AUGUST 17, 2013
Changes (16)
Three Choices
Good Morning Adrial
Good morning Mark, you already know some of what we wish to convey this day. Shall we begin?
Yes, please. It is always a pleasure to hear from you.
You, and I address here all humans of Earth, those that read these words and those who do not; you are now in transformation time. There is no question as to whether Earth and her humans will transition; only the playing out of events remains.
At some level of consciousness you realize that these are not ordinary times, and that changes are occurring everywhere and in many aspects of your life. You need only look at the number of sizeable earthquakes around the world, increased volcanic activity, unusually large and unseasonable tornadoes, and the energetic ejections from your sun, or the economic and political chaos that continues to engulf many countries.
Against this background each person is presented with three choices: 1) Resist or ignore the changes and what is to come. 2) Flow with the changes. 3) Take charge of your own life.
Let me explain further. In the first case, are people who are satisfied with their current lives, whether they are comfortable with their circumstances or whether they are unhappy and refuse to look at other ways to live; all are choosing to stay in their zone of comfort. Some are the wealthy and powerful who believe their possessions and status will see them through the current changes. Others are those who are damaged by substance abuse or other disabling practices or life circumstances and are unwilling or unable to change. Others simply see no alternative to their current lives, “It’s always been like this, and it always will be.” Whether people resist the changes or ignore them, they are choosing to remain in the 3rd Dimension.
In the second category are those who see the changes about them and choose to go along with whatever comes. Their attitude is one of, ”I know things are changing, I may not like them but I have faith that I will be taken care of.” Or “I know changes are occurring in me and my surroundings, I enjoy watching and reading about the changes and the wonderful life ahead of me. I know I will be okay.” These have graduated to the 4th Dimension.
In the third category are those who are taking charge of their own lives and want to stay on the crest of the waves of change. They have a daily discipline to transform themselves into higher levels of vibration, to further their ascension into the 5th Dimension. They realize the extent of the changes that are coming and are actively preparing themselves to take full advantage of the wondrous life ahead. They are not waiting for favorable events to sweep them along or some outside force to rescue them. They are taking change of their own ascension. They know full well that living in the 5th Dimension is demanding as well as joyous and happy; to a great extent they are already living in what is to come.
For those in the first category we would say that they will most likely remain in the 3rd Dimension until Earth’s vibrations are such that they can no longer tolerate them. At this point they will leave their bodies.
For the second group, they will remain in some level of the 4th dimension, slowly being pushed upward. In time they may ascend to the 5th dimension, if they live long enough and survive the events of the transformation.
The third group is already practicing life in the 5th dimension, as changes swirl about them. They see themselves as creators of their lives and as such realize that to create from love they must control every thought, every emotion, every word, and every action in every moment.
To this we must add that the events of December 2012 accelerated all aspects of the transformation: The underpinnings of the 3rd Dimension were removed. The way to the higher Dimensions is now open for all who choose to ascend. Furthermore, time is collapsing so all has the appearance of happening more rapidly.
When anchored, the higher vibrations will transform your carbon-based human body into crystalline form. Along with this are concomitant changes to your brain and all other internal organs. Your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies will be integrated into a wondrous new entity. Again, it requires the active participation of each individual to accomplish this.
We see Earth changing gradually over an extended period as 5th Dimension physical form succeeds the rigidness of the 3rd Dimension. We do not see precipitous changes as previously forecast – and continue to be forecast by some – nor do we see changes as occurred at the fall of Atlantis. We do see changes over an extended period.
Adrial, this is a big change.
Yes, Mark, the events of December 2012 changed many thing, most notably the opening of the gates to the multi-dimensions for all in physical form in the cosmos. This is now available to all humans of Earth. The transformation of Earth was the tipping point that all had been awaiting.
Can we jump from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension?
No, it is required that everyone spend some time in the 4th Dimension. The human physical, mental and emotional bodies cannot withstand a direct jump from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension. Moving an individual from 3rd Dimension rigidness directly into the 5th Dimension would tear apart their physical bodies as well as their mental and emotional bodies.
How do you see technology developing?
We see that there will be great leaps in technology as the unlimitedness of the 5th Dimension comes into focus. Technologies based in the rigidness of the 3rd Dimension will have no place in the New Earth. Technologies that take advantage of the fluidness of the 5th Dimension and Oneness with Earth will flourish. Your star brothers and sisters stand ready to assist you after the transformation.
So, nothing built on the rigid platform of the 3rd Dimension will survive?
That is correct, nothing of the 3rd Dimension will remain once Earth and her humans have embraced the 5th Dimension.
How long will that take?
Measured in your linear time, we foresee that it will require fifty to one hundred years.
What about the relationships humans have with others that are based on a 3rd Dimension foundation?
They will not survive. New ways of relating to others, based in love, peace, gratitude, personal power, and Oneness are the future. Relationships based on fear, violence, necessity, greed, or status will not survive the transformation into the 5th Dimension.
I think I am beginning to get it. This requires a shift in my perspective. First I had believed that all would shift in an instant. Now you are telling me it will be gradual. I think the dramatic shift might have been easier.
Now let us turn to the wondrous path that awaits all who choose to embrace this transformation. The higher vibrations of the 5th Dimension will integrate into the body of each person on Earth who so chooses. When this transformation is completed your human body will take on many new functions and a whole new reality. Your life will become one of creating, telepathy, clairvoyance, and other higher attributes, plus you will enjoy interacting with all the higher vibration beings in the cosmos.
The path before you is extraordinary. It is a path that has never been accomplished before: The resurrection of an entire planet’s population from the darkness of 3rd Dimension. The path now lies open for all of humanity to ascend to the 5th Dimension. This means that all on your planet have the opportunity to lay aside the duality, violence and judgments of the 3rd Dimension. Yes, this opportunity is now open to all, and is much easier to ascend than when the stickiness of the 3rd Dimension was in full force.
It will be a process of the young overcoming the rigidness of their parents. It will be a process spearheaded by lightworkers and wayshowers. But it will become a reality and Earth will once again shine with the Christed light, shine like a star with a light of her own, not just reflecting the light of your sun.
Earth will become a paradise where many from around the cosmos, physical beings and non-physical, will visit. You, the ascended humans of Earth, will be honored among all in the cosmos for what you have achieved: Transforming your physical bodies from 3rd Dimension to 5th Dimension. And you will easily travel to distant planets and galaxies.
Let me explain further. Today ALL on your planet have experienced the Christed energy. Most are not aware of this magnificent event, but nonetheless it has been accomplished. For those waiting for the return of Jesus, it has been fulfilled and in a most extraordinary way: The Christed light been placed in the heart of each human of the planet. In turn it has been seated within the heart of the planet. This great feat was accomplished with the collaboration of many from the celestial realm and lightworkers of your planet.
Do not expect a total renewal of your planet and its people instantly, for most are unconscious of this glorious event. Yet the light burns brightly within the hearts of all. Each person sees something in his or her own life changing. Each sees something in their surrounding changing. It is within the hearts of all that the greatest changes are taking place. Look within to see if you are different than before.
If you casually look at events as portrayed by your media, you may see few changes. However if you examine it more closely you will see that there are changes occurring as truth is emerging: Truth of the power and greed of the few versus the needs of the many. Truth of the few who would control the lives of the many. Judgments of the few against the basic human needs of the many. All humans are your brothers and sisters. Each deserves to be treated as such. None are less or greater than the other. None are privileged, although they may consider themselves to be so. Value is not measured by wealth or power. Value is measured by joy, love, happiness, and inner peace.
Now, Mark, let us speak about your personal transformation. We see you progressing rapidly on an inner level. It is most interesting to witness the changes in your body and how they are manifesting themselves in the ways in which you present yourself to others. You are indeed showing the way to a higher consciousness by turning inward, and not depending on outside sources for verification of who you are and what is transpiring. This is building your confidence in your personal worth and in your unique journey.
We trust that you now see the purpose for which you incarnated on this world at this time. You are a vital part, as are many others, in leading Earth from the darkness in which it has existed for many eons. This does not make you superior to others, only first to walk the path.
As we were saying, the events you have seen since December of last year will continue to accelerate for the remainder of this year and beyond. This is the working out of Earth’s transformation as well as the transformation of humanity. Do not expect any large display by your star brothers and sisters until much of this has finished. The arrival of off-planet beings of physical form would create too much fear, and fear is not what would contribute to a positive outcome. Rather they are being held in check, contributing their energies to assist the positive transformation of all.
I am Adrial, celestial of this universe, speaking on behalf of the collective. It has been my pleasure to communicate with you. Blessings.
"There is a certain computer program which actually drives the whole financial system and this computer program has received a virus on the 21st May this year, so the light forces can actually shut down the whole system just like that, just flick the switch and it’s gone and this might happen in the case of the mass arrest scenario, if this scenario is going to be executed in the way it was planned the light forces can just switch off the financial system and we have a banking holiday around the world everywhere and this is for the purpose of cutting the cabal away from their money..."
The interview happened around June 19th. What was said then sounds like the 60 banks that are being hacked that was posted yesterday. There was mention that a logarithm of unknown source and complexity, never seen before, was being used.
This so-called hacking sounds like a story to cover up that the forces of light takeover is in progress.
Good news about earth changes, confirming what other sources are saying. I've been thinking along these lines and this further leads me to think that the PX scenario was/is a cover-up, masking the true reasons of earth changes caused by positive energies coming in from the galactic sun so (1) people would not awaken to the truth about Ascension and (2) it was an opportunity to create fear to further keep people from awakening. This would mean, then, that ZT is an outreach of the dark forces (though many unwitting good-hearted people were sucked into it). And, it just occurred to me, this could be the reason she ordered everyone to "not look at the sun." Why? We would see all the various spacecraft of the liberation forces!
As Lothar blogged earlier at, and as Cobra confirms in his interview below, the negative ETs are gone from Earth. This, then, confirms that Nancy truly has been cut off from her source of information and is winging it (as I've been saying for two years and now have independent confirmation). She's STS, no doubt in my mind from witnessing her behavior. An STO could not have worked for STS ETs. So, she's been working with the STS Zetas (who work with the US Government) and has been cut off. Being as STS as her employers, and not wanting to lose her position of power and ego-stroking, adoring fans, she has been trying to wing it for years. It all makes sense now.
Lisa: I know there is a lot of talk and you’ve mentioned it before but earth changes, severe earth changes most of the information coming to us about earth changes that will happen are coming from off world sources as are the information about ‘they will be mitigated’ but there is nothing that I am aware of really here on the ground to suggest that we are in for earth changes, nobody’s talking about it from studying the planet and what’s going on with it, it has been said that this is just another fear paradigm that is being orchestrated either by the darker ET’s or the Archons or the cabal, if it fact earth changes are part of this process, why?
Cobra: Ok, this is quite a complex story and I will try to explain, actually earth changes were a part of what was about to happen on this planet this was predicted a long time ago but the activity of the light forces have diminished the impact of those changes dramatically so actually the positive ET races have been expecting those earth changes to happen a long time ago and they did not because of the activity of the light forces on this planet and there might be some earth changes happening but not in 2012 much later than that. They might happen after a certain, then the critical mass of humanity will awaken and the purpose of those earth changes happening is to purify the planet, but day by day the situation looks brighter and brighter so there is nothing to fear and yes there is scientific evidence of those things there is a scientist by the name of Paul Violet? That is speaking about the activity of the galactic central sun and actually those earth changes are happening cyclically every 26,000 years when the galactic central sun gets active and right now we are entering the period of increased activity of the galactic central sun. But as I have said the positive light forces can direct the energy of the galactic central sun in a balanced way so that this process is not traumatic for humanity. So I would say there is nothing to fear.
Cobra on Stockholm Syndrome. This is another phenomenon that keeps people glued to NZT, despite the obvious flaws:
Lisa: I know you said earlier that humanity is being held hostage essentially which is what has stalled action but is there also a great deal of concern about how humanity is going to react?
Cobra: Well, one of the main concerns of the light forces is actually the reaction of the masses to more definite action because some people will like it and some people will not like it and we have to deal with that, so actually the hostages have been programmed to the point where many of them don’t want to be liberated and that is quite a complicated problem and we are trying to resolve this right now.
Lisa: Yes it is like the victim falling in love with the perpetrator.
Cobra: Yes, yes, Stockholm syndrome.
Lisa: Yes, en mass.
Cobra: Yes
Lisa: It’s a shame, ....
Just remember, NZT said the economy would not collapse. But it never spoke of mass arrests and all the other issues surrounding Earth's liberation from the dark cabal. A closing thought, what better way to hide in plain sight than to screech about the "establishment" when you ARE the establishment.
Thanks to Vickie for providing this link: I'm excerpting information on earth changes and evacuation in Chapter 5, beginning on page 36. You need to read this so you will know what to do if evacuations become necessary. And guess what? Everyone gets to go, not just the STO. There is a heirarchy of who goes first, so read on....
I see no point in changing perfection or rewriting that which is still accurate. However, since this equipment is not compatible with that upon which we first wrote this message of evacuation, I shall share it with you again. I will distract myself, Dharma, and allow you to pick it up from my monitors.
We have millions of ships stationed in the skies above your planet, ready to instantly lift you off at the first warning of your planet's beginning to tilt on its axis. When this occurs, we have only a very short time segment in which we can lift you from the surface before great tidal waves will lash your coastlines. These waves can be as deep as five miles or more. They will subsequently cover much of your land masses. Your melting polar ice caps are contributing greatly to the unequal balance of the orb itself. Along with these changes there will be great earthquakes which will feed from one suture line (fault line) to the next to cause severe shifting of entire tectonic plates. As these splits and 1 grindings occur you will have massive volcanic eruptions over widespread areas of previously dormant cones. In portions near your nuclear testing grounds you will experience probably spillage of radioactive material into your atmosphere. You will also experience radiation leakage from your nuclear power plants as they are disrupted by land changes. Portions of your continents will split and sink and in other areas this will cause thrusting upward of other masses.
You have had plenty of news about winds, etc. that will accompany these upheavals. There will be upheavals and earthquakes for instance, that will not trigger evacuation, so I will speak of cataclysmic proportions. We are very experienced in the evacuation of populations of planets! It would be grand if this were not necessary to be true, but alas, it is not even all that uncommon for many various reasons. We will stick to yours and what you might expect. We expect, and are practiced and prepared to complete the evacuation of Earth of the souls of Light in some fifteen minutes, regardless of numbers. Further, we will rescue the souls of Light first. (Not a bad idea to get on that Light List.) Our computers are massive and self updating. Each entity is entered into the system and all changes, to the minute details, are constantly updated. The computers are ocked onto the coordinates as designated by your grid ley lines and vortex intersections. At the first indication that there may be need to evacuate, the computers lock onto the location of every energy entity instantly, no matter where might be the location of the human form. Don't concern yourself with that portion; just make sure you keep the signals attuned on an ongoing basis.
After the souls of Light have been evacuated, then the children will ALL be lifted off. The children are considered to be nonaccountable, so they will be evacuated to special ships to be cared for until they can be reunited with their parents or placed for indefinite care and tending. We have ones well trained for the specific task of handling the children and their trauma. Many may be put into sleep for a period of time to help them overcome their fear and anxiety. Our computer system is far, far beyond anything ever used thus.far on Earth in this age it can locate parents of specific children wherever they may be and notify one another of safety or status. THE CHILDREN WILL BE LIFTED TO SAFETY DURING THE EVACUATION, SO DO NOT GIVE UNDUE THOUGHT TO THEM. DO NOT SEEK TO UNITE BEFORE LIFT OFF--TEND YOURSELF AND WE WILL TEND THE CONFUSION.
After the evacuation of the children, the invitation will be extended to all remaining souls on the planet to join us. However, this will be for only a very, very short time period, perhaps another fifteen minutes or so. There is abundant space for all ones, but because the atmosphere by that elapsed amount of time will be filled with fire, flying debris, poisonous smoke, and because the magnetic field of your planet will be disturbed, we will have to leave your atmosphere very quickly or we, also, with our craft will perish.
THEREFORE, HE WHO STEPS INTO OUR LEVITATION BEAMS FIRST WILL BE LIFTED FIRST. ANY HESITATION ON YOUR PART WOULD MEAN THE END OF YOUR THIRD DIMENSIONAL EXISTENCE YOU CALL THE PHYSICAL BODY. This brings us to the most serious and difficult part of the evacuation: As mentioned earlier, souls of Light have a higher vibration frequency than do those who are more closely "tied" to the Earth and earth concepts and actions. Well, since our levitation beams, which will be lifting you off the surface of the planet, are very close to the same thing as your electrical charges as you recognize them, those of low vibrational frequency may not be able to withstand the high frequency of the levitation beams without departing the third dimensional body. We will get as close as possible so the beam time span is lessened, but it must still be from quite a high altitude. When a beam ship lands in "normal" times to invite ones aboard, it is customary to land the craft or hover quite close to your surface. Then our own ones will accompany any entity aboard. It will not be thusly done at evacuation lift-off. If the soul energy departs the third-dimensional body, there may be opportunity for resuscitation and reconnection, or the soul will be released to be housed in appropriate facilities according to agreement with God. At any rate, you would not be left to experience the havoc on your planet's surface. If you do not decide to step into the levitation beams to be lifted up, you might be one of the f6w who survive the "cleansing" and changes. However, during this period of cleansing, there will be great changes in climate, in land masses, for the poles of the planet will have a new orientation. This alone will create untold hardship for the survivors. In some areas of specific location it may be possible to have guides and assistants return or in some instances, remain as a support system.
After lift-off you will be taxied by the shuttle (lift-off) craft to our "mother ships" which are anchored even higher above the planet. There you will be taken care of, depending upon your circumstance. Some of you will need medical care, others will be quite wonderful, but hyperexcited and agitated. Some will be frantic over family members, etc. We have expert medical staff who will be there to treat you with highly advanced equipment--some will simply be placed into a state of sleep until vital signs regain normal status. You will be fed and housed until such time as transfer elsewhere is advisable. Some of you will be taken to cities on other planets to be trained in advanced technology before being returned to the planet Earth to start rebuilding. This will all be determined by counseling or prearrangement. Children will be reunited with parents and families, etc.
Your wondrously beautiful planet is destined to be a most beautiful star within the universe. For long she has waited to take her place of glory. She shall be a beauteous planet of Light. Here, you can rejoin the remainder of the Universe in brotherly love and fellowship within the Lighted Brotherhood of Man with God the Creator. Do not scoff at these words, people of Earth. We are sent forth and come willingly and in love of you as our brothers in a great time of distress. As surely as the sun shines from the east to the west, so shall these things shortly come to pass. Let us be prepared, please.
I suggest you do whatever you can to allow us to come into your sectors without hostility. It appears all probabilities of avoiding this untoward event are past. We see no changes in magnitude of perceptions of such proportions that would alter the course if events. So be it, we will continue to work diligently with that which we are given.
Let us speak a bit of the administering of this program. As Commander for this solar system and its various volunteer units from many areas of space, it is my responsibility to coordinate efforts of the many fleets as they touch into the mission of Shan. When these various factions of force are not thus involved, then, of course, they are self-regulatory and guided under their own supervision. They only come under the jurisdiction of the Interplanetary Confederation if they are here on a specific assignment, correlated to the overall Hierarchical mission to the planet. Let me assure you that I understand the doubts egarding credibility--that is a superb success of our dark fragments causing ridicule and outrageous press. I realize there are ones out there claiming to be goddesses and rainbow caped freaks of mammoth personality and ego breakdown. It is for you to look beyond and into Truth. It is why you of our co-workers must not be other than professional and credible. Continue as you are, except clean up your attitudes. You will get nowhere by "JUST BEING". No one of our busy workers needs another iota of responsibility--tend of yourselves. Quit your silly games. Who can possibly give credibility to one with purple satin capes blowing in the wind, purple hair with sage bushes stuck hither and yon, and chanting unintelligible garbage. THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT US THAT IS HARD TO UNDERSTAND AND GOD NEEDS ONLY THEE AND HE. ALL ELSE IS BAGGAGE YOU WILL LEAVE BEHIND AT ALL CIRCUMSTANCE. WE HAVE SUPPLIES FOR YOU. WE WILL TAKE YOUR ANIMAL AND FEATHERED PETS AND i PLACE THEM IN SAFETY. WHEN GOD PREPARES A PLACE FOR YOU, HE DOES A MOST EFFICIENT JOB OF IT. ALL THE REMAINDER OF THIS "NEW AGE" NONSENSE IS EXACTLY THAT--NONSENSE, AND WILL MOST SURELY HINDER YOUR PROGRESS. SO BE IT!
There are many from other places in the cosmos who will come simply of their own volition and their own purposes. To these, we merely extend our hospitality and our accord. The exception to the rule would be any of those who come for reasons that would be harmful to the planet or its inhabitants. These ones are carefully policed and, if deviant, are escorted beyond the system and sent about their other affairs. Those remaining close are expected to participate if needed and stay completely clear of interference at any evacuation alert. There are often replacement fleets who come to relieve others of their tour of duty. Some of our brothers have been on alert at Earth station for a very, very long time and are weary and ready to return to their own homes. There is a continuing turnover of fleet participation in the many patrol units involved. Those tours of duty are not of an indefinite nature, but have a set period of time in which to begin and end, with others of relief coming to replace and rotate duty stations. Many of the assignments given to these many volunteer fleets are done on a "need of circumstance" basis.
Strong representative ground units necessitate the contacts in keeping with the frequencies of the fleet and its representative. Thus, one representative will primarily always be in contact with its own Interstellar Command, even though the crew may be replaced occasionally, but always by their own members. There are other earth-based personnel who are representatives "at large", who may make confact and be at the disposal of any Command units in the area. For instance, if there is need for communications in this sector, Dharma would respond instantly. There would rarely be need of such for all craft would first be instructed to contact our fleet ship, and thus the sequence of information. Remember that each base or unit does at all times, have its personal craft hovering within its vortex for personal immediate relaying of messages to or from that unit. This station or platform never changes, although the persons involved might be removed temporarily for rest and relaxation, to return later. All of our signals, beams, and contacts are relayed to our messengers through the medium of these individual platforms of contact. Sometimes the terminals are aboard command ships, as in this case. In the "atmosphere" (assuming the craft or platform to be within the atmosphere) there is an identifying beam projection for identification purposes to those who patrol the flight paths. The beam projection identifies the particular command sponsoring the base unit. Because of the crystal communication center located at this particular location, there is constant action in your heavens. If I have need for additional support units for any reason, I can reach further out for assistance to the Federation and I will be sent whatever assistance is necessary.
Helping Mother Earth Gaia (Shan) to Give Birth =
Being Joyful + Staying Positive + Being in Oneness with All
Want to help Mother Earth Gaia and the Galaxy Ascend by
contributing 15-20 minutes per day in a shared meditation with
Project: Eagle Triad? Start your Mission today!
Please contact janisel (at) sanandaseagles (dot) com
********** THE IMPENDING LABOR OF EARTH **********
Sanat Kumara
Channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles
It is I, Sanat Kumara, who comes forth to speak with you regarding
our Beloved Mother Earth. Most of you know me as the Planetary
Logos, the one who embodies this planet, filling every cell of her
being, lighting and paving the way for some of the most historic
events in her history. I come forth at this time to ask each of you
to become, as it were, a Planetary Logos... filling your Heart
Center with the Love for our Mother. She is going through a most
difficult time right now, and is in need of much Love and Care. For
those of you of the female gender who have been on the threshold
of birth, you are well aware of what I speak.
Mother Earth is now in the throes of labor... and a difficult labor
it is. She is hurting and she needs your Love. The time for the
"big push" is at hand. Long has she strived to hold back on this
birth, giving everyone ample opportunity to awaken to their own
Divinity, to their Oneness with her. The time has now come when the
pangs of birth are so strong that she can hold off no longer.
Earth changes are impending, however this is part of her birthing
process. It must be in order for her to move into her Higher state
of Being. She [Mother Earth Gaia / Shan] has loved you, cared for you,
provided for you, nourished you, and now she must move on… on to
her rightful Ascended State. And she holds open the opportunity for
all humanity to join her on this journey. All she asks is for you
to join with her in Love... in Oneness. Accompany her
into the Higher Realms by way of your own Ascension. The choice, of
course, is yours. You may go...or you may stay. She has made her
choice, however, and is now ready to Ascend.
Be not afraid of the coming "push", for all is as it should be.
Send her Love, hold her in your Heart, embody her to help her
through this difficult time. She has held back as long as she can,
but now must burst forth from her chrysalis as does the butterfly
as it takes to the air. I ask all of you to join me in helping with this
birth. Long have I held the Light in every cell of her body, and now
I ask you to continue to do the same.
While holding this LIGHT, it is now time to step back and let
Mother Nature, as it were, take its rightful course. She is now
striving to rise to her perfection, but cannot do so without your
Light paving the way. Bless her, and tell her you love her and are
standing by as midwives, so to speak, ready to help in any way you
can. Hinder her no more, but instead give her the command to
"Push!" begin this great and glorious birth. Her time is at
hand, as is yours. She has delayed as long as possible in order for
her children to come out of the place of fear. But she can wait no
Put away your fear and ride the tide of redemption with her! Yes,
the changes will come. Yes, there will be moments of doubt and
uncertainty when these changes begin. But fear not! Know that we
are with all of you, and that each of you is exactly where you
should be at any given moment. Stand back and watch as the Glory of
God is revealed to All. My Love and Peace I leave with you. I AM
Sanat Kumara.
Learn more about Project: Eagle Triad and the Sananda’s Eagles here:
This article notes that this cloud is causing many of the earth changes we are seeing. I have wondered if a PX-type object and this cloud, together, could be causing the changes. If this article is correct, it makes me wonder if PX is a red herring and this cloud is the real culprit. If so, what would be the point? I don't know at this time, but I'll keep this thought in mind as I continue to search. Any ideas?
These are older listings. It has been replaced by Yamkin's blog at
2010 Earth Changes In Review
(Jan-Jun 2010)
(Jul-Dec 2010)
2011 Earth Changes In Review
Week 1:
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Week 11:
Week 12:
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Week 16:
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Week 18:
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Week 20:
Week 21:
Week 22:
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Week 27:
Week 28:
The first time I met the Zetas, I was dying. I was 7 years old and lying face down on the bottom of the Atlantic ocean at Daytona Beach. Saltwater and sand roared in my ears and up my nose and down my throat, and my lungs were filling up fast.
Suddenly, a stern voice filled my head. Stand up! You're drowning! it said. I complied. I remember feeling no fear, just found it interesting and wondered about it for awhile. Then life intervened and it was forgotten.
Decades later I found where the voice came from. Simply said, the Zetas saved my life.
Last night, I was drowning again, this time my lungs were filled with fluid from pneumonia. I couldn't breathe. If lungs were a freeway system, mine were Los Angeles' during rush hour traffic. Snap, crackle, pop. I couldn't sleep from the noise and the compulsion to cough without ceasing. Death appeared knock-knock-knocking on Heaven's door (think Bob Dylan here).
I'm permanently disabled with Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) and when my immune system "dysfuncts" I can get rip roaringly ill. Usually, not this bad though, but I am getting older.
So, I paid my doctor a visit a day earlier. He wanted me to go to the E.R. immediately, in an ambulance, directly from his office. I graciously refused such a kind offer and suggested a more cost-effective route by trying meds first. He reluctantly, and with an stern, disapproving scowl, waved the scripts he had just written under my nose and exhorted me in no uncertain terms ("Listen, young lady, I'm a hardened, 75-year-old physician that doesn't scare easily but you are scaring the bejeebers out of me, as usual.").
My marching orders were that if, in the next 24 hours, I became worse or did not improve I was to go to the E.R. immediately by ambulance. I was percolating like a Maxwell House coffee pot. I thanked him for his concern, but I wasn't scared...much.
Anyway, at 24 hours, there was a change and it seemed for the better. Enter a bit of smug self-satisfaction, See, I was right.
At 30 hours, I couldn't breathe. Damn-it-to-hell, he was right. Now I have to eat his smug self-satisfaction. Not hesitating to throw in the towel though, since it was my life at stake after all, I immediately headed out for the E.R. 25 miles away (well, I did take time to grab a handful of cookies).
When I reached the first of many pitch-black intersections (there are no street lights where I live), I casually pulled a California roll in my little deuce coupe while seriously considering if I should have taken that ambulance. It could have given me oxygen and kept heading to the hospital if I became unconscious. I mean, wouldn't that be the normal, sane thing to do?
Well, sanity is always an option but the inevitable all-powerful Accounting Warning flashed before my eyes and my overly analytical side starting punching numbers into my insanely accurate mental calculator: $500 for the ambulance ride, a thousand-plus-dollar E.R. visit, the unknown but astronomical price of a possible hospital admission for how many days? weeks? And what if they had to use the dreaded ventilation machine. {Shudder, the ventilator.}
Oh, eff it, I said. If this is it, I'm going to enjoy my last moments on Gaia and go for the gold. So, the decision was made. NFWIH would I go out in an ambulance. I was driving myself. Independent to the end. The Call of the Wild. Going where no man has never gone before. Damning the torpedoes. Living La Vida Loca.
[Turning off the satire for a moment: This is totally irresponsible and was done by a professional stunt person. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.]
God knows, though, I'm as stubborn as I am persistent, having persisted for 19 years until Scientology returned my donation which they fraudulently acquired.
On that last one, God help anyone who effs me like that; but no, I'm not a vengeful, mean person...we're talking about gross injustice and fraud, another point for my funeral eulogy...she extracted money out of $cientology....unheard of...forcing the religious mafia pay her back, then writing a book and exposing them, while geting their chief outhouse counsel fired and causing another one to reassess her position and leave said outhouse counsel's firm. Bow down! She can finally say all that in her eulogy. Oh, and don't forget to mention what happens to anyone who dares hijack any of her blogs. Right, Nancy? Didn't matter you got Gerard in trouble, did it Nancy? Or that you put an innocent in jeopardy of legal liability, right Nancy?
Back to the medical money crisis saga...
Okay, now I've done it. I've pissed her off.
You're just plain nuts, ya know, she says.
No, I say in a quick, hot retort. I'm a soldier making do with scarce resources. I know how to improvise.
Semantics, she shoots back.
Yeah, maybe, I quasi-concede to shut her up. Depends on your reality.
Oh, you're not getting off that easy, she warns. You were in a medical crisis.
Yeah, and you're point is? I cattily reply, knowing full well what her point is.
You coulda D-I-E-D, you idiot!
Oh, how effen lame you are, pushing the attack back in her direction. You operate at such a low level. You ought to try an exercise where you stare down Death and keep your focus. I'd like to point out that you blinked and I didn't. Now wouldja STFU? You annoy me.
(BTW, this conversation occurred between my mind and my soul and, yes, they are different entities; and yes, Gerard, the battles rage merrily along, but I'm getting better at cutting her some slack. She hasn't returned to visit, has she?)
Anyway, cutting off that conversation so I wouldn't miss my turn, I took the short cut to the hospital, what is locally known as the pig path, and took further short cuts by taking 25 mph curves at 45 all the way, nearly running off the road only once. As I flew around those unlit curves on Thanksgiving evening, g-forces making my stomach try to exit my body horizontally, I saw Daytona Beach flash before my eyes and the connection was instantly made. I wondered, in a detached kind of way, if tonight was going to be the night. Het is een Nacht.
They saved me then. Would they save me now? Or was it just time to move on to my next assignment? Interesting questions, I thought, speculating how it might turn out.
Just like Daytona Beach, I felt no fear, just a kind of mild interest in how it would all evolve. Just like the first time I had an optical migraine, wondering if I was having a stroke and making peace with God, and wondering if I would crash my car, and if so, would I die instantly of brain decompression when I was thrown through the windshield and cracked my skull or if I would simply be crushed to death. And then what? Ah, the possibilities were endless.
Maybe it was this experience by itself, or maybe it is the accumulation of experiences of a lifetime, that's made me want to share more of "my story." Maybe it's my long-winded way of writing my own eulogy. As a writer, I should be entitled to write my own funeral oration and since I am a writer I'll darn tootin' write it and on my tombstone it will say, She died with her boots on! She wouldn't write it any other way.
So, continuing on why I'm writing this here and now, maybe it's the last opportunity to say things, you know, those things we always wished we had said before it was too late. And maybe I'll regret posting such personal information tomorrow and be kicking myself in the ass for a long-time to come. But tonight, I'm in the frame of mind to get it off my chest and tonight I'm not afraid to open myself up if people can learn from my experiences, my stupidity, my insanity, whatever you want to call it. I say, go with the flow; ride the high tide; dare to share, and love and care before the dark night sets in. Tonight is the night. Except it's morning now after writing all night long. All night long, oh yeah, all night long....
Oh, crap, stop with the drama, already. {Soul eyes rolling}
Soul, did you have a Jewish past life? Oy Gott! Such a kvetcher.
Moving on, because of what I experienced tonight, it reopened my eyes to the fact that the survival of this ning is in the hands of one very fallible person. Since I'm committed to the survival of this ning and because of these recent events, I have decided that I need to make an "advanced directive" of sorts to ensure continuity in case something happens to me (and this could easily be earthchanges knocking out my local internet rather than my early demise). But first, in the "say-what-you-wished-you-would-have-said-before-it-was-too-late category," a little history.
Prior to May 24, 2010, when I was still at poleshift ning and this ning wasn't even a twinkle in my eye, Gerard made me co-owner of his ning because he was anticipating the Atlantic tsunami to happen first. He gave me his password to poleshift ning and his personal PayPal account (where ning contributions were accumulated to fund the site). In the event anything happened to him, he knew I would ensure poleshift ning continued on.
That was his level of trust in me. And he knew I cared about poleshift ning as much as he did and he knew I would keep it going. Gerard is a gifted intuitive and he trusted me, and his trust was not misplaced for I never betrayed it, and never would have.
Why? I felt deeply that we were long-lost soulmates, and I have never felt that way about anyone before. I respect the fact that he said he wasn't as sure and state that for the record on his behalf. But I still feel certain, and I still grieve over the loss of his friendship. The details of how that loss came to be are shown in my blog, A Modest Rebuttal, if you are interested. If you didn't come from poleshift.ning, then don't waste your time.
If you have, however, already read that blog, then you know that Nancy destroyed Gerard's trust in me, in addition to imploding our entire relationship. So you know my feelings about her will never change. (And I would ask Gerard directly, here and now, if for no other reason but to restore your own certainty in your gifts, to reject any notion that your feelings were in any way wrong about me. They weren't wrong and I think you know it. There are other things you predicted that have, and are in the process of, coming to pass, too. And I think we've had a few telepathic communications, too. Details upon request.)
There was a strong bond of affection between us then, and I think it still exists, damaged for sure, but not hopeless. All he has to do is reach out and restore it. Will he? Can he? Does he even want to? I don't dare hope but the Zetas keep indicating otherwise. So we shall see, I suppose.
At the time that we were discussing continuity plans, I recall Nancy loudly disclaiming that she had no time to run poleshift ning, so bowed out from consideration. Not long after, by virtue of her nightmare performance and its radioactive afterglow, she effectively gelded Gerard's continuity plans for poleshift.ning. So, I have to ask Gerard, did you ever put in place another plan? If Nancy is it, then we truly see who pulled the "palace coup," because Nancy is still there even though Gerard had made me co-owner with him of poleshift ning.
I would like to also point out, as if it isn't already obvious, that if I were anything Nancy has claimed me to be, I could have so easily destroyed poleshift ning. But I didn't. Why? Poleshift ning is Gerard's mission, his desire and his passion, and I shared it with him. I loved that ning and I loved him too. Weird but true. I told him back before Nancy's shat pants hit the fan, that we had one of the weirdest, greatest love stories ever and I remember we laughed. We were two peas in a pod.
I have held my peace out of respect for Gerard and so that both our nings could quickly move forward from the mess Nancy made. Thus, you rarely see me making public comments. But tonight something changed. If I could be a thorn in Scientology's side for 19 years while raising a family and working full time, what can't I do in my spare time?
So, these are some intimate details. Why have I revealed this information? Because I wanted the truth to be known and for Gerard to hear these things and who knows if I'll wake up tomorrow morning because I'm not out of the woods yet, and, amazingly, because it does have some bearing on what I am about to say next.
I want this ning to continue as much as I wanted poleshift ning to continue. Over time, I believe a high level of trust has developed among Shadow, DesertRose, KarenLee, and me. I find them to be honorable and sensitive people, who care deeply about their fellow man and who have the sensibilities and abilities that will serve this ning well. KarenLee, unfortunately, has too many commitments at present. However, DesertRose, has graciously accepted my offer to become co-owner of this ning. Shadow is considering it, depending on some things. As for me, I will continue here in the same capacity as always, as long as the internet is up and I am able. I ask that you respect them as you would me and show them the same courtesy.
My hope is that we can take this ning to higher levels and be a beacon, a light in dark places where few other lights will shine.
Does this blog finally prove that I'm insane? Not at all. I'm as lucid as ever. I'm finishing my B.A. in Creative Writing & English at a Tier 1 university with straight A's. So, no, I'm not insane, incensed yes, but not insane. I have further plans for this work, in a modified form, in another forum. So much for any potential insane label. Though written in a satirical style, the facts are true. As opposed to untrue facts. You know the difference. Anyway, I need to do a bio for my program and I'm considering an unauthorized biography of you know who. Are you interested? Preliminary research is turning up some interesting stuff.
In closing, because of the nature of this post and to whom it is directed, i.e., friends and family here at earthchanges.ning, not the entire world, GLP or Zetasquawk for their amusement, or the Admin ning for pissing purposes or fodder for another psychotic wave of defamation, permission is expressly NOT GRANTED to repost or copy this blog or use it in any way, shape, form, by electronic or any other means, in part or in its entirety, for better or for worse, until death do us part. Copyright (c) 2010 Cheryl Nelson.
Duane Richtsmeier who is a member here and also on survivepx yahoogroup has started posting an in-depth study of the earth changes in 2010. I will keep updating this blog as he submits each week.
Jan 1st. ..... 877 New Snow Records set last week or tied with old ones.
.....6 Die of Frigid Cold in Britain
.....Extreme Cold Sweeping Into N Plains. -25F
.....30+ Die In India From Cold Snap
.....Heavy Fog In LA grounds planes
Jan 2nd. ......Comet Flies Into Sun
.....44 Dead In Brazil Mudslides
......Major Storm Pounds Canadian Maritimes
......Major Storm In New England 2 Ft snow
......Wild Storms In Victoria Australia
Jan 3rd .......Quadrantid Meteor Shower
.......5.3 Tjakistan 10,000 homeless
.......5.7 Peru
.......6.6 & 7.2 Solomon Islands
.......1000 People Flee Flooding In Australia
.......Snow Paralyzes Beijing China
.......Thousands of Dead Octopi Wash Up In Portugal
Jan 4th..........4.3 N. Island New Zealand
.......5.3 Phillipines
.......6.1 & 7.2 Solomon Islands - Thousands homeless
.......Swiss Avalanche Kills 8
.......Record Snows in China & Korea
.......Record Cold Wind Chills (-50C) In Saskatchewan
Jan 5th............6.9 Solomon Islands
........Nyanuragia Volcano Erupts - Congo
........Turrialha Volcano Erupts - Costa Rica
........55 Dead In India From Cold Snap - Burning Books For Heat
........Record Snow & Extreme Cold In China
........London (-15F) Colder Than Antarctica (41F) Today
Jan 6th...........Cold Snap In India Kills 154
Jan7th............4 Die In Ohio D/T Snowy Crash
.......Florida Temps in 20's Killing Fruit And Animals
.......Ireland Gripped By Paralyzing Cold
.......22 Dead Britain - Record Snow and Whole Bristish Isle Is Covered By Snow
.......Frigid Weather Midwest USA (-52F Wind Chill) North Dakota
Jan 8th..........Congo - Volcano eruption
.......Montserrat - Volcano Eruption
.......47F in Key West breaks 131 year record
Jan 9th............6.3 Solomon Islands
........6.5 Off California Coast
........Galeras Volcano Erupts - Colombia
........-7C - Mexico Is A Giant Refrigerator
........Chaos In Germany D/T Heavy Snow
........Record Cold Snap In China
Jan 10th.........35F and Cloudy In Orlando Florida Today
Jan 11th........86 Dead In Poland D/T Cold snap
.......Snow In South Spain
.......N China Sets Record Frigid Temperatures
Jan 12th........7.0 Haiti 200,000 Dead
.......Extreme High Surfs In Hawaii and California
.......Switzerland Has Record Cold Snap
.......Major Ice Storm - France
.......Extreme Flooding In Albania
Jan 13th........Strange Asteroid (object) Flys Between Earth And Moon
.......Volcano Erupts - Chile/Argentina Border - Last Eruption 1995
.......High Winds In Ireland Cut Power To Thousands
.......Rio De Janiero Sweltering Under Record Heat
.......Florida Is Freezing - Record Cold Snap Kills Thousands Of Fish
.......Thousand Of Dead Crabs Wash Up On Kent England Beaches!
Jan 14th........Malawi Earthquake Swarm (30+) Kills 4
.......38 Dead In Kenya From Flooding
.......Coldest Day In Florida In 82 Years.
Jan 15th.........4.0 Oklahoma
.......356 Dead in India From Cold Snap
.......26 Dead In Cuban Psychatric Hospital From Cold Snap
.......Major Flooding In Australia
Jan 16th........4.9 Iran
Jan 17th........6.3 Off Argentina Coast
.......Yellowstone Quake Swarm Starts Today - Ends The 19th - 250 Quakes
.......Thousands Of Dead Snook (fish) Wash Up On Tampa Bay Beaches
Jan 18th........4.1 New Mexico
.......4.9 Greece
.......6.0 Guatemala
.......6.3 Drake Passage
.......Summer In Australia Yet Its Snowing, 1st Ever Summer Snows In Wales And
Jan 19th........1st M Class Solar Flare Of Cycle 24
.......5.8 Cayman Islands
.......Snow, Rain And Ice Storm In Iowa
.......Tornado In Los Angeles And Snow In North California
.......2 Planes Struck By Lightning In LA
.......Major Snowstorms In Bulgaria
.......4 Die In China From Extreme Cold
.......800,000 Herd Animals Perish In Mongolia
Jan 20th........6.1 Haiti
.......6.5 Mexican/Guatamalan Border
.......Guinea Cold Snap Kills Hundreds Of Animals And All Crops
Jan 21st........Tornado Like Winds, Floods And Mudslides Inundate California!
Jan 22nd.......Panama 4.7
.......Costa Rica 5.2
.......Bolivia 5.3 & 5.2
.......1000+ Quake Swarm - Yellowstone
.......Gaua Volcano Erupts - Vanuatu
.......Strongest Storm Ever Recorded Hits California
.......Blizzards and Floods In Arizona
Jan 23rd........1st day with no major events
Jan 24th........15 Beached Whales In New Zealand Die
Jan 25th.........5.8 Peru
........Hillsides Crumble In San Antonio from Record Rains
.......16 Dead In Poland From Cold
........New Cold Snap In Europe(-34C) Kills23
........Huge Winter Storm Shuts Down Canadian Praires
Jan 26th.........USGS Warning Of Extreme Jet Stream and Ocean Currents For Entire
West Coast
Jan 27th ........7 Dead, 2500 stranded In Peru Mudslide
Jan 28th........ 2nd day this year with no major event.
Feb 5th........Astronomers Note That Pluto Is Turning Red (Climate Change)
..........6.1 - E. Inchon Ridge
..........Fukutoku Volcano Erupts - Japan
..........Snowmaegeddon Hits And Paralyzes Wasington DC
..........Cyclone Oli Hits French Polynesia
Feb 6th........4.9 - Poland
..........6.0 - Kuril Islands
.......... US Capital Completly Shut Down By Blizzard
..........Mexican Storms Kill 15
Feb 7th........6.0 - Fiji
..........6.4 - Ryukyu Islands - Japan
.........2 Feet Of Snow and Blizzard Like Winds Paralyze Much Of East Coast
.........LA Digs Out After Mudslides
Feb 8th........4.5 - Hawaii
..........Sudden Sinkhole Outbreak In China
.........I-70 In Colorado Closed Due To Rockslides
Feb 9th........5.1 & 4.8 - N. Luzon, Phillipines
..........5.6 - Aleutian Islands
..........Afghanistan Avalanches Kill 60+
..........Barcelona Spain Buried In Snow
Feb 10th......3.8 - Chicago Area
........Warmest And Driest Winter On Record In Canada
Feb 11th......6.1 - Honduras
........6.2 - Bali Indonesia
........7.2 & 6.9 - Chile
........Montserrat Volcano Erupts
........200+ Dead Manatees Wash Up In Florida Frozen To Death
Feb 12th......4.9 - Oregon Coast
........6.2 - Chile
........Snow In Mississippi & Florida
........Florida Wildlife Freezing To Death
Feb 13th......Meteor Hits Mexico Leaving 30 Craters
........3.3 - Port Stephens, Australia
........5.8 - Honshu, Japan
........6.3 - Tonga
........Soufriere Hill Volcano Erupts - Monserrat
........Winter Storm Paralyzes S. USA - Atlanta has 2 inches snow
........Rare Snowfall Covers Rome
........49 States USA Have Snow On Ground
........Wild Storms Lash Sydney, Australia
Feb 14th......6.0 - S. Indian Ocean
........6.1 - Tonga
........6.6 - Honshu, Japan
........Floods In Kazakh Kill 33
........6 Dead In NE USA Rainstorms
........2 Snowmobilers Dead In Canadian Avalanches
Feb 15th......6.3 & 6.2 - Banda Sea
........Cyclone Rene Slams Tonga
........70 Vehicle Pileup By Kansas City From Snow Squalls
Feb 16th......4.4 - Los Angelos
........4.4 - Alaska
........6.2 - Indonesian Coast
........Fiji Cyclone Damage Overwhelming
........Severe Storms Hit S. Queensland, Australia
Feb 17th......4.4 - California/Oregon
........Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent 2nd Highest On Record, Set In 1978
Feb 18th......6.7, 6.8, 6.7 - Russia/China Border
Feb 19th.......4th day this year no major event.
Feb 20th.......32 Dead On Portugese Island Of Madiera
Feb 21st.......Venezuala Weather Out Of Control According To Meterologists
Feb 22nd.......6.8 - NW Passage
....... Snowmaegeddon Comes To Moscow
Feb 23rd.......5th day this year no major event
Feb 24th.......Record Snowfall Blankets Moscow
Feb 25th.......5.1 - SW China
.......Small Quake or Sonic Boom - 3.8 Rattles Ohio & N. Illinois
--NO WEEK #10--Numbering Goof
WEEK #11 Mar 5th.......4.9 & 3.0 - Phillipines
.......6.2 & 6.6, & 6.8 - Offshore Bio-Bio Chile
.......6.8 - Sumatra Indonesia
.......Extreme Hailstorm And Flooding Melbourne Australia
Mar 6th.......Earthquake Swarm Eyofjallajokul Iceland 3000+, Hasnt Erupted Since 1823
Mar 7th.......6th day this year no major event
Mar 8th.......5.7 - Salta Sea
.......6.1 E. Turkey - 51 Dead
.......Freak Snowstorm Covers France
Mar 9th.......Purple Snow Covers Southern Russia
Mar 10th.......7th day this year no major event
Mar 11th.......2nd Tropical Cyclone EVER In S. Atlantic Forms Off Brazil
.......100+ Dead Starlings Fall From Sky Over Britain With Blood Coming From
Their Beaks
WEEK #12
WEEK #13
Mar 19th.......2 Russian Volcanos Erupt Side by Side
Mar 20th.......2.7 - Nebraska
.......5.6 - Cuba
.......6.2 - Papau New Guinea
Mar 21st.......5.3 - Guatemala
.......Iceland Volcano Erupts
.......Major Snowstorm Paralyzes Russian Far East
.......Blizzard In Oklahoma & Arkansas - 8-12 inches
.......Dust Storm Paralyzes Beijing China
Mar 22nd......3.7 & 2.8 - Oklahoma
.......6.6 - Papau New Guinea
.......Golf Ball Size Hail, 70 mph Wind, Months Worth Rain Assaults Perth
.......11,000 Houses Collapse Xinjiang, China From Rainstorm Then Blizzard
........ 50 Million Effected By Drought In S. China
Mar 23rd,,,,,,,,9th day this year no major event
Mar 24th.......2.7 - New York
.......5.0 - Turkey
.......5.8 - Tibet
Mar 25th.......6.1 - Phillipines
.......Sheveluch Volcano Erupts - Kamchatka Russia
.......Spring Snowstorm Slaps Colorado
WEEK #14
Mar 26th.......6.2 - Chile
.......Coldest Winter In Siberia On Record
Mar 27th.......3.6 - Israel
Mar 28th.......Koryaksy Volcano Erupts
.......China Mine Flood Kills 33
Mar 29th.......Tornado Hits The Bahamas
.......Snow Falls In Britain
.......Coral Reefs Worldwide Dying Enmasse
Mar 30th.......6.6 - Andaman Islands, India
.......Scotland Snowstorm Leaves 20,000 Without Power
.......Widespread Hailstorm Pounds 2 Cities In Pakistan
.......Mass. & R.I. USA Declare Rain Emergencies
Mar 31st.......Major Flooding IN Rhode Island, USA
.......300 Rescued During Freak Ireland Blizzard
.......Britain Battered By Blizard and Gale Force Winds
April 1st.......Iceland Volcano Still Erupting Causing Major Problems In Europe.
WEEK #15
WEEK #16
Apr 9th.......200 Dead In Mudslides In Rio, Brazil
.......Spring Storm Slams Alberta Canada With Snow And Ice
Apr 10th.......Comet Flies Into The Sun
.......Severe Drought Persists In SW China
Apr 111th.......6.3 - Spain
.......6.8 - Solomon Islands
.......Flooding Kills 224 In Brazil
.......Peru Glacier Collapses Injuring 50 And Killing 3.
Apr 12th.......Largest Solar Prominence Seen In Many Years Erupts From Sun
.......Landslide Derails Train In Italy Killing 11
Apr 13th.......6.9 - China Kills 2700
Apr 14th.......2 Day Magnetic Storm Sweeps Earth - Kp index of 5
.......Iceland Volcanos 2nd Eruption Is Major
.......Cyclone Kills 89 In E. India
Apr 15th.......4.9 - Utah
.......Massive Fireball Seen Over Midwest USA
.......Iceland Eruption Closes Down Air Traffic In Northern Europe
WEEK #17
WEEK #18
WEEK #19
May 7th.......65 Killed In S. China Rainstorms
.......BP Day 15
May 8th.......Big Solar Flares And CME's Erupt Off Sun Towards Earth
.......2.6 - Ireland
.......6.1 - Indonesia
.......Iceland Volcano 2nd Eruption
.......21 Dead In Tjakistan Flooding
.......66 Dead In Afghanistan Flooding
.......Thunderstorms Kill 43 In India
.......BP Day 16
May 9th.......7.4 - N. Sumatra, Indonesia
.......70 Dead In China Storms, Tens Of Thousands Homeless
.......Lightning Kills Fisherman In CT.
.......Flagstaff AZ Had 144 inches Of Snow This Last Winter
.......BP Day 17
May 10th......Snowing In S. France
.......Snowing In Mexico
........Hail & Sleeting In S. California
.......Tornado Kills 4 - Oklahoma
.......BP Day 18
May 11th.......5 More Dead In Oklahoma Tornados
.......BP Day 19
May 12th.......BP Day 20
May 13th.......BP Day 21
WEEK #20
WEEK #21
May 21st.......Sri Lanka Flooding Kills 20
........Poland Flooding Leaves 9 Dead
.......India Cyclone Devastation Takes 26 Lives
........Ocean Floor Rising 13 ft A Day Off Australia Coast
.......BP Day 29
May 22nd.......BP Day 30
May 23rd.......2nd Iceland Volcano Eruption Over
.......Mount Baru Jari Volcano Erupts, Indonesia
.......Kenya Death Toll Now 100
.......29 Killed As Landslide Derails Train, China
.......BP Day 30
May 24th.......3.7 - Arizona
.......6.5 - Brazil
.......Arelal Volcano Erupts, Costa Rica
.......Major Flooding Engulfs Australia
.......BP Day 31
May 25th.......6.3 - N. Atlantic Ridge
.......China Flooding Death Toll Rises To 115
.......BP Day 32
May 26th.......6.4 - Ryuku Japan
.......Hordes Of Frogs Shut Down Major Greece Highway
.......BP Day 33
May 27th....... 7.6 & 6.4 - Vanuatu
.......Tungurahua Volcano Erupts, Ecuador
.......4 Workers Struck By Lightning Over 35 Minutes, Lake District Scotland
.......Major Forest Fires Cover Montreal
.......BP Day 34
WEEK #22
May 28th.......7.2 - Vanuatu
.......BP Day 36
May 29th.......Ecuador Volcano & Guatemalan Volcano Erupt
.......Hail, Snow & Sleet Slam S. California
.......Late Spring Storm Dumps Snow On NE USA
.......BP Day 37
May 30th.......Tropical Storm Over Guatemala & El Salvador Kills 83
.......BP Day 38
May 31st......6.0 - Phillipines
.......6.1 - Costa Rica
.......6.4 - Andamen Islands, India
.......Underwater Sarigan Volcano Erupts Near Mariana Island
.......Mount Yasur Volcano Erupts, Vanuatu
.......Heat Wave Kills 160, India
.......BP Day 39
June 1st.......25 Perish & Many Missing In Snowstorm, Kashmir
.......Tropical Storm Agatha Kills 129, Central America
.......Massive Sinkhole Forms In Guatemala City, Guatemala
.......Quebec Forest Fires Blacken Skies
.......BP Day 40
June 2nd.......Lightning Hits 9 people In Yellowstone Park, Wyoming
.......Mudslide Creates Lake, Pakistan
.......BP Day 41
June 3rd.......Flooding Kills 4, Czech Republic
.......38 Dead From Landslides & Flooding, China
........Austria Deluged By Major Flooding
.......Cyclone Hits Oman
.......Australian Surfing Town - Lennox Head, Hit By Tornado
.......Another Day Of Heavy Thunderstorms Pound N & S Carolina
.......BP Day 42
WEEK #23
WEEK #24
WEEK #25
June 18th.......Minnesota Tornado Kills 3, Injures Dozens
.......BP Day 57
June 19th.......BP Day 58
June 20th.......Sakurajimo Volcano Eruption Makes 550th Eruption This Year
.......Death Toll In China Reaches 175, Over 1 Million Evacuated
.......BO Day 59
June 21st.......Massive X-Ray Blast From Sun Hits Earth
.......Floods Kill 42, Brazil, 1000 Missing
.......21 Drown In Ghana From Floods
......China Coal Mine Explosion, 27 Dead
......BP Day 60
June 22nd.......BP Day 61
June 23rd.......5.0 - Ottawa Canada
.......Extreme Lightning & Flooding Calgary Alberta Canada
.......Lightning Strikes 4 People, Illinois
.......BP Day 62
June 24th.......6.1 - PNG,Indonesia
.......Rare Tornado Hits Bridgeport CT.
.......BP Day 63
WEEK #26
WEEK #27
July 2nd.......6.3 - Vanuatu
.......Saskatoon Canada Under Water After Deluge
.......Hurricane Alex Kills 7 NE Mexico
.......Snow Falls On Mt Washington
.......BP Day 72
July 3rd.......Massive Soalr Flares And CME's Directed At Earth Today
.......2 Kamchatka Volcanos Erupt Together
.......BP Day 73
July 4th.......6.4 - Honshu Japan
.......Romanian Flooding Widespread
.......Iowa Having Major Flooding
.......BP Day 74
July 5th.......Hurricane Alex Kills 6 More Mexico
.......Russia Having Record Heatwave
.......East Coast USA Baking Under Record Heat 95-105F
.......BP Day 75
July 6th.......Heatwave E Coast USA Becomes Deadly
.......BP Day 76
July 7th.......5.4 - S California
.......Mexican & Texan Border Towns Evacuate D/T Extreme Rio Grande Flooding
.......BP Day 77
July 8th.......Millions Face Starvation As Niger Prays For Rain In Vain
.......BP Day 78
WEEK #28
July 9th.......Glowing Object (Fireball?) Closes China Airports
.......BP Day 79
July 10th......5.2 - Krakatou, Indonesia
......6.2 - Mariana Islands
......BP Day 80
July 11th......6.2 - Antofagasta, Chile
......Katla Volcano - 14 Quakes in 24 Hours
......Hundreds Rescued From Overheated Train In Germany
......BP Day 81
July 12th.......Total Eclipse Of The Sun
.......Magnetic Loops Caught Bursting From Sun Towards Earth
......8 Injured In German North Sea Island Tornado
.......BP Day 82
July 13th.......Parts of Alberta Canada Covered By Major Snowfall
...... Calgary Is Pummelled By Thunderstorms With Golf Ball Sized Hail
.......60 Dead In SW China Flooding & Landslides
.......BP Day 83
July 14th.......5.4 - S California
.......6.5 - Bio-Bio, Chile
.......Nearly 1000 Quakes Over 4.0 So Far In July
.......30 Dead From Typhoon Consoon, Phillipines
.......BP Day 84
July 15th.......Lightining Hits School, India 14 Injured
.......Lightning Strikes 4 At Bible Camp, Michigan
.......BP Day 85
WEEK #29
July 16th....... NASA Announces The Thermosphere Has Collapsed
.......3.6 - Washington DC
.......Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala Erupts
.......Cusco Peru Frozen With -4 F Temps
.......Flooding Death Toll In Punjab & Haryana, India Now 40
.......Tornado Strikes Peurto Rico - 4 Injured
.......BP Day 86
July 17th.......Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Russia Erupts
.......July Cold Snap Blankets Argentina With Rare Snow Covering
.......BP Day 87
July 18th....... 6.9 & 7.3 - New Britain, Papau New Guniea
.......6.7 & 6.2 - Aleutian Islands
.......Typhoon Conson Kills 70, Vietnam
.......BP Day 88
July 19th.......BP Day 89
July 20th.......6.3 - New Britain PNG
.......Kansas Heatwave Kills 2000 Cattle
.......Cold Snap Kills 220, S. America, Also All Crops and Cattle Dead
.......Hundreds Of Dead Penguins Wash Up In Brazil
.......BP Day 90
July 21st.......5.8 - Iran, 1 Dead
......6.1 - Indonesia
.......6.8 - New Britain PNG
.......Extreme Flooding Inundates China, 700 Dead, 650,000 Homes Destroyed
.......75% Of China Effected By Fatal Floods
.......NE Kentucky Underwater From Extreme Downpours
.......Mombasa Kenya Deluged By Freak Rainstorm
.......71 Drown In Moscow During Record Heatwave
.......BP Day 91
July 22nd.......Gulf Loop Current Breaks D/T BP Oil Spill & Corexit
.......6.2 - Vanuatu
.......Lightining, Flooding & Tornados Shatter Ireland Summer
.......Torrential Rains Kill 39 India
.......42 Freeze To Death, Argentina & Paraguay As Snow Covers The Beaches
.......In The Past 11 Days, 556 Dead Baby Penguins, Sea Birds, Dolphins &
Giant Sea Turtles Have Washed Up On Brazil Beaches
.......BP Day 92
WEEK #30
July 23rd.......4.1 - Quebec
.......7.3, 7.4 & 7.6 - Moro Gulf, Phillipines
.......Typhoon Chantra Kills 3, S China
.......Record Hailstone Found N Dakota - 1 Lb. 15 Oz - 8 Inch Diameter
.......Sinkhole Swallows SUV, Wisconsin
.......BP Day 93
July 24th.......Venus Has Strange CME Event Starting Today And Lasting Till The 27th
.......6.0 - Tonga
.......6.4 - Moro Gulf
.......6.5 - Mindano, Phillipines
.......Heavy Rains Close Milwaukee Airport
.......Floods Close Chicago Highways
.......Lake Delhi Dam In Iowa Fails
.......Tornado Hits Indianola Iowa
.......BP Day 94
July 25th.......6.0 - Tonga
.......Floods & Landslides Kill 10 Vietnam
.......BP Day 95
July 26th.......Chicago Area Has Extreme Flooding
.......BP Day 96
July27th.......Landslide In China Leaves 21 Dead
.......Japan Heat Wave Kills 66
.......Portugal Covered By Forest Fires
.......BP Day 97
July 28th.......5.3 - Off Coast Oregon
.......Aquarid Meteor Shower
.......Intense Blizzard Covers Argentina
.......30,000 Trapped By China Flooding
.......BP Day 98
July 29th.......6.6 - Moro Gulf
.......Flash Floods Kills 110 Pakistan
.......Record Heat Sears Russia
......Strange Neon Green Slime Coats East Coast Ocean & Beaches
.......BP Day 99
WEEK #31
July 30th.......6.2 - Kamchatka
.......Floods Kill 100, NE China
.......23 Killed in Russian Wildfires Along With Record Scorching Heat.
....... BP Day 100
July 31st.......1200 Now Dead From Pakistan Flooding.
.......BP Day 101
Aug 1st.......Whole Northern Hemisphere Of Sun Erupts w/ Massive CMEs & X-Ray Flares
.......23 Killed As Truck Falls Into Gorge In India
.......Peru Declares State Of Emergency As Hundreds Of Children Freeze To
.......BP Day 102
Aug 2nd.......Massive Fires Cover Russia
.......England Records Wettest July On Record Despite The Record Heatwave
.......BP Day 103
Aug 3rd.......Earth Hit By Big CME Impact
.......6.3 - Molucca Sea
.......50 Now Dead From Russian Wildfires
.......400 Seperate Wildfires Scorch British Columbia
.......BP Day 104
Aug 4th.......4.8 - Wyoming
.......5.3 - Utah
.......6.0 - Kuril Islands
.......6.0 - South Of Fiji
.......6.4 - Aleutian Islands
.......6.4 - Eastern New Guinea
.......Ireland - Wettest July In 60 Years
.......1700 Now Dead In China Floods Of Epic Proportions
.......BP Day 105
Aug 5th.......7.0 - Papau, New Guinea
........Death Toll Now 1500 In Pakistan Flooding
........Cold Wave Kills Over 6 Million Fish In Bolivia
........BP Day 106
WEEK #32 Aug 6th.......Auroras Seen In Iowa
.......Chernobyl Radioactive Forests Burn
.......Melting Glacier Unleashes Landslide, British Columbia
.......Mount Karangatang Volcano Erupts, Indonesia - Kills 4
.......103 Killed In Kashmir Flooding
.......BP Day 107
Aug 7th.......M-Class Solar Flare Hits Earth
.......16 Dead In China Mine Fire
.......Massive Ice Island (4x Manhatten) Breaks Off Greenland
.......BP Day 108
Aug 8th.......Heatwave Has Killed 5000 In Russia
.......14 Dead In Central Europe Flooding
.......Massive Floods Engulf N Korea
.......BP Day 109
Aug 9th.......13.8 Million Effected By Pakistan Floods
.......Mudslides In China Kill 1400+
.......BP Day 110
Aug 10th.......M Class Solar Flare Covers Earth
.......Big Fireball Lights Up Alabama
......7.5 - Vanuatu
.......BP Day 111
Aug 11th.......6.0 - Vanuatu
.......Typhoon Dianmu Kills 5, S Korea
.......Extreme Weather Front Injures 40 , Finland
.......Severe Weather & Tornados, Victoria Australia
.......Major Flooding Engulfs Ames Iowa
.......BP Day 112
Aug 12th.......Perseid Meteor Shower
.......7.1 - Ecuador
.......Flash Floods Kill 185, Himalayas
.......BP Day 113
WEEK #33
Aug 6th.......Auroras Seen In Iowa
.......Chernobyl Radioactive Forests Burn
.......Melting Glacier Unleashes Landslide, British Columbia
.......Mount Karangatang Volcano Erupts, Indonesia - Kills 4
.......103 Killed In Kashmir Flooding
.......BP Day 107
Aug 7th.......M-Class Solar Flare Hits Earth
.......16 Dead In China Mine Fire
.......Massive Ice Island (4x Manhatten) Breaks Off Greenland
.......BP Day 108
Aug 8th.......Heatwave Has Killed 5000 In Russia
.......14 Dead In Central Europe Flooding
.......Massive Floods Engulf N Korea
.......BP Day 109
Aug 9th.......13.8 Million Effected By Pakistan Floods
.......Mudslides In China Kill 1400+
.......BP Day 110
Aug 10th.......M Class Solar Flare Covers Earth
.......Big Fireball Lights Up Alabama
......7.5 - Vanuatu
.......BP Day 111
Aug 11th.......6.0 - Vanuatu
.......Typhoon Dianmu Kills 5, S Korea
.......Extreme Weather Front Injures 40 , Finland
.......Severe Weather & Tornados, Victoria Australia
.......Major Flooding Engulfs Ames Iowa
.......BP Day 112
Aug 12th.......Perseid Meteor Shower
.......7.1 - Ecuador
.......Flash Floods Kill 185, Himalayas
.......BP Day 113
WEEK #34
Aug 20th.......6.4 - Bougainville, PNG
........Massive Fireball Strikes Jupiter
........China Train Falls Into River After Floods Wash Out Bridge
.......Large Sinkholes Appear In Georgia & Ohio
.......60 Pilot Whales Beach Themselves And Die - New Zealand
.......BP Day 121
Aug 21st.......Firestorms Rage Across Canada
.......50,000 Evacuated Amid China Flooding
.......BP Day 122
Aug 22nd.......Severe Weather Strikes S. England
.......10's Of Thousands Evacuated due To Pakistan Flooding
.......250,000 Now Evacuated In China & N. Korea From Flooding
.......Floods In North Korea Isolate City Of Sinuiju
.......BP Day 123
Aug 23rd.......6.1 - Mexico
.......Floods & Chaos, S. England
.......BP Day 124
Aug 24th.......BP Day 125
Aug 25th.......BP Day 126
Aug 26th.......Earth Hit By Big CME From Sun
.......Galeras Volcano Erupts - Columbia
.......BP Day 127
WEEK #35 Aug 27th.......Cold Empties All Bolivia Rivers Of Fish
.......Homes Evacuated During Widespread Montana Wildfires
.......Killer Rains In Nicaragua - 34 Dead
.......BP Day 128
Aug 28th .......Niger Floods Kill 3, Leave 200,000 Homeless
.......Antarctic Cold Snap Kills Untold Millions Of Aquatic Animals In The
.......BP Day 129
Aug 29th.......Sinaburg Volcano Erupts, Indonesia. First Time In Several Hundred Years
.......BP Day 130
Aug 30th.......BP Day 131
Aug 31st.......BP Day 132
Sept 1st.......Amazon River Has Lowest Level In 40 Years
.......BP Day 133
Sept 2nd.......First Snow Falls In Scotland
....................BP Day 134
WEEK #36
Sept 3rd.......6.3 - Aleutian Islands
.......7.0 - New Zealand
.......BP Day 135
Sept 4th.......6.1 - Tonga
.......BP Day 136
Sept 5th.......Massive Fireball Strikes Columbia, Leaves 300 Foot Crater
.......44 Dead In Guatemala From Flooding & Landslides
.......Extreme Flooding Strikes Victoria Australia
.......BP Day 137
Sept 6th......3.6 - Tupper Lake, New York
.......New Landslide Buries 100 Rescue Workers Guatemala
.......Vicious Storms Pound Australia
.......Flooding Displacing Thousands, Ethiopia
.......BP Day 138
Sept 7th.......6 Quakes In A Row Rattle Oklahoma
.......6.3 - Fiji
.......Planchon Volcano Erupts, Chile
.......Floods Leave Tens Of Thousands Homeless, Mexico
.......4 Large Sinkholes Have Opened Up In The Last Month, Colorado Springs,CO
.......Red Tide Invades New York Harbour
.......BP Day 139
Sept 8th.......Two Asteroids Fly Between Earth & Moon Today
.......6.2 - Vanuatu
.......6 More Quakes Rattle Oklahoma
.......Winds Drive Fire Through Three Neighborhoods, Detroit MI
.......BP Day 140
Sept 9th.......Massive CME From Sun Strike Earth
.......6.1 - Bio-Bio Chile
.......8 Dead & 160 Homes Burn In Colorado Wildfires
.......6 Dead In Russian Wildfires
.......BP Day 141
WEEK #37
Sep 10th.......Mudslide Kills 1, Italys Amalfi Coast
.......Lightning Kills 4 At Wedding, Mauritania
.......Massive Gasline Explosion Kills 4, California
.......BP Day 142
Sep 11th.......BP Day 143
Sep 12th.......BP Day 144
Sep 13th.......BP Day 145
Sep 14th.......5.0 Arizona/Baja Border
.......Thousands Of Lightning Strikes Recorded In Oregon Today
.......Calgary Canada Records Worst Summer Ever With Snow In Forecast
.......BP Day 146
Sep 15th.......Snowfall In Himalayas 1 Month Early
.......Drought Sinks Amazon To Lowest Levels In 47 Years
.......100,000+ Dead Fish, Whales, Etc. Wash Up In Louisiana
.......BP Day 147
Sep 16th.......Single Super Cell Covers KS & OK With Deluges, Hail & Tornados
.......BP Day 148
WEEK #38
WEEK #39 Sept 24th.......5.6 - Waikato, New Zealand
.......Lightning Strikes Festival, Chiba Japan - 34 Injured
.......Majority Of Minnesota Flooded
.......Wisconsin Declares State Of Emergency In 7 Counties Due To Flooding
Sept 25th.......Haiti Storm Kills 5
.......14 Dead From Deadly Downpours In Carribean & Central America
Sept 26th.......6.0 Indonesia
Sept. 27th.......6.1 - Iran - 1 Dead
.......California Heat Wave Sets New All Time Record - 113 F
Sept 28th.......Mudslide Kills 30, Columbia
.......Landslide Buries 100 Houses, Oaxaca, Mexico - 600 Dead
.......Britain Having Cold Snap & Snowfall
Sept 29th.......6.6 & 7.2 - Papau New Guniea
.......Mudslides Kill 20 More In Mexico
.......Evacuations Begin Amid Record Flooding, Brandenburg Germany
.......Big September Snowfalls Covering Much Of Canada
.......Huge Snowfall Amounts Bury New Zealand
.......Early Snowfall Arrives, Xinjiang China
.......Record Snowfall Blankets Mt Hotham
.......Cold Wave Kills Over 6 Million Fish, Bolivia
.......Northern Lights At 100 Year Low
Sept 30th.......Rains Pound N Carolina As Monster Storm Moves Up Coast
.......5 Dead From Drenching Rains In New England
WEEK #40
WEEK #41
Oct 8th.......6.4 & 6.1 - Aleutian Islands, Alaska
.......6.3 - Halmahera Indonesia
.......Floods Continue To Punish Asia, Killing 140
.......China Island Evacuates 6000 After Reservoir Bursts Its Banks
.......Flooding Effecting 1.64 Million In China Alone
.......All Water Life In Hungarys Marcal River Is Dead From Sludge Spill
.......Hungary Plays Down Spill, Death Toll Now 7
.......Rare Tornado Swarm Tears Across Arizona
.......Sinkhole In Quebec Swallows House, Kills Family Of Four
Oct 9th.......3.0 - Texas
.......1 Dead, Thousands Effected In Phillipines Flooding
.......9 Suffocate In Xiahua China Mine
Oct 10th.......3.0 - Arkansas
.......W. Indian Village Has Continous Tremors For Two Weeks
Oct 11th.......3.8 & 4.0 - Arkansas, 2 Injured
.......82 Quakes Today At Pitondelo Foureaise Volcano, Reunion Islands
.......Hail Brings Brooklyn To Near Standstill In Fast And Furious Storm
Oct 12th.......6.1 - Tonga
.......Floods Hit Central Vietnam Leaving 85 Dead
.......10 Killed In Indonesia Landslides
Oct 13th.......4.5 - Oklahoma
.......Bangledesh Storm Leaves 500,000 Homeless
.......Santa Maria Volcano Erupts. Guatemala
Oct 14th.......3.4 & 3.0 - Arkansas
.......Pitondela Fournaise Volcano Erupts, Reunion Islands
WEEK #42
Oct 15th.......3.0 & 4.4 - Arkansas
.......Explosion In China Mine Kills 37
.......Snow & 50 mph Winds Batter NE USA
Oct 16th.......M Class Solar Flare Slams Earth
.......3.5 - Arkansas
.......5.8 & 5.9 - Tonga
.......6.1 - Indonesia
.......1 Dead In Russian Flash Flooding
Oct 17th.......Geomagnetic Storm - KP Index 5
.......Entire Harbour Collapses Into Ocean, Chipatao Brazil
Oct 18th.......Super Typhoon Megi Kills 26 and Destroys 600,000 Tons Of Grain,
.......Benin Floods Kills 43 And Leaves 100,000 Homeless
.......Mountain Goat Kills Man, Olympic National Park Washington
Oct 19th.......2.5 & 3.6 - Arkansas
.......2.8 - Oklahoma City
.......4.7 - Christchurch New Zealand
.......5.5 - Tonga
.......377 Dead In W & Central Africa Flooding
.......Flood Emergency Declared, Greek Isles, 1 Killed
.......Death Toll Now 59 In Vietnam After Bus Is Swept Away In Flooding
.......1 Million Still Homeless In Aftermath Of Pakistans Floods
.......Asias Coral Reefs Undergoing Mass Die-Off
Oct 20th.......Green Comet Hartleys Closest Approach To Earth Today
.......Unidentified Comet Flies Into Sun
.......5.9, 4.4, 4.2, 4.7, 5.5, 5.0, 5.7, 4.7 - Gulf Of California
Oct 21st.......Orionid Meteor Shower Tonight And Tomorrow
.......5.8 - Off Coast of Chile
.......6.9, 4.7, 4.2, 4.6 - Gulf Of California
.......Mud Volcano Erupts Arboletes Columbia
.......Haiti Cholera Epidemic Has Claimed 250 Lives
.......Forest Fires Cover Sumatra Island
WEEK #43
WEEK #44
WEEK #45
WEEK #46
WEEK #47
WEEK #48
WEEK #49
WEEK #50
WEEK #51
WEEK #52
From an email from John DiNardo. CN comment: If PX is half billion miles from Earth and still below the ecliptic, it certainly can't be between the Earth and Sun. Also note, many river towns will be destroyed. This is not exclusive to large rivers like the Mississippi, it is many river towns so play it safe and don't be near any river town.
According to John, Al Sutton is reputed to be a good source of information on earth changes.
From Al Sutton's Book, "Plagues of the Revelation," page 6:
So ... where is the Destroyer {a.k.a. Planet X, Red Comet, etc.} now (8/23/10)? The Destroyer is still south of the plane of the planets at 10h 27.6' RA; 42° 53.1' declination; 5.73 AU {over a half billion miles} distant, running weeks ahead of its Herald which is the object actually sighted as the Sign on June 21, 2011 (Model Time), see Figure 2.
3. The Coming War: Nuclear Weapons and Invasions ... There are some effects which either St. John did not observe or didn't write down, but which we still must assume will happen. The most important loss to our current civilization will be the complete destruction of any spacecraft in Earth orbit. Even the smallest pieces of sand and gravel will cause major damage at 42 km/sec relative speeds, and the closing speeds could be higher for an orbiting satellite. [Perhaps the reason why the Envisat orbit was recently lowered, under the pretext of saving fuel and extending the life of its mission?--CN] There's risk of EMP {electromagnetic pulse} from the large impactors {JD: meteors, asteroids} like Wormwood and the unnamed impactor of The Book of Revelation, Chapter 9, and EMP will destroy satellites and ground stations. For those satellites that may be lucky enough to survive physical impact, they will find themselves in a dark envelope of interplanetary dust with their solar electric panels hidden from the sun and therefore dysfunctional.
page 7:
The tidal waves from cosmic impacts and tidal forces around perigee {JD: the comet's closest flyby position from Earth} are going to destroy the entire world's navies, all its coastal cities, all its port facilities, and many of its river towns. If ambitious politicians and militaries are planning intercontinental adventures, say if Russia or China wanted to invade the United States, then they must attempt it well before Destroyer reaches perigee.
{JD: from The Book of Revelation, Chapter 6: "12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was
a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? "}
See Figure 1 again. As the Destroyer slides down its orbit from perihelion {JD: Planet X's closest loop-over point above the Sun's north pole} (Pt. C) toward perigee {JD: Planet X's second close pass by Earth as it exits our Solar System} (Pt. D), the first thing that will happen is that dust, lots of dust, will come between the Earth and the Sun. It may appear a bit like the Sun having a shade pulled across its face or the onset of a solar eclipse. On the night side of earth, the stars will still be bright, and the moon will still be high in the sky, a nearly full moon on 13 Sept 2011, but now it will not be lit by the direct light of the sun, but by the scattered red light that "leaks through" the dust cloud just like the dust of autumn harvesting or the dust of an exploding volcano will cause a red sky at morning or evening, or even like the blood red moon of a lunar eclipse. Then, as earth actually reaches the edge of the envelope itself, the sky will be filled with a meteor storm as the first fine grains of dust come streaking into our atmosphere at 42 km/sec.
About that same time, 1/8 AU {JD: 11.6 million miles; that's really close for an object about a thousand times the mass of Earth} out from perigee, Destroyer's gravitational forces on the Earth will have risen to 4.6% of the Earth-Moon magnitude, and that Force is acting at an angle between 30° and 45° to the ecliptic plane. The tidal force appears too small to be responsible at this point for the great earthquake or major geological or geographical changes of Revelation 6:12-14. However, it is possible that St. John is recording the first major cosmic impact as a large asteroid or moon in the Destroyer's outer shell slams into Earth. And although St. John didn't mention it, modern prophets from Haniel to Apache Grandfather, and ancient sources like the Kolbrin say it ... red dust and red rain fall. Red dust and/or red rain have been reported in connection to meteor falls throughout history, with the most recent, best documented falls in India in 2001 {see rain in Kerala}.
Footnotes: 15 Book of HanieI 9-13-04 plus additional undocumented visions provided in private conversation ... Asian troops launch an amphibious invasion of the United States, including incursions across the Mexican border.
Equipment suggests a Chinese force, but that's certainly arguable. ICBM missiles were seen flying "among the stones", and the resulting explosions in the United States were documented separately.
16 Revelation 6:12-14, KJV
Thank you very much for your invitation to join the group.
I would like to share with you a unique book titled: ‘‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’’.
It deals with: Global Warming, Earth Changes, Extraterrestrials, Astral projection, Self-realization and End Times.
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You can be sure that this could be the most important book you will ever read.
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