Zetatalk (12)

The Aliens Are Here, Again

As you may recall, I wrote a blog post earlier about the first time the aliens claiming to be the Zetas (of course there is no way for me to know what any of this really is!) came around to take over my life.  Now they've announced to me that they've come to put me through another round of them doing god even knows what kind of psycho things to me.

The first time they did this I didn't know what was going on and was just in full-blown panic mode the whole time.  This time I won't be rolling out the welcome mat for them or going along with any of their games or passing along any messages or anything.  They are mean to me, so I have to maintain this stance.

One thing I thought might be relevant to share however:  When they came the first time, they had me fixing up my house and taking care of various things in the months leading up to the corona pandemic and lockdowns.  Perhaps this time some event might be about to happen, too.  Power grid failure ?  New Madrid (if any of that narrative is real) ?  Chaos ensuing from some kind of reveal about the election and a transition back to a President Trump (hopefully that narrative is real!) ?

Or maybe nothing / more of the same ...

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The Aliens Are Here

I know there are a few people here who used to be involved with Nancy and maybe some others who follow her zetatalk stuff or are just generally interested in aliens, so might find my experiences interesting.  About a year and a half ago aliens injected themselves into my life in a huge way.  I also now realize it was these same ones who have been directly involved in my life from the beginning, but they now engage me directly.

These aliens claim to be the Zetas, though it is of course impossible to say with any certainty or authority exactly who or what something like this actually is, or to say what their agenda ultimately truly is.  So far they aren't very nice to me.  At first I thought maybe they were just kind of frustrated with me for having not done enough awesome things with my life, which I thought was fair enough.  They quickly went out of their way, however, to try to convince me that they weren't being justifiably-upset parent-like figures, but were in fact being deliberately mean to me, and that I shouldn't be okay with it.

This has gone on ever since, with them constantly trying to play weird mind games with me, saying and doing anything they can think of to try to get a rise out of me.  They have repeatedly attempted to goad me into "fighting" them, "busting" their abhorrent behavior by telling people how they treat me, that sort of thing.  For a while the whole thing felt like some weird sort of test, perhaps seeing if I would let anger and vindictiveness get the better of me and put personal bullshit ahead of the greater good or the greater "message" (of zetatalk for instance).  It's been going on for long enough that at this point I rather expect them to just keep trolling me indefinitely, without any kind of resolution or evolution of this experience.

Eventually I asked Nancy if these are really the Zetas and why they treat me the way they do.  She sent back a private zetatalk stating that I had asked to be mistreated in this life because I mistreated others in a past life.  That explanation perfectly fits (in a twisted backwards sort of way) with the completely backwards nature of this whole experience.  In fact, that's been a pervasive theme throughout all of this: a lot of stuff out of what I refer to as the hypothetical "Abuse 101 handbook" - all the weird mind games and backwards things an abuser says to you to try to justify their behavior and get you to continue to go along with it.

One such thing being to tell the abused that they brought this on themselves, the abuse is justified, and even that they in fact asked for it.  Other examples (that are also recurrent themes in my interactions with these aliens) include "I abuse you for your own good" and "I abuse you because I love you."  Going further down the list of favored tactics in the Abuse 101 handbook we also have gems like occasionally bestowing gifts upon you to keep you feeling conflicted and make you feel guilty about trying to stand up for yourself, along with pleas to just put up with the abuse a little while longer because it will all get better some day soon.  (Hopefully for anyone experiencing abuse of any kind, it goes without saying that "some day" never comes.)

At this point, the intense shock and awe of interacting with aliens on a daily basis has mostly worn off, and I'm simply left to smirk at their attempts to troll me or draw me back into silly mind games.  Beyond possibly being some strange test of character or fortitude, another aspect to that angle seems to be to test if I would blindly take them at their word that they are the Zetas, and then, when prompted to do so, run around trying to slander the Zetas as being psycho and abusive.  My primary instinct with this experience has been to do my best to just ignore it, and resist any urge to engage with it too much or allow it to influence my decision making.  Certainly I don't want to run around claiming to know stuff like a fool when I don't actually know what's really going on.

I also, however, have an incredibly strong affinity with openness, truth telling, honesty, being straightforward and forthcoming, standing up for what's right, standing up to what isn't right, and dealing with darkness by shining a light on it.  I also feel strongly that a person has a sort of scientific / sociological obligation to document an experience as mind-blowing as continued daily interactions with aliens.  Ultimately, I feel like perhaps the best way to approach my experience is to simply describe it as honestly, accurately, and objectively as possible, taking care to point out that it's impossible to really know anything with any certainty, especially when it comes to stuff like this.

For now, I just wanted to make a post confirming through my own experience that aliens are not only real, but they are here in a big way!  Perhaps someone might find that interesting or useful.

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This started out as a response to the recent Channelings blog where I was discussing what I felt was a fatal flaw in the Mythi saga (sheltering under rocky ledges or rock outcroppings during solar flares).  I feel this is an important topic and am reposting it as a blog to get more exposure....

Both solar radiation (in flares, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_flares) and nuclear radiation are electromagnetic and contain gamma rays (biologically hazardous component of fallout, see http://www.oism.org/nwss/s73p916.htm).  While I don't know if the intensities are the same between solar and nuclear bombs, I would play it as safe as possible when researching shelters.  Remember, a planet-x-type object is heavily electromagnetic and its influence should be factored in, as well. 

What information I've found pertains to nuclear blasts and resulting fallout, and the worst danger is in the gamma rays (a penetrating form of radiation) from fallout.  You need a barrier with at least three feet of dirt (or two feet of concrete) all around to effectively shield from radiation.  Even in fallout shelters that have a small doorway, you have to stay away from that area because the radioactive particles bounce around and can get inside and kill you.* 

To me, Mythi's solution to get up under rocks when solar flares hit sounded like a "shallow trench" solution... deficient in significant ways.  (The second red flag was him saying that the px-type-object was only 38 days behind.  When PX is that close, there will be no doubt of its existence... anywhere on this planet.  By that statement, it should only be 16 days away from us today.  Has anything changed radically to indicate the rapid approach of that monster?  No.  Is it going to happen by Thanksgiving (38 days from Oct. 17th)?  No, so enjoy your holidays.)


* http://www.oism.org/nwss/s73p916.htm:

"The trenches for entry and emergency exit were dug only 22 inches wide, to minimize radiation entering the shelter through these openings."

"The family sat and slept along the left wall, to be better shielded from radiation coming through the openings."


Fig. 5.3. Simplified illustration of barrier shielding and skyshine (scattered gamma radiation). An open trench provides poor protection. ORNL.DWG 78.7205:


"... the man in the trench would not be protected from "skyshine," which is caused by gamma rays scattering after striking the nitrogen,oxygen, and other atoms of the air. The man's exposed head, which is just below ground level, would be hit by about one-tenth as many gamma rays as if it were 3 feet above ground (Fig. 5.3). Even if all fallout could be kept out of the trench and off the man and every part of the ground within 3 feet of the edges of the trench, skyshine from heavy fallout on the surrounding ground could deliver a fatal radiation dose to the man in the open trench."  (This emphasizes another reason the shallow-trench theory is deficient.)

"Skyshine reaches the ground from all directions. If the man were sitting in a deeper trench, he would escape more of this scattered radiation, but not all of it. For good protection he must be protected overhead and on all sides by barrier shielding."

This next sketch shows how any kind of overhead cover (rock or dirt) is insufficient to fully protect a person.  Even if you only receive "small" doses, how much does it take to cause cancer or even death?

Fig. 5.5. Skyshine coming into a shelter through a vertical entry would be mostly absorbed while turning into and traveling down the entryway trench. ORNL.DWG 78-7204 :



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In another blog, @ https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/50-answers-of-an-alien-from, there is an interesting discussion about Nancy and the "Zetas."  For the past few days, I had been considering posting the opinion of an ET about Zetatalk that was channeled for me in a "reading" that I received a month or so ago, but felt constrained.  However, the Andromedan message that was posted here earlier was the "green light" to post mine, so here it is, and it is more specific.

I have no history of being into "channeled" anything, but I was curious.  So, I've had two now.  The first one was not believable as there was nothing specific, nothing that couldn't fit most people, so I discounted it.  The second one was a real channel, I believe.  I was careful not to give much information (but still get my questions answered).  There were many things the channel mentioned that could not have been known because I didn't mention them.  (BTW, this reading also relates to the fear "exercise" I talked about in Hypothetical #4, as it was mentioned that it was an area to work on.)  I actually knew from experience about the squabbling, ego-tripping, and lack of integrity, but all I asked was what the ET thought about ZT. 

For those who don't know, I nearly drowned when I was 7 when a wave knocked me down under the water.  I was saved by a voice in my head telling me to get up, as it snapped me out of a daze.  Last year, that voice returned when I was reading ZT and asked me if I wanted a "lift" (the ZT term for lifting service-to-other people off the planet when the worst of the earthchanges are occurring, to save them).  See, https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/true-confessions-of-a for these and other details.

I shall not name the channel or the ET, to prevent unwarranted harassment like I have received for simply disagreeing with ZT.  Here is a portion of that reading:

"...there is so much contradiction, ego-tripping, and, yes, petty squabbling "out there" in Zeta Land.... [referring to "channels" on Earth.]

"Yes, you heard the same voice as you did at 7, but this has nothing REALLY to do with Zetatalk.  We do have members from the Zeta Reticuli area of space, they were among the first to explore Earth thousands of years ago.  Our Zeta friends are wonderful beings.  But this does not mean that the human receptors, or who claim to be the receptors of Zeta messages, who run Zetatalk, really have a connection to the Zetas.  Actually, [the good ET's don't refer to their individual races, but to their combined group, which is made up of a variety of ET's and beings from other times/dimensions], we are a group who does not stress this race or that race, and we are the "good guys" involved in these changing times and UFO sightings, etc.  There is not a separate "good guy" group, so to speak..

"That you heard your [ET "guardian angel's"] voice again after all these many years is a tribute to you and him, and regardless of how this event seemed to be involved with the Zetas, it was not involved with them in reality. 

[This did not surprise me because six months or so ago, that knowledge suddenly was in my brain.  (I don't usually hear voices in my head, what I get is a "silent knowing.")  It was like hitting a brick wall.  WTF?!?!? was my reaction.  I had been confused over that thought since then, because it certainly seemed like I was involved with the Zs.  And then, suddenly, out of the blue, the channel confirms it without me ever mentioning it.  So, was my earlier recalls erroneous?  No, because Zetas, as the channel/ET said, are part of the "good guy" group and they were in charge of my "fixes" as recounted in the True Confessions blog linked above.  Anyway, back to the reading.....]

"We do not feel Zetatalk is legitimately on your star path.  Listen most of all to the voice within, listen to your own heart and soul.  If something does not ring true such as their predictions which fail to come true time and again, questionable science, disinformation--then there is something wrong.  [I did not mention any of these things to them.]  Often what is wrong is that there is an individual or individuals who are following their own need for ego-boost.

"For what it is worth...Zeta channels have acted poorly in some instances--a lack of integrity."

And what they said about Gerard was the conclusion I had already formed.  (To protect his privacy, I won't disclose what was said.) 

Wow!  This channel was spot on.


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Hear the snarls and sneers, see the aging allegations being thrown around,

observe cult mentalities in action, and find out what really lies behind those happy-face masks.

And don't forget to check back when you need a good laugh, because the circus has come to town!


This blog documents attacks from poleshift.ning.com.  You will see recurring themes which are highly suggestive of coming from one source, that source being Nancy Lieder, owner of Zetatalk.com and de facto owner of poleshift.ning.com.  I will be posting the newest rants on the bottom (reverse order is too hard to follow).  I have provided dates and times since links seem to be quickly outdated as new articles are posted (i.e., they are pushed backwards to earlier page numbers since the newest additions are always on page 1 in blogs, so scroll if the links don't hit it just right, or use the dates and times as a guide).


On 6/19/2011, we were visited by Mark, acting in his official capacity as a poleshift.ning moderator, here to "set us right" and, failing that, try to discredit us and get some of our members to jump ship over to poleshift.ning.  Here's what he had to say...

"honestly Cheryl you have lost the plot girl - why on earth do you spend your days trying to debunk what is said on Zetatalk when the premise for your whole site is based on the information that they have provided?

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you - you wouldn't even know anything at all about the possibility of a poleshift if it wasn't for Zetatalk.  But you choose to take their words, twist them and then present what comes out as your own pronouncements as to what will happen regarding a potential poleshift.

A case in point is where you give your own guidelines as to safe heights to be inland and above sea level to survive the poleshift - different from the advice on the ZT site but still the same advice essentially - just the numbers altered to make it sound like you are the authority on the subject.

And also the amount of time you spend attacking ZT on your site (like in this post) when they are your bread and butter - you just can't admit that to yourself or to your small number of followers.

Then you make the situation worse for yourself by promoting establishment lies like comet Elenin, which makes you no better than a government shill. 

I mean, seriously, you've read something that provides you with some weak material that enables you to try and debunk a single ZT article from 5 years ago!!!  Your are obviously desperate!

When the earthchanges really pick up and the 7/10 events eventually hit the news, who do you think the public will turn to for information - your ning or Gerard's ning and Zetatalk?

You will very quickly become irrelevant but no doubt you will still be here spouting your crap, not realising that no-one is listening anymore.



"Larry" posted these comments on the Elenin/Dwarf Star JPL Event Timeline blog @ https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=6126809%3ABlogPost%3A95262&commentId=6126809%3AComment%3A111216&xg_source=activity:

Comment by Larry on July 6, 2011 at 1:37pm

I have carefully looked into matters and reached a conclusion:  This is a ZetaTalk debunking site and not much more!  Cheryl Nelson left the Pole Shift Ning when she was involuntarily removed as a moderator (no matter what else she claims).  Until that happened she fullly accepted that something big is coming and no government is telling the common man what it is and that thing is PLANET X!

So Cheryl, being power mad and INSANELY jealous of the attention Nancy Lieder receives as the only true emissary of the Zetas, started her own ning where she could be in complete control.  ZetaTalk that Cheryl used to accept as true became NZL (Nancy ZetaTalk?) instead in a pathetic attempt to explain away Nancy, ZetaTalk and the Pole Shift Ning she used to support.

Sounds like sour grapes and a sore loser to me!

But guess what?  Although black ops agents early identified Cheryl as a possible way to bring down the Pole Shift Ning, the joke is on her!  This "ning" is crawling with professional debunkers who are pushing ANYTHING other than Planet X as the true cause of the now obvious, unexplained earth changes.

Furthermore, Cheryl is NOT what she claims to be:  An Old Soul with an important mission or role (ALL Old Souls on earth are Star Children and a Cheryl is an immature earth soul).  Please give me a major league break!  In communication with "good" Zetas?  CZL (Cheryl ZetaTalk, all made up to make herself look as important as Nancy because the evidence is going against Cheryl, her handlers, and the dupes on here).

Go ahead and suspend me.  Don't care!  I am wasting my time here as others have discovered for themselves.  But I will watch to see if all the Comet Elenin blogs disappear when a puny comet does NOT cause a pole shift in September or October 2011.  How do I know?  Becuase this site NEVER, EVER admits the HUGE number of past failed predictions on here.  That's how I know.

The sad part:  When all of you realized you have been duped by someone taking orders from agents who are trying to take down ZetaTalk and the Pole Shift Ning as soon as possible because they are the PRIMARY source for spreading the Truth, you will probably not remember who was telling the TRUTH all along because you will be too busy rushing to prepare for the pole shift and precursor disaters caused by PLANET X, that's why!  Good luck and please remember this lesson.  Just because syrup drips from someone's mouth does NOT mean they are service to other, not at all.


Here are my reponses on the ELEnin/Dwarf Star JPL Event Timeline blog ...


Comment by Cheryl Nelson on July 6, 2011 at 7:10pm

Oh, Larry, Larry, Larry.  You've been so programmed by Miss Lieder, you sound just like her.  How do you like sounding like a 70-year old woman suffering from senile dementia?  I pity you so.  Everything you say is not original, as she has said it first and the others she sends here sound just like her too. You are just a wind-up doll doing her dirty work and when the axe falls (and it's coming) you will fall with it and she'll just scurry away leaving others holding her bag of dirty tricks. 

If she really is with the Zs, how come this site continues to exist despite her venomous assaults?  Because it is her schoolhouse lesson in how to learn typical gov't disinfo tactics?  How come all she can throw at us is trolls from NY (not Plano, TX)?  Or how about poleshift.ning moderator Mark?  You types come in to do a quick shit and run, always.  Well, that's SOP.  Now that you've done your S&R, please wipe your butt on the way out. 

You think you've done your homework on me?  LOL, you and your comrades haven't said anything true about me yet; nothing but parroting the lies that is your daily food.  Aren't you getting sick of the rants?  Aren't you a bit off target trying to silence another voice warning people of potential disasters?  Do you really think seven billion people are going to come to poleshift.ning?  Most of the planet's people don't even have internet.  Even a billion people would crash the servers.  What an ass she is to hang on to a monopoly.  By doing her ego trip, she is denying so many people information.  We NEED more sites like this.  But Miss Lieder was soooo against that idea because of her ego tripping.  Get real, man.  Everyone can't possibly turn to zetatalk and psning during the 11th hour, it would be impossible.

So, good boy, Mr. Lap Dog, you did your duty/doodie, but you accomplished nothing except prove my point about what's going on over at psning and what a piece of work Miss Lieder truly is. 

But you certainly haven't done your homework on Miss Lieder, now have you?  I rebutted all her snarling, sneering allegations last year WITH PROOF.  Seen it yet?  If you haven't, well then you haven't done all your homework.  Bet she hasn't even told you it exists.  She, on the other hand, has proven nothing that I am what she claims I am.  She offers NOTHING except empty, unprovable words.  And yes, I have witnessed her using false ZT on me.  And yes, I have found holes in ZT science.  And I and others have witnessed her have a psychotic break.  THAT is why she's gunning for me.  To silence the truth. 

And, back then, she equated me with Mother Teresa.  And I still have the email.  Gasp!  Was Mother Nancy wrong?  Back then, no.  (Don't construe that to mean that I think I am anything like Mother Teresa, but I am STO, and just for the record, I've had readings from several channels who independently confirm that I am a star child, an old soul.)  So, what changed her mind?  Jealousy.  She's a stage hog.  No one but her is going to be the star.  The thing she totally missed is I have no desire for limelight or power or anything of that ilk.  I wasn't jealous of her at all.  In fact, I was rather fond of her until she had her psychotic break.  (Remember DR, Shadow & Karen Lee were all there and witnessed it too.) 

Anyway, jealousy, power and all that are low vibration third density traps which she has squarely fallen into.  Why would I take the abuse I get here, solely from her or her people, if I wasn't here on a mission to inform people of the coming danger?  I stay at my post despite all your fantasies. 

Actually, though, Nancy has proven one thing:  she has proven that she is a vile, slanderous STS has-been who has undue influence over the minds of vulnerable people.  Like yourself. 

You are here to do nothing but disrupt.  No one here buys your kind of talk because people have gotten to know me and I have long-ago proven Miss Lieder to be something less than a truthful, STO being.  So, you are talking to the air.  And your own vicious attack proves you aren't an STO being either.  Funny how like attracts like, isn't it?  Well, she and your type can say all you want.  My hands are clean. 

When you are inside a cult, you think you and your comrades are the only sane ones.  But everyone on the outside of the cult see an entirely different picture. You can't see how crazy you sound and how lame your arguments are and how all the sneering and snarling makes you look like an incredibly nasty person.  Everything you said about me is baseless.  Where's the proof?  Because Nancy said so?  Or Nancy said the Zetas said so?  That's not proof.  There is no documentary evidence.  There are no witnesses.  She can say anything she pleases and who can verify it?  That's dangerous.  Look at Harold Camping.  How is Nancy any different from him?

However, no matter how nasty your comment was, I will turn your pathetic attempt at "attack" into something good.

[This "discussion" continues onto the Classic Attacks blog.]



"Larry's next response appears on this, the Classic Attacks, blog @ https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=6126809%3ABlogPost%3A111975&commentId=6126809%3AComment%3A112858&xg_source=activity 

Larry denies he has any connection with poleshift.ning, GZ or NL, yet he talks just like them.  If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck...well, then, it must be a duck! 

Comment by Larry on July 7, 2011 at 12:41pm:

Wow.  Thanks, Cheryl, for proving my points!

First of all you have ZERO evidence that I have anything to do with the Pole Shift Ning, Gerard Zwaan, or Nancyd Lieder.  But you went right ahead and ASSUMED there is a connection. 

Then you made a blog based on my comment and the comment of another person (who I assume is a moderator at the Pole Shift Ning, but how does Cheryl know that, got a list of the moderators to peruse?).

And talk about PARANOID!  Double wow!  Cheryl Nelson is practically the definition of paranoid based on insisting on IP addresses for all members, preapproval of all memberships, and choosing to take legit concerns about this site to such a level IMMEDIATELY.  Scared, Cheryl, of the truth getting out about you and this site being a ZetaTalk debunking site?

Cheryl has almost no idea how her OWN posts all over the internet actually make her look like a complete fool.  Cheryl apparently THINKS she is smarter than everyone else.  Most people can recognize when someone is simply DISGRUNTLED and not legit, not trying to help people, just trying to make her own points no matter how absurd (like Comet Elenin being anything more than a small comet), and that is Cheryl Nelson.

No one made you start this "ning" did they Cheryl?  But you want to CONTROL everything and LIE in the process, whatever it takes!

Please provide PROOF that I am connected to ZetaTalk or the Pole Shift Ning.  There will be no proof because you cannot prove it (even with my IP address and email address).

At least I have evidence for my statements.  Cheryl has ZERO evidence about me, simply jumped to CRAZY conclusions so she can leave my comment up and make a blog based on it (rather than delete it because that would expose Cheryl's LIE that she never suspends members or deletes anything because she does both).

So including my comment as coming from the Pole Shift Ning is a total falsehood based on nothing.

Thanks, again, Cheryl for proving me right about you.  You need professional help, the sooner the better.

I seriously doubt Nancy Lieder cares anything about your pathetic "ning."  You are grasping at straws to defend your obvious hatred of a woman who IS spreading the truth (unlike you, who allows anything on here, no matter how crazy, as long as it debunks ZetaTalk).

I will come back in the Fall when Comet Elenin passes without causing anything.  What will all you dupes say then?  How about when the earth changes continue to get worse AFTER Comet Elenin passes far from earth?  I guess whatever Cheryl's handlers decide is the next cover-up lie will be what this ning becomes.

p.s.  Count how many members actually post here, it is a tiny number.  Count how many people post on the Pole Shift Ning:  A HUGE number.  That should tell those with an open mind where the real action about earth changes, and it is NOT this "ning."  Good luck when you can all see Planet X with your own eyes and realize you have been duped!



GO TO PART 2 @ https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/classic-attacks-part-2


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The Impossibility of a Dark Twin


"Professor" Haesemeyer has shed some light on the alleged dark twin of Earth.  This is a response he made on the India During Poleshift blog @ https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/india-during-poleshift:

Keith H Comment by Keith H 1 hour ago

Something that occurred to me was that ZT has this Dark Twin Theory. I did some research and apparently has only started up in conversation from ZT in 2004, and prior to that it was referred to as the Dead Twin in ZT which was actually PX.

From what I gather is that it was that the Sun had a Dead Twin (PX) and ever since 2003-2004 (when Earth halted in it's orbit according to ZT) it seemed to morph into a description of an Earth size Dark Twin in the same orbit as Earth, 180 degrees opposite the Sun.

Prior to ZT, I faintly recall a theory to this nature, but could find no reference. I would be aghast that ZT originated something original.

After further examination, I found a Marvel Comics published the same theory in in one of their comics in 1972. The Greeks had some mythology behind it also.


There was a Counter Earth theory with scientific analysis.

If such a planet actually existed, according to present scientific cosmology, it would be permanently hidden behind the sun but nevertheless detectable from Earth, because of its gravitational influence upon the other planets of the Solar System. No such influence has been detected, and indeed space probes sent to Venus, Mars and other places could not have successfully flown by or landed on their targets if a Counter-Earth existed, as it was not accounted for in navigational calculation.

It must also be noted that the Earth orbit is not a circle but an ellipse, and in respect of Kepler's second law, a planet revolves faster when it is close to the star. So if the Counter-Earth followed the Earth on the same orbit with half a year of delay, it would sometimes be visible from Earth. Rather, to be hidden from Earth, the Counter-Earth would have an orbit symmetrical to Earth's one, not sharing the second focus.

The Sun-Jupiter Trojan asteroid system is an example of a stable Lagrange orbit. Equation 10 in section 14 of Lectures on Celestial Mechanics by Siegel and Moser shows the relation between the masses of the bodies and the distances between them in the case of a collinear orbit. However, these linear orbits are not as stable as, for example, the equilateral Lagrange orbits L4 and L5. Hilda asteroids do not visit L3 of Jupiter-Sun system, though they do come close to it in their curious orbits.

Any planetary sized body at Earth's L3 point should have been visible by the NASA STEREO coronagraphs during the first half of 2007. The separation of the STEREO spacecraft from Earth would give them a view of the L3 point during the early phase of the mission. Later, as the spacecraft continued to separate, the L3 point drifted out of the field of view. Given the sensitivity of STEREO's COR2 coronagraph, anything larger than 100 kilometres (62 mi) in diameter should have been detected.


There have been a few films with the same theme,

Doppelgänger or outside Europe known as Journey to the Far Side of the Sun, 1969

Another Earth 2011

Melancholia, 2011
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China Mirages...What's the Truth?

We were examining this phenomenon at https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/mirage-buildings-and?xg_source=activity and I got into examining ZT regarding it. Here's the ZT link and my analysis of their 2006 article: http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta282.htm".  See the earthchanges blog referenced above, down in the comments, on the possible misinterpretation of the May 2011 misty city in China.


It would make more sense if the mirage showed people heading to the mountains. I certainly wouldn't have gotten the message to flee a coastal from seeing a mirage of a city.  Ah, one could say, you weren't one of the chosen who received the telepathic message which provided more information.

In the example of the movie, Close Encounters, ZT offered it cited that certain people got zapped with a telepathic message. Does that mean that not all of the tens of thousands of people in town for the holiday weekend who saw the image that was visible for four hours didn't get the subconscious message, thus, weren't included in the full explanation of the message?

An argument could be, Ah, we said it was similar to but not exactly like Close Encounters. (underlined phrase is an example of leaving oneself some wriggle room, which means to leave oneself some room to maneuvre  by clever or devious means: wriggle out of an embarrassing situation, esp. when the truth comes out.  Lots of those kinds of words in ZT.)

Just for the sake of argument, let's assume they all received the telepathic message. Then why is the image inconsistent with the advice? Where are the mountains? And, going further, what kind of advice is it to seek a city in the mountains? Cities might be a temporary refuge now but why not lead them away from coastlines and into something more sustainable through the passage so they don't have to leave again, especially when the message appeared to be time critical? Hasn't it been a basic premise that cities, in their own way, are just as dangerous as coastlines during the coming upheaval?

Read the actual article.  It says that mirages have been recorded in that location throughout history. Uh oh. A fly in the ointment. Why was this day any different?

Mist is involved in these events. See the link above for the May 2011 event and comments.  Did you know Disneyland, back in the 80's, projected mist into the air which turned the air into a canvas to show their movies in the sky over the tall ship area. It was great fun, but even back then the technology existed.

There are way too many details for these to just be mirages.  Hologram tech, or earlier Disneyland tech are the best possibilities.  But, perhaps, it is a reflection, though not likely since an original would have to exist to be reflected. (Later, after one of msred's comments I could see that perhaps a sunken city could exist that sometimes reflects into the air under certain conditions like clear water and sunlight at a precise angle.  But even as I type this I realize that mist is present and while the mist could act as a canvas to project onto, the presence of mist would mean sunlight could be blocked, but because of land configurations there could be exceptions.  Anyway, an underwater city is the least likely. 

But no matter the origin of the misty city, the ZT explanation doesn't make sense if one is trying to get people to do something. Just the telepathy would have been plenty enough, and much less confusing.

BTW, this earlier China mirage was in 2006. And five years later, what has happened? Tens of thousands of people witnessed the image and at least some, but logically more, received a telepathic message interpreting the mirage. Has there been a mass exodus? Has anything at all happened based on this grand warning?  Nope. Nada. Negativo. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

My bet is enterprising business developers are playing on a natural phenomenon and now have the power to make it more realistic, so as to increase tourist trade in their area. What do you think?

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You Become What You Resist...

You become what you resist seems to be a universal law, whether within the context of a broad social movement, a group, or an entire country. 

Think 1960's, how the hippies were so anti-establishment.  In the 1970's, they started fading away and by the 1980's where did all the hippies go?  Most returned to the "establishment,"  got married, got a house, got a job.

Then there is Scientology.  It started out as anti-establishment, too, raging against the oppression of mankind by institutional pyschology and psychiatry, and crusading against suppressive evil government agencies like the FDA and the IRS back in the day.  Time passed and it "evolved" as well.  It transformed into a form of evil government, where free thought was bought with a high price (i.e., if you expressed free thought or thought outside the box, you were banned, in a very ugly way).  

Now, let's look at a broader scale:  America.  We revolted against English rule because of the gross injustices and started a new country, based on principles of fairness and freedom.  Look at the depth to which, as a country, we have fallen, how far from those principles we have strayed. 

Now, how about ZetaTalk?  Didn't it start out as a work for the good of common man?  Didn't it even talk about independent thinking, questioning data when appropriate and how that was what all students should do, and that the bright students did?  Yes, it did.  See here:  http://zetatalk.com/beinghum/b68.htm.  And what is it now?  Exactly what this 1997 article warned against!  Many of the bright students who were there last summer did exactly what was predicted, they left, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.  Those still there, according to this article, are in pain.

Once, helping the common man was the goal and encouraging people to think on their own was one of the ways ZT was trying to help.  Now, it is a crime to question and the focus has become narrow and narrow minded.  In the earlier days, governments were attacking and it was righteous to resist, but after battling long enough, the group started acting like evil government it was resisting ... spying, harassing, spreading disinformation, etc.  It's the same old, same old ... the end justifies the means.  Where did the higher values go?  Where did the Zeta utopia go?  What we are seeing is nothing but more of third density crapioli. 

Truly, it seems that what you resist you become.  Things that were meant for good eventually become corrupted.  Corruption, then, seems to be cyclical, tolerated until it can't be tolerated any longer.  Then change comes.  Sometimes with violence (witness the Middle East today, the American revolution).  It seems to be a hard reality on third density Earth.

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The Zetatalk Analysis Series




"A debunker is a person who attempts to expose or discredit claims which are false, exaggerated or pretentious."  Thus, the action of doing that is called debunking.  If you are coming here from Zetatalk, don't worry -- you won't melt if you read these articles, but you will find out why people are banned for simply asking questions there.  The false science they promote does not hold up under the light of scrutiny.

This is a listing of different blogs written after researching various topics on the Zetatalk website. There are, obviously, other causes for a number of phenomena that have been "explained" by the "Zetas."  This list will be added to from time to time.



Red Filter From Floppy Disks Used By ZT To Make It Seem That PX Was Out By The Sun
As exposed by former long-term poleshift.ning moderator, Lothar Schwarz...

Lothar removed his content... it was at https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-red-filter-idear-is-dead-rip
See Former Poleshift.ning Moderator Says Nancy Used Red Filters To Fake Second Suns (see 6:50).

PSning Moderator, AlexR, departed and came here to apologize to us for psning's wrongful actions... https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/confessions-from-an-ex-moderator-of-the-ps-ning

Another PSning Moderator Has Departed... This is Co S's farewell expose...

Former PSning Moderator Brian tells his story...

Former PSning Moderator Kai (Cindi/Cin) tells her story...

Cheryl Rebuts Nancy's Scandalous Defamation...

Cheryl Rebuts New Information Re Nancy's Scandalous Defamation



ZT "science" showing how the Venus transit was "wrong" is easily debunked in this video:
ZT didn't account for the image orientation.

Is Manila/Luzon Flooding Because Of A 40-foot Drop In Elevation?
Parts of these areas are below sea level and this year, 2012, has seen copious rainfall.

Indonesian Plate Is NOT Collapsing!  TruEarth Images ZT Uses As Proof Are 11 Years Old!!!  https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/tectonic-plates-collapsing


Analyses that expose erroneous or incomplete ZT potentially affecting the public safety and welfare will be posted here at the top.  Below this section, articles are posted chronologically, oldest on top, newest on the bottom...

Can Volcanoes Inactive For Over 10,000 Years Come To Life?
Apparently so.  Keep your eye on this one.  ZT advice indicates that no activity within the past 10,000 years makes them safe.  See http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p120.htm and http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/jy2011.htm.  This may not be true.

Are Trench Shelters, As Proposed By Zetatalk, Safe?

Another Idea For A Trench Shelter (to make potentially unsafe shallow trench shelters more safe)

Yet More About The Inadequacies Of Shallow Trench Shelters

Is A Several Hundred Foot Elevation High Enough?

Is There Really Any Such Thing as a "Safe Location"?



This first one is the one that woke me up that maybe some of the ZT information wasn't accurate (and if some is inaccurate, how can you trust any of it?):

Is That Object Planet X? Maybe Not!

Bobbling NASA Cameras

Several Theories For The Sun's Quiescent Period

The Tidcombe Crop Circle, (Near Burbage, Wiltshire, England) of August 16, 2009

Have The Opening Rounds Of WWIII Been Fired? And The Norwegian Spiral Is Implicated!

The European Tsunami and the Gulf Stream

Indonesia Resides On The Eurasian Plate (not the Indo-Australian plate)

Radar Circles:  For Oz's Eyes Only?


(you should also check out this link for images of buoy charts without X/Y axis data being offered as proof:  https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/tectonic-plates-collapsing)


On Independent Thinking
This is a good article, written back in the early days of Zetatalk.  However, things have changed and Nancy & Co. have become what this article warned about!


This next one is an extrapolation from several ZT statements...
Could PX Be Pushed Out Of Its Orbit?  If So, What Are The Implications?

See, especially, the section entitled "Poleshift Madness."  There is no evidence for a crustal shift, according to this author.

This Sounds Similar to ZetaTalk...Except Wilkerson's prophecies predate ZT by 20 Years!  https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-vision-by-david-wilkerson

The Impossibility Of A Dark Twin

China Mirages...What's The Truth?
This blog was heavily attacked.  Wonder why.

Was Dust From PX's Tail The Only Cause For Red Sunsets?

Nancy Lieder Said Hale-Bopp Didn't Exist, Then Changed Her Story To "It Would Fragment"

Could Another Reason For Days Of Darkness Exist?



A Channeled Reading About ZetaTalk

50º - Answers of an Alien From Andromeda - Slap to Zetas and Nancy:  https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/50-answers-of-an-alien-from

Direct Message From Star Nations Council Member

Heads up on Humans pretending to be Zetas

Classic Attacks From Zetatalk
Here are posts made by moderators and friends of zetatalk.com and poleshift.ning.com.  Classic disinformation techniques.










Zetatalk, Planet X & The Pole Shift Rocky Horror Show

Nancy & Zetatalk Made the Good, Bad, and Ugly In Ufology List
BAD GUYS/WOMEN (Bad=harms UFO truth...)

"- Nancy Leider, producer of the fraudulent and disinformation site “ZetaTalk”, which pretends to be her “channeled” messages from “Zetas,” (who would never talk to a purveyor of falsehoods like her)"



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Important Notice Re ZetaTalk Copyright

Someone posted a ZetaTalk article on the survivepx group. I noticed a new copyright notice at the bottom. Ms. Lieder / Zetatalk.com is now expressing, for the first time, a more restrictive distribution policy of ZetaTalk. The following language was appended at the end of the Safe Locations text that was copied and reposted:




Copyright Nancy Lieder
All rights reserved to ZetaTalk.
This document may be printed and used by individuals
for their own use, to be shared with friends and family and associates,
but not reproduced for sale or distribution under the banner of any group.
ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.COM 2010

I read this to mean that posting Zetatalk on earthchanges.ning or any other group is now prohibited, a strange change over her past 15 years of laissez faire "openness" and a mission to inform the masses (especially now that earth changes are escalating) but her prerogative nevertheless.

However, there is a Fair Use provision in the law which provides for limited usage for certain purposes such as discussion, education, and parody, among other reasons, which you can review here: http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html. Read it and act accordingly.

So, please refrain from reposting ZetaTalk here on earthchanges.ning.com. Thanks for your cooperation.

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The following is a comment made to the "A Modest Rebuttal" blog made by a recently departed moderator at poleshift ning, Cindi C, also known as Kai, or Cindi or Cin. It is worthwhile to read, so I made it a blog. I applaud you Cindi for coming forward with your story. I think better of you now. May you too be at peace.




Comment by Blinders Off 3 hours ago


She's [Nancy] a fraud. While I have no longer have access to tangible proof that she has lost it like you all do, at least not since I quit that ning, what I have are the tests that were presented to her that she latched on to like a snapping turtle. She said that the "zetas" said things that could not possibly be true - because what the "zetas" said were someone / something else, were actually done / said by me posing as someone else. I have so much to tell you all I really don't know where to begin.

My suspicion that she was other than she let on began with her going nuts on the admin ning against the mods. Prior to that, I was an absolute believer. Starting with that moment... the one where you read about the 'trials' dialog where you can picture a spitting, huffing, red faced Nancy Leider, I decided to "test the spirits" I think is the way the Bible puts it. And without letting ANYONE know what I was doing, which may have made me a few enemies in the process. So at the cost of truth and absolute honesty, what I have painfully discovered in an indirect way was the same as what the 4 mods discovered in an abrupt and direct way just with different methods behind it. I felt they were owed that.

Let me back up a bit first. I never asked to be a moderator. I joined that ning expecting to learn a lot about the Zetas and the Earth changes and it so happened that a member joined that I knew from a previous list (two, actually) who was only up to no good. He was into recruiting for his "cult" and is wanted in the disappearances of 3 people as well as himself - but it's an unnessary and long story at this stage. I warned Gerard about him and was doing some research in the USA to try and help locate the missing adults and child - and for that reason alone was deemed worthy to be a moderator. Silly. I knew very little about Planet X and was certainly no expert in any area of survival. Maybe some of you might remember my warning to the female members of the list? It was part him and part some people who joined saying their goal was to 'meet women'. I need to apologize to a few of the male members who tried to defend their species, but I was playing the Nancy game and couldn't give myself away. I'm NOT that vapid, critical person in reality. It took a lot out of me to play the charade and there were some very sad times when it was all I could do to stop myself from writing to a few of you to tell you what was going on. But I had no proof, just suspicions and couldn't risk Nancy finding out yet. It was particularly hard not to tell Cheryl, but I knew she and Gerard were still close, and if she had told him, the gig would be up.

I want to humbly apologize to all those that were summarily and rudely dispatched by the mods for no "good" reason. There were many a time it felt so wrong and unjust, but to continue my subversive search for the truth it was necessary to fit in and blend well. I ousted as few as possible to keep the game going. For what it's worth, I think the idea of a quorum decision about a suspension was a good one. That way, if someone has a doubt, it can be aired and the person in question gets a second chance if agreed upon. With a large group you HAVE to have some type of agreement process. I was also a paralegal, so I understand where Cheryl is coming from with much of what she says. Most of the suspensions were baseless and she was out to squash the debunkers before they caused trouble. Everyone with a mind of their own is considered a debunker.

Nancy is cut throat. If anyone even comes close to disputing her or the "zeta" message, she suspends or encourages other mods to do it and when a new mod suspends for the first time, she calls it "first blood". Where is the love in that? Where is the Service to Others? It's cruel and unfair to punish people for asking a genuine question or for having a doubt or concerns. I can understand the spammers being suspended without question, there was a good bit of that, and of marketers wanting to tout their products, too.

Gerard is her minion. He sides with anybody that has an opinion. I wonder if he actually has any thoughts of his own sometimes. I think he genuinely likes Cheryl (who Nancy insists is having a mental affair with Gerard and thinks (cheryl) they have several hybrid children together and a love nest in the zeta community). Gerard will do whatever Nancy encourages him to do and that way she can say "It's Gerards ning, he hires, fires, etc.) SHE runs the ning by planting manipulative ideas into her "subjects" and therefore keeps her hands clean and keeps denyability on her side. But in re-reading Cheryl's blog, you can see that Gerard also agrees with Cheryl all the time as well.

I'm a long time student of Coersion and so-called ninja mind games because I don't like people that are manipulative for personal gain (i.e. pushy salesmen, etc) so I usually beat them at their own game by KNOWING their game. She's a near master at it. But she's getting old and her mind is slipping and she's showing her hand far too often. But then I'm older, studied, and know what to look for. Not a young, impressionable person she can play mind games with. Since she says she doesn't take money for what she does, I can only assume the payoff for her is simply Power. She continuously said that Cheryl is jealous of Nancy's international fame and celebrity and that Cheryl wanted to run Gerards ning herself and was after the POWER. Seems like she was holding a mirror up to herself and calling it Cheryl or something.

So... I summarily quit both nings the other day with the excuse that it had become "the Cheryl show". Honestly, I just couldn't take it a moment longer. Here's what was going on. The order may not be quite right and I'm a little scattered with timing, but the facts are true. I have absolutely nothing to lose in telling this and seriously debated whether or not to do it. However, I think that the way Nancy treated Cheryl was voraciously uncalled for and the right thing to do is come out with this. Originally it was for my own personal edification and to grant me some clarity of mind so I had no intention of telling anybody what I found out. I'm not generally into drama, so I'm a bit out of my league here. This whole thing has gone beyond drama into meladrama and the truth on BOTH sides needs to be known.

Up to the end of Cheryl's post, she had most everything extremely accurate. I also saved all the emails - except there were quite a few I wasn't included in because they didn't trust me, but I believe they were also accurate. Although in the spirit of honesty here, she didn't mention desertrose and Karen's threats of blackmail if they weren't allowed back in. Nancy had a field day with that one, ohmygod. Had I been them, screw the threats and just DO it. This would have been over much sooner. I kept thinking to myself, "You go ahead, Nancy... I know that they have copies of those emails... keep on... you'll see...) I'm SO glad they finally saw the light of day.

Anyway, Nancy has become fixated on Cheryl to the exclusion of moderating anything for the most part. There are incessant "zeta" comments that are so blatently obviously Nancy's own deluded thoughts it is ridiculous. Even to the using SOZT prior to the comment. She has a few undercover accounts here that she uses to infiltrate with and her and Gerard BOTH copy and paste insane amounts of spy posts to the admin ning. To Gerards credit, he did post Cheryl's Blog and included not only the word document - but for our reading pleasure, also made it into a pdf file just in case we couldn't see the .doc file. I was truly impressed that he could be so passive aggressive.

I had made an account here using the name Peter Martinez. Didn't use it but a couple of times myself, but apparently Nancy did. One day about the time I was getting really sick of playing the charade and was ready to call it a day, I personally deleted the Peter account without telling anybody. Nancy soon reported back that Cheryl was on to us and suspended Peter. Can't remember if it was a "zeta"report or not, honestly, but I'm thinking it was.

As an aside, I changed my name several times. It was damn hard to be me and I just wanted to wash it off from time to time and be another me. So apologies too, if that was annoying to some of you.

However, at some point weeks ago, I also made a GLP account named Harry Heiny NOT because of Hairy Derrier, but because it was a mans name and I just couldn't think of anything else at the time. I posted a debunker type thing on there to see if it would find it's way back to her and what she would say about it. Lo and behold, the "zetas" decreed that Hairy Derrier (I may have misspelled it) and Harry Heiny were one in the same and that he was a -gasp- triple agent for GLP, Earth Changes and Pole Shift. UNbelieveable. She latched on to that for a while and I never said that it was me. Can't imagine what she would have said about that little piece of information had I fessed up. But then she would have made something up, I'm sure. It was then that I was starting to see daylight and knew my days there were numbered. I took a break from the ning when I started harvesting and canning my garden, but at the same time, it was a chance for some soul searching and decision making.

She swears that once Cheryl's ning reaches 100 people, that it will implode because of all the service to self people in there that do a lot of in-fighting and have such strong personalities that Cheryl won't be able to control it. All of the "troubIemakers" left Poleshift and went to Earth Changes. PS had been really peaceful for a while, too, and I have to say... a bit boring. I really think that all she's waiting for is the chance to say "I told you so".

Nancy, by way of the "zetas" is saying that Cheryl is having a nervous breakdown, pacing and acting strangely and that her husband is about to have her committed. I think maybe it's Nancy that's about to have that breakdown and she's trying to mirror that on to Cheryl. Cheryl, only you know the truth of that statement. But from the sound of your Defense blog, you seem perfectly sane to me.

They have 11 moderators now. Most of them are in "stealth" mode and several were recipients of all the private messages that were going around. Those messages made it to the moderator ning and were dissected as well. 12 before I quit. Except that it's really 10. Ken is gone. He moved away to his safe place and has no internet. There were a string of people brought in that I didn't know, but seem to be really nice, really decent people. At least one was from the old TT days, I think. I like them all. But I doubt they realize what they're dealing with. Maybe they have, because most of them went quiet when "the Cheryl Show" came on so loudly.

I know that this will get back to her, because someone will post it on the admin ning. I don't care at this point. I'm so disillusioned it's just beyond anything I ever expected to run into there. I'm NOT a debunker, and that makes it even worse. I saw her true self and it isn't pretty. All I was looking for were some answers to the earth changes and was genuinely thrilled to be able to talk personally with Nancy. �I was AS shocked at her tirade against the moderators as they themselves were. We were literally all dumbfounded. If we had been people in a group, we would have all been looking around at each other, blinking, with our mouths hanging open saying, "what just happened here?" It was truly disturbing...

And in the spirit of honesty, I have to say that I now have major MAJOR doubts about the zetas in general. I've been reading a lot about what others have to say about them and none of it is positive. Nancy is the ONLY source that I found that spins the zetas in a positive light. She may well be one of them that has shapeshifted for all I know. I think if they do exist, that they show their contactees a fake side of themselves. Their agenda is questionable. They want to ELIMINATE the human race and replace it with hybrids that have no soul and no real emotions. A race of potential psychopaths is all this planet needs. Humans don't need eliminating, they need education and experience. Who died and made them GOD that they can determine the fate of an entire species? As my momma used to say, "I brought you into this world, I can by God take you back OUT of this world" (usually she was mad at me for something). But my point is, they aren't our creators and they have NO right to do what they are doing.

And on top of all that I found in my researching the zetas, I found Nancy Leider to be a fraudulent, manipulative, angry and delusional old woman. The zetas would use HER as their emissary? Speaks volumes, doesn't it? And from what I've researched about HER, unbeknownst to me, she's pretty much always been this nasty person. I've read transcripts from the old TT days. Do the research for yourself and decide for yourself. These are just my own researched opinions and truly aren't good for anybody but me.

I've also researched the Sun. The thing that Nancy is most vehement about denying will have anything to do with the earth changes. The earth changes will happen, but how they will happen are still and always will be up for debate. All the so-called pictures I've seen of PX pretty much seem to be lense flare. I even took a few myself that were SO real looking, but were only lense flare. We want it to be there so badly we will fool ourselves into thinking a speck of dust is a planet. Prepare for it, but wait for the real thing. Don't believe Nancy Leider just because she "says" so... please. We mock the sheeple here, but we have become sheeple in our own right, and Nancy was the Shepherd. Leidering us all over a cliff?

The best thing Gerard can do for himself is to distance himself from Nancy and loosen her grip on him. I think a suspension might be in order as that would be the ultimate justice for the Red Queen.

But... I apologize for intruding into this list, as Gerard told us that Nancy and I, in particular, were not welcome here. That means my charade worked, and I understand how Cheryl and the others feel. I will go away on my own soon after posting this unless the mods suspend me before I can do it myself. If so, you dont' have to worry about me coming back as someone else. I do hope if no one else gets to read it that Karen, Rose, Shadow and Cheryl at least do.

Shadow, from the moment you asked me if I had "blown this joint" that's pretty much when I made the decision to get to the bottom of things. Just so you know. I almost did leave, and it was hard - HARD - for me to tell them I was wrong to jump ship and wanted to stay. By then though, the die was cast and it was "find out the truth come hell or high water".

So I did. Make of it what you will, and please forgive me for appearing to be a critical and vengeful bitch. Someone that Nancy could feel a kinship with. Ouch. I need a green and blue shower now to wash away the ick.

Cheryl, be at peace. Just my opinion but for what it's worth, I think you did the right thing.

Oh, one more thing... I really did like Ken. He was who he was and that's just who he was. The Cowboy handle suited him. He jumped in the fray and started shooting from the hip. Sometimes he hit high, sometimes low, but he was just being himself. A lot of what he said made a lot of sense, it's just his delivery was kind of crooked. And for the record, Karen never did produce the emails where Ken said the F word to her so much. She got pretty bent at me about that, but the air was full of argument and it was easy to get swept up in it. I figured since everybody was producing evidence against Ken, then Karen (being the one who started it all) should have at least coughed up her own evidence.




My responses to some of Cindi's comments:


"Nancy, by way of the "zetas" is saying that Cheryl is having a nervous breakdown, pacing and acting strangely and that her husband is about to have her committed."

Nope, more fiction.




"...Cheryl (who Nancy insists is having a mental affair with Gerard and thinks (cheryl) they have several hybrid children together and a love nest in the zeta community)."


Hey! The first positive thing I've heard her say! ;D

(Both Gerard and I did talk about the hybrid children on the True Confessions blog.)



"Gerard is her minion. He sides with anybody that has an opinion. I wonder if he actually has any thoughts of his own sometimes."

He does. He's just careful with whom he shares them.


"But in re-reading Cheryl's blog, you can see that Gerard also agrees with Cheryl all the time as well."

He doesn't agree with me all the time.


"Although in the spirit of honesty here, she didn't mention desertrose and Karen's threats of blackmail if they weren't allowed back in."

It wasn't something I was involved in. I was basically focusing on her allegations toward me. I did read something about it when I was going through the scans. Nancy/Gerard called DR's bluff and that was the end of it as far as I know.


About the Zetas, that could be the STS Zetas. My experience has never been bad with the group I know. Further, there is ZT that says the hybrids have been developed to house human souls when the PS happens, and that they are a blend of the best of both races. Can we trust ZT? I, like you, don't know anymore what's ZT and what's NancyTalk. What I do know is I saw fake ZT on Brian, the mod, while I was still there, and recently I've seen some fake ZT on me. However, LOL, none of it came true. Final volley? I hadn't even started! If those mods can't see the falsity in that ZT then maybe they deserve Nancy.


"The best thing Gerard can do for himself is to distance himself from Nancy and loosen her grip on him. I think a suspension might be in order as that would be the ultimate justice for the Red Queen."

I absolutely agree with this. Her presence on his ning neuters its effectiveness, as well as the moderators who are probably just chasing their tails to "get Cheryl."

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A Modest Rebuttal






I guess my turn-the-other-cheek philosophy was frustrating her plan to be "brutually honest" about me if I spoke out. (She did threaten me with this.) Her trigger finger has been itching maniacally since May and, seeing that I wasn't going to give her any reason to shoot, she took matters into her own hands. A huge mistake on her part.

I don’t know why she is so threatened by me, after all when I was there all I did was do my job. Maybe she’s having issues with not being the only contactee on Earth who gets invited to holographic presentations or communicates with the Zetas. Big whatever.

However, I do have the right to defend my reputation, especially since she has waxed so prolix and venomous. Parts 1 and 2 of my rebuttal will review some pertinent history with supporting documentation. Part 3 will directly rebut her allegations and summarize my rebuttal.

Now, a message to her spies...why not read it for yourself before deciding to turn it over to her? You just might decide you don't want to be used to do her dirty work any longer.

I do want to clarify that this is not about the Zetas in any way. This is solely about the Red Queen and her atrocious behavior. I am still a Zeta fan, though I suspect some ZetaTalk may be NancyTalk.

[UPDATE 07/13/17: After the revelation that was disclosed in the update to this Rebuttal in 2012, my suspicion that NancyTalk was being promoted as ZetaTalk was proven.  I no longer am a fan of what she considers the Zetas to be, and haven't been for years, as I think whatever benevolent group she may have possibly been in contact with departed and she's been winging it on her own since.  There may be some truth in the pre-2003 Zetatalk, but Nancy has muddied the water so effectively with her alter-ego Zetatalk that it is hard to know what that truth might be.  I continue to believe Nancy and Zetatalk are a government psyops operation.  Professor James McCanney opined years ago that he thought she worked for NASA.]

There is so much complexity to this matter that even focusing on just the more substantive issues has turned this rebuttal into a massive, time-consuming project. Thus, it was released in parts. However, today, July 29, 2010, it is complete. She has only herself to blame.








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