OMG lying about a lie
and (46)
I Hate to Say It- PERMANENT Climate Destruction Has Started.
Update with Hurricane- Super Storm -Perfect Storm Sandy
Follow the youtube link below to watch the BBC TV Prime Time Special, featuring Doug Copp predicting these (now common) unprecedented weather events (10 years ago).
Watch this Video and understand the floods ravaging the USA and Canada, were predicted. Doug Copp, in this Award Winning BBC Special, is featured along with 3 of the world’s leading scientists explaining your present and YOUR FUTURE with these ‘soon to be’ normal events. Get used to destructive weather.
This video is a mock-up of the evening news, from 2050. It is a 2050 Evening TV NEWS special/ documentary explaining what happened in the world from 2000 to 2050. This BBC program was the ‘biggest budget special’ when it was produced. In spite of money invested, Political Pressure ‘squashed the program’ for fear of people rioting for reform.
Hurricane Sandy, type of events, will be occurring on a routine basis; as part of, nature’s rebellion to man’s unquenchable greed.
Title Posted on another Doug Copp Blog during September, 2012
I hate to say it but ‘all the doom and gloom’ folks are right.
Latest Fact:
Last night, on Canadian TV they showed a map of the Arctic Ice disappearing. The ice cap shrank 50% this year and is projected to be entirely disappeared in 2 YEARS.
Personally, I went sailing, with a friend, last week. It was too hot. It felt like the Caribbean. I wore a short sleeve t shirt.
We are experiencing a massively life threatening..permanent heat wave.
The famous ..but historically non existent northwest passage, searched for, by the world’s explorers, as a route to China, for hundreds of NOW OPEN!
Canada is rushing to build naval ships to protect it’s sovereignty . The Prime Minister is going there create Inuit ( old name Eskimo) police Forces…and much more…like planned ports and cities.
Not only is there NO ICE across the top of the world, from the Atlantic to the Pacific; but Cruise Liners are going thru. Even private sailboats are going thru. It is now a sailing destination.
Cities are planned on the new beaches.
Can you believe that the SAME Prime Minister (Stephen Harper) who is preparing to protect this OIL RICH AREA ; who comes from a dried up, drought ridden, crop destroyed part of the NEW DESERT Central North America.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mitt Romney are STILL DENYING CLIMATE CHANGE!
Harper IS A CONSERVATIVE OIL MAN (just like George Bush. OIL COMPANIES hired HIM, AS THEIR MAN, 15 YEARS AGO when they started paying him as their lobbyist.).. Greed for OIL $$$ at the point of destroying all forms of life, on this planet.
Where do these greedy bastards plan to live? What are they going to drink? What are they going to eat? What are they going to breathe? Where are they going to get their servants?
They might have fortunes but they are among the stupidest, greediest bastards, who ever terrorized the earth,
Palm trees in the ARTIC? Massive and total migration of people’s from most of the USA?
Interdependent species (like us all) are going extinct and have gone extinct..disease from insects is spreading to warmer areas to kill plants, trees and people (West Nile). I have documented hundreds of cases of supporting evidence; since, I was featured in the BBC Network, Prime Time, feature TV program. ( see the previous blog on Hurricane Isaac being predicted 10 years ago, by myself.)
Last week, on local TV, a shocked and stunned tidal fisherman asked: “What will the fishermen do, for lobster bait. ” He was standing in front of his exposed (low tide) 300 ft long net fence. He said that he normally had thousands of herring. Now, he has NONE. NOT A SINGLE FISH! (His herring are sold to Lobstermen, for trap bait).
What he didn’t comprehend is the big picture:
“Lobsters feed on dead fish. They are the vultures of the oceans. They have been thriving.
Now, with no more herring or other fish to die, for their food, then they will die too.”
We are at the point that the vultures are about to starve to death..
I never thought I would think this; but, as I come to an end of my struggling to stay alive with my 911 injuries:
I remember a childhood Quote from Long John Silver, the pirate:
“Them that dies are the lucky ones!”.
All attacks should be directed at: Doug Copp, personally
563 Charlotte St, Sydney, Nova Scotia,Canada (H)
1-902-567-1227 (H) (H)
The stupidity is utterly amazing. It is ONLY surpassed by the level of greed required by someone who would destroy their own planet, for profit.
When the Saudi Arabian terrorists smashed the 747′s into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. They started a ‘chain of events’ which has dominated; almost every second, of my life.
On September 12 th, 2001, I ‘sucked in my breath’ and crawled into a pile of rubble which already contained the corpses of 340 rescuers . I found a little hole and crawled for 1 1/2 miles, most of the time, on my hands and knees. I went 6 levels deep. I went past the area that FEMA refused to enter. They painted a sign on a collapsed beam. “Do not enter unstable” I crawled under that beam into an area of Hell. The air was black from burned jet fuel and the particulate of computers, furniture, carpets, walls, people..everything had been turned into ‘particles in the air.
On September 12th. I was kneeling over the toilet, convulsing, vomiting. I was coughing up blood. My nose was bleeding. I was soaked with fever. Peter Donahue, was with me when a Doctor/ intimate friend of Thompson Lang ( one of the most evil people, in America) told me don’t worry about it.
I got up off the floor and went back to work, as a volunteer. I went back down into the rubble 3 more times. This was the beginning of a battle to survive which continues, to this day. I became poisoned. My skin, eyes, lungs and sinus soaked poison, into my body. The descriptive list of poisons, that the Laboratories have found in my body is 35 pages long. Many of the poisons are at astronomical levels. I have enough lead, in my body, for 492 people to legally qualify for ‘lead poisoning’ compensation, according to the Laws of New York.
Many things happened at 911 which were NOT made public. David Letterman, Jay Leno and many others made much about the American Red Cross stealing the 6 billion dollars that they were supposed to give to victims. They kept they always do.
Few people know about the billions of dollars in ‘things’ ARC kept. BMW SUV’s, computers..many things..but most importantly the 750,000 dollars in respirators that they kept in their New Jersey Whorehouse, for later sale. 3MCorporation donated them, to ARC, for the rescuers.
I was personally told this, 2 years, later, by the President of 3M.
I became deathly ill. More dead than alive. 47 simultaneous medical diseases and symptoms simultaneously. My IQ went from 164 to less than 70 ( They can’t measure an IQ any lower than 70.) I couldn’t speak; didn’t know my own name; didn’t know how to take a shower etc etc etc..
My enemies, primarily Thompson Lang ( who I had refused to provide a Rescue Badge; so that his newspaper could have exclusive media access to the 911 restricted area; consequently, expanding his $140 million inherited fortune and become the ’cause celebre of the media world’) and the bureaucrats, and insurance companies who opposed ‘the triangle of life’ because it was cheaper, less trouble and more profitable (for shareholder return) to let the school children die ( duck and cover) ; rather than, survive (triangle of life).
I was literally beaten and pulverized into the dirt. My illness made me helpless. Thompson Lang published 702..yes, Seven Hundred and two Documented lies. The analysis and ‘proof’ of these lies exceeded 1,000 pages.
My attorneys, spent 3 years trying to get Lang to be cross-examined. Lang brags that he ‘controls’ every elected official, in the State of New Mexico. That he (thru his Newspaper and fortune) dominates, bullies, threatens and bribes every elected official. He spent more than 1 million in legal fees; however, he escaped from our $131,000,000.00 lawsuit; never was questioned; never was exposed; never ‘came to justice’. He remains a virtual Dictator of New Mexico. Now, I know that Lang was telling the truth when he bragged about being the ‘most powerful man, in New Mexico.
Nevertheless, Thompson Lang and the Presidents of the Insurance Companies who endanger the lives of schoolchildren and cause their deaths; to increase and maximize profit will burn in Hell. I believe that the truth always comes out, justice is always done, in the afterlife if not on earth.
Anyway, I am sick every day. I struggle, to stay alive. My IQ has risen to 144 and I am blessed to have wonderful people, in my life; including, my incredible wife who took care of me when I couldn’t take care of myself.
By the way, I got compensation from becoming permanently disabled at 911. I got an average of $1.40 per hour for lost income and I got enough money to pay for 1/100th of my actual medical expenses. I moved to Canada to ‘save my life’. Health Care is a basic human right, in Canada. Nobody is allowed to die form lack of medical care. In Canada it is considered murder to allow 911 rescuers to die from lack of medical care or money to pay for it.
and some other UNKNOWN facts.
The Victim’s Compensation Fund (Special Mater Feinberg) gave the least money to the widow of a Mexican cook, killed in the rubble. His widow got $500, to compensate for her husband’s death.
Feinberg gave the most money to a young woman who was also a member of his Long Island Jewish Community. She was a passerby who had a temporary injury to her leg. She got $6.4 million.
Below is a reprint of a previous post, to my BLOG. It contains many more UNKNOWN 911 FACTS.
Sept 10,2012.
Doug Copp
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ARTI and Doug Copp*** Minute by Minute*** Timeline at 911
You will read some amazing things:
1) You will find evidence concerning Eric Wade, one of Thompson Lang’s gang who had already been sanctioned by the New York Stock Exchange, go berserk by screaming at and then repeatedly punching the corpse of a New York City Firefighter ; as he lay, in an ambulance outside of the Roosevelt Island Fire Station, NYC.
2) Members of the Chicago Fire Dept, who Doug Copp took in his van and used Copp’s credentials to allow entry into the 911 security zone; actually caught members of the FBI..RED HANDED..smashing glass jewelry cases, in the underground shopping mall, and stuffing their pockets with gold Rolex watches. Guns were pulled. Lives and jobs were threatened. A world globe encrusted with jewels was taken and later showed up at FBI Headquarters, in Washington, DC. This became a big news an honest FBI Agent exposed the theft to the media. The Globe was given to a museum. The gold watches stolen by the FBI Agents disappeared.
3) Read about the disgusting behavior of Thompson Lang, owner of the Albuquerque Journal, his unscrupulous assistant Leslie Linthicum and his gang of cutthroats, thieves and liars.
Here it is, Minute by minute:
A Timeline of Doug Copp’s Activities relating to 911 During the fall of 2001. The Timeline starts on Sept 11; continues thru, the second mission to 911, during November and ends when The ARTI search ends in December 2001.
The following are some of the activities of my everyday routine, during September 2001. (It is followed by a specific bullet list of additional activities I undertook on a specific basis for each specific day I worked at 911):
Basic Functions: at 911, time allocated; typically, a total of 5 -6 hours per day:
**Ate food and insured that active ARTI members had food. I never spent more than a total of 20 minutes per day eating food. Always stood up while eating and carried on active work and project evaluation, mitigation and future schedule activities and problem solving while eating.
** I went to use the toilet no more than 5 minutes per day.
** I had a shower every 2nd or third day except when I was very greasy from toxins. This lasted for 10-15 minutes.
** I went to a restaurant only once in 12 days; although, it was free.
** I didn’t sleep for first few days. I slept 3-4 hours per day for a total of 23 hours during my entire NYC Time.
** Transportation: 1-2 hours per day ( Lang had our hotel farther away from the rubble than Peter Donohue (ARTI-NYC) had arranged. This was a big fight but my volunteer driver was getting very upset so I caved-in to Lang and Linthicum’s demand.)
My everyday routine other than basic functions took up to 5-7 hours per 24 hour period.
**Coordinated, arranged driving and operational transportation schedule for all ARTI personnel with ARTI Police Driver to and from Ground Zero on a repetitive basis and any other isolated trip to places; such as, Roosevelt Island NYFD Headquarters or etc.
**Communicated with Bill Reeves, ARTI Manager Daily Report on activities of all ARTI members. Problems, obstacles, goals, achievements, projections, schedules and efforts to get experienced personnel into 911.
**Sent update to Vince, ARTI webmaster to be disseminated to all ARTI members who were anxiously waiting for updates.
**Communicated with ARTI New York City Personnel and supporters.
**Communicated with members of NYFD, NYPD and other relevant organizations who were actually involved in a positive way to mitigate 911
** I kept all equipment serviced, charged, repaired and maintained. My room was completely filled with equipment.
**Contacted Hotel desk for messages left for ARTI Command Center.
** Received and acted upon all messages, dealings, concerns and activities of ARTI and all ARTI members while at 911.
** Trained ARTI personnel and others; such as, NYPD, Chicago FD with relevant information so that they would not be killed, injured or harmed while at 911.
** Attempted to enforce good conduct by reporting on malfeasance of FEMA and others; such as, filing a NYC Police report after we caught the FBI looting watches and jewelry from a damaged jewelry store under the rubble.
** When relevant and necessary: Located and informed ARTI members of logistics, support, caches of food and water, and escape route should we be trapped under the rubble.
** As required, on a daily basis: Met with members of NYFD.
** As required, on a daily basis: Met with members of NYPD.
** Either met personally with relevant political 911 participants; such as, New York City Police Commissioner Kerrick or arranged for ARTI personnel to meet with them to acquire their assistance with ARTI work; such as, Efrain Huamann meeting with Governor Pataki.
** Attempted to enlist the maximum possible ARTI participation in 911 by either arranging for ARTI members like Efrain Huamann to come to NYC or unsuccessfully attempting to get other members; such as, The National Fire Dept of Peru to participate.
**Worked to stop FEMA from self glorification and preventing rescue, recovery by real rescue and disaster mitigation personnel
**Warned members of NYPD, NYFD and many other organizations that FEMA would try to exclude, prevent or otherwise destroy their efforts to save lives, recover victims and help people.
**Insured that ARTI members were not showing signs of ptsd and if so had proper care given or rest.
**Took active steps to calm or assist the General Population with coping with tragedy.
**Met with ARTI members and supporters who would assist in 2 nd phase of general population ability to cope.
**Assisted the Spanish speaking community to cope.
**Assisted the Chicago FD to help with 911 efforts.
** Planning 911 rescue activities.
** arranging for the casualty locator to be used to locate dead victims, whenever, time permitted from busy schedule of locating survivors and helping the survivors cope.
** I met with Politicians, Police and Fire Chiefs, Community Leaders and media on a constant basis; as required, to gain support to achieve the ARTI mission.
Searching for live or dead victims at 911, took 8 to 12 hours per day.
**Searched the outside of rubble for a possible subterranean entrance where victims may be located.
** Searched inside the rubble when it was warranted to do so.
The Problems created by Lang and his entourage typically wasted 2-3 hours per day:
**** Insured that supporters of ARTI work at 911 were content, problems were mitigated and ARTI ‘s Reputation was not tarnished because of : 1) Steve Lentz drinking bouts and fights, 2) Miller’s nervous dilemma by having Vietnam flashbacks and his preoccupation with pleasing Lang and getting some of his money, 3) John Grace’s cowardice, 4) Eric Wade’s cowardice and flight from NYC due to malfeasance, 5) Mike Holley’s attempt to sneak into 911, his demands that I help him so that his lover ( we presumed) , T. Lang could paint him as a hero, 6) Thompson Lang’s outrageous and public outbursts and insults against myself, ARTI, NYFD, NYPD and any and all victims who were witnesses to his contempt, disrespect and lack of empathy for everyone involved with the 911 tragedy. This was an enormous burden to carry on a daily basis and took time away from my efforts to satisfy my duty to my conscience and my responsibilities to ARTI and the 911 victims. This burden started before the plane left New Mexico and never ended until I was finally rid of them after throwing Lang and his gang out of my room and I had incorrectly thought ‘out of my life’. I have come to realize that Lang created a problem, outburst, or a demand every single time I met him.
Sept 11
**The attack on America begins.
**Contacted by Idi Callahan of Fox news and asked when I would be arriving and what I would be doing at 911. I started to prepare for a tidal wave of activity. As Miller described in the video, usually 2 calls simultaneously but at one point I had 3 simultaneous phone calls. I placed the phones in front of me and spoke to everyone at the same time.
** started to pack 3 expedition bags of equipment ( weighing 200 lb.) and the O3 Emergency DeTox System which was composed of 3 trunks of equipment and weighed 150 lbs. a total of 450 lb.
** I made arrangements and detailed my drive to 911 if I had NOT received approval to fly by tomorrow, at the latest.
** Contacted by Miller re traveling to 911 and that he would take care of all arrangements; since, I was newly arrived to area and he claimed to ‘know everyone’. I had many calls from Miller who was arranging for Political support from Congresswoman Heather Wilson, The Director of the FAA, a US Air Force General at the Air Base in ABQ. He told me that he knew the owner of the Albuquerque journal who should be willing to fly me to 911.
**Contacted by Peter Donahue. Gave instructions to peter to arrange for logistics –material support. I gave specific instructions regarding a Van and an Official Driver; who would be at our complete disposal during 911…24 hours per day. Also, I told Peter to get a Hotel donated to the team that would be close to 911, a place to put our gear and setup my room or a room as a Command Center and equipment storage and treatment Center.
**Steve Lentz came to my home.
** Miller faxed or emailed me a doc, for me to sign, which would help him use my ARTI documents to obtain co-operation from Governmental Officials.
** Arranged for liaison with ARTI-Member Rob Verhauf to drive from Wisconsin FD to 911..
**As Mike Miller stated in his video I was receiving phone calls from ARTI members and other rescuers from around the USA and the world who wanted to join with me at 911.
** I spoke with Randy Haverd who was driving with his team from Texas. We arranged to rendezvous at 911. I asked him to contact his friend Dr DuPuy to arrange White House assistance if any only if it was necessary (which I told him I did Not think it would be necessary.) I reminded Randy that FEMA would try to prevent rescue but it would be very difficult for them; since, 911 was a much more difficult area for FEMA to control the media, the local authorities and to squash rescue than OK City was. I told him that NYFD and NYPD would NOT let their friends die. He agreed. (NB.Chief Norman who Linthicum portrays as a NYFD Fire Chief and falsely claimed that he was in charge of ALL 911 rescue and recovery operations actually writes in a FEMA magazine that the NYFD and NYPD Officers nearly rioted when he exercised his authority as a FEMA Officer in excluding the NYFD and NYPD from working at 911 and making it a FEMA only event. ( I have a copy of this article.)
**I packed all the major pieces of equipment need for a 15 member rescue team which I had expected to join me. This included equipment for processing hundreds of Urban Heavy Rescuer Personnel per day with one of my inventions the O3 Emergency DeTox Unit. The fact that I had equipment for 15 personnel and FEMA prevented them from working at 911 created a great problem for me, logistically, to transport the equipment back to ABQ.
** I am NOT sure if Lang called me or whether it was Miller. I do NOT think Lang called; however, I have a vague recollection of speaking with someone concerning the flight.
Sept 12
**Went to local TV Station to talk about NM participation at 911 and to put pressure on Government Officials to arrange for clearance for flight. Mike Miller arranged for this interview.
**** Continued to pack 3 expedition bags of equipment (weighing 200 lb.) and the O3 Emergency DeTox System which was composed of 3 trunks of equipment and weighed 150 lbs. a total of 450 lb.
** I continued to make arrangements and detailed my drive to 911 if I had NOT received approval to fly by tonight. Had made arrangements to pick up Rob Verhauf enroute to 911 if I was driving by car.
** Communicated with Miller re traveling to 911 and that he would take care of all arrangements; since, I was newly arrived to area and he claimed to ‘know everyone’. I had many calls from Miller who was arranging for Political support from Congresswoman Heather Wilson, The Director of the FAA, a US Air Force General at the Air Base in ABQ. He told me that he knew the owner of the Albuquerque journal who should be willing to fly me to 911.
**More pre arrival work with Peter Donahue. Gave instructions to Peter to arrange for logistics –material support. I gave specific instructions regarding a Van and an Official Driver; who would be at our complete disposal during 911…24 hours per day. Also, I told Peter to get a Hotel donated to the team that would be close to 911, a place to put our gear and setup my room or a room as a Command Center and equipment storage and treatment Center.
**Steve Lentz came to my home to go to the airport.
**As Mike Miller stated in his video I was receiving phone calls from ARTI members and other rescuers from around the USA and the world who wanted to join with me at 911.
** I continued to communicate with Randy Haverd who was driving with his team from Texas. We arranged to rendezvous at 911. I asked him to contact his friend Dr DuPuy to arrange White House assistance if any only if it was necessary (which I told him I did Not think it would be necessary.) I reminded Randy that FEMA would try to prevent rescue but it would be very difficult for them; since, 911 was a much more difficult area for FEMA to control the media, the local authorities and to squash rescue than OK City was.
** Mike Holley came to my home.
Sept 13
** Paulina drove me to airport in the middle of the night.
** arrived at NM Airport
** I stopped at a mailbox and mailed a postcard to myself. This was a tradition with me. The postcard said: “Dear Doug: Congratulations. You made it back alive.” I got into a habit of doing this because I would come back from disasters, broke, sick and traumatized. It helped to cheer me up and overcome my own ptsd.
**Lang gave me dirty looks and sneers because I was driving an old car and he didn’t like my shorts.
**The plane wasn’t ready to leave. It was necessary to wait for an hour. I waited, on the tarmac outside of the plane with my wife, Paulina Copp. Lang started an argument on the tarmac because he wanted exclusive media control of 911. he refused to permit the TV crew which Miller had arranged on the plane. I was forced to allow Lang to prevent an objective media presence at 911 or walk to NYC.
** Miller informed me that Lang would not speak with me directly because Lang was too important. If I wanted to communicate with Lang then I had to do it through Miller who had taken on the role of working for Lang. He asserts his authority in the video provided by Lang’s attorneys. Miller, also, declares, in the video that Lang was in absolute charge of the flight.
** Miller, also, states that he was going to be in charge of all political matters and that he had made arrangements to go with the New York Police Dept at the Javitz Center. After we arrived he actually went, against my strongest objections, to see FEMA NOT the NYPD.
** I told everyone that someone was working thru the night to get the support of Gov Pataki and the White House, if necessary. This was TRUE. Dr Du Puy, a high ranking member of the Republican Party who had asked me to provide a situation report on the 2001 earthquake in El Salvador for Andrew Card Jr and for Bush was working on these efforts on behalf of myself and ‘HIS GLORY’, for Randy Haverd.
**I used the time in the aircraft to brief everyone on safety and security issues which would be required for their personal protection while at 911. This briefing was interrupted and stopped by Lang’s demands that he be the center of attention and be in charge. I was told by Mike Miller that Lang had told him that Lang didn’t want me to speak to anyone on the plane. I thought this to be very weird and not understandable.
**Lang prohibited ‘fair media’ from observing his misbehavior at 911 by prohibiting them from aircraft. In the video, the film crew had arrived with and were filming Miller and Wade before I ever got to the ABQ Airport.
**arrived at Teaneneck Airport for 911
** Quoting Peter Donahue: “Doug spent time overcoming Lang’s demands that he would not use the donated van which was arranged by ARTI-NYC Liaison Officer Peter Donahue. Lang insisted that someone of his eminence required a limousine and a mere van was not good enough for him. I overcame his objections and delays; in order, to get to work. Now, that I was in NYC and could go to work it was not necessary to cow tail to Lang’s offensive demands.”
** Conflict with Lang and Linthicum in ARTI Van re Lang changing Hotel to 5 star. This was to cost me 15 hours of time in which I could have either slept or did ‘rescue work.’
I quote Peter Donahue’s affidavit: “Originally I had arranged for the team to stay for free in donated rooms at an inexpensive motel in Long Island City. I chose this motel because it was the closest and most convenient for ARTI to have as a command center, located near the Brooklyn Queens Expressway with ready access to Manhattan. The choice of this place would make ARTI’s contribution to the WTC rescue most effective. Doug said: “Let’s get to the motel. Drop off our equipment and get to work.” Upon finding out that the motel was not first class, and was not located near the tourist sites and entertainment center of Manhattan, both Lithicum and Lang said: “Let’s go to the Marriot Marquis.” At this time, Mike Miller, who I understood to be working with Lang as liaison with ARTI but later found out he was actually working for Lang, agreed with Lang. I responded to Lang, Lithicum and Miller by asking them: “Does it really matter where we stay?” They continued to insist that they wanted to stay in Manhattan. Steve, the volunteer driver, pulled over to the side of the road and said: “Make your minds up!” Doug was irritated and wanted to get to work. Doug said: “Fuck it, Let them have what they want, I just want to get to work.” I agreed with Doug and wanted the same. We drove to the Marriot Marquis. Miller went into the Marriot and arranged for the rooms to be donated while we waited outside. I felt and still feel that Lang’s behavior was inappropriate. I understood that Miller arranged for Lang and his reporters to get their rooms for free too, because they were pretending to be “rescue specialists” so they could gain site access. The only true “rescue specialist” there was Doug Copp.”
**I checked into the Marriott Hotel at approx 1 pm.
**I set up the command center, checked into the hotel and gave the hotel my credit card as a deposit.
** Notified Hotel of Command Center status
**Contacted ARTI Manager and informed him of location of Command Center
**Set up equipment at Command Center
**Started Charging Batteries at Command Center
** I went down to the Van to leave.
**Lang wasted more of my time by going off and site seeing while I was waiting for everyone to return to the Van and go to Ground Zero. I got very angry and expressed my anger over his wasting my time getting to rescue .
**I quote Peter Donahue: “We drove the van to ground Zero. Lang wasted more of my rescue time by exerting his ‘control’ over everyone present and ordered Miller to go into FEMA headquarters. This was done against my demands and was “another power play by Lang.”. I was ready to go to work inside of ground Zero and I was stopped because I was required to go get Miller out of FEMA Headquarters. I quote peter Donahue’s affidavit: “Once we checked in at the Marriott, around 3 pm, we made our way to the Javitz Convention Center to seek official permission to enter the Ground Zero area and perform rescue and recovery work. The Javitz Command Center was controlled by officers from the Federal Emergency Management Authority (“FEMA”). Doug advised us to avoid these people, because they have a personal dislike for him due to his many public criticisms of the agency, criticisms which have proved remarkably prescient in light of FEMA’s disastrous performance at the Katrina disaster in New Orleans. However, several of the members of Doug’s entourage insisted on seeking FEMA authority because it would benefit them personally in terms of their desire for news coverage and publicity. Doug never entered the Javitz Center and did not seek FEMA authority; when the others did so, they were rejected.”
**I went to the NYPD Command Center and got immediate entrance and assistance from Officer Kevin Masi. He took me to his Captain and within 5 minutes I was given a police escort, for our van and equipment into Ground Zero. Somebody took video from our van of the Police Car with Lights flashing giving us an escort into ground Zero.
** I quote Peter Donahue’s affidavit: “Doug then resolved to seek credentials from the New York City police, and visited their nearby Command Center. Almost instantly, the officers recognized Doug because of the news coverage on his rescue work in Turkey where he pulled a young girl from the rubble, and authorized him to enter Ground Zero. They provided him with a police escort (two officers and their patrol car from the Town of Ossining) for our van and we proceeded immediately to the site. At the final checkpoint, manned by 94th Precinct officers of my acquaintance, I left the van with my wife and child and returned in the company of the escorting officers to the Javitz Center.”
**I arrived inside of the final 911 checkpoint and at Ground Zero. I told everyone to sit down and wait while I went and spoke with a Chief of the NYFD. He was in charge of a on-site command center composed of a tarp-tent covering a couple of desks. Radios were on the desk and back-up equipment were stored here.
The NYFD Chief who was dispatching ‘teams’ into the rubble was speaking on the FD radio. I introduced myself and said that it would be a pleasure to work with him. He told me that the ‘teams’ were being rotated; since, this immediate search area was ‘confined’. He told me to put my name down on the rotation list and he would send me in on the next rotation. I wrote down my name and ARTI on the rotation list. I told him that I really didn’t want to wait. He suggested that I go to the other side of the rubble which was much more expansive. I thanked him and went on my way. I thought I would return and ‘rotate in’ should the other side of the rubble prove to be not a worthwhile search area. I left for the other side of the rubble after returning to see Lang’s group and tell them that I was going to the other side. I told them that they could follow if they wanted.
**Lang started to complain again. This is when he arranged to have a picture taken of my crotch.
** I rapidly traveled to the other side of the rubble. I never paid much attention to Lang or any of his gang because I was now ‘like a dog on a hot scent’ and thought of nothing except getting to work and finding an entry point under the rubble. I thought to myself that I was glad to be rid of Lang, his gang and the problems and delays they were causing me.
**I approached a NYPD Officer. He was very polite, helpful and he took me to an area where there was the possibility of crawling into the rubble. Without my knowing Grace filmed video this.
** Found subterranean entry point to ramp area. Lentz took a camera with him and came with me. This was filmed and later broadcast on Inside Edition.
**Searched with 2 Police Officers for victims
**Heard noises of rhythmic pattern underground searched to see if noises were human.
**The noises turned out to be heavy equipment working dangerously just above our heads.
** worked through the night. I think that I made contact with Rob Verhauf, at this time.
**I think this is the time that I went to Peter’s home for him to get equipment and we met Ron Hadani enroute. Hadani told me his background as an Israeli Fighter Pilot and an Engineer and asked if I would let him help. I told him that he could.
Sept 14
** Steve (our volunteer driver) got an emergency police pass for our rescue van
** continued to work at 911 from night before
** I telephoned Peter Donahue, briefed him to report ARTI activities to all interested NYC Mitigation participants. I quote peter Donahue’s affidavit: “The next day, Friday September 14th, Doug telephoned me and told me about his initial work at Ground Zero. Doug had told me that he had found a hole in the rubble which allowed him to crawl inside far enough to gain access to the collapsed and flooded Path Station, at the very bottom of the WTC rubble.”
**I started to get sick from my exposure to 911 poisons. I quote Peter Donahue’s affidavit:” The next day, Friday September 14th, ….. Doug summoned me to meet him at the Marriott and I arrived there in late afternoon. Doug was already coughing and slightly disoriented. I did not know what to make of it the, but I later came to understand that Doug was having reactions to being poisoned by hazardous material found under the Ground Zero site.”
**After meeting with Peter Donahue at ARTI’s Command Center we went to Roosevelt Island to co-ordinate with, offer assistance to and provide technology to members of Chief Ray Downey’s Special team who had NOT been killed, with Ray during the Tower Collapse. At Roosevelt Island Lang again started interfering with my co-ordination with the NYFD. Lang’s bad behavior was escalating and getting out of control. Miller and Grace, also, started displaying their greed, selfishness and lack of empathy for the victims of 911. I quote Peter Donahue’s affidavit: “At my suggestion, we went to Roosevelt Island, Special Operations Command so that we could let them know about the availability of the device. We traveled in the ARTI van in the company of most of the members of the New Mexico group. I went inside and saw some of the firefighters who I knew personally, including especially Dave Dangerfield from Rescue Company #3. I told them about the casualty locator. They wanted to see it. I went back to the van. I told Doug to bring the casualty locator inside to show to retired Captain James Ellis, who was a colleague friend of mine and wanted to see it. Doug agreed. Lang wanted to go inside too, but I refused to allow this. I was fed up with his attitude which looked like obsessive-compulsive disorder because he wanted to be in control of everything and have his own way. He treated everybody in a very verbally abusive manner. He was condescending. I tried to explain to him that the people inside were looking for their brothers whom they loved and did not want to deal with anyone with an attitude. He said: “Fuck that! I wasted my time here. I’m going to leave.” At this point, he turned to Doug and said: “Are you going to get me my ID to get me in or not?” Doug saw the firefighters waiting for him and me and said to Tom Lang: “I’ll be right back, we’ll discuss this when I get back.” Doug was trying to keep things together and stay calm.
Doug and I met with the firefighters. Doug took the lid off of a jar with rotten meat inside that he uses to calibrate the casualty locator. The casualty locator started beeping and flashing. The Captain and three firefighters from Rescue 3 were extremely impressed and they wanted to get the machine inside Ground Zero ASAP. Eric Wade, who was going to be involved in the manufacturing of the casualty locator, was appointed to lead the group of firefighters and train them in the use of the casualty locator. He was invited inside and made arrangements to meet up with the group at Ground Zero.
We returned to the van. At the van, Lang still whined like a baby, having a temper tantrum and insisted that he wanted Doug to get a badge for him. Then, Mike Miller said that if we could get video of the casualty locator working at Ground Zero, we’d make millions. I don’t remember his exact words, because I was arguing with Tom Lang. Doug never said anything about money or making money. At this point, Mike Miller offered me 10% of all sales of the casualty locator if I worked to facilitate Doug’s cooperation. Like me, Doug got very angry and starting yelling at both Mike Miller and Tom Lang. I left in disgust. All I cared about was finding my friends and colleagues who were missing at this time. It seemed to me that the others couldn’t have cared less about that. As a result of the disgusting behavior of Lang and his group, I left the van as soon as it reached Manhattan.”
** After Peter left I was very angry with Lang, Miller and Grace. I believe I had our ARTI driver Steve take me to Ground Zero so that I could get away from these people; especially, Lang.
** I went to Ground Zero and started searching for another entry point to the subterranean area.
** During my searching for an entry point under the rubble I met with the NYPD Special UHR Rescue Team. I offered my hand to the Captain, in charge, and was in mid-sentence of introducing myself when the Captain said: “ I know who you are. Thank God, you are here!” I saw you on TV saving the little Turkish girl. He turned to his second in command, a NYPD lt. and he told him to take myself and Rob Verhauf over to Stuyvesant Temporary Command Center to have my Official ID issued. The Captain told the Lt to stay with me, not to come back without me and to make sure that I didn’t wait in line. He told him to tell the Officials there that everyone was waiting for me so please hurry-up and expedite my approval by placing me at the head of the lines. Myself, the Lt and Rob Verhauf went to Stuyvesant School with the Lt. It normally would take 6-8 hours to process. We were done in an hour. We went into the FBI Headquarters. I showed my passport. The FBI did a NPSIC check on me. I passed the test. Then we went to the Head of the Military Line. I was fingerprinted, computer checked, provided a copy of my signature which was entered into the computer laptop which was set-up at the processing table in the middle of the formerly busy main street. After all of this processing by a US Soldier I was issued Emergency badge number 3119.
**We returned to the Captain. I was given some NYPD elbow and knee pads to protect myself while searching. They were an excellent design and very functional. I included them as part of my regular uniform. The entire NYPD Team which now included myself and Rob Verhauf ( I am NOT sure if Steve Lentz was with us.) loaded into an open NYPD Police truck and we left to go into our deployment area. Once we got to the deployment area we searched open rubble for victim’s remains and an entry point under the rubble. After a while I told the captain that I wanted to go over to another area which was close by. It had many open entry points which where located above ground level. I told him that I would return to get him and the rest of the team if we were lucky to find a good entry area. We made the arrangement that he would do the same. We decided to broaden our joint search area with the understanding that we would join forces if an appropriate entry point was found. I went to this part of the rubble. Rob Verhauf and myself were talking with some NYFD Officers. I thought it would be good for ARTI and the NYFD if Rob was to spend time working with them. This was agreed upon.
I wanted to be able to spread myself around, as I usually do to multi-task as much as possible and to give the maximize the most benefit I could give to the entire 911 effort by providing my experience and expertise to as many people and tasks as possible.
At this point I was approached by Police Commissioner Kerrick. He was wearing a very expensive civilian suit and tie and he was accompanied by the Police Dept Professional Cameraman with a Sony TV Camera which cost in excess of $120,000.00
Kerrick extended his hand to me, introduced himself as NYPD Commissioner Kerrick. He asked me who I was. I told him that my name was Doug Copp, that I was the rescue Chief of the world’s most experienced rescue team and that I had the personal experience of crawling inside of 894 collapsed buildings and having worked at more than 100 major disaster events.
All on film, Kerrick pulled me closer to himself, lifted up his other hand which was free and grabbed my hand with both of his hands. He vigorously shook my hand and said: “Thank you! Thank you very much for coming to help us!”
I thanked him for his kindness in his response and informed him that I was very pleased to be able to help and that I
Ascension Time is NOW, Keys to Ascending,
Mastering the Ego, Allowing, Joining with Others
to Achieve the Higher Realms
We lovingly invite YOU to join our Sananda's Eagle family team and to work with us on our global ***Project: Eagle Triad*** We are looking forward to you emailing: janisel(at)
Learn More about details and History of ***Project Eagle Triad***
By Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)
(channeled though the body of Debbie Wright of Sananda's Eagles)
(public channeling)
The energies, during this energetic shift, are marvelous to
‘watch’, but I am sure they are very crunching to endure,
especially when you do not breathe well enough, or drink enough
water, or pray enough, or meditate enough, or allow enough. I do
wish to say that we are proud of each and every one of you, and I
am including even those that are not in this room.
However, we can tell you, it is time. It is time to do what you
feel your Creator tells you to do, because the more you fight it
the harder it shall be for you to work and survive within these
energies. These ARE the times that the prophets of old spoke of.
These ARE the times that all the dreamers have dreamed of.
All we can do is make suggestions to assist you in coping. We
cannot do it for you, and we understand that for some it shall be
work. But it is time to face fears, it is time to begin allowance,
it is time to ease control, and it is time to do what needs to be
Some of you...are strong enough to bear the burden. You’re strong
enough to bear the burden for many, but what are they doing for
you? For you see, if you feel in turmoil even when you are closest
to God, that turmoil is your soul speaking to you, telling you that
you cannot learn the lessons for all, no matter how badly you want
things to accelerate, no matter how much your heart cries out to go
Home... It is time to concentrate only on your Mission -- with others --
and then YOU and the planet will Ascend together!
By Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)
(channeled though the body of Debbie Wright of Sananda's Eagles)
We will call this lesson "Ascension". I put a lot of thought into
it to get that. <grin> Ascension is nothing more than the state of
rising. Rising what, you may ask. [One primary way to **rise**in
Ascension is to do your Mission for the Creator.]
You can be climbing a ladder, you can be walking up stairs, you can
be raising your vibration, you can be raising your consciousness,
or you can be 'flying high'. They're all the same. We have given
you the lessons that explain intricacies that have never been
explained fully before.
When you say 'Sananda Teaches Ascension', we ask the question
"What is it that Sananda would really wish for us to truly
understand about Ascension?" I think I can answer that. <grin> So…
we shall make a list, not necessarily in the following order, for
each individual is different. But I will give you the list of the
items that I, personally, find it helpful and beneficial for each
and every one of you to know concerning Ascension.
Strive to master your ego, for it is your ego, in this reality,
that tends to muddle things for you. It is your ego, in this
reality, that tends to hold you back, that tends to make you wish
to 'mirror' all things that are sent to you, instead of allowing
you the opportunity to discern what can be mirrored and what can be
transmuted to be a different reflection of who you are. Egos are
wonderful things once they have been mastered.
Allow. Allow yourself the opportunity to be who you really are. And
at the same time, allow all others that you interact with to be
exactly who THEY truly are… without your interference, that is,
because you would not wish to have their interference for you. If
you allow yourself to be who you truly are, or at least begin that
journey, then it also assists you in seeing the best in others. And
once you can begin seeing the best in others, then naturally they
will begin seeing the best in you… or vice versa.
This, and mastering your ego, are the two truly solitary things for
you to do on the ascension path. All the rest have to do with
becoming one with each other again, assisting each other, and
loving each other. For if you can begin the two on your own, to
master your ego and to allow yourself and others, then your soul
puts out a call to all others. It puts out a call saying, "We have
begun the process… come to us, help us, then we shall help you. You
sing the chorus and I'll sing the melody, or vice versa, depending
on who you are and who I am with you."
One of the hardest lessons for those in this reality to learn is,
you spend most of your lives here striving to be looked at,
striving to be noticed, striving to become 'someone'. And what it's
truly all about is to do this exact same thing but to see who has
the biggest 'group', the biggest choir. We do not encourage anyone
to be the best teacher, to be the best student. We encourage
everyone to be the best at calling out to all the rest, for the
more that you can call into yourself, the quicker this job gets
The ASCENSION of mankind and the ascension of this planet are NOT
acquired by individual progress. That goal shall be accomplished
by… the "team" having the most players shall win. <grin> THAT is
what I wish for all that have learned my lessons to realize...
We love patting each and every one of you on the head… and that is
not meant in a condescending manner… for we love dearly each and
every one of you. We hug you all the time, however we cannot allow
you to feel that energy when we hug you. Some of you get glimpses
because, when we do hug you, it raises your vibration so high that
you just might 'tweak out'. So we can caress, and we can pat, and
we can hug 'unofficially', because we DO understand that this is
not an easy job.
We do understand that, as far as YOUR MISSIONS are concerned,
some of us probably have had a better go of it than some of you.
And for that we are truly thankful. Not because we're thankful it
was not us that had the hard job, it is because we are thankful
that the right person got the hard job. Because that hard job is to
be done by the best, and the best ones here have those jobs. And we
understand that, we acknowledge that. The only ones that do not
truly and fully understand that and acknowledge that are those that
have those jobs. And they pray, and they beg, and sometimes they
stand outside and yell, scream, and holler at us. <grin> But that's
OK… we have it all recorded for you for later. We honestly feel
you'll have a full appreciation of the entertainment value of that
once this mission is over with. <grin> And while we lounge around
on our ships, and we eat our chocolates, and drink our Arnk, <grin>
we have more compassion for you than you'll ever know.
There have been times that some of us have crossed the line
occasionally to make things just a little bit easier for you,
however, we cannot do that without permission. And that permission
is usually given unless there's some sort of contractual snafu in
there that keeps it from being taken care of. But we do wish for
you to understand that for every prayer, or 'beg', or sometimes
vile words that get thrown our way, it is OK because we are doing
the exact same thing for you and with you. However, what gets the
job done is 'perseverance'. And if you can master your ego, and
allow yourself and others, it DOES make it less of a struggle.
Now, I'm going to ask a couple of questions. And I wish for these
questions to be pondered before answering. So it, technically, is
not possible to have you answer these in your classroom unless you
do what we've always encouraged you to do, and that is to read the
lessons beforehand. So I guess we'll know then, won't we? <grin>
a) I have, or have not, begun mastering my ego. Yes or No?
b) I allow myself to begin to see who I truly am. Yes or No?
c) I allow others the opportunity to see and be who they truly are
without interference from me. Yes or No?
If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working
your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and
mankind, and would like to participate in ***Project: Eagle
Triad*** please email janisel(at)
Learn More about details and History of ***Project Eagle Triad***
Hurricane Isaac ..lots more to come…BBC TV Special with Doug Copp and 3 scientists predicted the current ‘giant’ floods and what will come next.
Below is a reprint of an earlier posting. It has been updated to allow people to understand flooding events in Louisiana; including, the social cost and psychological effect of repetitive disasters. At the time, this TV program, produced by the BBC was the ‘costliest, biggest budget, program ever made by the BBC. It was buried, after the initial broadcast; because the BBC Executives considered it to be too frightening, for the public. The Corporate World wanted to keep people in a ‘low information’ state of mind; so that, profits/shareholder returns would not be jeopardized. The truth is the truth. It is frightening; however, ‘life before profit’ has always been my moto. If you are interested in knowing that the ‘train is coming, down the track..before it runs over you then watch this high quality BBC production. It takes place on the nightly news broadcast in 2050. The anniversary of the beginning of the end.
On a personal note, to the people of Madisonville LA and the rest of the north shore:
The levies have successfully protected New Orleans, by ‘backing up’ and diverting water. Understand that water needs to flow down with gravity..Just like ‘down the sink’. if you stop it from flowing into it’s natural route (New Orleans) (or ‘down the drain’ then it goes somewhere else (or overflows the sink).
Don’t believe any agency that tells you any different. It just can’t get any simpler; but they deny any and all responsibility/legal liability, for your loses…anyway. Such is the way of our world. The truth is hard to find in a flood of lies.
Let it be clearly understood that I believe it makes absolute sense to protect the city of New Orleans and sacrifice other less strategic areas..IF ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY..; however, I don’t believe in standing by and letting people be victims. I am sick and tired of lies. The truth should be told and ‘the right thing’ should be done. The Army Corps of Engineers did the ‘right thing’ to protect New Orleans but they shouldn’t have lied or covered up. They should always do ‘the right thing’.
I have along history of being ‘crucified’, ‘whipped’, lied about, shot at, receiving death threats and much more because of a similar battle against money, greed, power, insurance company shareholder return being more important than school children surviving earthquakes via the ‘triangle of life’. ( see this blog)
Just trying to do ‘the right thing’.
doug copp Sept 3, 2012.
BBC TV Special with Doug Copp and 3 scientists predicted the current ‘giant’ floods and what will come next.
The Current Giant floods were predicted. This ‘big budget TV Production’ video is a mock-up of the evening news, from 2050.
Doug Copp, in this Award Winning BBC Special, is featured, along with 3 of the world’s leading scientists, explaining your present and YOUR FUTURE……………… with these ‘soon to be’ normal events.
Understand why these events are happening and how your life is going to be impacted today, tomorrow and for the next 40 years. Get used to destructive weather. This is a high production but very scary movie.
It alerts our world in a way like George Orwell’s Book :1984′.
The setting is the 2050 Evening TV NEWS special/ documentary explaining what happened in the world from 2000 to 2050. This BBC program was the ‘biggest budget special’ when it was produced. In spite of money invested, Political Pressure ‘squashed the program’ for fear of people rioting for reform.
The Video still contains the original ‘black-out sections-to insert Commercials. You will need to speed ahead or wait for the period to end. The entire video is 53 minutes long.
Doug Copp predicted floods”>Watch the video at Doug Copp’s Youtube Channels amerrescue and amerrescuegmail
Galactic Interplanetary Waves = Ripples Through ALL Dimensions = Your Ascension (As Upon Earth, then Outward to All Dimensions and all Universes)
If you want to ascend with the planet, sign up for a
Mission now with Project Eagle Triad, by emailing:
If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working
your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and
mankind, and would like to participate in ***Project: Eagle
Triad*** please email janisel(at)
Learn More about details and History of ***Project Eagle Triad*** (Ashtar's Trinity) go here:
=== === +++ === === ++++ === === ===
by SANANDA (Lord Jesus the Christ, Ascended)
channeled through Rev Deb Wright
"The Domino Effect"
This is the lesson that you shall have concerning planetary,
galactic, universal, All That Is ascension. Technically, each and
every one of you, individually, are that first domino of a whole
table full of dominos that bump into each other until all of the
Grand Design is effected. However, for some of you, we shall make it simpler.
Each and every one of you are the one individual drop
of rain that lands in the middle of a calm ocean, that sends out
minute little ripples that get bigger and bigger, and bigger and
bigger, until eventually there's a tidal wave caused by that one
drop of rain. I know I'm over-exaggerating here, but I think you
get the picture. <grin>
Now, as you know, someone wonderful came in and taught you a little
bit about the parts of personal ascension that some of you may or
may not have thought of before. And those are things that you can
do to assist yourself up that ladder. Once so many of you reach the
top of your ladder, does that mean that the planet herself ascends?
Ahhh… this is a trick question. Each and every one of you affect
this planet before you're even halfway up your ladder, you do not
have to reach the top to affect this planet. Well, once you reach a
certain point on your ladders, the planet feels the pull. And when
she feels the pull, the rest of those living upon her, whether they
be animal, vegetable, mineral, whatever, they feel the pull, too.
We have discussed this at quite some length before. However, we are
now here to warn you, too. There comes a time, when you're climbing
up your ladder and you're pulling the planet right along with you,
that you're pulling something else along… something else that comes
along with all of those that feel the pull of the planet, coming
behind you, or with you. And what that is, is those that perceive
'evil' as something of great power, as something of Divine
Providence, or as something they consider themselves to be. And
since they're being taken along for the ride, sometimes you shall
encounter this. It does not necessarily mean that you shall
encounter evil incarnate face to face. It just means that you will
feel the pull of the energy pulling you back, because there are
many that have that energy within them. Your job, your mission, is
to carry on and to do the best that you can to continue onward and
upward up that ladder even though you feel that pull. The higher
you get up that ladder, the stronger you feel the pull.
Let's consider it as we would consider your basic physics, your
basic science. You're fighting the pull of gravity. Many of you
consider the fact that this will make your trip up the ladder
easier once you reach that certain point, when in actuality it
pulls on you harder. I hate to fall upon your clichés here, but no
one ever promised you that it would be easy… we just said it would
be worthwhile. We said that it would be beneficial once it is
complete. We have not played word games with you, we have done
everything in our ability to warn you that there are times that you
will feel that pull and there are times that you will be weary of
the climb. Those are the times that we do our best to come in and
make you laugh, or give you a distraction, or sometimes even just
hug you at night while you're asleep… give you that little 'boost'
of extra love and care. The best direction that we can give you
concerning this is, with each step that you take up that ladder,
you get closer and closer to the power of the Love of the All That
Is. So keep looking up, keep your focus point up. If you look back
down to see what it is that's dragging on you, you lose momentum,
you lose the sight of your goal that you are striving so hard for.
With each and every step you take, if you keep your eyes up, if you
keep the focus of your mission up, if you keep your heart up, it
will not be easier but you will have less doubt which, in the long
run, makes it easier on your personally. For many of you have
doubt, which is one of those things that is drawing you back down.
With each step that you take up that ladder, you're pulling more
and more on the energy of this planet and those that reside upon
her. But are you the only ones? We have spoken of your soul's song,
we have spoken of your split-aparts, and we have spoken of soul
fragments. Each and every one of you has fragments, counterparts,
split-aparts, that are doing essentially the same thing on
different levels. Some, very few though, on lower levels than
you're at. Many on much higher levels than you're at. And their
energy, as they move onward and upward on their ladder, assists you
in pulling you up your ladder. You're magnetized to those pieces
and parts. You're magnetized to the energy of the Creator. You're
magnetized by the true physics of all Creation, and that true
physics being, the higher you get, the lighter you become… the
lighter you become, the more Light that emanates from you.
You keep your step light, you keep your heart light, you keep your
sight light, and you aim for the Light. And, as I have said before,
every once in awhile you'll find a ledge and you might step off
your ladder and take a breather for awhile. And when you look down
to assist those that are coming up behind you or along side you,
you do not look down for what it is that you have bypassed, the
lessons you have already learned. You look for the Light that is
getting brighter and brighter as it comes up the ladder also. You
encourage that Light, you tell IT to look up, you tell it to keep
getting there, that you're there and they can be, too. Do not look
for the dark, look for the Light within the dark. Encourage it. Pat
it on the back. Allow your Light to shine a wee bit brighter so
that it might see your Light ahead through the dark that it is
surrounded by. Allow yourself to be that beacon that the Creator
uses to add more Light to Itself. For you never know, as you are
looking up your ladder, and you see that Light, it's just another
beacon in between you and where it is that you are heading. And if
you pass a ledge and you see someone taking a break on the ledge,
and you feel refreshed and do not necessarily feel that it is time
for you to take a break, shine your Light for them. For those that
stop and take that break on the ledge are the ones that are being
the beacons that call others on up their ladders. Do you understand
Once all of you reach that one ledge of YOUR ladders, and this
planet is finally able to reach that ledge on HER ladder, and all
those creatures upon her reach that ledge on THEIR ladder, then you
shall be the forerunners that begin climbing your ladder again. And
it starts all over again. However, there is something most wondrous
that happens when all of you reach that ledge. When you reach that
ledge, your Lights become very bright and it sends out a Call. And
that Call awakens all of those others that have not even begun
their flight up from many other different places in your solar
system. You see, there's the ripple, there's the domino for the
next level. You begin pulling them, and then they, in turn, are
where you began. They're just waking up, they're just getting
started. And then, as you begin your next level, and after some
time goes by, and the entire galaxy reaches the level that you had
just left when it woke them up, you will then be pushed to your
next level. And as you being at that next level, it will push and
wake up even another galaxy, and another, and another, until soon
you're entire universe is affected by this push and pull effect.
Now I could, but I have been asked not to, tell you how many
systems in your universe are above or below you, for that makes no
bit of difference. Each and every one of you is all doing the same
job. You're assisting each other, whether you're the one that's
pulling them awake, or they are the ones that have pulled you
awake. And then once your entire universe reaches a specific level,
it begins being either pushed or pulled by other universes. And the
one that is pulling and magnetizing each and every universe, each
and every solar system, each and every planet, each and every
Being, is the Creator… calling back unto Himself all those that
went out to educate Him, to teach, to learn, to share, to assist.
Some of you, at this point in time, may be saying that this sounds
like an exhausting affair. It is. Very exhausting. Ahhh… but well
worth it. Very well worth it. For those of you that have come here
to assist this planet, some of you will reach the top of your
ladder much quicker than others, and then you shall go home. And
when you go home, your home is doing the exact same thing.
Technically, you will each be doing it all over again. It's just
that the vast majority of you are from places that have far
outreached the more mundane levels that you've had to deal with
here and now in this reality. But the experiences that you have
here and now in this reality, are the experiences that you can take
home with you, that will give you and your reality just a bit more
of a push in going to the 'real' Home… the end of the puzzle, the
last domino. The last domino being the full picture, or the full
ocean, however you wish to look at it.
This one, when she teaches her Kabbalah, uses the ancient term of
Light as being: you get closer to the emanation of God. This is
true. I myself much prefer to say that you keep getting closer and
closer to the Light that gets brighter and brighter. The brighter
it gets, the closer you are. And, at times, you shall reach a point
to where that Light is so bright that you will feel that you cannot
even take it, for it is SO bright. But you know that it is Home,
and you keep on and you keep on, and then you are consumed by the
brightest Light of All. And many of you may feel that when you
become incorporated back into the Creator that you lose 'who you
are'. As far as a body, as far as a soul, you become incorporated
back into the One. However, it is a One of great Knowledge, a One
of great Experience, and the way that that Knowledge and that
Experience is incorporated into the One is so vast and
incomprehensible that it is hard to explain to you how. So you may
trust or not trust, you may believe or not believe, it makes no
difference to me. However, you will still know your 'self', and you
will still know your Creator… each and every part and parcel of
your Creator. You will know the ones that you have met before in
past lives, and you will still carry the soul memory of each and
every step up those ladders that you took, and all of those
different part and parcels that you met along the way.
I guess the best way I could explain it to you is this: Every drop
of blood that flows through your body, and you know the name of
every drop of that blood; and you know the experience that every
drop of that blood has had, each path that it's coursed through
your body; each and every different drop of blood that it has met
and interacted with along the way; and if you have had a cut, you
know the names of each drop of blood that left your body through
that cut; if you've had a transfusion, you know the names of each
drop of blood that came through that bag into your body, and you've
named each of those pieces and parts and parcels, and you know
where they came from and you know the course that they took to get
there. That is just a small example of how you can compare it.
Hopefully if shall help you comprehend part of what it is that each
and every one of you are aiming for.
If you have a problem along the way, you feel that pull down the
ladder or you look off that ledge and you do not see Lights coming
towards you, you just see darkness enveloping the Lights, please
look up. Ask your heart… just as if you were a drop of blood… ask
your heart, the Creator, the 'mover', to make your path Lighter… to
shine the Light on you brighter from above to make it easier for
not only YOU to see, but every other drop of blood coming up the
ladder behind you, so that they shall see, too. Does this make
sense? You understand this?
We have had such a glorious communion with each and every one of
you, whether you allowed us to or not… consciously, that is. For
your soul saw the Light whether you've chosen to see it or not. And
we have shined our Lights for you, and we have given you much to
ponder. We have given you much to look forward to and much to laugh
about. These lessons are almost done… for awhile. We will have one
more lesson that shall come through, and when that lesson comes
through, we shall rejoice. And we hope YOU shall rejoice, because
once that lesson comes through, technically, you will have much
that you can be thankful for… or shall I say 'more' thankful for…
than you did before you started these lessons. For you see, if
nothing else, hopefully we have been able to prove to you that we
are here with you. We are not going away. We are not here to harm
you, we are here to assist. We are here to shine our Lights for you
to be able to see through the dark. Please, above all else, just
remember: the dark is nothing more than YOU not being able to see
the Light at that particular point. As your wonderful scriptures
say, almost at the very beginning, that the Lord thy God separated
the Light from the Dark. Did you ever wonder which there was
'first'? Did God make Dark, or did God make Light? The answer is
simple. God made both… and that is what you are to keep in mind.
I will not be asking any questions this week. I've asked a few
'small' ones before now. <grin> But we do wish for you to gather
together in the classes and discuss this, for some of you will
probably come up with your own questions, and that is OK. For you
see, that is where we are leading you… hopefully… to that 'last
lesson'… hopefully. And then, if you wish to, you might find it to
be quite fun and entertaining to begin all over again and see how
far you have advanced in your own heart and in your own mind so far...
=== === === === === === === === ===
Galactic Interplanetary Waves = Ripples Through ALL Dimensions =
Your Ascension
If you want to ascend with the planet, sign up for an Ascension
Mission now with Project Eagle Triad, by emailing:
If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working
your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and
mankind, and would like to participate in ***Project: Eagle
Triad*** please email janisel(at)
Learn More about details and History of ***Project Eagle Triad***
Another Triangle of Life TV Program Broadcast
I have been sicker than usual; which has caused me to be away from the internet, for a while. I spent 2 months, in a tent, in the desert, to recover from 'attacks' and 'in bed' for a while.
I am stile alive..still fighting to save school children's lives...glad to be back.
This is my latest update from
The TV series: Surviving Disasters (earthquakes. program) will be rebroadcast on the SPIKE Network, Friday May 25, 2012, at noon time. In Canada, It will be aired on the Shaw Cable Company, Channel 268, on that date and time.
The program realistically simulates an earthquake. The building collapsing. The people are inside. It tells you to get next to a large, bulky object; that will have a ‘survivable void’, next to it. It shows the building collapsing on top of them. A ‘triangle appears, on screen, superimposed on the triangle formed as the wall creates a perfect ‘triangle of life’, next to the sofa. It shows the ‘triangle of life’ with victims surviving throughout the structure. The victims crawl out of the collapsed rubble, by crawling through interconnected voids (triangles), next to objects. They do this until they all exit the building and have saved themselves. At the end of the program..they all survive because they knew to get into survivable voids/triangles of life. Various members of Los Angeles County Fire Dept, are seen as, the experts supporting this.
I am glad they do; however, it would be ‘welcome’ if they had the ‘interest’, to put an end to, Doug Copp being used as a ‘punching bag’. NASAR and INSARAG (all the major rescue teams, of the world) have all been using my rescue methods and my scientific discovery, the ‘triangle of life’, for years. But nobody had the ‘guts’ to ‘stand-up’ to the ‘Corporate Greed’. I guess they ‘got scared’ when they realized the ‘beating’ that I was taking and didn’t want any part of it.
I normally do NOT watch any TV program related to disaster, survival or rescue. This might seem to be ‘hard to understand’; that the most experienced rescue person, in the world; doesn’t like to watch these programs. My reasons are simple: I hate everything to do with disasters. The only reason that I saved lives and spent my life dedicated, to this cause, was to help people. Can you imagine being the most successful person, in the world at something you hate ..but your conscience forces you to do?
I have a library of horror, inside of my mind; that would ‘snap’ the mind of almost everyone. My learning curve from working at 100 + of the most destructive major disaster events, of History is to provide me with the ability to have a different ‘screaming’, cold sweat, horrific nightmare of terror, inhumanity, injustice, violence, mutilation, depravity and gruesomeness….for every night of a very long life.
So, I turned on TV, last night and the SPIKE TV channel was tuned in. To my surprise, It was a TV program featuring, my Scientific Discovery, the ‘Triangle of Life’. I was shocked. The TV program never mentioned me. It never mentioned my being used as a ‘punching bag’, for liars, scoundrels and their minions who have virtually made my life a living hell; because, I would not ‘back down’, give up or allow them to kill school children, for maximizing profit.
For years, I was offered ‘position’, prestige, wealth, bribes and more. After, I refused ‘the carrot’; I was threatened, bullied, abused, defamed, libeled; insulted and debased. After this I was ‘shot at’, attacked, investigated, destroyed and life threatened. Last Christmas Eve, as an example, I received a phone call. It was NOT a call wishing me a Merry Christmas. It was NOT about ‘good will’ and ‘peace on earth’. It was a call, from a ‘Ted Nugent’ type of ‘creep’; probably, incited by Dr Lucy Jones, telling me that he and his friends, were on their way, to my home. They weren’t bringing Christmas presents. They were “going to come to my home and ‘beat my brains out’ with baseball bats”. It is amazing what you can get used to…even when you are ‘sick’(from 911) and struggling with chronic pain and constant illness.
What the bureaucrats like Dr Lucy Jones (more on her infamy below) cannot realize is the ‘nature’, of my choice. Why am I willing to continue the fight against these villains?
Every single one of the 896 collapsed buildings that I had crawled into, to save lives and recover ‘squashed bodies’ had several things, in common:
1) I was scared.
2) I prayed.
3) I asked God not to allow me to be ‘pinned’ with rats eating me alive.
4) I asked God to take care of the ones that I love.
5) I faced a USA Government, OSHA statistic of a 60% probability of being killed.
6) I did this only for God, my faith and my desire to save lives and help people…
7) and finally I asked myself a question: “Is crawling into this building worth dieing for?”
In 25 years, I never said:”NO”. I never refused. Not once.
Back to Lucy Jones:
Dr Lucy Jones, goes ‘wild’ with hatred, lies and abuse against me. I think it is because she has found a very rewarding ‘niche’. She has prestige, fame, money, awards and much more; as a result of, her campaign to destroy me and ‘the triangle of life’. The insurance companies who have made billions, by endangering children’s lives and actually causing their death..have a champion, in her. They have actuarially determined that it is “cheaper and less trouble if schoolchildren die immediately; rather than, survive and sue for compensation”. The Insurance Company executives have told us that they are in the business of “maximizing shareholder return NOT saving lives”.
Here is an excerpt from a letter that I will post, next month. It was sent to a high level politician. I am waiting for his response.:
Rescuing and recovering victims inside of 896 collapsed buildings is one of the hundreds of indicators and evidence that I have to support my unrivaled experience and knowledge of collapsed buildings. This is all on video and substantiated by hundreds of submittals of evidence.
It is relevant to this letter and the wrong that was done, for you, to understand; that I have experienced unimaginable horrors; including, crawling into a collapsed school, in Mexico City. As I crawled up and down the aisles a little hand or foot would stick out from under the crushed desk. I asked : “Why aren’t these children in the aisles? Why are they crushed under the desks?
In 1985, upon my return to San Francisco, these facts were communicated to the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, State of California. I was invited to participate in a closed ‘GOES’ meeting. Later, I was asked to host a Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (GOES) meeting and attended more. I was informed, at all of these meetings; that ‘Duck and Cover’ was NOT to be discussed. People knew it was wrong but wouldn’t discuss it.
Finally, in good conscience, I could not attend any more of these meetings. I could not condone nor participate in the promotion of ‘duck and cover.’ It has a universal 2% survival rate; while ”The triangle of life’ would allow 90% to survive. Your current policy causes 88% of school children, to die; for no reason, other than, policy. I couldn’t understand why State of California Employees would allow the children to die; until it was explained, to me, by them and others.
Emergency Management bureaucrats told us that it is cheaper and less trouble, if the school children die, immediately via ‘duck and cover’; rather than, survive and sue the school boards for trauma or injury. The Insurance Companies told us that they had actuarially determined that it is more profitable for ‘shareholder return’ if the children die immediately. Victims who survive seek compensation. They cost money. The Insurance Executives told us that they were not in the business of saving lives; they are in the business of maximizing shareholder return. The Insurance Companies have told the school Boards that they will either cancel or increase the premium for the School Board insurance policy if they allow the children to survive, by using ‘the triangle of life’.
You must understand that I am NOT doing this for any personal gain. The opposite is true. I have been persecuted, defamed, threatened, attacked and scourged, by people, working, for you.
Dr Lucy Jones officially representing the USGS, Caltech, State of California (and other paychecks) went too far, in her attempts to discredit me and we have caught her red-handed. She went way beyond her usual lies and reached a new plateau.
The proof: Concerned citizens, in Southern California, sent me a copy of a video of Dr Lucy Jones, introduced at a City of Rancho Mirage public meeting as having been appointed, by the Governor. The DVD was sent with sworn affidavits, attached. After Dr Lucy Jones lecture, the first question asked was about the validity of ‘The triangle of Life’. She told the audience that it was completely false, based upon my experience at a collapsed school, in Mexico City (Actually, the’ t of ‘l has been substantiated by everyone of the 896 collapsed buildings that I have recovered live and dead victims, from…not just this school.) She angrily told the crowd that I was a fact..a ‘criminal fraud’ because there were no children, in the schools, She explained to the audience (as they gasped… in shock) that the earthquake happened at 7 am (it was actually 7:18 am) and that the schools were empty. She told them that it was a lie that I had witnessed dead children, under their desks; because, there were no children there. My lecture-witnesses, in attendance, were aghast and contacted me immediately. Dr Lucy Jones knew that Mexico City Schools open at 6:30 am, every day, to allow children to be dropped off, at school; while parents go to work.
For the sake of brevity, I won’t list the 18 different proofs that I have that the schools had children, crushed to death, in them. The 25 million eyewitnesses of the city of Mexico City are one part of my evidence.
You need to look no farther than your own Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (GOES) Archives, for proof that Dr Lucy Jones knowingly, willingly and purposefully, for her own selfish interests lied.
Your spokesman, for Earthquake Safety, Richard Eisner (GOES) testified under sworn deposition that 152 children died, in the school; that I had searched. The exact number was marked on the back of a photograph, of the collapsed school; which he showed to me. Richard Eisner (GOES) testified that one of the Government’s Emergency personnel had ‘attacked me, with the same lie, as Dr Lucy Jones. This was 20+ years ago. He ‘threw the lying bureaucrat under the bus’…that he had knowingly, willingly lied about the school children. I did not expect to hear this lie, again, from the State of California. Kent Paxton denied that the 137 collapsed Mexico City Schools had school children crushed in them; however, Dr Lucy Jones took this lie….her lie….to the extreme point of publicly declaring me to be a criminal fraud…FOR TELLING THE TRUTH; WHILE SHE IS THE ONE WHO LIED.
It sounds stupid and bizarre; however, the published position, of your employees, is that the triangle of Life is good, for other countries; but not the USA; because “America doesn’t have earthquakes and buildings don’t collapse in America”. This defense of ‘duck and cover’ was inadequate because people were not stupid enough to ‘swallow it.’ So, Dr Lucy Jones, leading the pack, acted like ‘Ted Nugent’ and ‘Karl Rove’ by attacking me, personally, with lies, instead. She did this at many public events. She lied about me to the Chinese press. She has caused me great harm. This time she went too far and made the State of California liable for a very serious excess.
She has spread her lies about me all over the Internet and these lies have been perpetuated by unsuspecting individuals who do not realize that her background with studying ‘earth movements’ does not qualify her to know anything about building collapse or building collapse survival. They take it for granted that she is an expert because of her titles. It doesn’t help any that she, lists grandiose safety awards, to herself, from organizations; of which, she is on the board of directors. This is misleading to most people; but, “no big surprise, to me.”
This is NOT her first controversy. Many people were upset that she used her baby as a stage prop for a TV interview, in the 90′s. Her ‘antics’ sometime appear to be more like a ‘snake-oil ‘ peddler; than someone with a scientific/analytical mind; as a spokesperson for the State of California.
Dr Lucy Jones, not only knowingly and willingly lied about the school children’s death, my having searched the crushed school; but, she went one-step-further by publicly calling me a ‘criminal fraud’ for a bold faced lie; that she was actually telling. This is a serious matter that needs to be resolved. I have received death threats, shots fired and lots more; as a result of, these hate-mongering lies and campaign of destruction.
It has been quite an ordeal; however, let me make this very clear: I have risked my life more than 2,000 times. I have gone without food. I have lived in real abject poverty while working, for many years, 80-100 hours per week, as an unpaid volunteer, saving lives. I have been ‘demonized’, defamed, abused, threatened, lied about. I have suffered greatly. I do not benefit from this battle to make schoolchildren’s lives more important than uncontrolled greed, selfishness, vested interests and shareholder return.I have dedicated my life, as an unpaid volunteer to save lives and help people. You can watch hundreds of videos, read a couple thousand documents and much much more testimonials and ‘see for yourself’ video inside of collapsed buildings at my web site and blog.
I understand the cruelty and harshness of Corporate America: children without health care, food stamps being taken away. Surely, as a civilization, it is not necessary to allow schoolchildren, to die, squashed under a desk, to maximize profit. I won’t ask if there is any limit to greed; however, I will ask you, as a decent human being, to take action. These wrongs are being done in your house.
I know that it will take guts, courage, intelligence and great political skills, for you, to save the children. I will pray to God, many times, that he helps you, to protect the California children, from the collective and individual horror that the children of Reforma School and the 136 other Mexico City Schools that crushed children, that day.
I have a couple of hundred letters of recognition from Mexican Government officials and much, much more ‘evidence’, from Mexico; including, many videos. Finally, I possess three testimonials from 3 women who, at the time, where children, in the school that I searched. This testimonials (in English and Spanish) have been , on my website (, for years.
Can you imagine a court room with Dr Lucy Jones confronting, a victim who had her legs amputated, in the collapsed Mexico City School; that I had searched? As the victim testifies about the horror of ‘duck and splatter’… of her friends squashed to ½ inch thick and reduced to a puddle of blood and meat? I have this victim’s testimonial.
These three now-grown-up women testify that they survived while their friends were crushed under their desks. Two of them were untouched because they were in the aisle ( as Doug Copp recommends ) and their friends were all squashed under their desks (as DR Lucy Jones recommends). A third child was a ‘living mixture of both methods’. Leona survived because her torso was in the aisles ( as Doug Copp recommends) ; however, her legs were crushed under her desk and required amputation before she could be pulled out of the rubble ( as Dr Lucy Jones recommends).
I look forward to your help, in righting a wrong and helping me to protect and save California school children from a crushing death. I will do whatever my conscience demands. Saving children’s lives is far more important, to me, than any personal reward or amount of money that I might win in a lawsuit. In some ways, I am trapped into choosing between my own self preservation and my conscience. Conscience wins.
Of course, I have all the proof; of every kind, that you can possibly imagine to support my claims. Enough to fill a room with boxes of evidence. Everything is available to you, as you may require. Scientific reports, actual videos inside of collapsed buildings. Thousands of thank you letters for saving lives; including, The Mexico City Earthquake. It would take months to review them all; however, in a few minutes, you will be convinced that ‘Duck and Cover’ is dead wrong and Dr Lucy Jones behavior is a disgrace, to everyone connected with her.
In spite of all the forces of greed, avarice, ignorance and inhumanity focusing on destroying me (as an individual) and destroying the ‘triangle of life’ (as an advancement of humanity.. humanlife before corporate profit)……The Triangle of Life keeps spreading.
doug copp
Helping Mother Earth Gaia (Shan) to Give Birth =
Being Joyful + Staying Positive + Being in Oneness with All
Want to help Mother Earth Gaia and the Galaxy Ascend by
contributing 15-20 minutes per day in a shared meditation with
Project: Eagle Triad? Start your Mission today!
Please contact janisel (at) sanandaseagles (dot) com
********** THE IMPENDING LABOR OF EARTH **********
Sanat Kumara
Channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles
It is I, Sanat Kumara, who comes forth to speak with you regarding
our Beloved Mother Earth. Most of you know me as the Planetary
Logos, the one who embodies this planet, filling every cell of her
being, lighting and paving the way for some of the most historic
events in her history. I come forth at this time to ask each of you
to become, as it were, a Planetary Logos... filling your Heart
Center with the Love for our Mother. She is going through a most
difficult time right now, and is in need of much Love and Care. For
those of you of the female gender who have been on the threshold
of birth, you are well aware of what I speak.
Mother Earth is now in the throes of labor... and a difficult labor
it is. She is hurting and she needs your Love. The time for the
"big push" is at hand. Long has she strived to hold back on this
birth, giving everyone ample opportunity to awaken to their own
Divinity, to their Oneness with her. The time has now come when the
pangs of birth are so strong that she can hold off no longer.
Earth changes are impending, however this is part of her birthing
process. It must be in order for her to move into her Higher state
of Being. She [Mother Earth Gaia / Shan] has loved you, cared for you,
provided for you, nourished you, and now she must move on… on to
her rightful Ascended State. And she holds open the opportunity for
all humanity to join her on this journey. All she asks is for you
to join with her in Love... in Oneness. Accompany her
into the Higher Realms by way of your own Ascension. The choice, of
course, is yours. You may go...or you may stay. She has made her
choice, however, and is now ready to Ascend.
Be not afraid of the coming "push", for all is as it should be.
Send her Love, hold her in your Heart, embody her to help her
through this difficult time. She has held back as long as she can,
but now must burst forth from her chrysalis as does the butterfly
as it takes to the air. I ask all of you to join me in helping with this
birth. Long have I held the Light in every cell of her body, and now
I ask you to continue to do the same.
While holding this LIGHT, it is now time to step back and let
Mother Nature, as it were, take its rightful course. She is now
striving to rise to her perfection, but cannot do so without your
Light paving the way. Bless her, and tell her you love her and are
standing by as midwives, so to speak, ready to help in any way you
can. Hinder her no more, but instead give her the command to
"Push!" begin this great and glorious birth. Her time is at
hand, as is yours. She has delayed as long as possible in order for
her children to come out of the place of fear. But she can wait no
Put away your fear and ride the tide of redemption with her! Yes,
the changes will come. Yes, there will be moments of doubt and
uncertainty when these changes begin. But fear not! Know that we
are with all of you, and that each of you is exactly where you
should be at any given moment. Stand back and watch as the Glory of
God is revealed to All. My Love and Peace I leave with you. I AM
Sanat Kumara.
Learn more about Project: Eagle Triad and the Sananda’s Eagles here:
I received this in my email this morning . I thought it was important to share
(Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III ;U.S. Army, Retired)
"The new White House Executive Order of March 16, 2012, the so-called 'National Defense Resources Preparedness Order' is a clear blueprint for total government control over the civilian economy, under the guise of 'national defense.' This latest outrage against the Constitution reminds me of the totalitarian world of Orwell's 1984, where a few Ministries controlled everything. Below is our Counsel Ralph Fucetola JD's analysis of this Executive Order."
Push Back here:
From Counsel Ralph: The White House has set in motion the regulatory basis for an American version of Lenin's "War Communism" whereby the entire civilian economy is militarized and marshaled as the Leader directs through five specific Federal Departments. Notice which Department now has control over which aspects of your lives.
This section quoted below provides for the take over of the means of production. It says that the Five Department heads can override private contracts and commandeer all the resources of all the people. This Executive Order, if allowed to stand, sets the legal basis for total government control over, as it says below, "food... energy... health... civil transportation... water... and all other materials, services and facilities..."
Read the entire Order here:
Sec. 201. Priorities and Allocations Authorities. (a) The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:
(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;
(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;
(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;
(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;
(5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and
(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.
Insidious Scheme or Conspiracy Theory? - Agenda 21
By Desert Rose : Family Survival Protocol
Agenda 21
What is it and exactly what role does it play in the "Big Picture" of America's future?
Many have said that this is simply a conspiracy theory. Well the greatest ally for dispelling ignorance and misconceptions is knowledge. So, is it possible that the conspiracy theory is actually conspiracy fact?
Now there is a question that makes you go hmmmmm.......... Well let's see what it's all about shall we?
According to Oxford Dictionary of Geography:
Agenda 21
"A set of proposals, made at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development for the furtherance of world-wide, sustainable development. Agenda 21 sets out environmental strategies for the management of coasts, oceans, and water, the monitoring and reduction of chemical waste, the eradication of radioactive waste, and the conservation of natural vegetation and soils. This last proposal links with plans for the development of sustainable farming, and other socio-economic proposals include measures to improve health care, to reduce poverty, and to develop fair and environmentally friendly trade policies.
The aim is to promote global sustainable development at a more fundamental level than traditional aid programmes, based on common needs and interests, and on collective responsibility. Agenda 21, as agreed by national governments at Rio de Janeiro, is an action plan at all scales, requiring local governments to develop their own ‘Local Agenda 21’ in order to spread understanding of, and action for, sustainabledevelopment. "
According to Wikipedia:
Agenda 21 is an action plan of the United Nations (UN) related to sustainable development and was an outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally, and locally by organizations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area in which humans directly affect the environment.
According to members of the Tennessee House Of Representatives
in the wording of their "House Joint Resolution 587" which states as per The New American Article :
The consensus being that the controversial plans are usually disguised using a variety of innocent-sounding terms such as “Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, and various ‘Green’ or ‘Alternative’ projects,” the resolution points out. But Agenda 21 is dangerous nonetheless.
The UN Agenda 21 also describes “social justice” as “the right and opportunity of all people to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment,” the Tennessee bill points out, adding that such a radical vision would have to be accomplished “by socialist/communist redistribution of wealth.” Meanwhile, the legislation observes, Agenda 21 considers national sovereignty a “social injustice.”
As such, the measure recognizes the threat of the “insidious” UN plot and aims to expose Agenda 21’s “dangerous intent” to both the public and policymakers across America. “We hereby endorse rejection of its radical policies and rejection of any grant monies attached to it,” the resolution concludes.
“This United Nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so-called ‘sustainable development’ views the American way of life of private property ownership, single-family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, and privately owned farms all as destructive to the environment,” the resolution explains, echoing a measure adopted earlier this year by the Republican National Committee (RNC).
“I think this planet carries me and the eight billion people that are here right now, just fine. And what these individuals want to do, they want to cap the number of people that this planet can have,"; “one-child” policy and its enforcement through forced abortions as among the many reasons why the UN plot to limit population is dangerous.“It is insidious and it should scare you if you love freedom,” Rep. Casada warned. “I’m sorry, but humans are not enemies to the planet. We need to be creating more energy, not consuming less.”
UN Earth Summit Secretary-General Maurice Strong claimed,
"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class — involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning and suburban housing — are not sustainable,"
Two decades ago as Agenda 21 was ushered in.
"And what we're saying in this resolution is: No, you cannot come in our country, in our backyard, on our property and tell us what we can and cannot do with our private property," Womick added on the House floor.
The Tennessee resolution will now go to the Senate for approval. At least two other state legislatures — New Hampshire and Georgia — have introduced similar measures this year. Others are expected to join the battle in the coming months as pressure continues to build. There have also been a growing number of local governments that have been dropping their controversial membershipsin ICLEI, saving taxpayer money and ensuring that UN “sustainability” schemes do not take root in their communities. More local governments will be joining the fight this year, as well.
Here we have an example with Texas Mayor Beth Van Duyne and City Manager Tommy Gonzalez have canceled their Agenda 21 memberships as can be seen here in this Activist Post Article :
Texas Mayor Officially Cancels Agenda 21 Membership
ICLEI -- click to enlarge propaganda |
Joe Wright
Activist Post
The city of Irving, Texas has officially withdrawn its membership from ICLEI -- the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. This NGO was established in 1990 and is the action division of the policies laid out under the UN's Agenda 21 plan -- the globalist initiative to usher in a post-industrial world for the 21st century through the creation of local laws and requirements for city planning that essentially erase personal property rights and even steal land under a "sustainable" umbrella.
The UN, meanwhile, is seeking to build more support for its agenda at an upcoming "sustainability" summit in June. The summmit, dubbed Rio+20, will be led by Secretary General Sha Zukang of the communist dictatorship ruling mainland China, and Executive Coordinator Brice Lalonde, a "Green" socialist from France.
Agenda 21 And The UN (Elites) Plan For YOUR Future - "Plannedopolis"
Uploaded by slewofdamascus on Jul 19, 2011
It beats a death camp, I guess, but the really scary part of this is that this was developed by an "eco" organization that thinks this is a good idea and that it would appeal to people.
Agenda 21 For Dummies
Uploaded by liberalbias100 on Jan 23, 2009
Agenda 21 explained very well. Including implications it will have on humanity. Opinions within the video come in some cases from those that were in on the negotiations. Truly an interesting watch.
Agenda 21 - Sustainability or Slavery?
Uploaded by AlanWattResistance on Jul 8, 2011
Read the Agenda 21 document below, the Agenda for the 21st Century, also known as the Millenium Project of the United Nations:
Administration of Barack Obama, 2011
Executive Order 13575—Establishment of the White House Rural Council
June 9, 2011
You can read the Executive Order in it's entirety at the following link:
It seems that according to all the sources quoted here.,save one. The documentation presented and the opinion of many well informed and reasonable people this is indeed a calculated attempt at control. The slippery slope of lost rights and decaying freedoms of a once great nation? It seems that the road to ruin in this case is that of complacency and trust. Some would say laziness of the population at large to be vigilant and protective of those freedoms and rights we supposedly hold so dear.
Question is will the American people simply sit idly by and allow this to continue? Is it too late to correct? Do the people still have the strength of spirit and character to stand up and say no more. Agenda 21 is not the only scheme out there we have Codex Alimentarius, Rex 84, Garden Plot and a myriad of others that are out there. Some may well be conspiracy theories. However, just as in the case of Agenda 21 there are many who disavow the worries of those who saw the writing on the wall. I would venture to say that in these times it is not prudent to laugh simply because we do not understand or cannot fathom the evil intent behind these supposed theories.
The time has come to stop trying to be so damned intellectual , get off your high horses and understand that this will not get itself done. Someone has to stand up for the values that once made this Nation Great. What is happening now is heartbreaking to watch and yet no one sees. Why is that? No one worries. Is that possible? No one understands. The dumbing down caused by fluoride, aspartame, mercury, vaccines? I cannot say for sure, I can however say that I see it and it pains me that so many are so deeply asleep that they cannot see that which is right under their noses. Bickering back and forth about the right left paradigm.
Republican against Democrat instead of American standing alongside American in a fight for our very way of life. Have we forgotten what that is? Are we so far gone that we are no longer able to appreciate the wonderful Nation we once were. Not this police of the world and drone killer of women and children. Does that offend you? What offends me is that no one is offended by the innocent lives that are taken on a daily basis. Not offended by the wheeling and dealing that takes place behind closed doors, everyday. Deciding the future of the American people without their consent or input. The AUDACITY of those who are supposed to represent us ignoring our wishes and spreading hatred and resentment toward America throughout the world. That is what offends me.
I would wonder what people would do with this information. If knowing that Agenda 21 and others like it are real . Real and working everyday to erode and corrupt the very nature of all that we as Americans hold dear. Will this knowledge be enough to make you stand up and say "NO MORE, ENOUGH" and "NOT IN MY NAME"! Would we once again be able to do that as a Nation as our forefathers did once so very long ago? Or will we let all they sacrificed go for naught because we simply could not be bothered to care enough to stand up and be counted? For all our sakes I truly hope America can find it's voice and it's strength once again. To retrieve and reignite the fire that lived within all of us . So that once again those stars and stripes flowing in the breeze will remind us just how blessed we are and how much good we can do when we put our minds and our hearts into it.
The sad truth is if this is all real those who tried to warn us will not have the heart to say , "I told you so ", and those who did not listen will have no one to blame but themselves..........
God Bless America!
Yesterday, I got an email from Katlyn, in California. She sent me the results of her science project proving that the Triangle of Life saves more lives than ‘duck and Cover’.
Katlyn’s Private School has been using the ‘Triangle of Life’ as their Official Policy; since, 2009. They have shunned ‘duck and cover’.
Katlyn used a Wylie Shake Table and classroom desks to conduct her scientific test. Of course, as in reality; the Triangle of life was vastly more effective.
Many countries, that are not negatively impacted by the excessive greed of the Insurance Companies, support the ‘triangle of life’, as public policy.
Many private schools have been using the triangle of life, for years. Many USA and Canadian Public School Teachers, of conscience, have been teaching the ‘triangle of life, for years.
The noteworthy aspect of Katlyn’s Science project is that she was NOT doing the test to convince her school to adopt the triangle of life.
The purpose of her test was to create more proof so that more public schools who are forced to follow ‘duck and cover’ will change their policy to ‘the triangle of life’. (The insurance companies have actuarial determined that it is more profitable if the children die from ‘duck and cover; rather than, survive and seek compensation for injury or trauma.)
Katlyn felt sorry for the children whose lives are endangered because of greedy insurance companies; Public School Boards that consider it cheaper and less trouble if children die immediately because of duck and cover (school boards who have been told that their insurance policy will be dropped or premium increased if they adopt the triangle of life because more survivors mean more expense and less profit).
I applaud Katlyn for her efforts to help USA public children survive earthquakes; just like the children, in her school will.
Isn’t it always true that the wealthy survive; always get the best, and American Public Schools languish. It is truly sad that humanity and decency have been so diminished that school children’s lives are no more than an item on a risk manager’s actuarial table and their life means nothing compared to maximizing shareholder return.
As the German Philosopher Schopenhauer said, about the path of ALL Truth:” First it is ridiculed, secondly it is violently opposed and thirdly it is accepted as self evident.”
Now, that the elite, rich and well educated are using the ‘triangle of life’; How long will it be before the children of the middle class and poor will be allowed to be safe, protected and survive, too?
Go to other blog articles for a mountain of videos, documents and read about other countries having saved thousands of lives via ‘ the triangle of life’.
Within minutes of posting this article George Quakenbush, an American Engineer living in Chile wrote to me. He said:”
I was in Concepcion, Chile last night and had several good tremors. That, of course, was the topic of conversion at breakfast and a young lady gave me the entire discourse on the triangle of life.
Congratulations, your info is finally getting out to the populaces of the many countries.
Hope this finds you in better health.”
Quake Alarm has been saving lives around the world, for 10 years. It has saved an entire school full of children, in Mexico, for less than $50. Only a few thousand, have been sold in the USA. Why are Americans so backward when it comes to earthquake safety? The School Boards are laying off teachers, risking childrenb’s lives to avoid higher earthquake premium’s for survivors, cutting down in every way. They won’t even spend $50 to give an entire school an advance warning of an earthquake wave approaching.
Click here to read about Quake Alarm receiving the ARTI Life Saving Achievement Award.
I was in Mexico, last month. The school playgrounds still have swings, tetter totters, and merry-go-rounds. USA Insurance Companies have forced School Boards to take children’s playgrounds away.
It is not good enough to take away children’s fun; they endanger children’s lives for ‘shareholder’ return, too. It takes a cruel and cold heart like a NAZI Death Camp guard to work for an American Insurance Company. The VP of Underwriting at Muchener-Re told us the same excuse that the death camp guards used:”My job is not to save lives. My job is to maximize shareholder return. If I was to change policy, to allow the ‘triangle of life’ to save children’s lives; then the Board would fire me and replace me with someone else. It would serve no purpose. I would only be replaced.”
3 Responses to BBC TV Special with Doug Copp and 3 scientists predicted the current ‘giant’ floods and what will come next.
From the triangle of life to information on current world events the Dough’s block had given me some insights into my understanding of the world and also it had enthrensed my belief in the Holy Bible of prophesies there since I signed into it. Thank you as these information gives me the hedge to better prepare myself physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you very much.
From the triangle of life to information on current world events the Dough’s block had given me some insights into my understanding of the world and also it had enthrensed my belief in the Holy Bible of prophesies there since I signed into it. Thank you as these information gives me the hedge to better prepare myself physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you very much
I’ve been visiting your blog for a while now and I always find a gem in your new posts. Thanks for sharing.