electron cloud is energized by the sun’s proton wind. The hydrogen protons combine with the oxygen in the solar wind to produce water in the comet’s tail; which is comprised of visible photons (coma) generated by the comet’s electric circuit. The sun provides the positive charge and the stored electrons provide the negative charge to complete the electrical circuit with the sun.

The metal comet nucleus behaves similar to the filament on a lightbulb. When positive and negative wires are attached, the filament of a lightbulb produces a photon glow. The intensity of photon emission is proportional to the amount of current applied to the circuit. Comets do the same thing when the comet encounters the solar wind. Comets glow proportional to the amount of protons and electrons interacting within the circuit. On occasion a comet will release its stored energy in a burst of photons when the EM ropes provide a surge in protons. The luminosity can increase by million of times when the comet discharges its capacitance to the sun. Most don’t have enough charge or do not get close enough to the sun to explosively discharge their energy and just pass through the solar system gathering energy for the next opportunity to erupt.

The infrared signature for comet Elenin suggests the electrical charge Elenin is carrying is so large that when the comet dumps its capacitance, the resulting photon flare up will engulf the Earth as the Earth passes through the tail. The evidence is in Nasa’s google sky infrared image of Elenin. When Elenin was 14 AUs away on June 14, 2007, Nasa photographed the comet when they took the infrared image for google sky. The infrared image indicates Elenin’s infrared electrical signature is 17 million miles across with xray jets extending over 100 million miles from Elenin. Elenin will pass the Earth at 21 million miles. When Elenin flares and dumps its electron load (electricity) to the sun, the photon flash will be so great that it will instantly turn everything on the Earth’s surface into light. Don’t worry though. There is a lot more action before we evaporate.

Elenin’s enormous EM field produced from its electron pillaging throughout deep space should cause earthquakes with magnitudes of 10 or greater so that the Earth will ring with seismicity prior to photon bombardment. As you can see, Elenin is quite different than any other object ever encountered and publicly acknowledged by Nasa. There is no other object in space that humans have identified that has an electric signature like Elenin. This is why the governments of the world are building bunkers deep within the Earth. This is why the seed vault was built in Greenland. This is why the US government is spending like there is no tomorrow. This is why our weather is changing now. This is why we have civil unrest around the world. If you are still not convinced.

Take a look at this evidence.


Look at the circles.  The bluegreen circles represent the orbits of the planets in our solar system.  The red dot in each orbit is the location of a planet.  The red dot in the center is the sun.  The first circle is Mercury’s orbit.  The second is Venus.  The third is Earth.  Notice the moon circling Earth and its position.  This is important.  Note the next circle.  This represents a planet with five moons.  This planet no longer exists.  The asteroid belt is located there now.  The final circle is Jupiter.  Note the position of Jupiter.  The red circle is the orbit of a long period object like a comet.  Note the object and its tail.


What does this mean? This arrangement points to a specific point in time.  There is only one short period in time that our planets in our solar system line up in this configuration.  This drawing signifies a specific date. To determine what date this drawing represents, I used the Jet Propulsion laboratories ELENIN ORBITAL DIAGRAM.  This diagram shows the location of all our planets and comet ELENIN.  If one uses the controls on the model and moves the model forward in time to 9/26/11, the following diagram results.


Look at the position of each planet.  Each planet matches the location of the same planet on the 10 Franc Bill.  Mercury is in the same location.  Venus matches the location on the bill.  Mars is at the 12 o’clock position and matches the drawing.  Jupiter is in the 2 o’clock position and matches the bill. I looked up the moon’s position on 9/26/11.  This day is the New Moon.  The New Moon occurs when the moon moves from behind the earth to catch the first sunlight for the next month.  This is exactly the position of the moon on the drawing.

CONCLUSION:  The drawing by Leonhard Euller constructed over 330 years ago signifies an event occurring on September 26, 2011 that is so significant that the date has been placed on currency and no one can be told about it.  The only people who know are the descendants of the Illuminati who have placed these hints in perfect clear view to give their people the chance for survival. Still not satisfied?  Do you still believe in staggering coincidence.

IF you are not sold that this is the real deal.  Keep on reading.

This is the new 10 swiss franc.  See the polarized light waves of all frequencies?


See the waves of light propagating across the page from high to low frequency.  The light appears polarized and includes all wavelengths.  This is what ELE brings us, high intensity polarized light that is out of phase with our space-time dimension.  The blue wave represents the light of all wavelengths in phase with the earth.  The red wave represents light from ELE.  The light from ELE is about 30 degrees out of phase as shown on the bill.  Matter 30 degrees out of phase is not visible in our space-time dimension. Now lets take a look at the 50. chf50_8_back_horizontal.jpg?w=294&h=147 Not the red and blue broken circular lines.  These lines represent broken chromosomes.  The out of phase energy reboots the body by tearing down the DNA and restructuring.

Take a look at the 100. chf100_8_back_horizontal.jpg?w=315&h=148

The white human appears to mutate into a 10 feet tall alien that resembles the creatures from the movie CLose Encounters of the Third Kind.  These are us as we ascend into timespace.

Now take a look at the 200 franc. Can you see the object streaking through the sky where the 200 is located.  The object plunges into the ocean and makes huge waves that destroy the cities’ sky scrapers.  This happens when the earth passes through the wake of the ELE in November.


Now the finale.  The 1000 franc bill.


Turn the bill so you can read the 1000.  Note the God like figure looking down on the new Earth.  Notice the pairs of chromosomes that have been straightened out and are no longer broken.

Now if this evidence isn’t good enough for you to acknowledge, then there is probably no evidence short of the actual event that will convince you.


GOD is light. You are light. See you very, very soon.

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The roof of a building that housed a beauty-supply business and a small grocery store has caved in, weeks after a sinkhole swallowed part of the building.

The sinkhole, in the area of Main Street and East Street, may appear larger as a result — also because soil around the edges of the hole has fallen in — but the sinkhole itself has not expanded, Robert Sargent, the city's public-outreach coordinator, said today.

"We do not have any indication of it growing," Sargent said.

The sinkhole was discovered June 27 and is estimated to be 60 feet wide. Sargent said the city can't estimate the depth of the sinkhole because the bottom is covered by groundwater. A dumpster, two oak trees and a plethora of hair-care products have fallen in.

The building is owned by Rafeek Mohamid, 52, who operated Main Street Hair & Beauty Supply there. Part of the building also housed the Saaraa Corner Store. Mohamid said his store's stock of products cost about $690,000. The building was valued at more than $200,000 for tax purposes, according to the Lake County property appraiser's website.

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