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This article may be useful to some as a consequence of weather changes- it states that those on asprin were less susceptible to blood clotting in cold v hot weather swings. There are 2 herbal remedies that I know of which could be taken instead as these are safe to take 1) meadowsweet 2) white willow bark. Both contain the natural active ingredient salicylic acid of which a synthetic verstion is made in asprin. These herbs no not cause stomach upset. I suggest those sensitive to weather changes or the cold take at least 1 ml of these in tincture form a day during the cold, and when there is an upswing down swing event over a short time span increase to 2 ml. Decoction from the actual herb can be made if tinctures not possible.

Many more people will die of heart problems as global warming continues, experts are warning.

Climate extremes of hot and cold will become more common and this will puts strain on people's hearts, doctors say.

A study in the British Medical Journal found that each 1C temperature drop on a single day in the UK is linked to 200 extra heartattacks.

Heatwaves, meanwhile, increase heart deaths from other causes, as shown by the events in Paris during summer 2003.

Over 11,000 people died in France's heatwave in the first half of August of that year when temperatures rose to over 40C.

Many of these were sudden cardiac deaths related to heart conditions other than heart attack.

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That same summer, record-breaking temperatures led to 2,000 excess deaths in the UK.

And experts predict that by the 2080s events similar to these will happen every year.

The risks posed by extreme spells of hot and cold are largely within two weeks of exposure and are greatest for the most frail - theelderly and those with heart problems already, say experts.

In the BMJ study, researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicineanalysed data on over 84,000 patients admitted to hospital with a heartattack between 2003 and 2006 and compared this with daily temperaturesin England and Wales.

They found that a 1C reduction in average daily temperature was linked with a cumulative 2% increase in risk of heart attack for 28days, even in the summer.

Vulnerable to extremes

Although a 2% increase in risk may sound small for any given individual, for the population of the UK it equates to 200 extra heartattacks a day, say the researchers.

Most of the casualties were people in their 70s and 80s, but people who had been taking aspirin long-term appeared to be lessvulnerable for some reason.

Start Quote

Although the increased risk is small, if there is a nationwide drop in average temperature it could equate toa significant number of heart attacks each day”

End QuoteEllen MasonBritish Heart Foundation

The researchers speculate that the cold may make blood more prone to clotting, and that this raises heart attack risk.

It would also explain why the blood-thinning drug aspirin might offer some protection.

Lead researcher Krishnan Bhaskaran and his team say further studies need to be conducted to see what measures could be used to avoidthe increased risk, such as advising patients, particularly theelderly, to wear suitable clothing and to heat their homes sufficiently.

Last year's low temperatures saw the highest number of "excess deaths" - the number of those who perished over and above whatis normal for the time of year - for nearly a decade.

The 36,000 "excess deaths" in England and Wales during the winter of 2008/09 represented a rise of nearly 50% from the previousyear.

In an accompanying editorial in the BMJ, Dr Paola Michelozzi and Manuela De Sario, of the LazioRegion Department of Epidemiology in Rome, say although rising globaltemperatures will bring some health benefits, such as lower cold-relatedmortality, any benefits will be outweighed by the health risks linkedto heatwaves.

"Actions to reduce greenhouse gases based on lifestyle changes at the population and individual level may have substantialbenefits for health and climate protection.

"For example, lowering saturated fat intake by reducing consumption of animal products is a healthy food choice recommended inprevention guidelines for coronary heart disease and a recognisedstrategy to reduce greenhouse gas emission," they say.

Ellen Mason, of the British Heart Foundation, said: "Although the increased risk is small, if there is a nationwide drop in averagetemperature it could equate to a significant number of heart attackseach day.

"This timely piece of research reminds us that older peopleand anyone with heart disease should keep warm in their homes after thesummer draws to a close

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The Choice we make; Fear or Love

A recent crop circle has been analysed in two ways, one shows the face of a man, some say Jesus, and the other analysis indicates a map of terrible earth events. It's the ultimate 'glass half full, glass half empty' question. Does this crop circle indicate fear or love to you?

Why Jesus?
The (alleged) "Venusians/ Pleiadians" who Ra in the 'Law of One' state that Jesus was one of their brotherhood, sent here to teach us about 'unconditional love and forgiveness'. Billy Miers (a credible source) who was visited by the (alleged) "Pleiadians" says the same thing about Jesus. Both of these sources also indicate that they also visited South America (Aztecs, Mayans) but withdrew soon after their teachings were distorted.

Fear or Love?
I'm also starting to think it's not only doom and gloom were are to expect. There is a mesage of love here as well. I think it's a reminder of the original message of love. I am also changing my perspective of the 2012 event. Maybe, it's like Cayce said, we should be rejoicing that we are the ones alive to be able to experience the changes, one that will be primarily focused on the spirtual (for some at least).

(Its just like the ZT's to turn everything into a scare mongering contest, I've no doubt now that they have absolutely no idea what the crop circles are about, because they are made by a different set of aliens, my guess is on the Venusians/ Pleiadians. Likewise the 'serpentine dance' crop circle is not necessary a countdown to the end of the world, but a reference to Quezacotl, another Jesus type figure who came to the South America's with teachings / knowledge - he often was visualised with a snake figure).

Additionally, articles in UK newspapers link the crop circle to the shroud of Turin,

Edgar Cayce
A very well respected source, due to his incredibly high accuracy also had this to say;

Be glad you have the opportunity to be alive at this time, and to be a part of that preparation for the coming influences of a spiritual nature that must rule the world. These are indicated, and these are part of thy experience. Be happy of it, and give thanks daily for it.
Edgar Cayce Reading 2376-3

Wishing you all peace, love and light of the one creator.

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From the Wall Street Journal, August 10, 2010: WASHINGTON—The Obama administration and BP PLC are close to a deal to use future revenues from the oil giant's Gulf of Mexico operations to guarantee its $20 billion cleanup and compensation fund, a move that would give both sides an incentive to continue production in the Gulf, scene of the U.S.'s worst-ever offshore oil spill.

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The Justice Department and BP said Monday they had completed talks to establish the fund, which is designed to cover damage claims from residents and businesses hurt by the spill and clean-up efforts by state and local governments. BP paid $3 billion into the fund ahead of schedule.

Discussions continue, however, on how BP will guarantee its remaining obligation of $17 billion. At one point in the negotiations, the two sides discussed securing the fund with BP's oil fields in the Gulf, but the government didn't want to end up owning wells, said one person familiar with the situation.

BP has said it expects to be able to make the required payments to the $20 billion fund through its ongoing operations and asset sales. However, the administration wanted security in the form of collateral in the event that BP couldn't meet its obligation due to financial or legal problems.

The issue of collateral is the last detail to be ironed out. It is a prickly political issue because it could make the administration and BP partners of sorts in developing the Gulf.

Such a deal could provoke a backlash on Capitol Hill, where some lawmakers are moving to bar BP from operating in the Gulf. Legislation approved by the House of Representatives in July would effectively prohibit the government from issuing new offshore oil leases or drilling permits to the oil company by adding a roster of requirements BP couldn't satisfy.

BP currently is the operator of 89 producing wells in the Gulf and a stakeholder in 60 other wells operated by other companies. Of these 149 producing wells, BP's share of the production is 400,000 barrels a day. BP isn't currently drilling any new Gulf wells, other than a relief well for the plugging operation.

Under the latest negotiations, BP would use production payments from its producing Gulf wells as collateral for the fund, and would provide quarterly production updates to the government. The collateral requirements would be reduced as BP pays money into the fund.

An administration official called the oil revenue "one option" for collateral, adding that the administration needed to do more work on several factors including the "financial reliability of well production" in BP's Gulf operations. The Gulf region accounts for about 10% of BP's production of oil and gas and is one of the company's most profitable areas of business.

Lots more here:$R&

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Scientists previously mapped huge floating trash patches in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans but now, a husband-wife team researching plastic garbage in the Indian Ocean report a new garbage patch located in the Indian Ocean. Along with the North Pacific and North Atlantic Ocean Gyres this Indian Ocean garbage patch discovery means there are now three confirmed ocean zones of plastic pollution.

A third garbage collection zone, this one in the Indian Ocean, emerges. By Katherine Butler

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a mess of trash and plastic that moves around the north Pacific Ocean and is roughly the size of Texas. It has a high concentration of plastics and chemical sludge. Photos from the patch of trapped sea turtles and tires will snare the attention of even the most stone-hearted cynic. A second plastic gyre has been discovered in the north Atlantic Ocean. And as Yahoo Green reports, another gyre was recently spotted in the Indian Ocean.

Ocean currents collect floating garbage and drop it into gyres that serve as a convergence spot. Trash has long washed up on the beaches of India, and now experts have confirmed that it may in part be due to a giant swirl of refuse making its way around the Indian Ocean.

Anna Cummins and Marcus Eriksen — co-founders of the 5 Gyres Institute, which is focused on plastic pollution in the oceans — report that of "the 12 water samples collected in the 3,000 miles between Perth, Australia, and Port Louis, Mauritius (an island due East of Madagascar), contain plastic.” As Cummins explained to Yahoo Green, "We now have a third accumulation zone of plastic pollution that shows compounding evidence that the trash isn't condensed to an island. It's spread out across the entire gyre from coast to coast."
Often called the world’s largest dump, these oceanic gyres are comprised of anything and everything that goes into the sea. Discover Magazine refers to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch this way: “Around and around: bottles, plastic bags, fishnets, clothing, lighters, and myriad other man-made items, held until they disintegrate, make their way to distant seas, or merely bob among the waves before washing up on someone’s beach.” In the North America alone, over 14 billion pounds of trash go into the ocean each year. The U.S. Coast Guard estimates that merchant ships dump 90 percent of the waste, while recreational boaters, the military, and cruise ships contribute the rest — with a 1 percent dose of sewage thrown in.
So where does this leave the Indian Ocean Garbage Patch? Eriksen emphasizes the importance of stopping the flow of trash into our bodies of water. These gyres are almost impossible to clean out because they do not form a solid base of trash. Eriksen also suggests cleaning up beaches as quickly as possible to prevent trash from entering or returning to the water. Another solution — collective reduction in individual plastic consumption — would also help create cleaner bodies of water.
In the meantime, the 5 Gyres Institute plans expeditions into the southern hemisphere to look for more trash.
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By BECKY BOHRER, Associated Press Writer Becky Bohrer, Associated Press Writer – 15 mins ago
JUNEAU, Alaska – A plane carrying nine people crashed amid southwest Alaska's remote mountains and lakes, killing five people on board, authorities said Tuesday. Former Sen. Ted Stevens and ex-NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe were believed to be aboard, but it was unclear if they were among the dead.

Reports from officials in Alaska were that nine people were aboard the aircraft and that "it appears that there are five fatalities," NTSB spokesman Ted Lopatkiewicz told The Associated Press in Washington.

A U.S. government official told The Associated Press that Alaska authorities have been told that the 86-year-old Stevens, a former longtime Republican senator, was on the plane. The official, who spoke on grounds of anonymity, says Stevens' condition is unknown.

The federal official declined to be publicly identified because the crash response and investigation are under way.

Stevens was one of two survivors in a 1978 plane crash at Anchorage International Airport that killed his wife, Ann, and several others.

Defense contractor EADS North America said Tuesday morning that O'Keefe, the CEO of the U.S.-based division of the European company, was a passenger on the small plane. The company said it had no further information about O'Keefe's status.

Alaska National Guard spokesman Maj. Guy Hayes said the Guard was called to the area about 20 miles north of Dillingham at about 7 p.m. Monday after a passing aircraft saw the downed plane. But severe weather has hampered search and rescue efforts.

Hayes said five people were on scene early Tuesday helping the crash victims. It was unclear how they reached the site.

A second U.S. government official in Washington said Tuesday that the National Guard in Alaska reported a private medical team was dropped near the crash site by commercial helicopter Tuesday morning. Four of nine people aboard the plane survived, the official said.

Coast Guard Petty Officer David Mosley said the agency has a plane flying over the crash scene, scouting it to make sure it's safe for helicopters to come into the area with pararescuers.

The National Weather Service reported rain and fog at Dillingham, with low clouds and limited visibility early Tuesday.

Conditions ranged from visibility of about 10 miles reported at Dillingham shortly before 7 p.m. Monday to 3 miles, with rain and fog, reported about an hour later, according to the agency.

Steven and O'Keefe are longtime fishing buddies and the former senator had been planning a fishing trip near Dillingham, longtime friend William Canfield said. The flight in and out of Dillingham is an often perilous trip through the mountains even in good weather, Canfield said.

Stevens, a moderate Republican, was appointed to the Senate in 1968 and served longer than any other Republican in history.

He remarried several years after the 1978 crash — he and his second wife, Catherine, have a daughter, Lily.

Over the years, Stevens directed billions of dollars to Alaska. But one of his projects — infamously known as the "Bridge to Nowhere" — became a symbol of pork-barrel spending in Congress and a target of taxpayer groups who challenged a $450 million appropriation for bridge construction in Ketchikan.

Stevens' standing in Alaska was toppled by corruption allegations and a federal trial in 2008. He was convicted of all seven counts — and narrowly lost his Senate seat to Democrat Mark Begich in the election the following week.

But five months after the election, Attorney General Eric Holder sought to dismiss the indictment against Stevens and not proceed with a new trial because of prosecutorial misconduct by federal prosecutors.

Stevens' family thanked those trying to reach the site of a plane crash in southwest Alaska in a statement released Tuesday morning by a former Stevens chief of staff.

Lopatkiewicz said the NTSB is sending a team to the crash site.

In Washington, a Federal Aviation Administration spokesman said the aircraft is a DeHavilland DHC-3T registered to Anchorage-based General Communication Corp.

Dillingham is located in northern Bristol Bay, about 325 miles southwest of Anchorage.
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Sun eruption from 7th Aug. may affect Earth after all

INCOMINGCME: The solar eruption of August 7th mightaffect Earth after all. Newly-arriving data from the Solarand Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) show a CME heading ourway with a significant Earth-directed component. Click onthe image to launch a "difference movie" of theexpanding cloud:


The impact of this lopsided CME probably won't trigger a major geomagnetic storm---but the SOHO data show it couldbe bigger than expected. High latitude sky watchers shouldbe alert for auroraswhen the cloud arrives probably on August 10th.

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Compass reading

Hello everyone

Since about a year, I have been watching on a daily basis, a compass that is located at the same spot. Since about 1 month, the compass needle has moved 2 degree to the East. The needle does not move that much and is not predicting earthquakes. If I add all the compass movements since about one year, the magnetic North is more to the East by about 10 degrees. Anybody else have done compass readings. Do you get the same declination to the East. I live in the northern hemisphere.
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Northern Hemisphere 50% Below Normal

"This is in a year that was predicted to be a very bad year for tropical storms! The dying Gulf Stream/Northern Atlantic Current is effecting the Jet Stream in a profound way. This is directly connected to the heat wave / drought in Russia and the flooding in Asia and to the low number of Tropical Storms."
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Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current Dying
Loop Current in Gulf of Mexico Already Dead

Extreme heat/drought in Russia, Flooding in Asia,
Killing Cold in South America
All Connected To BP Oil Disaster

By The Earl of Stirling

Our planet is experiencing a real life version of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" right now. Record breaking heat (up to 39-40C or 100-104F in Moscow) and drought in Russia, heat and flooding in large parts of Asia (China, Pakistan, etc.), and killing cold temperatures in South America are all reflective of a rapidly changing global weather pattern that is caused by dramatic changes in the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current (also called the North Atlantic Drift) and the Norway Current/etc. brought on by the large amounts of oil discharged into the Gulf of Mexico by the BP Oil Disaster.

An Italian theoretical physicist, Dr. Gianluigi ZangariDr. Gianluigi Zangari, of the prestigious Research Division of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics at Frascati National Laboratories (LNF) of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) in Italy, has come up with some startling scientific findings. Dr. Zangari has specialized in global climate research and analysis. He has found that the massive amount of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, from the BP Oil Disaster, has caused a disruption of the Loop Current in the Gulf. And further, that this has resulted in a dramatic weakening in the vorticity of the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current, and a reduction in North Atlantic water temperatures of 10C.

It is a university level physics experiment to use a tub of cool water and inject a colored stream of warm water into it. You can see the boundary layers of the warm water stream. If you add oil to the tub it breaks down the boundary layers of the warm water stream and effectively destroys the current vorticity . This is what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Atlantic Ocean.

The entire 'river of warm water' that flows from the Caribbean to the edges of Western Europe is dying due to the Corexit that the Obama Administration allowed BP to use to hide the scale of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster. The approximately two million gallons of Corexit, plus several million gallons of other dispersants, have caused the over two hundred million gallons of crude oil, that has gushed for months from the BP wellhead and nearby sites, to mostly sink to the bottom of the ocean. This has helped to effectively hide much of the oil, with the hopes that BP can seriously reduce the mandated federal fines from the oil disaster. However, there is no current way to effectively 'clean up' the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, which is about half covered in crude oil. Additionally, the oil has flowed up the East Coast of America and into the North Atlantic Ocean, and there is no way to effectively clean up this 'sea bottom oil'.

This massive amount of crude oil, covering such an enormous area, has seriously affected the Loop Current, the Gulf Stream, and the North Atlantic Current system, by breaking up the boundary layers of the warm water flow.

There are several names to the themoregulation 'river of warm water' that keeps the Northern Hemisphere from going into a new Ice Age. The first section is named the "Loop Current" and it begins in the Caribbean, flows around the Yucatan Peninsula and goes into the Gulf of Mexico, then loops around the Gulf and exits on the east side and runs between Cuba and Florida. At this point the current is called the "Florida Current" and it flows from the Keys up the East Coast of America (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and part of North Carolina) to the Outer Banks. At the Outer Banks the current heads east into the North Atlantic where it is known as the "Gulf Stream". Eventually the Gulf Stream becomes the North Atlantic Current, which itself eventually becomes the Norway Current and the Canary Current. The reason that this system has several names, and not one, is historical. It was not all discovered at the same time and the flow was not fully known or understood for years. Ben Franklin, one of my favorite American 'founding fathers' is the person that
named one section of this system the "Gulf Stream" in the 1760s. It should be noted that this 'river of warm water' does not begin with the Loop Current, it is part of a much larger system that includes the Atlantic South Equatorial Current which flows north along the coast of Brazil (the North Brazil Current), and becomes the Caribbean Current, and is renamed the Yucatan Current as it flows north into the Yucatan Channel. This entire system is one of the main global themoregulation processes that regulates the planet's temperatures.

Based on what has already happened (to the Loop Current and the Gulf Stream/North Atlantic Current/etc. and global weather patterns), and what is continuing to happen, we can project increased global climate changes that are both serious and near in terms of time. We may be entering a full new Ice Age.

There is no known way to clean up the massive amount of free crude oil, stripped of its lighter elements by dispersants, now on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and in significant parts of the Atlantic Ocean (where the Gulf Stream flows). The use of Corexit and other dispersants by BP, with the full cooperation of the Obama Administration has created the most significant danger to the entire planet in recorded history. This is what happens when a great nation slips into being a Third World type of nation, where money alone is the key driving force in government actions.

As full knowledge of the scope of the oncoming mega-disaster to the planet becomes known, the Obama Administration will find itself in a political crisis way beyond Watergate (that cost Nixon his presidency) or the sex affair that almost cost Clinton his presidency. The effect on this years mid-term Congressional elections are apt to be dramatic.
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