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Here is their final report ... the links go to the pages of this report ... unfortunitly they are all in spanish ... you can downloade a free translation program called Dicter here ... it is very simple to use ... as before, the page link is at the bottom of this post so you can read the original work.
G1.9STV Final Report: Némesis.Datos following the various meetings and reflections of independent astrophysicists.
Posted on March 2, 2010 porstarviwer
This study reproduced below, corresponds to the Final Report of Nemesis location in the area of Sagittarius, Sagittarius or disruption in the terms detailed in the worksheets that StarViewerTeam interim, has been exploring since the July 17 2009. The dates of manufacture, circuit editing, validation and certification of the study by the committee of the Team Edition are as follows: 1 .- Edit the background report: 10-October 2009. Dadrev and ESAM. 2 .- Correction of the report and first release: 25-October 2009. Dadrev and ESAM. 3 .- Verification and exposure to International Committee of Astrophysical Independent: February 10, 2010. NASA69 and ESAM. 4 .- Approval of the document by StarViewerTeam. February 20, 2010. Then scanned carefully selected range of the report: 10 pages
Special thanks to DADREV, NASA69, Esam, volunteers from the University of Colorado, University of Canberra, etc ... International StarViewerTeam 2010.
I want to thank all of you for the kind invatation I received. You might know of my group and of all of the effort we have put into this "Growing" problem. All are invited.
If you are like me, you might have this nagging gut reaction that this just might be real ... You would be right!
You might want to see the evidence to judge for yourself ... here it is
Before I decided to really check this, and I did ... the scientists are real ... the data is real ... the threat is real. The link at the bottom goes to the original page ... whish is all in Spanish
Analysis de.G1.9 +0.3. Espectros.Infrared.Microondas.Rayos-X.Hoja of trabajo.N-II.
Posted on August 2, 2009 porstarviwer
This study has been done by all team members Starview and external partners. Here, we present the results, the conclusions of the study, the patterns observed and also, a brief RFI (Request for Information), which Spanish observatory, anonymously has decided to send to further analysis and determination. In brief, and accessible, we detail the results of our investigation: 1 .- The object G1.9 +0.3, is highly likely to be considered a type T1.9 Corps, with an approximate mass of 1.9MJ, and located at a distance of between the orbital and 66UA 60UA. 2 .- The disturbances residual heat in the microwave spectrum, reflecting a temperature of 2,700 degrees Kelvin, from the area studied, a fact which is explained by the presence of methane. The mass analysis, 3D, confirms this fact, and additionally the image obtained by chandra, fits "exactly" in the observed data model. 3 .- In the infrared spectrum can be seen clearly that the color blue corresponds to an object whose sphericity is unsubstantiated, and expresses methane, as composition. 4 .- This object T, is accompanied, at least two other orbiting bodies (satellites), the composition, mass and orbit, is still controversial, although both appear to be solid. (Rocky). We describe below, a graphical analysis of the data and its explanation:
In Figure 1, can be seen that the radiation from the galactic center, acts as an interference that prevents the display, or categorization of the object in this spectrum and the infrared. The area observed is on the edge of Sagittarius, the brightest area of our galaxy. You can see the position of Pluto, on July 28, 2009. However, with the help of Australian astronomers, we have to filter the emission of heat. "The key is in the microwave spectrum." If you are near, you must emit heat, and that heat must be close, 1900-2700 degrees K. Figure 2.
Figure 2 shows heat emissions in the area, and effectively shows the classic configuration of a brown dwarf, together with other stellar bodies that appear to be very close to the star. The heat emission is clear, and fair in the area where disturbances are taking place in Oort. Observe the comparison with the Gliese229A. Definitely. It is what it seems. The emission of heat from the area is very strong and is neutral in the X-ray spectrum, so that, due to the presence of methane at temperatures of 2.700Kelvin. In our insecurity, we decided to ask for help, and a group of contributors to this team, we provided a revealing analysis, based on Chandra data, and overlaying, microwave emissions, visual spectrum and X-Rays, we have made the following study of decomposition of the object, layers of proximity, and sphericity. According to Chandra, the picture was an X-ray photo-with Radio. After careful analysis, the first that has been made of this kind, we present the graphical results obtained:
The image is the original typesetting allegedly obtained by CHANDRA, and corresponds to G1.9 +0.3
It can be seen clearly, the presence of a central core and two objects, bodies that orbit the disturbance. The presence of a central object, is correct. Chandra's image, no room for doubt. Superimposing the spectrum of heat gained by the figure 2, together with the breakdown:
You can clearly see "ut supra" the presence of stellar bodies that orbit the area of influence G1.9 +0.3 brown dwarfs have an atmosphere of methane, which appears blue in the infrared spectrum. The decomposition of the colors, as befits a physical object.
Next to the volume, superimpose heat emissions and the infrared spectrum. No doubt. This is a mass object with an entirely different nature to a SN. It may be our brown dwarf, and can be seen that comes with at least two rocky bodies orbiting close in orbit, along with other more diffuse and remote, which also orbit G1.9 +0.3. Sphericity can be seen the body and the blue color, corresponding to methane. The RGB filter, acts by simulating the same process of decomposition that a powerful telescope.
Overlaying all connections and data, spectra, and carefully analyzing Figure 2. Compare the three-dimensional analysis with the origin of the disturbance in Figure 2, again.
We goose bumps to see this. And once again, we wonder. Why G1.9, not SN2007SG? Precisely because of its resemblance to Gliese 219A? In fact we could name it: Gl119, and we'll add a collective suffix: Gl119STV (STV by STarVieWerTeam team). Do not hesitate. It is the object that disturbs Oort. There. In Sagittarius. Very near the orbit of Pluto and this study proves beyond a doubt. Thanks to all the team Starview job. Special thanks to Julius NASA69 to ESAM, and CARL_Sohoman, you have given us real microwave spectrum and correlation Gliese. We are aware of the risks we are publishing this study, we developed an RFI (Request For Information) to an important independent telescope, check our conclusions and our discovery. GL119ASTV.
Usually it starts with a spiritual text, meditation, reflection and prayer, then a journal time.
I use this time to set my day with my spiritual family, guardian angel, inner wisdom, whatever we call this sense of Being.
Then at the end of the day, I regroup. Here, I reflect on the day. Sometimes, I'll journal, but I usually don't have time to do this at that time, instead I spend time with my husband, or at least this is what I would like to do. But, I do make it a point to remember the miracles of the day, to count my blessings, or list my appreciations.
Then, when I go to sleep, I remember to connect consciously with inner guidance system (IGS) for whatever work I may be doing in the unseen realms, and in preparation for the next days activities, for soulutions to quirky issues I may be dealing with, and so on....
I don't know everything about myself, I suspect that I am consciously aware of only a tiny sliver of my being. I often say, we, meaning humanity in our present state, live on the skin of ourselves, at least this is what we seem to be most aware of. But, there is this vast being beneath this skin, and permeating this skin, and the spaces between us, mostly things that boggle our conscious minds, and make us want to go back to sleep, for god's sake... :D
But I like the idea of inviting this whole vast being of me to co-create with me, the path I live in my daily life.
And, I happen to believe this vast being of me includes much more than what our present culture seems to imagine. So, I'm inviting you, vast being, in your own unique expressions to join me, as we, prepare on a daily basis, for surfing the wild, wild, wave of emerging reality.....
A significant part of my day is about the tasks and actions of preparations/living through the nexus of emerging reality. So, I think this would be relevant to the purposes of the particular community of souls. I'll just keep showing up here, as I can, and you're welcome to join in, as you can, when you want, I'll play with different formatting, I am always tweeking things until I find a flow that works for me,
Thanks for joining, great grace, blessings, and happy surfing.... e
here is a summary of key earthquakes for aug 16, 2010:
there was a 4.3 quake in wyoming, not far from yellowstone park, new quake in the fiji region 6.2 depth 574km, a 5.3 in kepulauan barat daya indonesia, new one in java 5.0, vanuatu had a 5.2 aftershock, and adaman islands india had a 4.9.
Are those ocean floor rises in the pacific related to this?
There is a much larger vocano structure that faces south west in the direction to New Zealand coast, if collapse can cause meaningful tsunami.
"On Group Meditation
Groups of meditators can have their profound effect upon consciousness,and can, through meditation, even effect weather, violence, crime rate,and can have an effect on ending wars.
So, I've been inspired to ask:
Would anyone here be interested in trying a consistent group meditation.I love group meditations, and the people on this ning are simplyamazing, let me know if you're interested, this would be a "way cool"experiment/ experience.
over the weekend three cme's blasted from the sun. number two and three will not even come near the earth. number one has a 35% chance of glancing off the earth and may only effect the magnetic field. it should hit aug 17.
August 05, 2010
"New NASA airborne radar images of Southern California near the U.S.-Mexico border show Earth's surface is continuing to deform following the April 4 magnitude, 7.2 temblor and its many aftershocks that have rocked Mexico's state of Baja California and parts of the American Southwest."
Everything I know about Nostradamus, a bit from here and there , mentioned from some books, prophecy books speculation..... Discovery and History Channel.....might be the same like your knowledge. Nothing new.
Couple months ago, I had a chance to read the book: " The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012" by Carlos Barrios ( June 30, 2009).
Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya, Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the Mam carry part of the 'old ways on Turtle Island (North America).They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient, elegant and relevant.
Mr. Barrios is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator. After studying with traditional elders for 25 years since the age of 19, he has also became a Mayan Ajq'ij, a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, Eagle Clan
a member of the Guatemalan Mayan Elders Council
Part II - August 2009 Interview With Mayan Elder Carlos BarriosPart II - August 2009 Interview With Mayan Elder Carlos Barrios: " Carlos had said the United States West Coast is area expected for large earthquakes as Mayan prophecy has been interpreted by the elders. In a recent conversation with Carlos since our interview, more specific areas have been mentioned.
Most of the information provided in this book are not really new to myself, EXCEPT this one:
The information that I found the most astounding in the book is that this priest said: ( thru his studies with the Elder Mayans) when the first Spanish ships came to the America continent, there is a doctor went with those ships ( to serve soldiers/ civilians..); according to Spanish record : this doctor DISAPPEARED;
In those 10-15 years, this doctor lived with the Mayan, and received all the teachings, all the Mayan knowledge, math...prophecy, ...crystal......
After those years ( around 15 years), this doctor REAPPEARED in Europe ( I don't remember which country),
Nostradamus became a student of this doctor, and received the knowledge of the Mayan culture , including the art of reading the future.....and so on.....
So the connection is here !!
Those information above are from this book by Carlos Barrios
From an email from John DiNardo:
Please stay with me on this scientific analysis of the mechanism which will cause land masses to arise out of the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico. The conclusion of my theory: "Land masses will arise out of the Gulf of Mexico," was related, three to four years ago, to Mark, my acquaintance who received this information from his geologist friend who works for the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The resultant tsunamis and methane gas bursts will annihilate many millions of unsuspecting residents within miles of the coast, all the way around, from Mexico to Florida, to Cuba, Haiti, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico.
I hope to inspire you to relay this analysis to concerned people everywhere. I plead with you to study this analysis and pass it on, in order to spark public action movements to save lives, for these seabed upheavals can occur any day from now.
John DiNardo
~~ Why Gulf of Mexico Land Masses Must Arise ~~
Gulf of Mexico effluents display a mysterious white substance, yellow sulphur, and red iron, probably from the Earth's molten iron "outer core," plus other substances from the "lower mantle," which is right above the outer core. At the core/mantle boundary (CMB), large avalanches of the quasi-solid mantle edge of the CMB break off, due to heating, by electromagnetic induction, of both the molten iron outer core and the solid iron inner core, the latter being Earth's innermost mass, residing at the center of the Earth. The heating of the outer core is also intensified by the long period cyclical buildup of thermally insulative mantle magma, solidifying along the edge of the lower mantle, bounding the upper edge of the outer core, this margin being the CMB. Hence, this solidifying magma margin acts as a thickening insulative blanket, further heating the molten iron outer core. However, it is important to realize that most of the heating of the outer core is now being generated by the well known phenomenon of "electromagnetic induction," now generated by plasma-saturated comets which have been observed by scientists over the past five to ten years.
So now, Earth's CMB has these prolific avalanches of loosened magma, sloughing off from the lower mantle margin into the molten iron outer core, and the obvious effect is that this mantle erosion proceeds like a drill bit, boring tunnels up through the very thick viscous mantle, all the way up until the tunnel eventually reaches a blockage presented by the lithosphere, which is the rigid crust of Earth's surface, overlaying the less rigid uppermost mantle margin.
Understandably, molten iron from the outer core, plus newly molten magma encircling this hot newly drilled tunnel, flows like a slow oozing fountain, all the way up to the blockage at the lithospheric crust, and eventually the super heated liquified column of magma rock and iron mixture melts the solid lithospheric crust like a gushing hot spring would melt a surface layer of ice.
This rising hot fountain is called a "mantle plume," or "thermal plume," one of which also exists at the eastern tip of Indonesia, showing that mantle plumes are prevalent worldwide. A mantle plume is similar to the lava plume that you see within a common household lava lamp, wherein an electric heating element at the base of the lamp heats up a puddle of lava, causing the puddle to rise up toward the surface in a plume of lava.
When this iron/magma column rises as a mantle plume, from the outer core/lower mantle boundary (CMB) to the uppermost edge of the upper mantle, the plume is initially blocked by the thin crustal layer, the "lithosphere," at the Gulf of Mexico seabed. Eventually, the molten mantle plume dissolves or liquifies the thin lithospheric crust, effectively punching a hole in the seabed. This is the hole in the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico, which British Petroleum deliberately drilled into! Why deliberately?? I have testified to you that, THREE TO FOUR YEARS AGO, a U.S. Geological Survey informant relayed to me, through Mark, that they expect land masses to arise out of the Gulf of Mexico. The reason why they drilled into the volcano was to TEMPORARILY PREVENT THE PEOPLE FROM REALIZING that this is actually a burgeoning catastrophic worldwide oil bursting phenomenon, and the powers-that-be are now in great fear that inevitable public realization will awaken the peoples of the World to the evidence that exists (if they are willing to examine it) that this is just one of many types of natural disasters which are now about to break out in a growing drum beat.
The powers-that-be want you to think that BP caused these globally bursting natural oil gushers, with just a puny seven-inch drill pipe. How gullible do they think we are? The ruling elite would rather have you believe that man caused this disaster, because when the people find out that they are in a game of natural disaster dodgeball, they will break free from their psychological matrix cage of obedience to the tyrannical illegitimate imposters raping them from the power stage of central government. These ruling rapists are afraid that we may no longer be forcibly obedient to them, and that we may not pay our taxes, because, when people realize that these are natural disasters, and NOT just one BP disaster, the people will then fear a greater master than the ruling elite, the people will then fear the Master in the heavens, because that is the source of the electromagnetic heating of Earth's core. This electromagnetic source is plasma engulfed comets being drawn into our Solar System by the immense gravitational pull of our incredibly massive Sun.
It is strikingly obvious: the apple fell down from the tree, and hit Sir Isaac Newton on the head, due to the mutual pulling force of gravity, which universally exists between two or more masses. Likewise, comets are being drawn in from deep space by the tremendous pulling force of gravity between these comets and our Sun.
Getting back to the subject of Gulf of Mexico land masses arising, the consequences of a mantle plume punching through the lithosphere, at the Gulf of Mexico seabed and elsewhere, are two-fold:
1) undersea volcanoes erupt, and indeed, oceanographers and volcanologists are now expressing alarm over the drastic increase in undersea volcanic eruptions, all over the World;
2) seabeds begin to bulge upward, due to the profusion of gases, such as methane, into newly formed pockets where the uppermost mantle margin meets the lithospheric crust, both at surfaces of seabeds and at crustal surfaces of land areas. There are now many reports of methane gas coming out of the ground, in Texas, in Colorado, in Pennsylvania, etc. There is a recent report of methane gas shooting out of a home water faucet, being fed from a private well.
These newly formed pockets of rising gases strikingly explain the recent avalanche of reports of seabeds bulging all over the World, as indicated by drastically diminishing footage readings transmitted by ocean buoys, worldwide.
Notice, that the powers-that-be will never tell you what the day-by-day buoy depth readings are in the Gulf of Mexico. Notice, that Keith Olbermann of MSNBC-TV reported that the Corexit was promptly laid down to mask the depths of the entire Gulf of Mexico. If we were permitted to view that seabed, we would notice bulging and major fissures, from the Texas coast to the Florida coast. Notice that methane gas has been reported to be rising to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. This is an ominous sign, since any spark from a boat's ignition or such will cause the greatest surface fire cloud explosion ever witnessed, as well as a catastrophic coast-gobbling tsunami, if the concentration of methane gas builds to high enough levels. Such a catastrophic sea surface methane explosion has already occurred in 1998, and has been reported by Steve Quayle on his web site,
The ruling elite have been as suppressive of the science community as of the mass news media. Hence, the people of the World remain unaware until mega disasters send them suddenly reeling in fearful panic. You and I, therefore, have a humanitarian responsibility to disseminate this analysis and to urge others to examine it, and to promote a growing public study of this and so many other alarming meteorological and geological events, which have transpired from the unusual to the commonplace over the past six years.
In a forthcoming message, I will email you a photocopy of the actual New York Times newspaper report, from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, stating that the reason why they launched the Infrared Astronomical Satellite was to detect the infrared light images emitting from this approaching brown dwarf star, this celestial dodge ball (of a mass estimated to be at least 1,000 Earth masses), which is now in our Solar System, menacing Earth, both electromagnetically and gravitationally.
... John DiNardo
Obama Warns Oil Spill Will Substantially Impact Economy
Wednesday, 09 June 2010 14:20
News - Latest News
Obama Warns Oil Spill Will Substantially Impact Economy
Dan Robinson | The White House 07 June 2010
President Barack Obama Obama has met with Cabinet and other officials dealing with the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The president says it is clear there will be substantial ongoing economic effects from the spill.
The president spoke after meeting with Cabinet and other officials directly involved in the response to the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history.
If containment efforts are successful, he said, it will take at least two more months for relief wells to be completed. Even after that, the president said Americans should be prepared for a substantial and ongoing economic impact.
"This will be contained. It may take some time and it is going to take a whole lot of effort," he said "There is going to be damage done to the Gulf coast, and there is going to be economic damage that we have got to make sure BP is responsible for and compensates people for," said the president.
Among those taking part in the meeting was U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, who is in command of the overall government response.
While BP is managing to siphon an increasing amount of oil using a containment cap on the damaged well, Admiral Allen said the spill has broken into numerous separate patches on the surface.
Oil cleanup workers hired by BP pick up tar balls as they work along Pensacola Beach, Florida, 06 Jun 2010
This he says presents cleanup crews with an enormous task as they deal with what he calls an "enemy that changes," and an impact on wetland areas as part of long-term environmental effects that will be felt for years.
"I think we need to be realistic and honest and transparent with the American people," said Allen. "When the relief well is finished and it is capped, sometime in August, oil will have flowed to the surface in some manner because we probably will not get 100-percent containment, we want as much as we can get, so there will still be oil on the surface the day the well is capped," he added.
Admiral Allen said oil being captured from the damaged undersea well each day is approaching 15,000 barrels, though experts have still not established an exact rate of flow. He says it is "critical" to increase the capacity of skimming operations to remove oil on the surface.
Admiral Allen said the government needs to continue keeping a close eye on BP operations in the course of what he says will be a long campaign against the spill.
"We ought to be ruthless in our oversight of BP and try and understand what oil is not being contained, is leaking out around that rubber seal, once we know what that flow rate is," he said. "And we need to understand completely that if we have severe weather in the form of a hurricane, there may be times when we are going to have to disconnect that operation and re-establish it and during that time we are going to have oil coming to the surface again," said Admiral Allen.
President Obama repeated what he said while visiting the Gulf last week, saying he does not want to see BP "nickel and diming" people and businesses applying for compensation.
He expressed confidence in the ability of the Gulf Coast and its people to recover in the long-run.
"We are confident that not only are we going to be able to get past this immediate crisis, but we are going to be focusing our attention on making sure the coast fully recovers and that eventually it comes back even stronger than it was before this crisis," said President Obama.
The Gulf oil disaster is the subject of several House and Senate hearings this week. Among other things, lawmakers are working to increase the liability limit in U.S. law, currently set at $75 million.
At one of those hearings, held in Louisiana on Monday, Massachusetts Democratic Congressman Ed Markey said legislation he is introducing would require oil companies to fund development of improved safety and cleanup tools to deal with similar future disasters.